Pasts best forgotten(fanficti...

By zeus9884

2.1K 16 1

Rated: M, English, Adventure, H. Issei, Words: 193k+, Favs: 2k+, Follows: 2k+, Published: Jul 6, 2014 Updated... More

Life 1-1 Chapter 1: Weird happenings.
Life 1-2 Chapter 2: Coincidence or Fate?
Life 2-1 Chapter 4: Fire begets fire
Life 2-2 Chapter 5: Obligatory training montage
Life 2-3 Chapter 6: The Battle
Life 2-4 Chapter 7: The Aftermath
Life 3-1 Chapter 8: Dancing lessons
Life 3-2 Chapter 9: The perverted pawn and the stony cat
Life 4-1Chapter 10: Excalibur what?
Life 4-2 Chapter 11: Reunions and Reintroductions
Life 4-3 Chapter 12: Kokabiel the star of God
Chapter 13: Side Stories
Life 5-1 Chapter 14: The Calm
Life 5-2 Chapter 15: Stirring
Life 5-3 Chapter 16: The Storm
Life 6-1 Chapter 17: The Road to Hell
Life 6-2 Chapter 18: I had a clever title here, but I forgot what it was.
Life 6-3 Chapter 19: Parties and other shit
Life 6-4 Chapter 20: The party gets started
Life 7-1 Chapter 21: What now?
Life 7-2 Chapter 22: Romantic Wormatic

Life 1-3 Chapter 3: Decisions

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By zeus9884

Juggernaut Drive.

It was the power of the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. In exchange for the user's life and sanity, it temporarily removes the seals placed on the Two Heavenly Dragons, granting the wielder with the immense strength that made the dragons so powerful.

It wasn't enough.

Even Issei, without concern for his own well being and wielding the power capable of killing gods, was simply too young to properly stand against the full might of the Chaos Brigade alone, as evidenced by numerous wounds, scratches and bruises along with a couple of broken bones he received from fighting the whole force.

The Dimension Lost, allowing one to use mist to transfer anyone and anything to a different dimension. Rumor was it that Georg used it to transfer a whole town and it's occupants all at once.

Annihilation Maker, capable of making monsters that defied the laws of physics and was limited only by the imagination of the wielder, powerful enough to be capable of destroying the world when used by certain people.

The True Longinus, one of the Five Holy Relics of the Church, The First Longinus, and the God Killing spear that pierced the side of Jesus Christ Himself and unquestionably THE most powerful Sacred Gear there is.

It spoke highly of Issei's skills that he was able to last 2 hours against them through sheer determination, even injuring them all, with Cao Cao effectively losing his left eye.

In Issei's mind, or what was left of it anyway, thought, rather grimly.

'At least if I die, I left that asshole a reminder of who I am.'

As Issei began to rear up to fight against the Chaos Brigade again, prepared to go down fighting, a voice cut through his hazy mind, stopping him from his charge.

"Rival, stop. You've done enough."


"Nya~ Sekiryuutei-chin, Vali's right you know? Let us take care of them~!"

"Yare yare, Vali is this your rival? You should've introduced us to him at a better time, not when we're saving him from the Chaos Brigade."


When Vali and his platoon and teachers charged against the army, Issei only had one thought.

'Vali, please, save her.'


"Well that isn't a good sign."

Issei stated as he woke up, staring straight at the ceiling of his room. It certainly wasn't, dreaming of your failures never was, much less without good reason. It was quite ominous, almost like an omen of bad things to come.

"As if something like that would happen!"

Issei scoffed at himself. Honestly, dreams about his past being a warning for his future? His life wasn't an anime, thank you very much.

Standing up, he went to ready himself for school that day. He absently looked at the clock. 7:30. Well that should give him enough time to-

Issei's thoughts screeched to a stop.

7:30? He stared at the clock just to be sure. And stared. And stared.

"7:30! I'm late for school!"

After showering and dressing in record time, he ran out the door to go to school.


It was a Saturday.

