The Two Rangers (Mighty Morph...

By redwolf220

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Scarlett Monroe a normal teen that grew up with Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, and Z... More

Chapter 1: About the Sisters
Chapter 2: Backstory
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family! (Season 1 Start)
Chapter 4: High Fives?
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 7: Different Drum
Chapter 8: Food Fight
Chapter 9: Big Sisters
Chapter 10: I, Eye Guy
Chapter 11: Cave of Doom
Chapter 12: For whom the Bell Trolls
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Zack!
Chapter 14: No Clowning Around
Chapter 15: Power Ranger Punks
Chapter 16: The Scarlett Scream
Chapter 17: Peace, Love, & Woe
Chapter 18: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter 19: The Dark Warrior
Chapter 20: Switching Places
Chapter 21: Green with Evil Pt. 1
Chapter 22: Green with Evil Pt. 2
Chapter 23: Green with Evil Pt. 3
Chapter 24: Green with Evil Pt. 4
Chapter 25: Green with Evil Pt. 5
Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter 27: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter 28: The Splitflower
Chapter 29: Life's a Masquearade
Chapter 30: Gung Ho!
Chapter 31: The Taken Voice
Chapter 32: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 33: Island of Illusions Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The Rockstar
Chapter 36: Clamity Kimberly
Chapter 37: A Star is Born
Chapter 38: The Yolk's on You
Chapter 39: The Green Candle Pt. 1
Chapter 40: The Green Candle Pt. 2
Chapter 41: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 42: Clean-Up Club
Chapter 43: A Bad Reflection on You
Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1
Chapter 45: Doomsday Pt. 2
Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter 47: A Pig Surprise
Chapter 48: Something Fishy
Chapter 49: Lions and Blizzards
Chapter 50: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter 51: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter 52: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter 53: Plague of the Mantis
Chapter 54: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Grumble Bee
Chapter 57: Two Heads are Better than One
Chapter 59: Treak or Treat
Chapter 60: Second Chance
Chapter 61: On Fins and Needles
Chapter 62: Enter the Lizzinator
Chapter 63: Football Season
Chapter 64: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Chapter 65: An Oyster Stew (Season 1 End)
Chapter 66: The Mutiny Pt. 1 (Season 2 Start)
Chapter 67: The Mutiny Pt. 2
Chapter 68: The Mutiny Pt. 3
Chapter 69: The Flower Disease
Chapter 70: The Wannabe Ranger
Chapter 71: Putty on the Brain
Chapter 72: Bloom of Doom
Chapter 73: The Green Dream
Chapter 74: The Power Stealer
Chapter 75: The Beetle Invasion
Chapter 76: Welcome to Venus Island
Chapter 77: The Song of Guitardo
Chapter 78: They Take Purple! Pt. 1
Chapter 79: They Take Purple! Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Green No More Pt. 1
Chapter 81: Green No More Pt. 2
Chapter 82: Missing Green
Chapter 83: Orchestral Movements in the Park
Chapter 84: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 85: White Light Pt. 1
Chapter 86: White Light Pt. 2
Chapter 87: Two for One
Chapter 88: Opposites Attract
Chapter 89: Zedd's Monster Mash
Chapter 90: Ninja Encounter Pt. 1
Chapter 91: Ninja Encounter Pt. 2
Chapter 92: Ninja Encounter Pt. 3
Chapter 93: A Monster of Global Proportions
Chapter 94: Zedd Waves
Chapter 95: The Power Transfer: Pt. 1
Chapter 96: The Power Transfer: Pt. 2
Chapter 97: Goldar's Vice Versa
Chapter 98: Mirror of Regret
Chapter 99: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Chapter 101: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 102: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 103: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 104: The Great Bookala Escape
Chapter 105: Forever Friends
Chapter 106: A Reel Fish Story
Chapter 107: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 1
Chapter 108: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 2
Chapter 109: The Wedding Pt. 1
Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2
Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3
Chapter 112: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 1
Chapter 113: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 2
Chapter 114: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 3
Chapter 115: Best Man for the Job
Chapter 116: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 117: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 118: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 119: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 120: Blue Ranger Gone Bad (Season 2 End)
Chapter 121: A Friend in Need: Pt. 1 (Season 3 Start)
Chapter 122: A Friend in Need: Pt. 2
Chapter 123: A Friend in Need: Pt. 3
Chapter 124: Ninja Quest: Pt. 1
Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2
Chapter 126: Ninja Quest: Pt. 3
Chapter 127: Ninja Quest: Pt. 4
Chapter 128: A Brush with Destiny
Chapter 129: Passing the Lantern
Chapter 130: Wizard for a Day
Chapter 131: Fourth Down and Long
Chapter 132: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 1
Chapter 133: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 2
Chapter 134: Final Face - Off
Chapter 135: The Potion Notion
Chapter 136: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Chapter 58: Fowl Play

