Underlands Madness Unlocked [...

By girl8890

11.9K 365 23

After Alice recovers Hatter's family, she leaves them and returns to Overland. Everyone, including Alice, bel... More

New Adventure
Bad Thoughts
Dead Hydrageas
Poof. Poof. Poof.
Something I Want Back
Glass Ground
What Kind of Game?
Needle Forest
White Smile
Bloody Bitch
Just Do it Once
All for Alice
What Took You so Long?
Beyond Repair
Broken Doll
Last Option
First Forgiven
Utter Bliss
Cheshire Cat
It's All Alice
Mallow Marsh
Book 2

Curious Meeting

470 16 0
By girl8890

1 year, 11 months, 3 days, 10 hours, 5 minutes and 32 seconds have passed since Alice left.

Everyone has noticed the difference in me since that day. Even my family, who haven't gotten to see a good portion of my life, notices I'm less hattery. Always lost in thought. Always somewhere else, even if I'm in the same room as others.

The Queen has called me to her castle, and when I arrive, I see everyone is already there. Am I late? Have I misread the time? I check my pocket watch, inside of my jacket pocket, and see I'm twenty seconds late.

"Your late! So very, very late!" McTwist hops   around me repeating. That rabbit is always late. Me being twenty seconds late is okay no matter what the occasion. Though I do respect the White Queen, and she deserves everyone to be on time, but I've known her since she was a wee one. I know she won't whisper a word about me being late.

When I walk into the throne room, the first thing I see is the White Queen standing near her throne. I don't think she ever really sits in that dusty old thing. Her sister Iracebeth, bloody big headed, is trying to stand as closely as she can to it. Even when she tries to be good, she focuses on power almost always. She's trying, I know, but not everyone in Underland has forgiven her just yet.

I spot Chessur and the Tweedles standing in the middle of the room. I waltz my way over to them and nod at both of them. I was hoping to not have to talk to Chessur by standing near them, but of course Chessur has to say something. "Out of the hole, are we? Welcome to the world Terrant. It has missed you."

"Good to see you too, Chess." He smiles his irregularly large smile of his and wisps away. To bother someone else that's worth bothering I bet.

I watch the White Queen count to herself to make sure everyone is present. She then claps her hands together gleefully and smiles that white toothed smile of hers, "Welcome my friends!" Everyone stops their chatter and turns to pay attention to the White Queen. "I'm glad you have all came and have arrived to this meeting. Before we start, I would like to discuss what were to do about the melting of the marshmellow's in Mallow March..."

The White Queen goes on about things going on around Underland. As much as I want to give her my undivided attention, my mind goes other places. The places it always goes. It goes to Alice.

Every since the day I opened up to the bad thoughts, it hasn't stopped. My mind makes up new scenarios, new places, new activities that I all want to do with Alice. Like right now. Imagining what Alice would be doing if she was here right now. Would she be next to me or next to the Queen? Would she be giving the Queen her undivided attention or looking around for impossible things? If I know Alice, which I do, she would most definitely be doing the second. The first question, I have my own hopes on the answer.

I picture her next to me. Alice and me are oddly close for two friends to be in a room full of people. Our shoulders are rubbing against each other, then I hear her gasp when our fingers linger on each other to long. I capture her hand in mine and rub her palm with my thumb. She looks up to me and smiles. Her clear eyes focus on mine, only ever me. Everyone else in the room disappears.

Alice looks around and bites her lip like she just did something scandalous. But it's not what we're doing that she looks around for, it's what she's about to do. She gets onto her tippy toes and leans close to my ear. When she's less then a centimeter away from touching her lips to my ear she whispers, "You have no idea what madness is going on in my head Tarrant."

I close my eyes and moan to her whispering my name. It's madding to hear my name come from those lips. I slightly turn to her and ask, "What madness, my dear?"

I smile to her a knowing smile. If my mind is going to the bad thoughts at the moment, I know exactly what naughty things are about to come out of that beautiful mouth. She's looks deep into my eyes and slowly opens her mouth to reply, "Hatter-"

"So, now, who called this meeting?" The White Queen asked the room. That's what brought me out of my thoughts. Didn't she call for this meeting? I got the horseflies message and everything. It nearly drowned in a cup full of tea just to get it to me.

