Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.4K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

Not so happy campers 1 (1/2) ✅
Not so happy campers 1 (2/2) ✅
Not so happy campers 2 (1/2)✅
Not so happy campers 2 (2/2)✅
Big sleep (1/2)✅
Big sleep (2/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (1/2)✅
Dodgebrawl (2/2)✅
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Not quite famous (2/2)✅
The Sucky Outdoors (1/2)✅
The Sucky Outdoors (2/2)✅
Phobia Factor (1/2)✅
Phobia Factor (2/2)✅
Up the creek (1/1)✅
Up the creek (2/2)✅
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If you can't take the heat (1/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (2/2)✅
Who can you trust (1/2)✅
Who can you trust (2/2)✅
Basic Straining (1/3)✅
Basic Straining (2/3)✅
Basic Straining (3/3)✅
What happened afterward?✅
No pain, no game (1/2)✅
No pain, no game (2/2)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (1/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (2/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (3/3)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (1/2)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (2/2)✅
That's off the chain (1/2)✅
That's off the chain (2/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (1/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (2/2)✅
Wawanakwa Gone Wild (1/2)✅
Wawanakwa Gone Wild (2/2)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (1/2)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (2/3)✅
Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅
Haute Camp-ture✅
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Camp Castaways (2/3)✅
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I Triple Dog Dare You (2/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (1/2)✅
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619 18 1
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

After a lovely morning, our campers started a new challenge.

Duncan had his chance with Alexandra but, does he care about her?

If yes, kissing Courtney wasn't the best way to prove it.

Heather's P.O.V.

I check my watch. It's been an hour since the challenge started. I settled with Courtney on the plan and, if everything goes according to it, it's time for my move.

-Hey Trent, there's something I need to tell you.- I use my innocent voice.

-What is it? Are you alright, Heather? You seem upset.

-It's because of Alexandra. I was so mean to her.- I cry.

-Oh, I'm sure Alexandra won't hold the grudge if you talk it through with her.

-I wanted to talk with her, but she's so distant. It looks like she has had some troubles lately.

-For real? I haven't noticed. Do you know something more?

-I think it's because of Duncan. I heard once when Leshawna talked with Gwen about them. They're arguing all the time. I think it really got to her.

-That guy, I knew he's up to no good.

-I heard something more.- I put on an honesty mask.

-Tell me everything.

-I heard she likes you but is too afraid to show it. I think she needs you now and I saw her a moment ago running all alone.

-Oh crap, do you know in which direction she went?

-It was that way.

-I don't know how to thank you. You're a good person, Heather.

With that, he runs off to find Alexandra.


Heather: It's almost too easy. I'm such a good actress and, he's just too naive. If you want to know how did, I know which direction the loser was, I'll tell you. Since I can't control every move in this show, I had to use some help, and Owen will do anything for food. I bribed him to don't shoot Courtney and help her get Alexandra and Duncan to the previously chosen area. Once they are there, Courtney will show up and kiss our bad boy. If we're lucky, we'll cause even more drama. That's why I sent Trent to her. I directed him to the area where the kiss is meant to happen. He should find her here. Let the games begin. I can't wait to see the outcome.

Courtney: Everything goes according to plan. Alexandra saw us. Now, I only have to persuade Duncan to ditch her. Other things are less important. I'm sure that Heather'll find a way to kick Alexandra out for good.

Still with Heather

I sit back on a stump to polish my nails. I sent Beth to get me some snacks, but my peace is disrupted by no other than annoying goth.

-Oh Heather, I'm so not happy to see you.- Gwen says sarcastically.

-Gwen, you look weird like always.- I roll my eyes.

-Have you seen Trent?

-Did your boyfriend leave you behind?- I mock.

-Forget I asked.- She storms off.

-Actually, I saw him. He went that way.

-And why should I believe you now?

-It's either that or searching the whole forest on your own.

-If you're pulling my leg, I promise I'll have revenge.

-Oh, I'm so scared.- I say sarcastically.


Heather: Kill two birds with one stone. I'm warming up.

Alexandra P.O.V

I'm trudging through the forest. I'm feeling empty after seeing Duncan with Courtney. Why would he do all those things? Why would he spend his time with me if he wanted Courtney all along? Was he lying all this time and, I didn't see it? I sit under one of the trees, resting my back against it. I close my eyes and try to gather my thoughts.