Issei stared at the empty gates of the school in front of him. It was a Saturday. Issei nodded sagely, understanding his own mistakes and accepting them for what they were. Yeah Right.

"THE HELL!IT'S A DAMN SATURDAY!HOW THE HELL DID I NOT KNOW THAT!" Issei roared in anger. It was understandable after all, what kind of COMPLETE and UTTER moron would forgot what day it is?

"Ha... I think I'll just go to the park." Slumped over in post-anger depression, Issei dragged himself to the park.

After getting his drinks and sitting down on the bench, he allowed himself to relax.

The breeze was cool, the sun hidden behind the clouds, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

'Ophis huh? I never did get to know what happened to her. I hope she's okay. Ah, who am I kidding? She's the 2nd most powerful being in our existence, what kind of being could harm her? Still, I hope those guys managed to get hour out safely.'


"Oh, Asia? What are you doing here? Didn't you just get assigned to the church yesterday?"

"Ah, well, yes but um, I wanted to see Issei-san, so I... went here and see if you were here and you are so um..." As Asia began to (Badly) explain herself with an awkward smile, Issei looked at her with fondness.

She really is so innocent. She even went here just to see me.

Outloud he spoke.

"I wanted to see you too, Asia. I want to know how you're adjusting to town."

Asia opened her mouth to respond, but their stomachs let out simultaneous groans of hunger, reminding the both of them that it was already past lunchtime.


The two of them blushed in embarrassment. After a few rather awkward seconds, Issei broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Would you like to have lunch with me? My treat."

"Of course!"



Issei gazed at Asia as the blond stared at the menu in confusion. He got that Asia was a rather sheltered girl from the way she acts, but this? This was just too much.

After a few more minutes of trying to order, Issei decided to help her.

"She'll have the same as me, thank you."

When they sat down, Asia was having a mild panic attack when she stared at the burger on her plate.

"A-ano, do they have spoons and forks in here?"

"You don't eat a burger with utensils, you eat them like this."

Issei demonstrated, biting into his meal with gusto. Asia's eyes were shining with wonder as she learned something that any child would know.

"Oh. I didn't know that there was such a different way of eating." She was smiling brightly as she finally started on her own meal.

'Sheltered life indeed.'

"Issei-san, what's that?"

The boy turned his gaze towards where Asia was pointing and saw a building that he usually went to.

"Ah, that's a game center, a place where you and your friends can play and have fun."

"Ah, friends huh?"

Issei saw the look of profound sadness in that innocent face and instantly made up his mind.

"Come on Asia."


"Let's go there you want to play right?"


"I won't take no for an answer. We're going and that's that."

Asia could only manage to nod dumbly at his declaration.

Issei took Asia to the game center where they both enjoyed themselves on the attractions provided.


Asia was having the best day of her life.

She and Issei did a lot of things in the game center. She played a car game, (which she lost), a fighting game, (she managed to beat Issei handily) and even went to a photo booth with Issei! The photos of the two of them smiling and laughing together was something that Asia would cherish until the end of her days.

"Issei-san! Look, look! It's so cute!" Asia was currently pressed against a claw machine and looking at the dolls displayed inside.

"Ah, that's Domo-kun. Would you like me to get it for you?"

"Ah, yes, if it isn't too much trouble."

Asia watched as Issei tried the machine, and after a few repetitions, managed to get the doll.

"Wah! Issei-san you got it!"

"I know. Here, take it Asia!"

Asia watched with wonder as Issei deposited the plushie straight into her eager hands.

"Thank you Issei-san, thank you very much! I'll take care of it forever!"

The sun was starting to set before the two of them left the game center, walking towards the park and sat it one of the benches in front of the fountain.

A few moments of silence passed before Asia spoke up.

"Issei-san, do you know about Sacred Gears?"

"...Yeah. I do."

"My Sacred Gear is the power to heal, the Twilight Healing."

"Really, you have such an amazing power, unlike me."

Asia, who hadn't heard the last part of Issei's response, forged on forwards, tears falling from her eyes, and she felt Issei panic beside her.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!"