305 12 2
By redwolf220

(Author/Red: This is what the sisters are wearing in this chapter. Lily's outfit is on the right and Scarlett's outfit is on the left. But of course Scarlett does wear the wolf necklace.)

Scarlett's Point of View

I was currently in my room and I hear the doorbell ring downstairs. I was putting on my shoes.

"Don't worry, I'll get it Scarlett!" I hear Lily shout from downstairs.

'Lily has been acting very strange lately. She's been acting nice, a bit too nice to me lately. She even brings me breakfast in bed. I wonder what was going on with her.' I thought.

"Hey Scarlett, our awesome friends are here waiting for you to come down!" I hear Lily shout from downstairs.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled back as I grabbed my backpack and then go down the stairs. I see Lily on the couch watching TV.

"Oh, there you are. Here, I made you lunch." Lily says. She hands me a brown paper bag. I looked at Jason and Kimberly in confusion.

"It's peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an apple. Oh and I also gave you $2.00 so you can drink something." Lily says.

"Uh, thank you?" I asked even more confused.

"What do you want for dinner?" Lily asks.

"I don't know. I guess, chicken." I said.

"Cool, I'll tell Uncle Ernie. Have a nice day sis." Lily says as she then gives me a hug.

"You too Lily, see you later." I said.

"See you later!" Lily says.

"Bye Lily." Kimberly says.

"Later." Jason says. I leave with Kimberly and Jason to go to the Youth Center.

"What was that about?" Kimberly asks as I close the front door.

"I have no idea. She's been acting very strange again lately. And when Ernie isn't home I'm usually doing that stuff." I answered.

"Strange how?" Jason asks.

"Just nice. A bit too nice, she's been making me breakfast in bed all week." I said.

"Wow, that's really nice." Jason says.

"Maybe she did something bad at school and now wants me to bail her out of it." I said.

We arrive at the Youth Center with Billy and Trini in tow and stood by the entrance of it. I just saw Angela kissing Zack on the cheek. She passes us as she leaves.

"Ooh-La-La!" Kimberly says to Zack as we approach him.

"Zack, baby!" Trini says to him.

"What an effusive display of affection." Billy says.

"So, uh, when's the wedding?" Jason asks as he laughs.

"When's yours with Scarlett?" Zack asks as he starts laughing.

"Cute Zack. Very cute." I say to him.

"Uh, chill guys. It's just a little peck on the cheek." Zack says.

"Which you have been waiting for." I say to him.

"Sure it is." Trini said.

"Oh, yeah." Jason says as we start laughing at him.

"You guys, we better hurry. I promised to meet Tommy at the mall before it closes." Kimberly says.

"The mall? Is that your meeting place now?" I asked her.

"Yeah." Kimberly says as she laughs.

"Hey Zack, you coming?" Jason asks.

"Uh, no. I'm going to hang out here and make sure Angela. I mean the kids, don't need any help." Zack answers as he was smiling.

"Oh yeah, I believe that one." Kimberly says.

"Sure you are. Have fun with Angela." I say to him.

"Oh hey, who is that rad guy that Angela is talking too?" Kimberly asks. Zack turns his head to where Angela was but she was with some kids.

"Busted!" Kimberly says.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, alright?" Jason asks.

"And what's that?" I ask him.

"Uh, nothing. Nothing at all." Jason says.

"Later guys." Zack says.

"Bye." I say to him as the others all say goodbye as well. Jason takes my hand in his and we walk out of the Youth Center together with our friends. We make our way to the park.

"Did you see Zack's face when Angela kissed him?" Kimberly asks us.

"He was putty in her hands." Jason says as he laughs. I gasp with the others as putties start surrounding us.

"Speaking of putties!" Kimberly says.

"Thanks Jase, you jinxed it." I say to him.