We all look at each other confused and surprised by our Queens question. It was Tweedle Dum who finally said what we were all thinking, "But, your majesty, wasn't it you that called for this meeting?"

"No my dear, I didn't. I got a horsefly message just like the rest of you. It said it was of great importance." She turns to look at her sister. Maybe she sent the message and just claimed herself to be the Queen of Underland. Iracebeth just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. But if she didn't call this meeting, who did?

Right before anyone else could comment, the castle started to shake. People were sent flying, falling, and frolicking all over. Chessur, cowardly cheshire cat he is, whirlled himself away.

Then, the strangest thing, the roof caved in. In one spot, though, not the whole roof. And falling straight through it was... was... a girl. A screaming girl. But I knew it wasn't just any girl. My brain was just taking a minute to let it be believable.

It's Alice.

My Alice has returned! But why isn't she stopping? The ground always cushions her fall. But it's not slowing her down!


Before she fell completely to her end Mirana, the White Queen, waved her hand and Alice froze just before she hit the ground. When Mirana released her, Alice finally falls completely to the ground with a 'Uff'.

I can't speak. Nobody can. She wasn't summoned or conjured by anyone. Even Absolem is flying around the roof confused of the matter. But I don't care of the how. No. I don't. Even if it was an accident and all of Underland would soon have flying people falling from the skies, I would still be happy.

My Alice has returned.

She's came back to me.

"Alice," her name leaves my lips before I can stop them. She shakes her head and looks straight at me. Her clear eyes focus on me and only on me. She smiles the biggest smile I've ever wanted to see.

"Hatter," she breaths out. I swear on Underland, my heart skipped a beat with the way she spoke my nickname. If only, she would whisper my real name. I take a step forward, but Mirana is already next to her. Alice looks up at the awaiting hand of the Queen. She graciously takes it and lifts herself up.

"It looks like our champion has returned." Mirana holds onto Alice's hand while cheering for her return.

Alice laughs at her title. Oh, I missed that laugh. "It seems so," she reply's promptly to the Queen.

I decide I need to grab onto my muchness right now and I walk up to her. I smile at Alice as I reach a good enough space between us. A good enough space that I can be without going mad. A good enough space where I can't just pull her into my arms and embrace her because I would if I could.

But it didn't matter how far I was from her. She turns to see i'm closer to her now and wrapped her arms around me. It takes me by surprise at first, so I don't react. When I finally realize Alice is embracing me, touching me, I wrap my arms around her. I breath in her, well her, and run my fingers into her hair. So soft. Just like it was nearly two years ago.

Alice is the one that pulls away. Good thing she did because if it was up to me, she would never leave my arms. Never, ever. Alice walks around me to hug and greet all of her long lost friends. I watch her every step of the way. Every smile that graces her face, every laugh that leaves her lips, every word she breaths out. My Alice has finally returned.

I just hope she stays this time.

When she finally has given her last hello, she turns to the room and talks to everyone, "I'm so happy to be back, but who summoned me here?"

Alice looks to Absolem first, "Not me, stupid girl. I would know if I summoned you again." She nods her head in understanding.

She looks to the White Queen next, "I have not, dear Alice. But that also means you have not called this meeting."

"What meeting?"

"The meeting we're all in." Alice looks confused, but granted she'll probably never get used to being told the least obvious of the obvious.

Alice asks one more time, "But if no one here summoned me, who did?"

"I did."

We all turn in time to see a women standing in the corner of the room. Dressed in black skin-tight trousers, and a black skin-tight long sleeved shirt. Her hair was grayed out, but looks like it used to be blond. She is not old, though. She looks to be around Alice's or Miranda's age. She leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. Her red eyes are landed directly on Alice. And she's smirking directly at her too.

Mirana gasps the name, "Emiliza."

The girl, that I presume is Emiliza, just smiles bigger. Her eyes never leave Alice. Emiliza steps forward until she is just about to be officially be in the room. Eyes always on Alice. "Hello, beautiful Alice."

We all turn to Alice, but she just stares back at Emiliza. No reaction at all. Emiliza speaks in a deep, dark voice and I swear her under eyes had popping black veins.

"You've finally got close enough."

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