Asia just shook her head. "No, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just I remembered something"

There was a tense silence between them.

"Issei-san, may I tell you a story?"

After seeing him nod, Asia told him her piece.

"Once, there was a girl who was abandoned by her parents, and she ended up going to the orphanage of a church. When she was eight years old, she awakened a power within her when she saw an injured dog on the side of the road. The people of the Church saw it and began to praise her as a saint and was worshiped by the christians in the town. Many people went to that girl to be healed, so many people went to the church to get healed. Even though that girl was loved, even though she was always with people, she was still so lonely."

Left alone in the world, even amongst those who praise and worship her, she had no one to call a friend, no one to truly count on.

"But then, one day, the girl came across a wounded devil, who was being hunted by an exorcist. So she used her powers to help him. The devil killed the exorcist and then ran away. When the Church heard about it, they were in an uproar. 'Heretic!' they yelled. 'A sinner who would help the devils!' And so the girl, who only wanted to help, was cast out by the people who once called her a saint."

"Asia." Issei breathed out.

The nun smiled sadly. "I have a dream. To be with my friends. To talk to them, experience things with them. I just want to be normal."

Looking down at the ground, Asia started at the feeling of a hand ruffling her hair.

"Aren't we friends?"

Dumbfounded, Asia could only manage to say. "Huh?"

"We're already friends. We went out together, talked to each other, and even went to the game center together. If you want to go anywhere, I'll be ready to be with you. If you want to talk someone, then I'll be there for you. If you're sad, I'll be with you."

Asia could only stare at Issei during his declaration. Unbidden, tears began to fill her eyes.


It was the perfect ending. After years of isolation, Asia finally managed to make a friend. So it just proved that the world really was cruel when a cold voice interrupted the moment.

"What nice words from a human."

With wide eyes, Asia turned around and turned her gaze towards the fallen angel floating above the fountain.



Issei eyes narrowed as he observed the fallen angel, instantly moving to shield Asia behind him.

"Come back Asia. We have work to do." She reached out her hand towards the nun.

Asia nodded, stepping forward.


"Sorry Issei-san, but I have to go now."

"What? But she's a fallen angel, you shouldn't go with her!"

Asia just ignored him, looking down as she walked to Raynare.

"Did you fall for her? HA! How pathetic."

The fallen angel suddenly narrowed her eyes at him.

"Which reminds me. What the hell did you do to me at that night? I have to repay you for whatever the hell you did to me. I know, how about I kill you? " A light spear formed at her hands, making Issei tense at the killing intent aimed at him.

"Wait!" Asia stepped in front of Raynare, shielding Issei from her sight.

"Asia? What are you doing?"

"Please, Raynare-sama, please let him go."

After a few tense seconds, Raynare hmph'd ,the light spear dissipating back into energy. "You're lucky boy. But next time I see you, I will repay you for whatever the hell it is that you did to my memories." She turned to Asia. "Let's go."

"Asia!" Issei was conflicted. What the hell should he do? Should he save Asia and risk a war starting out? More so if Asia was doing it on her own free will. If he interrupted, then nothing, not even the protection of the devils, would protect him and everything remotely connected to him from the attack of the Fallen.

"Goodbye Issei-san."

Raynare carried Asia off into their headquarters, the church at the outskirts of town.

And Issei watching them, was disgusted at himself, because a cold, callous part of himself that he hid from the world was saying 'Leave her. She's nothing but dead weight, a useless thing, not worth the effort.'

Issei remembered another girl, surrounded by people who worshiped her, yet was one of the loneliest people he had ever met.

"Issei... you are... nice."

Issei never hated himself as much as he did right now.


Issei continued to wallow in self-pity and hatred as he biked to the home of his next summoner.

When he got back to the Occult Research Club, Rias had given him the location of his next contract, asking. "Issei, are you alright.?"

"Yes, buchou." Rias however was skeptical.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Issei left, effectively ending the conversation.

And here he was now, arguing with himself.

'Why didn't I do anything?'

