Anonymous Dark Britain (A Wat...


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8 months after the events in Chicago, Anon and the others leave to London fora trip only for it to get cut of... More

Welcome to London (Ft Bagley the DedSec A.I.)
1. Wolfe
2. Party
3. Aftermath
4. Recruiting
5. Welcome to DedSec
6. Islington
7. Chase
8. Disruption
9. Additions
What the phones look like
10. Camden's defiance
11. Crystal Gems
12. Surprise guests
13. Heroes and hackers
Theme for this book
14. Training & Reuniting
15. Reporting For Duty
16. Digging up the past
Other hackers in this book and what they look like
17. Digging up the past part 2
18. Double Trouble...
19. Recruiting Eddie
Does anyone want to add their OCs
20. Anarchists
21. Lost in the process
22. Clan Kelley's New Export
23. Faqueed
For those who want to know what Eddie Green looks like
24. More surprise guests
25. Bloody Mary Kelley
26. Liberating Westminster
27. Big surprise
28. Wild, wild friends
29. Derek Monroe
A/N 1K READS!!!!
30. 1-B
31. Re-encounters
Last call to add your OCs into this book!
OC for a fan of my book!
32. Battle of Camden
33. Gap In The Armour
34. Inside Albion
35. Liberating Tower Hamlets & Protest of Trafalgar Square
36. Sly & Cheeky
New series joining the resistance coming soon!
37. Initiate Sequence & 404 Not Found
38. Red & Blue
Red & Blue's appearance
39. Coming Home
40. Hot time
41. Zoisite
42. Into The Void
43. Stealing Schemes
44. In The Belly Of The Beast
45. Strange Visitors in London
46. Bakusquad & Crashing The Auction
47. Tea & biscuits
48. Market closing
49. Falling From Grace
50. Quite the rescue
51. The Whistleblower
52. Recruiting Sandhya Nair
53. Espionage 101
54. Eddie Green's day
55. Family
57. Hunting Zero-Day
58. Smoking Gun
59. Kill Box
60. Run
61. Malik dossier
62. Barbarians at the gate
63. Night together
This guy looks like Anon in Watch Dogs Legion
64. ???
65. Day off
66. Clan Kelley's Jewels
67. Arts Of Vandalism
68. Fight Violence With Violence
69. Green
70. Euphoria
71. Clan Kelley's Knuckle Sandwich
72. Eddie's reward
73. Angels & Demons
74. Fall On My Enemies
75. The jerk in the red
76. Control
Coming soon when this book is finished
77. Chocolates
78. Faith
80. Fists & Booze
81. Recruit Emmett Kehoe & Joe Papadopoulos
82. Punks & Pigs
83. Jessica's Rescue
84. Simon's Old Friend
85. DJs & Officers
86. The Fox
87. Kirishima's Suspicions
88. Jessica's Task
89. Fear
90. Truths
91. Payback Part I
92. Payback Part II
93. Lucia
94. Interrogation
95. Grey Onyx
96. Legends
On November...
97. Liberating The City Of London
98. Liberating Nine Elms
99. Liberating Lambeth
1 year
100. Another Task for Declan
I made a mistake, thankfully I fixed it.
101. Memories
102. Liberating Islington & Hackney
103. Liberating Southwark
104. Assassins
105. Declan's Good Night
106. Unite & Conquer
107. Restoking The Fire
108. Nigel's Close Shave
109. Defanging The Flock
110. #Justice4Claire
111. London's Protectors
112. Face Of The Enemy
113. Hard Reset
114. Finding Bagley & Epilogue
A rewrite is coming...

56. Honey trap

49 1 0

Meanwhile, in the borough of Westminster...

Aventurine and Prasiolite are there roaming the streets with Aventurine eating a slice of pizza. Prasiolite is using her phone searching for potential recruits. Aventurine finishes up her slice of pizza and she wipes her hands on a tissue she has on her other hand. She then dumps it into a bin, Prasiolite resumes working and then, Bagley contacts them.

Bagley: "I have Malik for you."

Aventurine: "Huh? Oh is it our turn?"

Prasiolite: "Oh dear, Simon's fainted. Alright, Bagley, we'll talk to him."

Richard: "We have to meet. There's been a complication. I can't access the files your friends stole."

Prasiolite: "Huh?"

Richard: "The files are locked. And a moment after your friends got them, I received this."

Then, a video is sent onto Prasiolite's phone. She plays it and it's a message from Zero-Day.

Prasiolite: "Oh shit."

