The Final Cycle: A Zodiac Sto...

Por cosmic_1221

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In the beginning, there were the Great Gods and their creations throughout the five Realms. But with beautifu... Más



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Por cosmic_1221

Virgo had no idea her book would be so extensive.

She was amazed that even the style of writing matched her personality, as with Gemini's and Cancer's. It was truly individualized. She would have pointed it out to her mother, but she seemed oddly reserved. Even her mind was closed off as Phil had a one-sided conversation with her.

Gemini glanced at her, still managing to ramble off to an intrigued Cancer and a strangely silent Leo. Whatever they talked about, Gem told Virgo. It'll be okay, Virgo. Maybe she just wants to be with her thoughts.

Virgo smiled at her friend, grateful that Gem eased her worry, even if a little. But why hide? She's never done that before...

She'll tell us, didn't see say that she wanted to tell us something?


So don't worry about it! It'll be fine, Virg! Stop worrying! "Hey, my book says I'm a shapeshifter?" Gem randomly squinted, showing Cancer. "I never knew that! Hey, Phil, you gotta show me how!"

Without missing a beat, Phil snapped his fingers and nodded. "Sure thing, kid. It's natural for you, so it won't be hard. You can train tomorrow if your up for it!"

"Heck yeah!" Gem exclaimed, even making Leo smile. Virgo wondered what would have made him so quiet. What do you think Gem? What's up with Leo?

Eh, who knows? He's probably mad Pisces interrupted his smexy time with Libra, he'll be alright. And don't worry about him either! Virgo playfully rolled her eyes with a smile.

In the living room, some Signs were simply relaxing, or at least attempting to. Virgo heard Scorpio and Sag's bickering before she saw them.

"You wouldn't have died if you just went left," She grumbled beside Taurus, who was fast asleep on the couch. Pisces sat on his lap, staring in no one's direction. Libra was at their feet on the floor, holding her arms out for Leo to naturally fall in. "But no~ 'My name is Scorpio Reyes and I think I'm right all the time!'"

"Shut up, Sag," He snapped at her. To no one's surprise, she didn't even flinch. Gem sat down beside Aquarius, who was also on the floor, silently observing his friend's altercation. He smiled when Gem started to babble on about her book and her title, making sure she didn't trigger it. "I lost because you kept distracting me with your fat mouth."

"Yeah, yeah," Sag waved him off. "I wouldn't have to 'distract' you if you just went left like I told you!"

"Well, looks like most of the Zodiac is acting normal, huh Hecate?" Phil chuckled at the Sign's banter. When she didn't respond with so much as a sound, he gave up and sighed. "Okay everyone, listen up. Your teacher has something to tell you."

"Oh boy," Aquarius replied with a sarcastic eye roll. "I wonder what new exciting thing we'll learn today. Or, if she's in an especially bad mood, we'll just get endlessly chastised. Can't wait either way."

Before Phil could reprimand his son for his rudeness, Hecate surprisingly agreed with him with, "He's right. All of you want and deserve answers. And I've been withholding too much. If you hate me, I get it. I never made myself likable, and I'm sorry."

The apology left everyone speechless, and rightfully so. Virgo searched her mother for any sort of explanation, but with her barriers tighter than a steel fortress, nothing was revealed.

The Signs gazed at Hecate, everyone surprisingly patient.

"It's time I really tell you the truth." She said simply, but Virgo could tell that there was more. Her eyes were empty as if she had been digging a hole for months, years, decades. "There's a lot I hadn't told you about me... and the rest of the divine. Hypnos coming to Pisces was a cry for help."

"From what?" Aqua asked. Virgo shrank from his harsh tone. Phil glared at his son, but Aqua's own glare at Hecate never wavered.

"The God King, Zeus." Hecate answered, unperturbed by him. "He's the reason the Divine Realm is in shambles."

"Zeus?" Sag asked, sitting up. "The dude with the lightning bolts?"

"That's the one." Hecate let herself smile a little. "He is a selfish and cruel man, one who only wants the crown for his own personal gain." Her tone grew more bitter with each word, her fists clenching. Virgo wanted to reach out to her, just to ease her pain. "My family and many other divine families suffer at his hands."

"Family?" Virgo finally asked one of her own questions. Even when they were human, Hecate never mentioned a father, mother, siblings, anything.

"Yes, I have a mother, father, aunts, uncles, cousins..." Hecate smiled sadly. Virgo could have sworn she saw her mother's lip quiver. "All of them, trapped in Tartarus."