'Because you don't know if Asia was deceiving you.'

'She isn't that kind of girl!

'Oh that's rich. You've only known her for 2 days and you're already like that? Remember she was with a fallen angel.

'Maybe Asia was being forced? Issei was desperately trying to convince himself of that fact.

'Hmm, or maybe she was just using you, manipulating you. Turning you into her puppet, willing to do anything for her.

'I'm her friend!"

'Oh? But you're acting as a devil, the enemy of her side. You would do nothing but trouble her if you keep seeing her.'

Issei shook his head to rid himself of those thoughts. He would go to the church tomorrow and clear things up with Asia. For now, he had a contract to make.

"Hello!? Is someone here?"

No one answered.

After a few moments, he entered the room, ignoring his instincts telling him to do otherwise.

He immediately understood why. The smell of blood was intense. He slowly walked around the house, looking for the source of the stench. He reached the living room and was met with the sight of a corpse crucified upside-down, it's entrails hanging down from it's cut open stomach. He instantly turned his gaze to the other person in the room.

"Do you like what I did to him? It's such a nice sight isn't it? A devil summoner getting his just desserts given to him? Ahhh, killing those heretics really does soothe the soul doesn't it? You shitty devil?"

Wearing clerical clothes and an insane grin, the white-haired priest began to ramble on.

"Ah, my name is Freed Sellzan, nice to meet you, you shitty devil. Don't bother telling me your own name, you're just gonna die soon anyway. That's because I'm going to kill you by the way."

The priest rushed at him, pulling out a gun and a light sword.

Devil killing weapons. Issei instantly recognized them. He wielded a fair few of them himself after all.

He dodged the first shot easily, simply tilting his head to the side. This seemed to anger the exorcist.

"Eh? What's this? A shitty devil that can actually fight? DON'T SCREW WITH ME!"

The barrage of bullets that Freed sent would be enough to overwhelm any other human and some devils. It wasn't enough for Issei, not nearly enough.

Dodging the assault with contemptuous ease, Issei rushed at the now panicking exorcist. Desperately, Freed swiped at Issei who simply clamped down on the offending arm by the wrist.

"You shitty devil! Let me go, I'm gonna kill you!"

Do people really expect me to let them go when they say that? Issei simply tightened his grip, easily breaking the priests bones, forcing him to let go of the sword.

"Issei-san?" Issei instantly turned his gaze to the doorway. There standing with with eyes, was Asia. The surprise of seeing her here of all places with the most unlikely person in the most unlikely time distracted him enough so that Freed was able to get out of his hold.

"Asia? What are you doing here!?"

"Father Freed brought me alo-!" Asia stopped in horror as she seemed to take on the sight of the mutilated corpse for the first time. "Wh-what is that?"

"That, my dear sweet Asia-chan, is what we do those shitty little devil summoners. Since they turned away from God and all, it's our responsibility to kill them so they reach heaven 'kay? I don't really believe in shit like that, but I get to kill devils so why not? HAHAHAHHA!"

Freed grabbed the back of Asia's head and forced her to look at the mutilated corpse. Asia screamed desperately but the insane priest hit her in the back of her head and forced her eyes open.

"This is our job Asia-chan~! This is what we must do to make sure that those devil shits won't corrupt the people and make THEM into devils."

"Father Freed, stop! Please stop."

The sight of Asia struggling against Freed was enough to make Issei snap. Issei was quite ready to murder the son of a bitch when a devil's summoning circle appeared in the middle of the room, and the whole Occult Research Club stepped forward, Kiba stopping him from acting.


"AH! The shitty devils are here already. We need to get moving!" Freed picked up Asia and threw something on the ground, and Issei, mad with rage, was slow enough to be affected by it.


But the two were already gone.

"WHY!? WHY DID YOU STOP ME!" Issei all but roared.

"Listen Issei, I know that you're strong, but if you fought, then you could start a war. You're fighting a fallen angel while acting as a devil after all."



"No! I will save Asia no matter what it takes!"

Issei turned around and ran towards the direction of the church.

