Best Is Yet To Come

By ScarlettLeigh13

4.7K 112 10

Sequel to Doubt Stacey returns to America after six months back home in Ireland/UK things are definitely diff... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back
Chapter 2 - The Dating Game
Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4 - They are Endgame
Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man
Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?
Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon
Chapter 8 - Blind
Chapter 9 - High school Teenagers
Chapter 10 - Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter 11 - Halloween
Chapter 12 - Different Circumstance
Chapter 13 - Hometown
Chapter 14 - Fuck You
Chapter 15 - In The Car
Chapter 16 - Surprise Visits and Girl Talk
Chapter 17 - TLC
Chapter 18 - NYE
Chapter 19 - The Party
Chapter 20 - Royal Rumble
Chapter 21 - Match Day
Chapter 23 - Where is she?
Chapter 24 - Work
Chapter 25 - Panic
Chapter 26 - Scared
Chapter 27- Put on a Show
Chapter 28 - In My Head
Chapter 29 - Far From Over
Chapter 30 - Believe and Trust

Chapter 22 - Red Light

112 3 0
By ScarlettLeigh13

I was making my way back through the hallways after my match against Becky Lynch which I won when I was pulled into an empty closet. I turned around slightly confused as to who was pulling me into closets on Smackdown when I noticed a sheepish looking Saraya looking at me with big brown eyes like she was about to cry. 

"Where the hell have you been?" I hissed at her once I realised who was standing in front of me but she only responded with a 'sshing' sound which told me no one knew she was here. I watched as she looked around her before running a hand through her dark hair. "What's going on Saraya? This isn't like you, I am starting to get worried."

"I really fucked up." She sighs running a hand through her hair once again. "Are you finished for tonight?" She asks biting on her lip, looking around the room as if she was expecting someone to jump out and catch her. To be honest her behaviour was really making me nervous, I was half expecting her to tell me she murdered someone or something. 

"Yeah, I just need to get showered and changed but I am done for tonight. So we can grab coffee in catering and talk if you want?"

"Can you meet me in the parking lot instead in like ten minutes? I'll explain everything in the car. I just need to get out of here and drive. Driving relaxes me."

"Of course, yeah." I sigh, running a hand across my forehead before walking towards the door and pulling it open, I took one last look at Saraya before making my way to the female locker room for probably one of the quickest showers of my life. I quickly got changed saying my goodbyes to the girls before telling Brie I would be back before the show ends so we could ride to the next city together for our House Show as Jon and I were still separated during those unfortunately. Maybe I could talk to Stephanie and Hunter and get our schedules back together as I hated being away from him for five days out of the week. I missed him. 

I walked into the car park looking around for Saraya wherever she was she wasn't making this easy. I noticed a figured standing in the darkest, creepiest park of the car park, assuming it was her I started making my way towards them when a car flashed their lights at me. I glanced to the left and saw Saraya sitting in the driver's seat waving me over to her rental car.

"Where were you going?" She asks once I enter the car; she was looking over her shoulder to the corner I was heading to but whoever was standing there had left leaving nothing but a dark corner.

"I thought you were in hiding in the corner, I saw someone and was going to walk there because like I said I thought it was you." I tell her reaching behind me and pulling the seatbelt around my waist and clipping it into the buckle. 

"That's how people die in horror films you know?" She tells me raising her eyebrows in an unimpressed fashion and an eye roll. Biting my tongue, I inhaled deeply, I was not going to react to her attitude, not yet anyway as I could tell she was already on edge.

"I know. We used to watch them together so it's a good thing I'm not in a horror film"

"You know it happens in real life to. All those crime shows you watch you think you would be smarter." She grumbles putting the car in drive and driving out of the arena and into the busy streets of LA. I thought about responding with something smart and rude but decided against it as I could  tell whatever it was she was going to tell me, I wasn't going to like it therefore we will end up fighting regardless of the topic.