Zero-Day: "Hello Richard. We see you're trying to find us by looking into our associates, that's a good idea. Hope you don't mind if we borrow it... Who was your masked saviour, we wonder?"

Aventurine was watching and she also looks in shock.

Aventurine: "Bloody hell, he's doomed."

Richard: "I've sent Bagley the coordinates for a meeting. I hope I don't need to explain why this is a priority."

Aventurine: "I guess we meet with him."

Prasiolite: "Yes. Come on, let's go. Oh, Bagley's marked the location on my map. It's at...Cleopatra's Needle, it's not far, come on."

They move out and they decide to jog it. They make it there and they don't see Richard Malik anywhere. Aventurine sits down and she grabs a mint from her pocket and eats it.

Prasiolite: "Really?"

Aventurine: "Well he's not here. Shite...should we be worried actually?"

Prasiolite: "No, I guess we should just um...wait?"

They sit down on the steps of the statue and then, they see Richard arriving with an umbrella in hand. Prasiolite goes to get up to talk only for Richard tot ell her to stay down as he looks at the statues of the lions and the tall obelisk.

Richard: "No-- don't get up. I need a high ranking SIRS officer's biometrics. Eyes and fingers."

Prasiolite: "What? No, we can't do that. We're not spies, Mr Malik."

Richard: "Keep your voice down. The data was encrypted--

Aventurine: "Big bloody deal, Bagley can handle it on his own."

Richard: "Not faster than I could, and I've tried. It's hopeless in the time we have. Look, if you don't help me, Zero-Day wins. Which means we all die."

Prasiolite: "Bloody hell."

The 2 gems get up and stand next to Richard who's looking over the Thames and at the London skyline across the river.

Aventurine: "How many fingers? 1, 2? The whole hand?"

Malik: "No... High res photos will do. The problem is, it has to be the acting Home Office Liasion, and SIRS will burn their credentials if they're attacked. It's protocol. So you'll have to get them the old fashioned way."

Aventurine: "May I guess? We torture them?"

Richard: "Chr*st no. Develop a relationship. Get someone close and take the photos covertly."

Prasiolite: "Hm, quite a challenge, but we'll try."

Richard: "This part of the craft can be... ugly. Send someone who can handle it."

He leaves and the 2 gems stay in the area.

Aventurine: "Well then, Bagley? Help us please."

Bagley: "I suggest you begin your "relationship" with the S.I.R.S. home office liaison the way you would with anyone: by meticulously pouring over every detail of their life and hunting them down."

Prasiolite: "Hm, sounds simple."

Bagley: "The S.I.R.S. Home Office liaison is the bridge between the government and its intelligence service. Their office at Downing Street would be a good place to start your "relationship"."

Prasiolite: "Well, Aventurine, what are we waiting for?"

Aventurine: "Right, let's get this shite over with."

They get in an autonomous cab and drive to Downing Street to search for the Liasion. They arrive at the location shortly and the Liasion doesn't seem to be there.

Bagley: "The SIRS Home Office Liasion works here, but I'm not seeing them on any unsecured surveillance. Ah, but their assistant's here. Start by hacking them."

Aventurine: "Hm, ok then."

Prasiolite: "I got this. There's a ctOS drone above us. Watch and learn, Ave."

SHe hacks into the drone and gets it to fly over Downing Street as there's a restricted area being guarded by Albion officers. There, Prasiolite uses the drone to hack into the Liasion's assistant and downloads information and data about the Liasion's whereabouts.

Bagley: "Download complete. Now scarper or they'll kill you for sure."

Aventurine: "Let's go, Pras."

They leave the area and they're now further away from the area and Bagley begins to speak with them about the Liasion's location.

Bagley: "Got it. Sixteen email threads indicate the home Office Liasion is a right lush. She spends most of her time down at the Three Hawker boys. If you want to seduce--sorry, "start a relationship" with her, that's as good a place as any."

Prasiolite: "Right, Bagley please send the location on my map."

Bagley: "Done."

Prasioltie: "Oh, and Aventurine? Let me do the talking."

Aventurine nods and they head back to the cab and drive towards the Three Hawker Boys pub, there they get out and the 2 gems walk in. The Liasion's on a platform which is inside the pub and Prasiolite heads up as Aventurine sits down and relaxes while waiting for Prasiolite to be done. There, she comes face to face with the Liasion who's...surprisingly pretty. Then, Prasiolite adjusts her clothes and hair and walks forward to seduce her.

(In WDL, the Liasion is given a random design. So I figured that it's best to find a random pic of a female character from Google to add into the book, oh and pretend she's dressed fancier and in a blazer.)

