Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

274K 5.5K 6.5K

Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19.οΏΌ Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur

1.2K 32 31
By LaineWeasley

"Charlie!" I shout as Charlie walks in the garden, as the babies and I sit outside with their little sun hats on.

"Y/n!" He says walking over. "And my adorable nieces, how big have you two got?"

They babble at him as he sits down next to them.

"Too big, already eight months old." I tell him.

"Wow. Fred and George at work?" Charlie asks.

"Yeah, by the way; the house is very busy. Fleur's family have arrived so it's more of a squeeze than usual so I'm getting a tan with the company of these two beautiful girls." I say to Charlie.

"Yeah, it usually gets crowded just with the family and the extra additions in the summer. As much as I would love to stay and chat I should go and say hi to everyone." Charlie says.

"Okay, see you in a bit." I say to Charlie and he wonders off into the house.

I sit telling Thea and Lyra some stories and applying lots of sun cream on them. With the extra additions dinner was now being served outside.

"Thea say mama." I say to her and she looks at me and laughs.

"Dada." She says.

"Rude." I say as Molly sends Harry, Ron and Hermione to set up the table for dinner.

"Mama." Lyra says.

"Dada." Thea then says.

"Come on you two, granny must be doing dinner." I say to the girls and the babble back. "Harry, could you grab the girls highchairs please?"

"Sure!" He says, leaving Hermione and Ron to do the table.

"Come on you two, daddy should be back any minute." I say to the girls.

"Dada dada..." Thea keeps saying.

"Oh, I know you are a daddy's girls okay?" I say shaking my head at her. "Yes I do, now look uncle Harry has got your highchairs! Thank you Harry."

Harry takes Lyra from me and places her in one of the highchairs strapping her in and I do the same with Thea.

"Thanks Harry." I tell him once again, as everyone else begins to walk out of the house, with Fred and George apparating outside of the enchantments that had been placed around the grounds of the house.

"Dada dada." Thea says happily as the boys walk over, and I just shake my head.

"Feeling the love are we?" Charlie asks.

"Could you tell and Lyra can say mama so it's fine." I tell him, with Fred coming behind me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Charlie." Both the boys say in unison before walking over to their older brother.

Molly then introduced Fred and George to Fleurs parents as the already knew her sister from the Triwizard tournament. We all sat and ate dinner, talking before Fred and I excused ourselves and the girls to get them ready and off to bed.

"Goodnight my loves, I love you both." I say to the girls, tucking them in and placing a kiss on both their foreheads and Fred does the same.

"Goodnight Thea and Lyra, I love you." Fred tells them, as a soft lullaby begins to play and I grab my pyjamas and head for the shower.

"I'll be down in twenty minutes." I tell Fred, walking off to the bathroom, with him still behind me. "What are you doing?"

"I need a shower too." He says, with a smile.

"Cheeky." I say, walking down the hall.

"I'll wash your hair for you." Fred says, and a smile appears on my face.

"Okay, hurry up though." I tell him, walking into the bathroom and turning the shower on, getting out of my clothes as Fred quickly opens the door walking in and locking the door behind him.

"You're so beautiful." Fred tells me, as I get in the shower and he takes off his own clothes.

"You are very handsome yourself." I say, with a smile as he joins me in the shower.

"Could you pass me the shampoo, please?" Fred asks me and I hand it to him, before turning my back on him and he begins to wash my hair, which relaxes me.

"I'm going to fall asleep, if you keep doing that." I tell him.

"You love me doing this." Fred says. "It's one of the only things you asked me to do when we brought Thea and Lyra home to the flat and you knew you were going to struggle wash, so you asked me to wash your hair for you."

"I do love you washing my hair, it's relaxing." I tell him.

"I know." Fred says.

We stand in a peaceful silence as Fred washes my hair, before I try and wash his but I'm too small.

"It adorable to see you try and wash my hair." Fred says, and I laugh.

"I know, I'm tiny aren't I?" I say and he nods, washing his own hair as I shave and wash my body.

We finish the shower, and I try my hair with a flick of my wand and we get into our pyjamas, before walking down the stairs, with everyone chatting away. I sit next to Fred as we all talk for a bit before everyone makes their way up to bed with Molly and Arthur sleeping down in the living room.