"So what's been going on?" I asked getting comfortable in my seat as the city lights passed me by. I was tired tonight and wanted nothing more than to get on the road, head to the next city so I could sleep for a few hours in the hotel before the House show tomorrow night but that wasn't meant to be right now. My sister needed me.

"I can't go to work at the minute, I'll get fired. I know I will."


"Like I said, I fucked up."

"Saraya stop talking in riddles and tell me exactly what's going on?" I sigh with a slight eyeroll. I watched as Saraya glanced at me before returning her eyes to the road and inhaling deeply. 

"I've been taking drugs, before you start I know what you're gonna say but I was stressed and I injured my back a few weeks back and it took the edge off for a bit. But then I was called for a drug test and obviously I couldn't go to that so yeah, here we are."

"Are you still taking the drugs?" I asked shifting uncomfortably in my chair. It's not what I wanted to ask. I wanted to yell at her for even jeopardising her career like this. I wanted to shout at her for putting her body through that but it looked like she was already beating herself up for it and I didn't want to make her feel worse, it wouldn't make the situation any better. 

"No, well I did the day before yesterday but I'm done now I swear."

"Saraya, Carrano told me tonight that if you don't start showing up to work you will no longer work for the company. Is that what you want?"

"Of course its not but where else was I suppose to turn. You are always busy with Jon, my family are across the world and the only person I have in my life right now is Alberto who is never around so if doing drugs takes the edge of my stress then so be it."

"Wait, you're dating Del Rio? Saraya he is married with kids"

"They are separated. He told me and that's not the point."

"It is the point Sara, so how is he never around?" I asked her knowing full well that Del Rio never left his wife and kids and as far as I know he had no intentions of leaving them either. Saraya slowed the car down as we approached a red light, I could see her going over the situation in her head, looking for an answer.

"With work..."

"He hasn't been at work since the Rumble Sara." I interrupt her, I watched as her face fell slightly before she collected herself, shaking off what I said. Her hands gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

"You're just jealous I am not leaning onto you anymore." She snaps at me, putting the car in gear. "Why can't you ever just be happy for me? Why is it always do this, do that? Think of your career Saraya this is what we worked so hard for don't destroy it now." She growls trying her best to imitate me.

"I'm trying to help you Saraya."

"Then just support me."

"I am trying to support you Saraya but you are not making it easy. You have been keeping secrets for God only knows how long dating Del Rio and not showing up to work, taking drugs." I tell her, trailing off softly as I could tell I was just making her more and more upset. "Everyone has noticed you are not yourself lately and there's only so far I can protect you..."

"Protect me? You jumped into the ring to replace me quick enough last night. I wasn't even a thought in your mind." She growled glancing up at the light that seemed to be stuck on red for the longest time.

"I was asked to fill in for you because you weren't there. I can't tell them no just because you can't show up to work. I still have a job to do at the end of the day so that's unfair to even say that."

"I DIDN'T WANT TO GET FIRED." She yelled at me, slapping her hands against the steering wheel in a rage.

"YOU'RE GOING THAT WAY  BY NOT SHOWING UP ANYWAY." I yelled back, I expected Saraya to continue yelling at me but instead she puts the car back into gear and revs the engine before heading into the traffic. "SARAYA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IT'S A RED LIGHT!!!" I screech grabbing onto the door handle for dear life as she flies through the cars. All I could see was the head lights of the other cars and all I heard was the sound of their horns beeping and tyres screeching against the road as they tried to brake or swerve to avoid us.

I looked over at Saraya's face she was smiling evilly, her hands were white from gripping at the steering wheel. I couldn't understand what was going on inside her head right now, was her plan to get us killed? Did she not see a way out of the hole she dug for herself? It was then I heard the unmistakeable sound of a truck horn blaring through the air, I glanced out my window to see a truck coming straight for us. My eyes widen in panic and I felt my breathing hitch in my throat, the next thing I knew I was blinded by their headlights. I was going to die. 

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