Prasiolite: "Ahem, where I'm from we say that women like you are fat. Sorry, I mean PH phat."

Liasion: "Oof. If that's how you treat a one-liner, I shudder to think of what you'd do with 2. Goodbye."

Prasiolite: "Wait, wait. Uhm, let's have a drink together. After all, you look like you can use one. Well, both of us, I mean."

Liasion: "Oh, I'm in a great mood, actually. It's just that I'm wasting my scant leisure time fending off the advances of a haggard swamp creature."

Prasiolite: "Oh, you bitch! F*ck you!"

Liasion: "Not even in your wildest dreams, sweetie."

Prasiolite stomps and walks away downstairs enraged by her insult. She walks out and kicks a dust bin over and Aventurine rushes outside to check on her.

Aventurine: "Whoa, whoa you ok?"

Then, Bagley's on the line.

Bagley: "I'm still learning the nuances of both human and gem interaction, but my analysis indicates that you aren't her type."

Prasiolite: "No shit, Sherlock! Of course, she's not a lesbian."

Bagley: "Quit your whining. There's plenty of fish in the sea and we've got the biggest saltwater aquarium in town. At least one of our fish is bound to be f*ckable."

Prasiolite: "O-oh. I see, so what you're saying is..."

Bagley: "Just try someone else. Maybe a man this time?"

Prasiolite: "Hm, ok. Wait, I may have an idea."

She grabs her phone and dials Apatite's number. She then speaks with her.

Prasiolite: "Apatite, you there?"

Apatite: "Yes, I am. What's up?"

Prasiolite: "I know this sounds insane but um...we need Simon for a mission. We need him to seduce the Liasion."

Apatite: "What?!"

Prasiolite: "The files you stole can't be unlocked. Richard told us."

Apatite: "I suppose I can make an exception. Alright but I need to get him dressed in an appropriate outfit, like a tux."

Prasiolite: "Either way, something smart. He needs to get that woman's prints and eyes. Biometric reasons."

Apatite: "Got it."


Apatite and Simon are now in a fancy suit shop called William Finns, there, Simon is trying on some fancy outfits he needs to wear in order to look nice in front of the Liasion he has to seduce. He tries on a white suit, black tie and a black blazer followed by some nice black pants and black oxfords shoes and black leather gloves.

Simon: "Hm, maybe a bow tie?"

Apatite: "Good choice. I mean it is fancy after all right?"

Simon: "Y-yeah."

He switches ties and puts on a black bow tie. He now looks nice and Apatite passes him a mint flavoured breath freshener. Simon sprays some into his mouth and he ties his hair into a ponytail.

Apatite: "You, look good now, Simon. Looking good."

Simon: "Thanks. I guess all I need next is a fancy car."

Apatite: "Got it covered. Serpentine told me she found you a car. It's fabulous by the way, wanna look?"

They head outside and Apatite quickly pays for the clothes and Simon looks at the car which is a mini cooper.

Simon: "Ha! Not bad!"

Then Serpentine walks out of it and she and Apatite leave Simon to it.

(Serpentine's new design!)

Serpentine: "Alright, Simon. It's all yours. Oh and remember who's your GF."

Simon: "Yes, yes. It's Apatite."

Apatite waves and Simon drives away from the area and he arrives at the pub. There, Aventurine and Prasiolite are seen walking away as Simon has it covered. He walks into the pub and heads upstairs to see the Liasion. Simon clears his throat and walks to her.

Simon: "Well, this will sound silly but did we match on Tinder?"

(In the game, it's meant to be Invite. !nvite/Invite is a parody of Twitter, Facebook and maybe Tinder as seen in Watch_Dogs Legion)

Liasion: "If we didn't, I'm going to have their CEO killed."

Simon: "Oh, well I never used it. Is that bad?"

Liasion: "Ah, careful who you fib to. Someone almost died."

Simon: "Oh, well that would be sad."

Liasion: "I should say. Shall we move this conversation somewhere a bit more... private?"

Simon nods and the Liasion gets up and they walk outside to the mini cooper and to the Liasion's place.

Liasion: "My place isn't far from here. It's just in Camden, sweetie."

Simon: "Right. What does this flat of your's look like? What colour?"

Liasion: "It's got graffiti, paint and colours. Bright ones, actually."

Simon then starts the car and they drive down the road and arrive at the flat which is in the Borough of Camden. They get out of the car and head inside. As the Liasion opens the doors Simon doesn't walk in first.