-What now?- I mumble.

-Alex? What happened?

I look up to find Trent, he's crouching in front of me. I direct my gaze to the ground.

-I'm taking a break. 

-Can I join you?

-Aren't we supposed to keep the distance between other teams during challenges?- I don't want to decline directly.

-I don't think so. - after a moment he adds- I heard about what is going on with Duncan.

-How?! Where did you hear that?

-It's not important. Is it true?

-Isn't it obvious now?- I admit.

-Can you tell me about it?

-I guess you'll find either way and, I'd rather you heard it from me.

He sits next to me and takes my hand. I carefully chose my words before speaking.

-I guess I have just fallen for his little game. I thought I have everything under control, but it looks like he outplayed me. I gave him my trust but, I shouldn't.

-This morning, everything seemed stable. What happened during the challenge?

-I thought he cares about me. He kissed me last night and, everything looked like it was falling into the place. We were paired up during today's challenge. We had some fun, and I showed him how to take photos. Then we got separated for a while.- I take a breath before finishing my story- The next thing I saw was him, kissing Courtney. Like all the things we did together never mattered to him. I should have known it can end like this.

-I'll kill him. You don't deserve to be treated like this. Please don't let it pull you down. You're amazing, and if he can't see it, it's his loss.

-I guess.

-You deserve someone better than him. Someone who'll treat you like a princess.

-It's all so easy to say but harder to do. I'm not going to seek a prince charming.

-Who said you need to? Maybe he's already here.

He places a finger under my chin, making me look at him. He leans forward, going for a kiss.

With Duncan and Courtney

-Let me go!!!- He screams.

-No, if you take it off, we lose!- She protests.

-I don't care about this stupid game! Why did you kiss me!?

-Why did you kiss back if you didn't like it?!

-I did not!

-Yes, you did!

-I like Alexandra, not you! What can't you understand?

-Too bad she doesn't like you back!

-And how would you know?

-Bridgette told me.

-Why would I even believe you? You don't like her.

-You'll see. I'm 100% sure she's with Trent now.

-She wouldn't. She said she...

-She's lying. Can't you see how she manipulate you?

-She doesn't. If someone is manipulative here, it's you.

-I just want to help you. I can't watch how she takes advantage of you. She got you mesmerized. That's why you don't notice all these things.

-What things? Alexandra is a sweetheart. Stop accusing her.

-She wants you to think that. Heather saw through her.

-Haha, don't be ridiculous. Heather is the biggest witch in this show.

-I'm telling you she's not. Alexandra made you think that!

-Just shut up already!

With Alexandra and Trent

He leans forward but, I stop him, placing my finger on his lips.

-We can't...

-Why not?

-Look it's just complicated.

-Explain it then? I'll try to understand.

-I can't tell you I gave my word.

-I thought you like me the way I like you.- He slumps his shoulders.

His words broke something in me. I feel so guilty and broken seeing him right now. I can't help but let tears go. Let out all those emotions I bottled up.

-Alexandra? Oh no, please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry.- He dries my tear with his thumb.

-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.- I mumbled, standing up. 

I want to go somewhere else, where I can be alone. He stands up after me and grabs my wrist, pulling me into a hug.

-I never wanted to make you cry. I love your smile, and I hate seeing you in this state. Don't think about Duncan. It's over now.

-No, it's not. It hasn't even begun. Everyone will know. What am I supposed to do? They'll argue because of me.

-It's not you're fault.

-But it is Trent. It is.- I whisper.

-Shh, don't cry.

I sob into his T-shirt, clutching its fabric. He caresses my back, remaining silent.

-Trent? Alexandra?- Gwen appears from the nearby shrubbery.

-Gwen?- I look at her.

-You promised.- She says to me.

-I keep my word. It's not what you think. Please, you have to understand.- I beg.

-What is going on?- Trent asks confused.

-Are you crying?- She takes a step closer, ignoring Trent.

-I'm sorry you have to see that. Emotions won over me this time. It's so pathetic.

-But why? Did something happen?- She asks.

-Duncan happened.- Trent chimes in.

-Oh, no. We were meant to talk about it. Stupid challenge!- Gwen exclaims.

-It wouldn't change a thing.- I look down.