"Mom..." Slowly, Virgo moved next to her mother, hugging her with as much support as a daughter possibly could. Hecate's mind was scrambled with emotion, but Virgo heard all she needed to. I'm alright.

"But..." Libra started. Leo was curled up beside her, purring softly with his eyes closed. Virgo could tell that he was listening from his sympathetic thoughts. "Aren't you a goddess? I thought they all live on Olympus..."

"They did." Hecate looked up. Her eyes were glossy. "But the Divine War separated us. My father... he and other Titans did what they could to keep us safe, but the Titans lost. And for that, my family, and anyone without the Olympian title, was banished to Tartarus. It's where I and my cousins grew up."

"Is that where Hypnos is from?"

"Yes." "He and his brother... their whole family are a little different from everyone else. There are many more families I could mention, but the outcome is all the same. We all struggle down there. Tartarus is essentially a divine hell..."

Virgo didn't even have to ask. In an instant, her mind and the world around her shifted and changed. Virgo's head throbbed, a familiar pain racking her head as the living room went dark.


I sit in our small living room. My mother - with brilliant purple eyes that matched mine - braids my hair as she sits on the couch. "My Hecate," Mother coos. "Zeus truly blessed you. You should smile this day."

My expression stays neutral. Mother turns my head, giving me a clear view of the boiling sky. Constantly red, looming with dark mountains. My world, my miserable world.

"Ah, perk up, baby," Another woman chides as she sips her wine from a glass. She had lighter skin than Mother, with braids that trailed down her back. Her features were more striking and powerful, but equally as attractive as Mother. "It's not every day a Titan child gets hand-picked by the God King himself to live in Olympus. You're special Hecate."

"But Auntie!" I protest as Mother tilts my head to get a better angle to braid my hair. "I don't want to leave you and Mother and Father behind... I don't want to go."

There is a hard sip of her wine before Auntie sighs and says, "That's not an option you have, Hecate." I know her smile is masking her dread, even without reading her mind.

"Mother, can't you make him choose someone else?" I plead. Mother turns my head again.

"I cannot." Mother answered simply. Her hands fly across my hair as she braided. "I won't defy the God King. Not again..." For the first time, Mother's hands stop. I know it is forbidden, but my curiosity leads me to read Mother's mind. A second in her mind is full of memories of the Divine War, coupled with turmoil and pain and the burning fury of the God King's eyes. I shudder, immediately reeling into myself, before Mother quickly continues, as if she never faltered in the first place. "You will go with him."

"When you get there," Auntie adds after another sip of wine. "Tell Artie and Pollie that their Mama loves them very much. Tell them that every day, Hecate... every day, you hear?"

"Yes, Auntie." I answer, through gritted teeth. Auntie deserved to be with her children. Every mother deserved to be with their child. Even if she wasn't that expressive about her own kids, The God King keeping them separated sickens me to my very core. "I'll do my best."

"I know you will." Leto lets her glass down on the coffee table in front of them. It's covered in stains and scratches from generational use. Father had always said he would get another, but they never earn enough. "You always do. That's why Zeusie picked you."

"Zeusie?" Mother asks, rubbing her greasy hands on her dirty pants.

"Sure!" Leto shrugs and stands, twirling her own dusty dress. "It's a nickname I made for him. Don't think about it too much, Asteria."

"Alright." Mother simply acknowledges. Between the sisters, Auntie Leto would talk from sunrise to sunset before Mother would even say a word. "Finished, Hecate." Mother scoots back on the worn couch, letting me stand and stretch. Even with the circumstances, I feel beautiful. Gazing into the mirror, my purple eyes contrasted her bright but worn dress."My, how wonderful."

"Astie, you just get better and better with her hair." Leto clapped her hands, going over to squeeze my cheeks. "Prettiest girl in Tartarus, that is without a doubt!"

"Divine greetings!" Father burst through the door, a wide grin falsely plastered on his face. "Sorry I'm late, the mines were a bit hectic today." His tail was oddly limp, and his dark ears hung low. Leto hugged him without mentioning it, and he hugged back, tighter. "How are you today, dear sister?"

"Same old, same old, dear Pontian," Leto replied, shrugging him off. He rolls his eyes at the old nickname. "I"m glad you made it back from work in time. Wouldn't want to miss your baby girl's special sendoff."

Father's smile faltered when he bit his tongue. "Yes," He said, finally embracing me. The moment I hug him back, his tail starts wagging again. "A special sendoff. How do you feel, Hecate?"