Simon: "Please, women first."

Liasion: "Oh, such a gentleman you are."

The room has neat wooden floors, a fireplace and lots of expensive and luxurious designed furniture. Simon walks in and sits next to the Liasion who is sitting down on a couch. On the table in front, are 2 wine glasses and a bottle.

Liasion: "Now, sweetie, would you like a drink?"

Simon: "Of course. Let me do it."

He pours some wine for the Liasion first before moving onto his.

Liasion: "Oh, you really are a gentleman aren't you? Ladies first, you're so sweet~"

She takes a sip and so does Simon. They then leave the glasses half empty and the Liasion leans in and Simon also leans in as he's going to have to 'bone' her. The 2 kisses and the Liasion wrap her arms around Simon and they then pull away. Simon bites onto the tip of his gloves and takes them off. He then places his gloves on the side and the Liasion takes her blazer off and she kisses Simon again. Simon takes his jacket off and the 2 begin stripping as they kiss and to the bedroom. 


There, they are now naked and the Liasion rubs Simon's 6-inch member and she keeps kissing him. They pull away and the Liasion kisses Simon's neck, leaving some hickeys.

Simon: "Ooh, getting cheeky, hm?~"

Liasion: "Yes we are, sweetie~"

Simon then massages her breasts and squeezes them lightly. Then, the Liasion stops stroking Simon's member and she begins to suck on it.

Simon: "Ooh~"

She bobs her head up and down and she keeps sucking and sucking and Simon just lays back in bed. Then he starts feeling close.

Simon: "O-ooh, I'm starting to feel close. O-oohh!~"

He then ejaculates into her mouth and she swallows it. Then, she and Simon get into a missionary position and then Simon inserts his member into the Liasion's core.

Liasion: "Oh!~ OOH!~"

Simon: "Are you alright?"

Liasion: "Oh, I haven't felt this good in a while, darling~"

Simon smiles and he starts thrusting. He then keeps going and eventually, speeds up. He then pulls the Liasion into a kiss while thrusting into her.

Liasion: "MMhh!~ MH!~"

Simon: "Mmmhh!~"

Then he starts feeling close again and he's now thrusting fast.

Simon: "Oh shit!~ I-I'm close!"

Liasion: "Ahh!~ AAHH!!!~"

Simon: "OH! Aaah!~"

He ejaculates into her and the 2 of them collapse onto the bed and pant heavily as they're both exhausted, sweaty, and even a bit tired.

Liasion: "Oh my, didn't know you could do that. What other secrets are you hiding?"

Simon: "Oh, well I've got a drawer full of secrets~"

The liaison giggles and she cuddles up with him. She then slowly falls asleep and Simon stays up for a bit and remembers his job, get photos of her fingerprints and eyes. He then stays with her for a bit before getting up in 5 minutes and he rushes to the living room, which is where his pants are and grabs his phone and his pants and boxers. He puts them on as the liaison's sleeping. He's now topless and he takes a photo of the liaison's fingerprints and he's unable to take a photo of her eye.

Simon: "Hm, her phone. Surely she's taken selfies."

He grabs her phone and he hacks into it and downloads data of her taking a selfie. He then puts her phone back and he grabs his clothes and puts them all on and walks back outside putting on his gloves. Then, Bagley's on the line.

Bagley: "So after all that, did you acquire the biometric data?"

Simon: "Oh did I? Of course I did. And maybe, just maybe, I should acquire biometric data more often."

Then, Apatite's on the line.

Apatite: "Ahem."

Simon: "Right, right. Sorry."

Apatite: "Anyway, good work, love. What now Bagley?"

Bagley: "It seems you'll have to maintain the ruse a bit longer. The upload is still going and I have an incoming connection from the liaison."

Simon: "Cocking Nora, she must be pissed. Alright, put her through."

Then the liaison talks with Simon.

Liaison: "Enough crap. Who the hell ARE you? You working for the Russians? China? F*cking America?"

Simon: "You think I'm a spy? Goodness, I'm flattered."

Liaison: "Oh do shut up!"

Simon laughs and the call ends. He then walks away and Bagley talks with Simon again.

Bagley: "Upload complete. Malik is on the line. I'm sure he will be very grateful and polite.

Richard: "This will have to do. We can meet at Westminster Abbey to discuss the results. And I wanted to say...You performed somewhat better than anticipated."

Simon: "Was that supposed to be a joke or a compliment?"

Bagley: "He's disconnected."

Simon: "Oh. Well then, to Westminster Abbey I guess."

To be continued...

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