I snuggle up in the small bed with Fred as George sleeps on the other bed. We quickly fall asleep, being woken up by the girls in the morning, we walk down the stairs and see Harry.

"Happy birthday!" Fred and I say in unison.

"Thank you." Harry tells us.

"Your birthday presents from us and the girls are in that massive pile there and the cards should be on the top." I say with a smile, and he smiles back, looking down at Lyra who was in my arms. "Do you want a cuddle with her?"

"Sure." Harry says and I hand her to him, and she starts babbling and laughing away trying to grab his glasses.

"She loves her uncle Harry." I say, tying my hair up.

"Y/n, George and I are off to work now, I'll see you later." Fred says, placing a kiss on my cheek, a kiss on Lyra's head and Thea's head as he hands her to Ron.

"I'll see you later, I love you." I say to Fred.

"I love you too." Fred tells me, before him and George walk out of the door.

We sit talking, with Fleur's parents as the babies get cuddles with everyone.

"So Remus, Tonks and Hagrid are coming for dinner?" I ask Molly and she nods as she begins making the birthday cake for Harry.

Harry begins opening his present, going to hun wrap the ones that the rest of the group gave him.

"Err- Harry I would leave those ones until later - they're a bit to mature and Molly wouldn't want to see all of that." I tell him and he laughs before putting them to one side.

Harry opens the present that Fred, Thea and Lyra got for him which was some of the new inventions from the joke shop and some potions as I know at some point him Ron and Hermione are going off to do something and they will need them.

"Thank you." Harry says, pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay - also if you ever need to use Grimmuald place you always can." I tell him and he gives me a thankful smile.

The day goes by quite quickly we play three aside quidditch with Charlie, Bill and myself on a team and Harry, Ginny and Ron on a team. Bill was our keeper, Charlie was the beater and I was the chaser. On the opposing team Ron was keeper, Harry was the beater and Ginny was chaser.

Hermione counts the scores until it reaches one hundred which we done pretty quickly as we won ten points up.

"I don't understand how you two are so quick." Charlie say, to Ginny and myself.

"Trust me the training I used to do at Hogwarts and then made these lot do makes them quick." I say to Charlie.

"This is why I still think you should go pro." Bill tells me, as we all walk back to the house.

"I want to after all of this." I say. "Then I want to join the Holyhead harpies."

"Me too." Ginny says.

"All the other teams will be unmatched." Harry says.

"Yeah, we would be pretty good chasers together, although we can both do interchangeable roles." I say, as we all walk in the house.

"So how won then?" Molly asks.

"We did, but that's because y/n is a good chaser; no offence Bill but you a really bad at being a keeper." Charlie says and I laugh.

"That's why he never joined the Quidditch team?" Fleur asks.

"Clearly, not good at it." I say jokingly.

"Y/n and Ginny are both to quick, they are both good." Hermione admits.

"For Hermione to say that, it must be true." Ginny says, with a smile.

"I suppose we should get ready for Harry's birthday dinner?" I ask, and Molly looks at the clock.

"Oh yes, we should." Molly says, ushering Charlie, Ron and Ginny out to do stuff, whilst Hermione helps me with the girls.

In the time that everything gets done Hagrid, Remus and Tonks showed up. We all have a good catch up with Fred and George closing the shop earlier until the day after Bill and Fleur's wedding.

"It's adorable." Tonks says, as she has Lyra on her lap looking at me.

"Mama m-mama." Lyra says and from somewhere down the table I can hear Thea saying "dada."

"It is, she's a mummy's girl, eh?" I say and Lyra says mama again before babbling some other stuff.

"I think she said yeah." Tonks tells me, and I give her a smile.

I haven't seen Tonks this happy in a while, her hair has been mostly bright pink all of the time.

"It's good to see you both happy." I tell Tonks, and she blushes slightly.

"Thanks." She replies, then looking down at Lyra and smiling.  

We are all sitting having different conversations like Charlie and Hagrid were talking about dragons, Fred and George were talking about more products for their shop with Ron. We were all deep in conversation when Arthur's potronus, a weasel appears in the middle of the table.

"Minister of magic is coming with me." Arthur's voice could be heard and Tonks quickly passes me Lyra.

"We shouldn't be here." Uncle Remus says. "Harry - I'm sorry - I'll explain some other time."