I attempt another protest. "Father, you of all people should understand that I can't go! I don't belong in Olympus, I belong here, with you, and Mother, and Auntie! I'll fight with heart and mind against the God King himself, but I refuse to go."

Father only smiles. I search his mind for answers, and get chills when I find him, much younger and much angrier, telling his own father that he will defend his family in The Divine War. I swallow, gritting my teeth when he tells me, "Hecate, consider this as an opportunity. You will be free and see a new world! Why aren't you excited?"

"Because I do not want to live a life without my family..." Silently, Father takes me into his arms again. My eyes are getting cloudy as I breath his ugly scent from being in the mines for so many Mortal days. "I'll never see you again... For the rest of my days, I'll never see any of you again."

"Nonsense, dear." Mother speaks up for the first time since Father returned home. I fell her embrace, too, engulfing me with her love. "You can always cast a spell to view us. There is always a possibility the God King will be merciful, too."

We separate, before Auntie gets a chance to hug. I don't expect her to be sappy or emotional, she had never been that kind of person. "You are a gift," Mother tells me, holding my face in her soft hands as Father heads to the kitchen, probably for a drink. "This is a blessing. It has to be. And you will accept it."

There's no more time to argue. A world-shattering roar interrupts us, and everyone else in Tartarus. Typhon always senses the God King first. And, every time he does, he sends a terrible warning that an unwavering storm is coming. I suck in my cheeks as my head pounds with dozens of panicked voices scrambling to hide their children and lock their doors.

Mother stiffens, and backs away from the door to Father. Naturally, he holds her and whispers to her to calm her down. Auntie takes me, sending me a smile before the inevitable knocks landed on our door. I flinch and Auntie answers with, "Divine greetings, Zeusie! How was the trip?"

The God King, in all his filthy glory, stared down at me as if I were a glass of prized wine. I only glare at him. "Fine, fine," His voice sings. I hate how beautiful it sounds. "How are you, Hecate?"

"May you rot in the furthest reaches in the Cursed Realm." I snap with full conviction. I hear Mother gasp behind me, her mind spiraling frantically. I see myself dead on the floor from her eyes, but I refused to waver my will.

The God King simply laughed, laughed at me like a child. "My, you are quite the soul," He said, putting his hands on his hips. "She will do quite nicely, don't you think? Come. It's time to go home."

I hesitate. He can't, he won't command me. I meant every word I said, I will fight heart and mind for my independence, and for my family's pride. "My home is Tartarus." I counter. "Nowhere else."

"Hecate!" Mother chided. "Please, do not be difficult... please."

"Forgive me, Mother," I say without looking back. I don't want my last image of her to be distraught and full of tears. "But I will not let this traitor take me away from my family."

This time, the God King didn't laugh, or even smile. His hand flexed before it was coated in blinding bolts of lighting. My blood runs cold and Mother's scream crashes in my mind. Her memories of death and lighting overtake me, and for the first time, I step back.

"Now, Hecate," Zeus said with a condescending smirk. "Listen to your mother. She knows what's best for you. Right, Asteria?"

Mother didn't respond right away, and when she did, she stuttered. "Y-yes my King,"

"Hecate, my Little Gift." I shudder at the nickname. It was my nickname to almost everyone in Tartarus, one that Father had coined. I was not a mad or traitorous psychic, so I was a Little Gift. When Zeus spoke it, it felt ugly. I know I never want to hear him say it again. "Come. Let's go home."

I want to cry, but I refuse to let this man perceive me as weak. Taking one last look at Auntie, she nods at me, and it is all I need from her. "Every day," I say. "I will tell them every day." She mouths a thank you, unperturbed that Zeus is glaring at her.

I turn back to Mother and Father, both with tears flowing faster than the river Styx. It is the first time I've seen Father cry. My proud, beagle-like father, reduced to silent tears. I almost break down when I run into their arms, hugging them as tightly as I can. "We love you, Hecate," Mother whispers. "More than you will ever know. Be great, the greatest you are."

Finally, I leave my home with Zeus in tow, leading me to the Gates. No one comes out to say their goodbyes, and I don't blame them. Why would they risk punishment for me?

Zeus is rambling off about his children that I do no care for, not even Artemis and Apollo. Every single step crushes more of my soul, before I am reduced to mere numbness. Still, one emotion remained, and that was vengeance.