-That boy. What is wrong with him?!- Gwen scoffs.

-You should ask what is wrong with me that I thought he's genuine.- Another tear run down my cheek.

-Don't be stupid you couldn't know. I promise you that we will have the best girl's night after this mess. You, me, Leshawna, and Bridgette. No stupid boys and no worries.

-Thank you for being my friend.- I hug her.

-Attention humans, wildlife, and hunters! Please report back to camp! It's time to show your hides and tally up the scores!- Chris's muffled voice is heard.

-Hey, take your time. We don't need to rush.- Trent tells me.

-Yeah, we'll wait. No worries.- Gwen nods.

-Let's just get out of here.- I state, picking up my bag, and getting rid of tears remaining on my face.

Cut to the campers gathered to find out the score

-Tsk tsk tsk. Stealing from Chef. Eating chips in the woods. Being mauled by bears. Do you know what I see here? I see a very undisciplined group. I see a disgraceful mess. I see a massive waste of paint products. And I have to say... that was awesome! Haha! When you guys opened fire on your team? Wicked TV, guys.- Chris says.

-Hey. Where are Duncan and Courtney?- Harold asks.

-I have a better question, where is Alexandra?- Bridgette questions.

Courtney and Duncan exit the forest still with tangled antlers.

-Can I go now?!- He snaps.

-Duncan, you sly dog, you!- Owen comments.

-The girl can't keep her antlers off me.- He smirks.

At that moment, Alexandra, Trent, and Gwen join the group.

Alexandra P.O.V.

There he is still tangled with Courtney, bickering with Owen about that.

-Oh, this is too much.- Gwen snarls.

-Alexandra, I can explain.- He notices me.

-I told you, she'll be with Trent.- Courtney hints at him.

-I can hear you just fine, Courtney.

In a meantime, Geoff helps them take off the antlers, separating them.

-Great, so listen, don't try anything with Duncan. He made his choice. - She shoves me.

-I agree he is all yours. Enjoy your toxic relationship as much as you want. You make a good match.- I huff.

-Alexandra, it's not like this.- Duncan grabs my wrists, but I pull away.

-Don't touch me.

-Listen to me.- He demands.

-You say a lot, so I watch what you do, and I think I saw enough.

-Don't leave me. Don't quit.

-You already did.- I point out.

-I did not. You're important to me, you have to believe.

-Dude picking up two girls at the same time is one thing, but cheating on Alexandra. You're either brave or stupid.- Chris comments.

-You did what?!- Leshawna screams.- Oh, you have it coming.- Chef has to hold her back.

-He wouldn't.- Bridgette shakes her head.

-Oh! After all this time, you decide to do this! You know what I've been patient, but it's high time you paid me for this!- Geoff yells and hits Duncan right into the jaw.

He stumbles back and spits out some blood. He runs a hand over his face and reaches for his pocket.

-Oh, you think you're a hero now! Don't even start! You're even worse than me!

-Shut up!- Geoff pushes him again.

-You're scared now because you know you're an asshole! You're scared because you know I am right!

-Geoff, stop!- I beg.

-Shut up!- Geoff pushes Duncan so hard that he falls to the ground.

-Alexandra, please...- Duncan collapses to the ground, holding my leg.

DJ snaps out of the shock and restrains Geoff.

-Leave her alone. Can't you see she doesn't want to talk with you?!- Geoff exclaims.

Trent drags me away from him. He turns me around, so I don't have to look.

-Oh, so it's like this! You've already run to him!- Duncan accuses.- You are as bad as me, but you know what it makes things even more interesting.

-Don't try to make me feel guilty! How can you even say something like this now?!- I lose my composure and, anger takes control.

-Maybe it's true after all! You're just a manipulative liar!- Duncan points at me.

-Do you even hear yourself?! Where did you get that idea?!

-You wanted the guitar guy all along! Confess it! Stop lying!

-You hate the way I lie, even if I never lied to you! Here you go, I'm being honest so, listen closely. You're a narcissistic player! You're the one with the problem here, not me!

-Have you seen yourself!? You hold all of those idiots under your charm! I'm not surprised Courtney doesn't like you! You act innocent, but it's fake! You're worse than Heather!

-What?! Say it again!

That one really hurts. I've always been honest and kind to him and after all, he listens to Courtney.