The image of Asia, smiling at him cheerfully during their time together came at the front of his mind.

"Issei... you are... nice." Issei was reminded of a certain girl who he failed to save. This only pushed him to run harder.

He already failed to save someone once, and he'd be damned if he failed this one!


Issei was nearly at the entrance of the church when he heard the flapping of wings. He looked up and found three fallen angels floating above him, staring down at him.

"So you came huh, I actually expected this to be honest." The one who spoke was someone who Issei already knew, the Fallen Angel who tried to kill him, Dohnaseek. "Still, to think you came alone, this may be my chance to kill you before you cause anymore problems."

"Ahhh, so this is the one who messed with Raynare-sama's head and the one who beat you? He looks so weak!" This one was a teenage girl with blue eyes and blonde hair tied up in twintails. She was dressed up in a black lolita dress with white frills, a ribbon on the front, white thigh-high socks and black boots.

"Hmph, you really need to crush insects like this when you see them. Creatures like this need to know their place." Said their final companion. She was a tall woman with long hair that hid her right eye, dressed in a violet top, miniskirt and black shoes.

Issei, seeing them, yelled out.

"I don't have time for your shit!"

Issei held out his hands and orange fire roared to life in them, covering his hands with a soft golden hue.


But the fire suddenly engulfed the three bodies, before crystallizing into ice.

"What the hell is this!"

But Issei ignored them, instead running straight to the door, slamming it open.

There, standing underneath the cross, was Freed.

"Where is she?" Issei's voice was soft, but still carried a tone of warning.

"AH! HI! Wow, you're here already? Didn't those Fallen Angels out there stop you? Ah well, you're too late anyway, Raynare-sama has already started the ceremony. So you wo-"

Freed stopped, eyes wide as Issei suddenly appeared in front of him, hands crossed in front of him.

"Zero Point Breakthrough."


"What happened here?"

Rias and her peerage stepped out of the summoning circle and was met with an unbelievable sight. Three Fallen Angels, their bodies encased in what looked like ice, struggling fruitlessly as nothing they did managed to even dent it.

"Ice?" Akeno murmured thoughtfully as she went closer to inspect the unique material. She had never seen something like this before. It looked like ice and yet... Why could she sense the unmistakable sign of fire in it?

"OI! Devils, get us out of here!"

"And why would we do that?" Rias asked.


"I thought so."

"Ara ara, buchou, who could have done something like this?"

Koneko voice the only possible answer. "Hyoudou Issei."

"Well, whatever it is he's done, we need to help Issei-kun with this."

The Occult Research Club walked over to the church.

"Sooo, I take it they're not going to free us from whatever the hell this is?"

"Shut up Mittelt."



He was currently in the basement of the church, which was big enough to fit the whole building in it. Inside, the mooks of the Fallen Angels that were dressed much in the same way as the crazy priest frozen above, were glaring at him, prepared to fight him at a moment's notice.

Asia, however, was crucified on a wooden cross, wearing a transparent piece of cloth. Beside her was Raynare wearing a plain white dress.'

"ASIA!" Oh god, dear god please don't make him be too late. He can never, will never forgive himself if he fails this girl, this precious little girl who was too young, too innocent to die.

"So you survived after all, you even managed to reach this part. But you're too late, I have already started the ritual. In a few minutes, I will have this girls Sacred Gear!" Raynare proclaimed.

"STOP THIS RAYNARE! I swear, if you let her go right here and now, then I will let you go, all of you, without harming anyone and put this all behind us."

Raynare sneered at him. "You're pathetic. Oh, right, I promised didn't I? That the next time we meet, I would repay you for that date we had." The Fallen spat out the word like it had done her a personal insult. "Kill him."

Issei was shaking in rage and once more, flames alighted his hands and his forehead, his eyes glowing a golden orange. His voice soft, unheard in the ruckus caused by the weapons of the followers of the fallen, he whispered. "Boosted Gear: X-gloves."

His hands were suddenly covered by crimson metal gloves and the flames in his hand gradually faded, being absorbed by his Sacred Gear.