As The God King stands proud and tall in front of the Gates, he looks back at me, gleaming with triumph. I shake and shout to the rouge skies, "Steal me, imprison me, bind me with magic, even curse me if you wish. But you will never stifle my heart, traitor. I will rise against you, and I will win."

His smooth lips turn into a frown, before he smiles again. I watch his eyes harden like royal steel before he says, "Oh, my Little Gift. I won't give you that option."

The Gates open inward, and the moment he grabs my arm and nearly drags me through, his words finally sink in.

All of Mother and Father's memories and nightmares of this man were no fabrication. All of it is real. There is no option. There is no hope.

All there is, is the God King's will.


Virgo gasped as she felt herself shift back into the living room. Hecate was shaking and holding her arms, tears threatening to fall. Phil was kneeling in front of her, mumbling something Virgo couldn't focus on. Her mind was ringing with flashes of Tartarus, her grandparents, The God King...

It seemed to her the other psychics weren't reacting well, either. Cap sat unfocused on the floor, Taurus and Pisces trying to get his attention with snaps and shakes. Gemini was tightly clinging to Aqua, with Libra and Sagittarius gazing at her with intense worry. Even Aquarius looked impossibly paler, holding his own knees from the floor. So we all saw it...

"Is..." Hecate started, her voice wavering. "Is everyone alright?" When silence lingered for just a second too long, Hecate, the Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft burst into tears. Virgo was even further unsettled, having never seen her mother so rattled.

Still, no one said a word as Hecate sobbed into Phil's arms, none of them missing her clouded sobs of, "I failed them, I failed them all."

"Hey, now," Phil soothed her, as if there weren't several onlookers watching their every move. "That's not true. Come on, let's get you some space." Finally referring to everyone else, he told the Signs, "I'm sorry guys, it's always been difficult for her to share her past, this isn't abnormal for her. She'll be okay, don't worry." He didn't say Virgo's - or anyone's - name, but she knew with his gaze that he was talking to her. Together, Hecate much more shakily than Phil, they stood up and headed down the girls' hallway.

Everyone waited until they turned the corner, then a few more seconds just to be safe. Aquarius was the first to leave the living room, not looking back as he stalked to the back door and out to the Field. No one wanted to ask where he was going, or when he would come back; Aquarius isolating himself was the least of their worries.

Hecate's memories her shiver. Every time she blinked, she saw the burning crimson sky of Tartarus and the God King's horribly horrible power. Slowly, the Signs dispersed, to their rooms, outside to the Field, Virgo didn't care where. She also refused to care that the only one who decided to stay was Scorpio. What does he want...

He spoke before she could tell him to get lost. "I just want to know if you're okay." He raised his hands in defeat. Virgo glanced at him, wondering where on earth Cancer and Pisces could ever find enough pity for this man. "Whatever Hecate accidentally showed you, it spooked everybody... even me."

Virgo balled her fists, tears threatening to fall. She didn't want to cry - especially in front of someone like Scorpio Reyes - But, every time her eyes closed, she could see them. The God King's ominous, dominant, cataclysmic eyes. And every time, they fueled her with unbridled fear. We have to fight him... I have to face him... That single thought was enough to finally push Virgo over the edge.

Scorpio didn't seem at all surprised by her sudden emotional explosion. Without saying anything, he held her as she cried onto him. She was grateful for his silent comfort, if anything.

It took her minutes to regain composure, and even then, she had to continue to wipe her eyes. Without looking at Scorpio, she told him, "Tell no one about this."

"Who would I tell?" He fired back. "I don't wanna do that to you, anyway."

If Virgo didn't know any better, she would have thought that he was hurt. But why? "Why not?" She bit her tongue the moment the question left her mouth. Subtly, Scorpio's eyes widened, and she watched him straighten up on the couch. "I... thought you didn't like me."

To be fair, she didn't think Scorpio truly liked anyone. There was a constant disdain that radiated from him, but, for the first time, she watched it slowly fade into what Virgo couldn't believe: concern. "Of course I like you!" He stammered, Virgo blinking as she watched his already dark cheeks grow darker. "Why wouldn't I like you? You aren't annoying and you don't get in my way..."

"My mom tried to kill you."

"You mom clearly has unresolved issues from her past." Scorpio answered with a small, understanding smile. "I'm the same way. We have screwed up experiences and we take it out on people we don't like... besides, even if I wasn't a demon, she'd still hate me anyway."

