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Od patt_sz

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"๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ'๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฆ ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฎ๐˜บ ๐˜ด๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฌ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๏ฟฝ... Viac



437 24 14
Od patt_sz


another few months have passed, quinn was now nearly nine months along with her pregnancy and looking like a balloon that's about to pop, but zion loved it and so did dante because they just liked the belly.

all of them were excited to meet the little man inside and zion had already written a list of names for the tiny dude which was adorable in quinn's opinion, most of her days quinn would be in bed resting or just somewhere sitting because her legs would ache the second she stood up.

but pregnancy was a lot of pain so she obviously understood seen as she went through it all with dante, and all she wanted to do was give birth already.


another day and another pregnancy ache, the second i woke up i decided to take a shower because baths were too much of a hassle at this point to prepare and then try to get in and get out of, so i grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom while zion still slept in bed.

i turned on the shower and undressed before i stepped into the shower cabinet and let the water run down my body, it was definitely relaxing and calm so i just closed my eyes and wet my hair before i grabbed my shampoo and squeezed a blob of it onto my palm.

then i began washing my hair but did it slowly because i had time to waste, as much as i loved my boys i also loved some time alone to relax and have some thinking time so this was almost perfect.

even after months of pregnancy i still can't believe i'm having a baby with zion, he's just too perfect to be true in my opinion and i'm still curious as to how i actually managed to seduce him at work.

i mean i know i'm attractive and all but the fact that someone like zion, a hot millionaire with a golden heart, is going to be my husband in approximately few months is a really huge ego boost, for myself anyway.

and we get to have a baby together which is even better, i couldn't have asked for a better guy to be with and spend the rest of my life with, and of course dante is my number one too, he's been my number one boy since he's been on this world.

i'm pretty sure that if dante wasn't around i wouldn't be as close as i am to zion, dante helped me see zion's softer side and even was partly the reason i forgave zion after he got mad at me for hanging out with james.

but that's all thankfully in the past and only good things to come from now.. i hope, and this baby and a marriage to someone i love is a great start to it all.

after shampooing and conditioning my hair i moved on to washing my body which was a lot more difficult than it was before i was carrying a human baby inside me, but after a few minutes i managed to clean every little part of me which i called a success.

then i shaved my legs and tried to shave whatever i could reach of my private parts then my armpits, after all that i just stood under the water with my eyes closed before i turned it off and slowly got out the cabinet, "hey bubs." zion mumbled as he suddenly poked his head past the door.

"oh hey."

"nice shower?"


i chuckled and dried myself off while he walked in and closed the door behind him, "are you okay?" he asked with a smile, "yeah i'm fine, but i do need some help." i mumbled and he raised a brow, "with?" he questioned and i grabbed the body lotion, "moisturizing." i stated so he nodded smiling.

so i sat down on the toilet (which was closed) while he blobbed some lotion on his hand then drew a heart on my belly with it, "you're adorable." i chuckled before he gentle rubbed the lotion over my belly, "i can't wait to meet this little dude." he said then kissed the top of my belly before he got more lotion on his hand and rubbed my legs, thighs and arms.

"i hope he's just like you."

"and i hope he's just like you, i don't know if i can handle another me in the house."

"i already have a mini me, dante."

"yeah true, but i want another."

i chuckled while he grinned before he got up and helped me up just then i felt water running down my legs, "do you want me to-" he mumbled but i stopped him, "zion." i said and he raised a brow, "yes bubs?" he asked a little confused while i stood in shock, "my water just broke." i stated and looked up at him.

his eyes quickly widened and he froze on the spot while i took deep breath to keep myself calm, "stay calm zi, go get the bag with the stuff we packed for the hospital and i'll get dressed." i stated and he just nodded before running out of the bathroom while i walked to our bedroom after wiping my legs.

i put on one of his shirts and my shorts before i braided my hair in a loose plait then walked out of the bedroom, "i rang sasha, she should be here in a minute." zion mumbled and i nodded because i still wasn't having any serious contractions, "is dante still sleeping?" i asked so he nodded before we walked downstairs.

he helped me put on my shoes and he put on his before i just leaned against the couch as my contractions got more and more painful, "deep breaths bubs." zion mumbled and rubbed my back slowly in circles to keep me calm, which was working a little.

after a few more minutes sasha arrived and we headed straight to the hospital, i kept doing my deep breaths while zion rubbed my thigh to keep me calm, and after a few minutes we arrived at the hospital and were taken to a room.

zion helped me changed into the gown before i laid down and continued doing the deep breaths while zion held my hand and the doctor did whatever she was doing, "okay you're going into labor." the doctor stated and my heartbeat started quickening.

the doctor set up and nurses stood beside her to help just in case before she told me to start pushing, zion kept ahold of my hand mainly because i was squeezed onto it while i kept pushing and shouting from the pain.

"you're doing great keep going."

"zion this is your fault!"


"you put the baby in me!"

"i didn't know."