"Guys, spread out!" Jason orders and I start fighting the putties that come near me. I keep on fighting more putties. This was tiring me out.

"Hang in there guys, we almost have them beat!" Jason shouted.

Jason was surrounded by a lot of putties so I decided to make my way over to him and help him out. We start fighting the putties around us together. They soon disappear.

"And another one bites the dust. Great work guys." Jason says.

"I'm getting tired of fighting these creeps." I said.

"We all are." Trini says. Then Jason's communicator beeps as we regroup.

"Yes Zordon." Jason says.

"Rita is up to her old tricks again rangers. You must act quickly to save Angel Grove, teleport here at once and I will explain." Zordon says.

"Right. Let's go." Jason says and the five of us teleport to the command center.

"Ay yi yi yi yi. You won't believe what Rita's been up to." Alpha says as soon as we teleport in seeing Lily there going through stuff.

"Rangers, behold the viewing globe." Zordon says. I took a look at the viewing globe.

"Rita has sent down the dreaded Peckster whose mission is to demolish every home and building in Angel Grove city." Zordon explains.

"Oh my gosh." Kimberly says.

"Well we have to stop it." I said.

"This bizzard buzzard is like totally rude." Kimberly says.

"Look at the feathers on that overstuffed ornis." Billy says.

"Good eye, Billy." Zordon says.

"The Peckster's powerful wings can cause windstorms adding yet another evil dimension to his fighting arsenal." Zordon explains.

"Man, that's just what we need. A wacko woodpecker full of hot air." Jason says.

"We'll destroy that oversized parrot." I said.

"All right, let's go." Kimberly says.

"No, wait. Where's  Zack?" Trini asks.

"Zack will join you later. Right now he's needed at the Youth Center with the children." Zordon says.

"What about Tommy?" Kimberly asks.

"Remember Kimberly, he must conserve his powers. I will contact him if you need him." Zordon explains.

"Stay safe you guys." Lily says.

"Got it. It's morphin' time!" Jason says.



"Saber-toothed tiger!"



"There he is!" Jason shouted as soon as we arrived where this Peckster was. He was flying in the sky and cackling at us.

"Let's go get him!" Jason shouts.

"Right! Hi-yah!"

He flies by us and ends up hitting us and I fall down as soon as he hits me.

"No, no rangers, look before you leap!" The Peckster says.

"Huh?" I ask with the girls. I looked down and putties attack us in surprise. We start fighting them again.

"You're making this too easy." The Peckster says.

I'm still fighting these obnoxious putties who just won't leave me alone. We all start attacking the Peckster but he just shoots us down.

"You're looking winded! Maybe this will help!" The Peckster yells at us as he starts cackling and flapping his wings.

"I love this!" He says. He throws Jason and Billy backwards and they both fall to the ground. I ran over to them and help Jason up.

"Are you guys alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah. So far." Jason answers.

"But not for long." The Peckster says as he charges at us and attacks us again.

"Now it's time to end this game!" He says.

"Don't count your chickens yet!" I heard and I looked up to see Zack arrive as he kicks down the Peckster.

"Zack!" I shouted.

"It's good to see you, Zack. But don't you think this is a bad time for a party?" Billy asks. He had these six balloons with him, in all our colors.

"I just hope this idea works." Zack says.

"What idea?" I asked.

"Hey Peckster, bet you can't bust these?" Zack asks.

"Excellent. Finally a little fun before dinner." The Peckster says. He starts popping our colors and then he pops the black, which doesn't pop at all, his beak gets stuck into it and he struggles to get it off its beak.

"What's the matter, bird-breath? Cat got your tongue? Or is it a ball that's got your beak?" Zack asks.

"Great job, Zack." Jason says.

"Thanks. It doesn't take too much thought to beat a birdbrain. I think it's time to make a feather duster out of you." Zack says as he takes out his blaster and fires it at the Peckster who falls down. Rita makes the Peckster grow.

"Come on rangers, we need dinozord power!" Jason yells.

"Now!" We all shouted together. We jumped into our zords as soon as they come in.

"Rangers, log on." Jason orders

"Zack here, let's get rocking!" Zack says.

"Triceratops, ready for action." Billy says.

"Let's gut this bird." Trini says.

"Scarlett here, let's rock n' roll." I said.

"Pterodactyl, power it up!" Kimberly shouted.