"Zero Point Breakthrough: Absolute Zero."

With that declaration, the whole room was suddenly covered in ice, the subordinates freezing in their tracks. Only Asia, Raynare and Issei were unaffected.

Slowly, almost solemnly, Issei walked amongst the ice towards the altar where Asia was placed, and in that moment, Raynare felt like she saw a god walking among his subjects.

When Issei reached the two of them, Raynare dumbly stepped aside, her wonder and awe at the scene she just saw temporarily shutting down all her mental functions.

"Hey Asia, it's me."


"Heh, hi."

"Why... are you here?"

Issei smiled down at the blonde. "I told you didn't I? When you are sad, I'll be there for you."

Asia managed to return the gesture. "Yes.. you did. You did Issei-san. I'm so happy... to have a friend like you.. who was with me... til the last."

"What are you talking about Asia? We're gonna be together even after this. We still haven't done so many things yet. I wanted to show you more Asia, we're going to go ice skating next, would you like that?"

"Hah, that sounds nice Issei-san... I just wished... that I had more time with you... Thank you. For everything... you did for me." Asia closed her eyes, a small, peaceful smile at her beautiful face.

"Asia? Oi Asia wake up, don't you want to do that? We're going to do many more things. I was going to introduce you to my parents. And- Asia? Asia, please wake up. Please. I can't lose you, please no. Not this." Issei cried out, refusing to believe it. Asia was strong. She was gonna get through this right?

Issei gently laid down her body and crossed her harms on her chest.

"I know. I know that revenge wouldn't solve anything. I know that it won't fix anything that's happened. It won't bring Asia back. But still, I have to do this, if not for me, then I'll do it for her."

Issei stood up slowly, and walked towards the fallen angel. Raynare backpedaled quickly, but got no further when Issei landed his orange eyes on hers. Raynare gave out a shiver. Being gazed at by those eyes made it so that she both wanted it to go away and made her crave for more. The feeling was driving her insane. Finally he stood in front of her and softly said.

"This is for her."



Issei turned around and saw that Asia's eyes were opened once more.

"Please... don't kill someone... for me. You're... a nice person. I..don't want you.. to. do something like that."

Issei's eyes turned wide.

"Please.. don't kill anymore."

"You should... help people."

"Ddraig... you are... nice."

Asia's words were like a slap in the face.

Staring at the Fallen Angel, Issei was conflicted.

One side of him, his cruel self was saying 'Kill her. She stole Asia from you, it's only fair for you to kill her.'

His other side, the one who wanted to turn away from all this bloodshed said. 'Stop. Enough blood has been spilled on her account. Let bygones be bygones.'

Issei looked at Asia once more, who was so kind that she went back just to stop him from taking revenge, HER revenge, and then stared at the resigned Fallen Angel in front of him, her head bowed down, gaze to the ground.

Issei, gritting his teeth, raised his hand to land the deathblow when unbidden:

"Please... don't kill someone... for me.

"Ddraig... you are... nice."

Issei closed his eyes with a sigh and thought. 'Asia, you really are too nice for your own good.'

Issei dismissed his gauntlet. "Go."

Raynare's eyes was instantly turned towards him. "What?"

"Just go. Asia wanted you to live, and I'm honoring her final request. You're free to go." Issei snapped his fingers. "There, you're companions are now free."


"Because I owe it to a dying girl to fulfill her dying wish. She really is a kind girl. It just goes to show that faith really does like to fuck us up."


"Why are you still here? I already said that you can go. If you're worried for them, then I'll let them go too."

Issei gestured towards the frozen exorcists arround them

Raynare looked at Issei uncertainly before she spread her wings and hesitantly flew away.

Issei, now alone (bar the mooks, but they were frozen, so who cares.) staggered to the altar and slumped down against it.

He looked at the blonde and smiled at her, tucking away an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're like her. So innocent, so naive and trusting. You probably would have gotten along splendidly."