Uncle Remus seized Tonks hand and running off over the fence. There was no time to discuss the events that just happened as Arthur and the Minister appeared outside the gate. The whole table sat in silence apart from the two babies and I looked at Fred to see if he agrees that we should put them to bed.

"Fred, it's time to put the girls to bed." I tell him and he nods in agreement, with the rest of the table staying in silence as we walk towards the house and upstairs to run the babies bath.

"What in Godric's name is the Minister of Magic doing here?" Fred asks me.

"Your guess is as good as mine but, I wasn't having the girls around it no matter what the case is." I say, getting Lyra out of her yellow dress that she was wearing and taking her white socks off.

"Yeah, I didn't know which one of us was going to say something, that awkward silence really was awkward." Fred says, as we put the girls in their bath seats.

"Your telling me, but I am rather curious to why the Minister of Magic of all people would turn up here." I say, as the twins begin splashing around.

"I wish I knew." Fred say, splashing some water on the girls and they giggle at him.

"So my lovely girls, are you excited for uncle Bill and auntie Fleur's wedding tomorrow?" I ask them, and they babble back.

"I take that as a yes then." Fred replies and they giggle even more.

We get the girls settled in bed, before laying on our own bed.

"I would go back down, but I'm exhausted." Fred says.

"Me too." I say, as we lay in our clothes we had being wearing all day. "These girls of ours make me exhausted."

"They are beginning to crawl, talk and become little terrors." Fred says, as we face each other just talking.

"Yeah, their magic is a little uncontrollable too, I mean it's not the worst but Thea has a thing for fire which is definitely something she got from your family and Thea likes to make things float." I say to him.

"Well Thea is a daddy's girl, so that was expected." Fred says.

"Your telling me." I say, before standing up and going through the drawers to get my pyjamas out. "I could fall asleep right now, and I at least want to be comfy."

"I agree, falling asleep in a suit is not the plan; they aren't the comfiest thing to sleep in." Fred says, also getting changed into his pyjamas.

After getting changed into our pyjamas, we both lay back down on the bed, turning the lamps off. Without saying goodnight Fred falls asleep, with his soft snores filling up in the room.

I eventually fall asleep being woken up to Molly walking into the room.

"I told Fred to come and wake up at nine." She says, opening the curtains.

"What's the time?" I ask sleepily.

"Ten o'clock, Fred was going on about letting you have a good sleep." Molly says, helping me out of bed.

"Molly, I'm capable of getting myself out of bed." I say to her.

The day of getting ready goes by quite fast and it was almost three o'clock which meant it was time for the wedding. We had a plan of disguising Harry as a cousin of the Weasleys named 'Barry', Fred and George got some ginger hairs of off a Muggle boy in the village near by.

I was currently with Fleur, Ginny and Fleur's younger sister Gabrielle and Fred's aunt Muriel came to tell her how to wear her tiara the best whilst insulting everyone she possibly could.

"You two should of waited until after you got married to have babies." Muriel was telling me.

"Well we were already engaged and we thought eh, why not?" I say, and it clearly irritates her and I can see Ginny trying not to laugh.

"Although, you could of picked a better one of my grandsons." She says and my eyes widen. "Did he tell you, I wrote him and George out of my will for a little prank they decided to play on me."

"Yes, he did, sounds like it was funny." I say and she scoffs before talking to Fleur again and Ginny walks over to me.

"You really don't care what you say to her?" Ginny asks laughing.

"I got the impression she already didn't like me, so what have I got to loose?" I reply to her, before Muriel walks out of the room.

"You are funny, y/n." Fleur says.

"And you are very pretty, if Bill wasn't marrying you and I wasn't married to Fred I think I would have to marry you myself." I say with Fleur and Ginny giggling as Gabrielle looks slightly confused.

"She says these things all the time." Fleur tells her younger sister who nods her head.

We added the last touches to everything and the gold bridesmaids dresses the three of us were wearing were really pretty, as we get ready for the wedding to start. As Fleur's father walks into the room, Ginny and I leave letting the family have a moment as I see Molly and Arthur still standing outside the marquee.

As we stepped outside, with Fleur and her father taking the lead as they would be the first to walk down the aisle. Molly and Arthur walk down taking their seats as I see Bill and Charlie stand up.