Did he just... compare himself to her? Virgo had no idea how to respond. He was right, and he knew from experience. She looked down at her hands and realized they were clenched into fists. "You don't know that..." She mumbled before making eye contact with him again. "I'm sure she'd like you."

"I'm sure she wouldn't." Scorpio casually countered while stretching. "She doesn't like me for the same reason she doesn't like Aqua: we don't like being told what to do. On top of the fact that she thinks I've probably broken a law, and she's not wrong on that."

Virgo stiffened. Does he always talk about himself this way? "You don't give yourself enough credit." She told him with a raised finger. "You're cheering me up, and that's nice of you to do, even after everything you've been through. It's selfless, and I appreciate it." She didn't realize how true those words were until they came out of her mouth, and, surprisingly, Virgo didn't regret them.

"I mean," Scorpio ran a hand through his hair. "I wasn't just going to leave you here when you looked like that... I don't like seeing you stressed..." The darker tint returned to his cheeks as he cleared his throat. Virgo stopped the inevitable thought of his blush being cute. Of course it's cute, it's Scorpio Reyes. No need to dwell over it...

"Well," Virgo got up, holding her arms and avoiding his dark eyes again. "I'm not stressed anymore so you don't have to worry." When she smiled at him, he didn't smile back. Instead, his thick arms were crossed and his eyebrow was raised. "What?"

"Virgie, I know you." Scorpio shook his head and stood up with her. When he immediately towered over her, she shivered. If he were Taurus, she wouldn't have felt nearly as small. "You're always stressed. Always. It's best to just stop denying it and accept it. That's the only way you can change."

Right again... "You should take your own advice."

"Nah," He looked off, his eyes cast down. "I'm too far gone." Before she could respond, he asked her, "Where were you going?"

It took an extra second for Virgo to recover from his sudden subject change. How could he just say something like that about himself? "Just... to my room?" She mentally facepalmed when it ended up sounding like a question. "Why?"

"I... um..." He swallowed and turned, keeping his tail close to his body. "I just wanted to talk to you some more... but I mean, we don't have to keep talking, I probably say weird stuff anyway, you wouldn't want to listen to that..."

He's rambling... Virgo's head tilted slightly, more confused towards his behavior than appalled. He never acted like this, or she had never seen it. Either way, it felt unnatural, as if some timid boy possessed the vulgar and mean Scorpio Reyes she knew.

And yet, she walked around him, being very careful of his tail, and nodded. Virgo didn't want to be alone, not just yet. She knew she'd just be haunted by his eyes and she needed a distraction. Clearly, Scorpio needed one too, but from what, Virgo couldn't tell. His dumb smile made her snort.

Instantly, they fell into a casual conversation as they walked down the hall. Virgo didn't understand why, but Scorpio eased her. Why isn't he like this all the time? And when he laughed... it was deep and resonating and almost beautiful. She felt like she was slowly unlocking a treasure, one no one else had access to.

She started to observe more of his features silently as he talked. His hair was messy but smelled nice, and his footsteps made no sound. Every little giggle - yes, he giggled, too - made his sharper teeth glint from the light. Is he handsome? The question made her shoulders rise.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked her with his tail swaying idly.

Quickly, Virgo gave a slight lie. "Just... my mom. Being in her head was... I'm still processing it all."

"I understand." Scorpio nodded, pushing his hair back. "It sounds nice."

She was about to correct him, tell him that it was quite traumatic, but his sad smile told her everything. Virgo immediately felt guilty, but glad that she never said anything in the first place. "In a way," She altered course to support his perspective. "It was... I saw a side of her today that I never even thought she had... I want to help her. I need to help her."

His sudden cold hand on her bare shoulder made her flinch. Immediately his hand reeled, shoved into his pocket. "Sorry," He whispered, eyes wide and nervous. "I didn't mean to scare you, I promise-"

"Scorpio, it's okay," Virgo gently chided, stopping him before he went on another inevitable tangent. "Your hands are just cold, you didn't scare me."

When his features softened, Virgo realized her words resonated with him more than she had initially thought. Even without access with his mind, she noticed he reacted to everything she said and did. "Relax," she said with a hand on his chest, "Don't be so-"

Her hand stayed, maybe for a second too long, before she heard a faint voice from around the corner, " -Failed them, Phil. I failed all of them..."

"To be fair," Phil started. Scorpio and Virgo looked at each other, before nodding together and sneaking around the corner. They didn't have to worry about noise; Scorpio was naturally silent and Virgo floated beside him as they hid beside the door. "You did the best you could. You're not even supposed to be their mentor, so don't beat yourself up."