Issei sighed. "Now what? Should I just leave again? Ah, but my parents would be so worried, and the Devils might look for me. Not to mention the Fallen Angels. Damnit, they might report me to their leader. I could kill them but then Asia would probably scold me." The thought of Asia pouting at him and hitting him ineffectively made him snort in laughter.

"Issei, what happened here?"

Issei's eyes instantly went over to the devils walking through the door. Devils. That's it!

"Buchou!" Issei picked up Asia's body and rushed over to them.

Issei knelt down and prostrated himself before them. "Please, please reincarnate her."

His voice, on the verge of breaking yet was filled with tentative hope, clawed at each of their hearts.

"I beg you, save her. Bring her back to life. I'll do anything, I'll- I'll even join your peerage just-"

"Shhh. Issei, don't talk anymore. I don't need anything from you, if it's your request, then I'll do it. Don't worry, I will reincarnate her promise."

Issei, for the first time in three years, broke down in tears, gratefully embracing Rias who gently, soothingly, returned the gesture.

Issei only sobbed harder.


They were now out of the underground cavern, now inside the church itself, where Asia's body was lying in the middle of a Devil's circle.

"Issei, are you sure you want her to be reincarnated as a devil?"

"Yes buchou."

"Okay." Rias shut her eyes then said, her voice filled with magic. "I command thee, Asia Argento, by my name as Rias Gremory, become my servant and once more return to this land and become a Devil!"

The wind began to pick up as the Bishop piece slowly sunk into Asia's body. "You shall live this life as my [Bishop]!"

When the light finally faded, it showed that the piercings in her hands and feet were gone. Slowly, Asia opened her eyes. "Issei...-san?"

"Success. Issei, you can go to her now."

Issei slowly approached the newly revived bishop. "Asia?"

"Issei-san? Wh-what am I doing here?"

"Asia? Asia!" Issei embraced her, tears flowing down, crying in joy at the sight of his friend very much alive.


"I'm so happy that you're alive."

"..Me too." Asia embraced him back, the warmth of her body reassuring Issei that she was back in the land of the living.


It was the day after the Fallen Angel incident, and Issei entered the Occult Research Club, where he greeted Rias.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

Issei sat down in front of the president and said. "Um, thank you for what you did. Last night I mean"

Rias smiled at him. " I already told you didn't I? Don't worry about it."

"Still, I feel like a have to repay my debt."

Rias shook her head, her smile never vanishing from her face. "No. You don't have to. Just knowing that you're here is enough for me. Still, I would like to know what you did to those Fallen Angels. I have never seen anything like that."

"Ah, well, uh, magic?"

"Hmm. Well, that day, I think I finally figured out what you really are."

"What I really am?"

"You're this generation Sekiryuutei right?"

"Ah, yeah."

"The Boosted Gear, The Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet, one of the Thirteen Longinus, Sacred Gears capable of killing gods. And I also suspect that you're an ability user from what I saw. I really am lucky to have met you Issei." Rias reached out, holding his face between her two hands. "This is a good luck charm." She placed her head close to his, and kissed his forehead. "If you decide to be a Devil, then I hope that charm will be enough for you. But for now, do what you're doing and keep up the good work, okay?"

Issei nodded, rubbing his forehead.

"Well, that's all for now. If not, then the new member might get jealous."



"Asia?" He turned around and saw the former nun standing near the door.

"I see, it's because Buchou is so pretty and that's why Issei-san is so attracted to her. Mou~ I really need to step up to win. Ah! But I can't think that way or the Lord will punish me! Please Lord forgive- Au!" Asia yelped in pain as the prayer assaulted her, with her being a devil and all.

She sighed then said mournfully. "Ah, I've become a Devil now. That means that I can't talk with the Lord now."

"I'm... sorry?" Issei didn't know what to say.

"Do you regret it? Being a devil I mean?"

"Ah! Don't worry about that Issei-san! I don't care what I am, just as long as I am with you. Thank you buchou for giving me this life!" She bowed at her new master.

"Really? Then that's fine. I hope that you will work hard okay?"