Fleur practically glides down the aisle with Gabrielle, Ginny and myself following behind, I sit next Fred and take Lyra from him as the ceremony begins.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate to union of these two faithful souls..." the Wizard officiating the ceremony began.

As the ceremony took place Madame Delacour, Molly and myself were crying, it was so beautiful. I lean on Fred who looks happy as can be and the twins managed to be quiet with their babbling for once.

"... then I declare you bonded for life."

Fred and George decided to lead the round of applause whilst I still sat there with teary eyes. We all stand up, and the reception begins.

With everyone congratulating Bill and Fleur, we find Melody, Jack, Lee and Angelina who had been invited.

"Fred she practically insulted us and our daughters." I say as we make our way over to the group.

"She's like that with everyone, and she's one hundred and seven she's gonna give out at some point." Fred tells me.

"How do you always manage to pull every colour off?" Melody asks me and Fred and Jack both groan.

"Do you two always need to flirt?" Jack asks.

"Yes." Melody and I both say in unison before Angelina comes over and asks for a hug with Lyra.

"Of course, you can." I tell her.

"We should go and congratulate Bill and Fleur." Fred tells me and I nod in agreement, and we begin our way over there as Fred slows me down. "What's the rush?"

"Nothing, have you got my wand?" I ask him and he hands it to me and I slip it into a pocket I made in the dress. "Thank you, Freddie."

With everything going on, Fred and I had so many safety precautions down to who we would leave Thea and Lyra with which was a slim list of people, well slim-ish. We made our way to Bill and Fleur who both looked so happy.

"Congratulations, to the new Mr and Mrs Weasley." Fred and I say in unison before bringing them both into hugs.

"Thank you." Bill and Fleur say.

"So now here's a question for you both." I say with a big smile. "When are you be going to give your nieces some little cousins to play with?"

"She's joking, mostly." Fred tells them.

"They know I am, but you two would make adorable babies." I tell them both, before more guests come over to congratulate them.

Fred and I walk back over to our group of friends where they babies are continuing to babble away, I'm holding Thea again, with the baby bag placed on the table that had all the essentials in just in case anything happens.

"So my beautiful girl are you enjoying uncle Bill and auntie Fleur's wedding?" I ask Thea and she babbles a reply back.

"Georgie." Thea says, and my eyes widen looking at the rest of the group, who weren't paying attention.

"What was that sweetie?" I ask Thea.

"Georgie." Thea says and it grabs everyone attention and George begins jumping up and down excitedly like a child before grabbing Thea out of my arms.

"Come on Thea we have to show your other uncles that I'm your favourite, more than mummy as well." George says, and I roll my eyes as he practically skips off with her.

"I can't believe she said Georgie before mama, surely that is easier to say?" I ask.

"It's fine, at least you still have Lyra who's first word was mama." Fred says, bringing me into a hug as we watch George walk around the room with Thea and the disappointment on the others faces was a sight to remember.

The first dance begins, and Bill and a Fleur look magical together on the dance floor, everyone slowly begins to join the pair of them on the dance floor, with Fred and I dancing with our daughters.

"These two are full of energy today." Fred tells me.

"I wish I was, I fell constantly exhausted." I say.

After dancing for ages, we sit at a table with the rest of our friends who were drinking quite a lot of alcohol and dancing. As the only parents of the group, we now looked slightly boring as neither of us had the energy to do much anymore. Fred and I sat playing with the babies as Molly and Arthur walk over to us.

"I heard that little miss Thea said a new word today." Molly says.

"Georgie." Thea says.

"Oh my Merlin, that is so adorable." Molly says.

"It is, although I thought mama would come first but never mind." I say to them.

"We are going to spend some time with our granddaughters, so you two can have a little bit of fun." Arthur says.

"Are you sure, we don't want to burden you both with the babies." Fred says, but Molly and Arthur take the babies from us.

"Go and have fun, be young and enjoy yourselves." Arthur says, and without a bear Fred drags me up to the dance floor.

"Someone is a bit eager." I say to Fred as we begin dancing and I watch Lee dance with Ginny. "Are you okay with that?"

Fred looks around and shrugs his shoulders. "Its something to get her mind off of Harry for a little while, so I think that's good."