"Let's bring it together. Switching to Megazord Velociraptor battle mode now!" Jason says.

Megazord sequence has been initiated.

Megazord Velociraptor activated.

The Peckster jumps up and attacks our zord.

"Let's get him!" Zack says.

"Right, mammoth shield!" Jason shouts as a shield appears on our Megazord's hand. The Peckster comes charging at us.

"Let's see you peck through this!" Jason shouted as we kicked and punched the Peckster.

"Had enough?" Jason asks.

"I haven't even begun to fight. How about a whiff of my touch of tornado, you teenage twerps?" The ape later asks.

"Look out!" I yelled. But it was too late, a gust of wind surrounds us.

"Who loves ya?" The Peckster asks as he throws his darts at us and we fall down.

"Come on guys, we can't give up! We're the power rangers! It's high time we start using our heads, cranial laser—now!" Zack yells. The laser hits the Peckster and he stops running towards us and it falls down as it continues laughing.

"Great work, Zack. All right rangers, let's finish this birdbrain off, it's time to call on the power sword." Jason says as the power sword comes down and we catch it.

"What? You think that silly thing scares me?" The Peckster asks.

"Goodbye beakface!" I yell at it as the Megazord swings around.

"All right rangers, let's do it!" Jason yells.


Then it finally slashes down the Peckster, it gets destroyed. Back at the Youth Center. My friends and I all gathered at this table.

Jason comes and sits down next to me. I see Zack enter and he was in this nice looking grey suit, while Lily sits down with us.

"Oooh, baby!" Kimberly says teasingly as Lily and I laughed at her.

"Hold me back." Trini says.

"Got a hot date?" Jason asks him.

"I'm taking Angela out for a big night on the town." Zack answers.

"So what's on the itinerary?" Billy asks.

"I thought we'd start off with a candlelight dinner, at Le Petit Bistro." Zack says.

"Oooooh." They all say.

"Tres chic." Billy says.

"Come on, everyone, leave the poor boy alone." Lily says to them.

"And then maybe a little bit of slow dancing at Café de Paris." Zack says.

"Oh, Romeo." Kimberly says.

"Hey, I've been there with Jason. It's a nice place." I said.

"Yeah, it sure is. And then maybe who knows? Maybe a candlelight party for two a La Zack..." Zack says as I see Angela arrive with a bunch of kids.

"Hey Zack. Why are you so dressed up? We're only taking the kids to the cartoon festival." Angela says to him.

"Kids?" I hear Zack asking and I start laughing.

"Wait, did you think this was a date?" Angela asks.

"Hey, me... Uh-uh... No." Zack says as he looks at us.

"Oh no, he always dresses like that when he goes to the movies." Kimberly says.

"You're so good with kids, I just assumed..." Angela begins to say.

"Hey, no sweat. Really." Zack says.

"Well, we better be going." Angela says.

"Later guys." Zack says to us.

"Have a good time." Billy says.

"So what cartoon festival are we going to see?" Zack asks.

"Oh, my favorite. A five hour retrospect of woody the woodpecker." Angela says.

"Well I'm going home to make sure she didn't burn down the house. Later you guys." I say to our friends as Lily sighed.

"Bye Scarlett and Lily." Kimberly says. Trini and Billy say goodbye to us as well. We get up from our seats and Jason does as well.

"Later guys. Don't call me, I'll call you." Jason says.

"Those girls." Jason says since Lily and I got a running head start.

They all start laughing as they see him running after us. We got as far as the park before I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and lift me up.

"Jason" I said laughing as he spun me around.

However, Jason soon loses his balance and the both of us end up falling onto the grass with me right on top of him. I gave Jason a look as I sat up. Then Lily smiles at the sight behind her as she stops.

"What, you didn't think you two can get rid of me that easily did you?" Jason asks while laughing.

"Like we would ever get rid of you." I said. I lean down and give him a quick peck on the lips before getting back up.

"I do need to get back home though to make sure she didn't destroy our kitchen, your more than welcome to stay for dinner" I offered as I didn't give him the chance to respond before I took off running again with Lily behind me.

"Why are you teasing me?" Jason shouts at me as he takes off running after me again. I just laughed as my answer.

(Author/Red: Hello everybody! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and... Here's the theme song, I hoped you enjoyed it.

Theme Song: Space is Cool by Markiplier

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