Issei finally just saw that she was wearing something different today.

"Asia, you're wearing the uniform."

"Does it look good on me?" Asia asked shyly, tapping the tip of her foot on the ground. She was wearing the complete Kuoh Academy Girl's uniform, only wearing a black vest instead of the corset the school provided.

"Yeah it does! You look really cute Asia."

"C-cute huh." Asia blushed in embarrassment.

"Asia's going to attend our school starting today. She's a second year and furthermore, I asked that she be placed in the same class as you, so take good care of her Issei."

"Don't worry Buchou, I will definitely take care of Asia!"

At Issei's proud proclamation, Asia blushed an even further shade of red.

'I can already hear their cries of anger.'



"Good morning Buchou, Issei-kun, Asia-chan."

"Good morning Buchou, Issei-senpai, Asia-senpai."

"Good morning Buchou, Issei-kun, Asia-san."

Akeno, Koneko and Kiba all went in the room together, greeting Asia with a smile.

"Ah, good morning to all of you." Asia bowed.

"Since everyone's here now, let's start the party." As she said it, cake, food and drinks appeared on top of the previously empty table. "We're all here to celebrate Asia joining my peerage, so I made the food. Let's all have fun alright?"

A chorus of agreements followed Rias' declaration.


After the party, Issei went back home. It was already dark, and his parents were sleeping in their room.

He walked to his room and entered the bathroom.

Once he closed the door, he felt his body shake uncontrollably as he placed both hands on the sink. Damnit, he thought he had longer before it started again!

Voice hoarse, he asked out loud.

"Ddraig, how, how bad is it?"


"That bad? Huh. Well fuck. Who would've thought, the great Sekiryuutei would be reduced to this."

[Partner, don't be too harsh on yourself. By all rights, you shouldn't even be alive right now. Juggernaut drive shreds the users life force. A normal human couldn't possibly be expected to last in that form for a half hour. You managed to last two. You shouldn't underestimate yourself.]

"Well, whatever it wo-" Issei was interrupted by a violent coughing fit. Hunched against the sink, he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. Now that he was alone, he could afford to look weak. His face was too pale, his eyes had bags underneath them and blood was running down his chin from his mouth.

Issei sat alone in the bathroom for quite a while. Finally he asked.



"How long do I have?"

[...Assuming that you don't come into contact with the supernatural and use magic? Five years. But considering your involvement with the Devils and the Fallen, realistically, you have about one and a half year left. I'm sorry partner.]

"I see."

Issei watched with detached eyes as the blood clung to the marble of the kitchen sink.

"Ddraig, after doing so many things, things I'm not proud of, do you think it's selfish of me to want to live longer? To be able to be with my friends, to do so many more things.I haven't even lost my virginity yet! I-I want that Ddraig, I really do."

[Partner, I've lived a very long life as a Dragon, and almost as long as a Sacred Gear. I can honestly say, without exaggeration, that you are the best one I have ever had. You may have had your moments in the past, but doesn't matter. You even managed to fight off the Juggernaut Drive's curse by yourself. You are a good person partner, you really are. If anyone deserves a better faith than this, it's you.]

"Huh. Thanks partner. That's right! I still haven't seen Ophis yet! I have to make sure that she's okay, and not to mention Kunou! I still have to meet her again, I promised her that I'll come back to Kyoto to meet her when she's grown up! And also-"

Issei's inane chatter helped him deal with the fact that he only had, at best, five years left to live.

Ah well, If that's what all he's given, then he'll simply have to make the best out of it.


Hello. So, this is the new chapter. I stuck close to canon here but changed some things, the biggest of which was the fact that the Fallen survived. I'm going to go through canon events until the Rating Game with Riser where I'll start to branch of into my own story arcs. I'll include stories like the Kyoto arc, Loki arc and the Vampires but I don't really want to go into the Rating games against Sona and Sairarog.

You probably may have noticed the reference i slipped in with my dying will! I may include some other anime characters in here though that would probably concern Issei's past.

I also got tired of thinking of chapter titles so: eh.

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