"fuck! this hurts so much!"

zion then started doing breathing exercises with me every few minutes which was nice and kept me somewhat smiling for some reason, but whenever i wasn't doing breathing exercises i was screaming my lungs out from the pain while pushing a human baby out of me.

after what felt like hours.. which it probably was, the doctors told me to push one off time to get the head out, "that's it and again." the doctor instructed so i pushed again before i suddenly heard crying and i forgot about the pain, "and he's here." the nurse announced while she quickly cleaned him off and laid him on my chest.

i was panting from all the pushing and shouting but i smiled once i saw him, "my baby." i mumbled and kissed his head gently before i turned to zion and he had tears in his eyes, "are you crying?" i asked with a chuckle, "i'm too emotional right now." he said and wiped his eyes.

he then rested his head on my shoulder while we watched our little baby, "are you going to bottle feed or breast feed him?" the nurse asked smiling, "i'll breast feed him." i mumbled before i did exactly that while zion kissed my cheek.

"i told you we'd make the cutest baby ever."

"he looks like a little raisin right now relax."

"a cute raisin."

i chuckled while zion just smiled and watched our son, "what should we name him then?" i asked and zion looked up at me, "what? you've been planning names haven't you?" i questioned and he chuckled with a nod, "okay um.." he mumbled and looked back at the little baby in my arms.

"darius, and it starts with a d like dante."

"i like it."

"darius what?"

"darius caleb kuwonu."

"you're using my name?"

"you don't use it."

"true, alright darius caleb kuwonu it is."

zion smiled and nodded while the nurse wrote 'darius caleb kuwonu' down on his birth certificate then it was just zion and i left in the room with baby darius, "he has your cute button nose." i mumbled smiling, "i swear every baby has a button nose at first." he stated and chuckled, "well he has yours." i said and turned to him then kissed his cheek.

we stayed talking and admiring our little boy before there was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in, "your friends and family are here to see you." she stated and i nodded with a smile then she walked out again so i stopped breastfeeding and covered up before everyone walked in.

"mommy are you okay?"

"yes i'm okay baby."

"dante this is your little brother, darius."

dante smiled as he looked down at his baby brother before he gently kissed his head, "did you pick a second name for him?" camila asked smiling, "darius caleb kuwonu is his full name since zion doesn't use caleb." i stated with a nod, "now i'm a father to two boys." zion mumbled and smiled.

"who would've guessed zion would have two kids after a year and a half."

"not me, i thought he would've been alone for the rest of his life with his moody self and terrible attitude."

everyone turned to reign while she looked at zion with hooded eyes, "i already apologized for the assistant thing." he mumbled and she crossed her arms, "well trauma stays." she stated so he sighed and nodded, "but congratulations guys." she said smiling and i chuckled.

"now i'm an auntie to three boys and one girl."

"i'm just surprised zion had kids sooner than nick, and we're almost thirty."

"i'm taking my time thank you very much."

"and who said nick doesn't have any kids?"

"what- i do?"

"no, but we could have one."

nick raised his brows at sasha in surprise while she grinned, "i'm trying to be a milf like quinn, plus darius is giving me baby fever." she stated and i chuckled with a nod, "have fun during the giving birth part." zion mumbled and shook his head, "yeah it's not fun, at all, it's the opposite of fun." i said bluntly.

"she was shouting at me the whole time, that it's all my fault that she's going through it because i put the baby in her."

"it was painful, very."

"i can just scream at nick, it'll be very therapeutic."

"i don't know if pain is therapeutic."

sasha shrugged with a smile while nick just stared at her blankly, "so? wanna get me pregnant?" she asked with a smirk, "do it! i can be an auntie to five kids." yasmin stated excitedly, "i'll think about it." nick mumbled and sasha grinned.

"alright we'll give you some family time, we'll be outside."

"and i'll talk nick into getting me pregnant."

"have fun."

so they stepped outside while dante continued observing his baby brother, "do you like your baby brother?" zion asked smiling, "yeah he's cool." dante mumbled while zion and i chuckled, "do you think simba will like him?" i asked then kissed dante's cheek.


"you're all going to be best friends?"

"yes, and we play cars with elmo."

"baby it's elom."

"no no it's elmo."

i turned to zion with hooded eyes while he smiled then kissed my head, "we have the best kids in the world." he mumbled as he rested his head on my shoulder, "definitely." i smiled and rested my head on his, "do you want to sleep?" zion asked and i nodded with a sigh.

"i'll hold him while you sleep."

"i want to hold him."

"then come sit next to me buddy."


so dante moved to sit next to zion while i handed darius to him then rested back and turned my head to watch them, "he's so small." dante mumbled and i chuckled while zion nodded before he slowly handed darius to dante but still lowkey held him, then suddenly darius smiled with his eyes still shut.

"he likes me."

"yeah baby, he loves his big brother."

"i love him too."

i felt like crying from the cute moment but i kept it together and closed my eyes because my body was exhausted from everything, then zion kissed my head and i smiled before i felt myself slowly dozing off.

and it looks like our little family has been extended.

Pokraฤovaลฅ v ฤรญtanรญ

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