"Phil, you don't understand..." Hecate's voice sounded hoarse, probably from tears. Virgo wanted to see her, just to have a confirmation of her mother being okay. "When... when I went back... I realized I was acting just like... just like him! I feel disgusting, filthy... and Scorpio... I should have never tried to banish him..."

"Banish him?! Hecate-" Phil sighed. "It's okay, the good news is that you didn't. Look, you messed up, but, for the entire 200,000 years that I've known you, you were always messed up." Scorpio looked at Virgo with wide eyes. She nodded, and he blinked. "Hecate, this isn't an easy situation, but we have too much to lose. And I am not letting you give up on those kids. You know I can't do what you do, and I am not losing Aquarius again."

"I... don't know what to do..."

"First things first, you accept that this is currently a disaster, which you did." Phil started. Virgo heard a bit of shuffling, then, "And now, you - we need to try again. Together. You aren't alone, Hecate. There's a chance. It may be small but it's there, and we need to take advantage of it... I know you're terrified of Zeusie, but we won't be his little puppets anymore. Okay?" Hecate either didn't respond or say something loud enough for the Signs to hear. "I understand. Come here, give me a hug..."

Virgo grimaced, hoping that her mother and Phil weren't secret lovers behind closed doors. Curious, and genuinely disturbed, she used telekinesis to pick the lock and made her and her friend known.

Phil was holding her mother quite tightly (in Virgo's opinion), stroking her back as she silently cried. Hecate looked utterly miserable, as if she were seconds from physically shattering like glass. Virgo had to avoid eye contact; her mother's dull eyes were simply too much. Casually, Phil waved once and said, "Hey you two, we were just talking."

"We know." Scorpio replied, crossing his arms as he moved in front of the the door. "What... What happened?"

"Whenever Hecate gets too... stressed or sad, she tends to project memories onto others. Phee got hit with it all the time, and some were worse than others." After glancing down at her, he continued. "Judging by her reaction, I think she made you see her leaving Tartarus, huh? That one is pretty rough..."

"How... why did you know all of this?" Virgo asked him, coupled with a glare shot his way. I swear, if you're womanizing my mom...!

Phil snorted. "Don't worry, Virgo. I can assure you Hecate and I are only friends. Trust me on this, she's like three times my age, and I'm pretty old."

"Oh," Somehow, that didn't relieve her, and she knew both Phil and Scorpio noticed. "But... Will she be okay?"

"Yes." Hecate spoke for the first time, sitting up out of Phil's arms. "Yes, I'll be alright. Virgo, I never meant to show you what you saw today, but I'm glad you did. It's an integral part of my life, our lives..." Slowly, her eyes' purple luster return when she turns to Scorpio. "Scorpio... the way I treated you is unforgivable, and in no way am I asking for you to accept my apology-"

Scorpio raised a hand to stop her. To Virgo's surprise, Hecate grew silent when Scorpio said, "I can't hold anyone against something that I do myself. It isn't right. We can start over, though."

For the first time today, Virgo saw Hecate genuinely smile. It had never occurred to her that her mother looked so much like the beautiful woman in Hecate's memory: Asteria. My grandmother... "I'd like that." Hecate said. "I'd like that with everyone. I should have never decided to hide. Zeus took everything from me. I can't believe I let myself forget that... No longer. Starting tomorrow, you Signs will be trained properly. Zeus will fall, and my home will be restored."

Virgo made sure her eyes were trained on her feet when Scorpio's smile turned into a wild smirk. Still, she couldn't fight her own smile from her mother's renowned energy. Or maybe it was for both reasons. Regardless, Virgo was elated. Hecate almost looked just like she did from her memory. Youtuful, hopeful, and most surprisingly, seething. Scorpio rolled his arm and laughed a little, "You better make us work, Hecate."

"Don't worry. I will."

"And, Mom?" Virgo asked, getting everyone's attention. Even after spending so much time with him, Virgo still wasn't used to Scorpio's trained stare. "Can you tell me more about your family?"

When her mother's features softened, Virgo's own smile warmed. "Of course, dearest," Hecate almost whispered, a hand to her heart. "Of course."


So, Hecate has a change of heart! And more secrets of the Divine Realm have been revealed! Let me know your favorite part, or if any new theories have been made! I love hearing about what you thing is going to happen next~

As for what will actually happen next, you'll have to stay tuned for that~

Stay Starry! 💫

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