-Where were you all those times, when we needed you during the challenge? You always disappear! You don't treat anything seriously! Me, this team, the competition!

-Duncan you didn't change a bit since our last fight! You're always so full of yourself, which makes you think you can have everything you want! It's the only thing that counts, you! Well, bad news, you lost Duncan! You lost me!- Tears are streaming down my cheeks.

I turn around about to escape this situation, but Duncan stops me.

-Where are you running? If I'm going down I'm taking Geoff with me.

I turn around and Duncan is holding the voice recorder. It's the same one I got from Noah before he left. Punk smiles proudly and pushes the start bottom.

-No problem, as long as you stay away from my girl.- Duncan says.

-She's not your girlfriend, dude.- Geoff scoffs.

-She'll be!

-She won't!

-Let's make a deal then. A little game I'd call kiss or slap, whoever gets to kiss her first wins the prize.- Duncan carries on.

-Fine.- Geoff agrees.

-I guess your blond hook-up is not as good as you thought.- Duncan chuckles.- If only there was someone who actually cared about you.


Heather: It's even better than I expected. Duncan, you're officially my hero. Plan B with Trent and Gwen didn't work, but it will when the time comes. For now, it looks like I'm an angel standing next to Duncan. He's so vile I'm almost jealous of his sick ideas. Almost.

Bridgette: Poor Alexandra. She must feel awful. What on Earth got into Duncan? With Courtney! How could he do that? And Geoff! I thought he was a nice guy!

Leshawna: I had a bad feeling about him all along, but now he's going to pay. Alexandra is my friend. No one will treat her like that.

Geoff: Dude was bragging all along about how he wants to be with Alexandra just to cheat on her! I can't believe it, only someone vile would do such a thing. And now I look as bad as him! Why for once in my life I didn't think earlier?!

-What?- I stutter.- Did you know?- I turn to DJ.

-I...- He shrugs.

-Answer me!- I yell.

-I did.- He confesses.

-Oh, I see now.- I chuckle.- Why did you do this?

-You know the answer.- Duncan says.

-How come?- I cross my arms.

-You said it yourself.- He presses the button again.

-It's because of Trent. He said it. The song he wrote... It was for you. Do you like him?- Gwen asks.- Do you like someone else?

-Like who?- I ask.


-I know one thing for sure, I won't date him.

-I never said that! Why would you do this to me?!- I erupt.

-Oh, Alexandra you did it to yourself.- He shrugs.

I approach him dangerously close and whisper.

-You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I'm the bad guy and I'll silence everyone who stays in my way.

I push him on my way out of the area.


Duncan: Why I did do this? I wanted a way out in case things went the wrong way. Turns out they did, but now I'm not the only one in the trouble. I thought it was the right thing to do, but why do I feel so bad?

Alexandra: He wants a war fine. I'll give him one that he'll never forget till the end of his life. I was nice, but now the only thing I want to give all of them is a sweet taste of revenge. They won't even know when it'll hit them.

-Are you proud of yourself, Courtney? Alexandra was friendly all the time, even though you were a bitch. How desperate do you have to be to make such a stunt to get a boy you like?- Leshawna snaps.- And you, I don't even have words. From the very beginning, I knew you were a jerk. I tolerated your behavior only because of Alexandra. I don't know what she saw in you but, I guess you got overrated. Congrats, you had an angel now, you're left with a slut.- Leshawna says, giving Duncan a disgusted look.

-Who are you calling slut?! I'll sue you for slander!- Courtney hollers.

-Sue your ungrateful butt!- Gwen chimes in.

-I didn't ask you for an opinion!- Courtney scoffs.

-You're not going to say anything to her?! You always have something to say but, not when it's needed. You let me down. Screw me you let Alexandra down. She really saw good in you, she started to trust you...- Gwen turns to Duncan.

-Don't listen to her.- Courtney chimes in.

-Just leave me alone.-Duncan swats her hand and walks away with his head hanging low.

With Alexandra

I got to my favorite spot. I cry my eyes out, laying under the trees. That fight was the last straw. I'm not going back there until I'll be fully calmed.


Something cooking and it's not just a relationship between Duncan and Alexandra.

Who made a present for Alexandra?

What are Heather and Courtney's next moves?

And what is Duncan up to?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!

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