"I suppose so." I say with a smile as we dance some more.

After we stop dancing, I make my way over to uncle Remus and Tonks, who are on guard outside.

"Sorry I haven't found time to speak to you both." I say as uncle Remus is only half paying attention.

"It's fine, your a busy women with those two little girls." Remus says, with a smile.

"Yeah, just a little bit, you probably heard that Thea now also says 'Georgie', before she even said mama." I tell them.

"You can tell who the favourites are." Tonks tell me, and I nod my head.

"Yeah, slightly annoying how I died given birth to them and then came back to life and look after them all the time but yes uncle Georgie is the other favourite." I say, slightly grumpy and Tonks laughs at me.

"Look at you, all grumpy." Tonks says and I just shake my head.

"I should get back in and take the girls off of Molly and Arthur, I'll pop back out in a bit." I say to them, before bringing them both into more hugs again.

I walk back into the marquee and see 'Barry' talking to Muriel and some man, before walking off to find my husband and daughters, which was slightly worrying that I couldn't find them and I bump into Charlie.

"You okay?" Charlie asks me.

"Yeah, have you seen your parents, Fred and my daughters?" I ask, as I can't see them around the room.

"Yeah, mum and dad took them in to get their nappies changed and Fred is right behind you." Charlie says and I turn around to see Fred's face covered with disappointment.

"Why did you have to do that?" Fred asks.

"She was looking for you, so I told her where you was." Charlie says, with a signature Weasley smirk that all the Weasley boys had.

"Boring, I was just looking for mum and dad, as I was going to take the girls off them for a bit before putting them to bed." Fred says.

"Mum and dad have taking them into to get their nappies changed." Charlie tells him.

"Okay, thanks Charlie." Fred says. "So how does it feel to not be the favourite uncle?"

"I still have Lyra and all the future nieces and nephews." Charlie says.

"Yeah and Thea and Lyra live with George so he has an unfair advantage." I tell them.

"She's got a point." Charlie says, and we say Molly and Arthur come back out with the girls.

"There's the most beautiful babies in the world." I say taking Thea from Arthur's arms, and bouncing her around. "Thank you."

Fred is talking with Molly before, turning to me.

"I think we should do some more dancing and then get these two off to bed." Fred tells me.

"Yeah, they are getting sleepy now." I say, walking towards the dance floor.

We dance around with our friends, family and the twins, as they are being passed around the group laughing and giggling so much.

I was dancing with Fred when, something large and silver came falling through the canopy over the dance floor. Graceful and gleaming, the lynx landed lightly in the middle of the astonished dancers. Heads turned, as those nearest it froze absurdly in mid-dance. Then the Patronus's mouth opened wide and it spoke in the loud, deep, slow voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"The Ministry has fallen, Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming." I look at Fred, and we both take a baby each from our friends.

Everyone was screaming, and the babies where crying as the protective charms around the burrow where broken and I look at Fred and we were both so panicked and I pulled out my wand as Death Eaters began to feel the premises.

I wrapped my left arm around the baby who I was holding, who was Lyra, and my wand was firmly held in my right hand. How the fuck are we going to get out of this?

A death Eater comes my way trying to throw a spell at me, I then block it whilst trying to comfort Lyra. I then feel someone drag me back and I try fighting it but I see it's Fred.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I shout looking around the room, where everyone was fighting or disapparating from the venue.

"I don't know, we need to get Thea and Lyra somewhere safe." Fred tell me as death eaters come our way and we stand back to back fighting the death eaters with a baby each in our arms.

"I know," I shout before casting the shielding charm.

"Take the girls and go to the old safe place." Fred says, sending panic through me. "I'll come and get you all when it's safe, you have the bag full of stuff right?"

"Yeah, I do." I tell him, before we fight more death Eaters, stunning them so they pass out, before Fred turns to me, handing me Thea.

"I love you three, now go!" Fred shouts.

"We love you too." I say with tears in my eyes before apparating outside of Grimmuald Place.

I get into the house and sit in the kitchen, calming the girls down before crying myself. What's going to happen to everyone?"

- - - -

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this chapter, next chapter should be out in the next couple of days, I have exams to revise for so the chapters are going to be a little slow for the next few weeks. I hope you have all had a good day or are having a lovely day! :)

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