You And I (Completed)

By iStartedNothing

36.9K 1.5K 1K

|Larry Stylinson| AU| Completed| The story of two young boys who knew who their hearts belonged to at only si... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two

Chapter Twelve

1K 41 5
By iStartedNothing

Chapter 12


hi guys! new update! i usually don't have titles for my chapters (bc they're hard for me to come up with) but i'd randomly decided that this is going to be called 'date night' so yeah, i hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER- i own nothing but the plot and am not affiliated with one direction, their friends, family, management, etc in any way. any similarities to a particular event or situation are purely coincidental.


"Harry, come on! We're going to be late!" Louis shouted from the bottom of the staircase. He huffed, turning to face his family.

"Does he always talk this long to get ready?"

Anne and Gemma nodded simultaneously. "Yup."

"He's been this way since he was a kid," Anne commented, laughing. "I had to pry him away from the hallway mirror and hide his hairbrush because he was almost late for his first day of primary school."

"Oh, I remember that! He threw a fit the whole way there," Gemma interjected, chuckling. "But don't worry Louis, he just wants to look extra good for you, is all." She smirked before plopping down on the couch with Anne.

Harry's mother nodded in agreement, smiling sweetly. "It's no secret he's crazy about you."

This made Louis feel warm inside; he smiled shyly and looked down at his Toms, waiting for his boyfriend.

As if on cue, Harry jogged down the stairs, a cheeky grin on his face. He was wearing a crisp white t-shirt, dark wash skinny jeans, and black leather boots. He had on a brown leather jacket and his curls were perfectly swept over, looking full and shiny.

Louis had to take a minute to try and catch his breath. "Whoa.."

"I could say the same to you, Tomlinson," Harry smirked, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Gross!" Gem yelled, throwing a pillow at the boys; all in good teasing of course.

"Oh come on, G," Harry said, sticking his tongue out. "I don't say anything when you're constantly shoving your tongue down Ferris' throat...what kind of name is that anyway?"

"Wait, who..? Like a Ferris wheel?" Louis asked, confused.

Gemma rolled her eyes. "No, Harry's just an idiot-Sam is my boyfriend. His last name's Ferris-we met at Uni and Haz just likes to fool around and call him Ferris because he's a dork."

The curly haired boy faked shock, pretending to have hurt feelings. "Hey.."

"Leave my boyfriend alone, he's my dork," Louis defended playfully, hugging Harry. They both laughed and kissed again.

"For the love of everything good, get the hell out of here!" Gemma said.

Anne, obviously used to her children acting like this, just sat on the couch by her daughter, scrolling through her phone and giggling quietly.

"Okay, okay, we're leaving. But not before-" he ran over to Gemma, picking her up and kissing her all over her face.

She shrieked and hit Harry, yelling for him to put her down, but to no avail.
They laughed and screamed, playfully slapping at each other and calling the other names.

"You're such a weirdo!"

"HAHAHAHA, stop that!"


Louis watched in admiration as Harry as he tickled his older sister, watching her squirm. He was so goofy and fun; so sweet.

Yep, this was definitely the guy he'd fallen in love with.

Louis couldn't help but imagine what Harry would be like once they had kids. If they made it that far.

It was a high school relationship and Louis was a realist, so logistically he knew deep down that he and Harry would probably never last, but that didn't stop him from fantasizing about Harry picking up their little girl and spinning her around as she squealed happily.

His eyes were locked on Harry's smiling face, his dimples exposed and eyes sparkling. He'd never seen anyone so lovely.

He was so distracted that didn't hear when the other boy had called him repeatedly.

"Louis!" Harry said, waving a hand in front of his face.

The blue eyed boy jumped, blushing in embarrassment. "What..? I..uh-sorry. Let's go, shall we?"

Harry chuckled, kissing his hand. "We shall. Mum, I'll be home by eleven."

Anne waved, smiling. "Have fun-but not too much fun.." She said, warning them with a mock stern face.

Harry's eyes widened. "Muumm!"

She just laughed. "Go on now, get out of here."


Tonight was a group date night, with the four couples in their friend group heading out to dinner and then a drive in movie.

Louis and Harry, Liam and Sophia, Zayn and Perrie, and Niall and Jamie all sat in a large booth at Taste of Life, their favorite local restaurant, laughing and having a great time.

Louis enjoyed the fact that he and Harry could just be a normal couple and not hide or pretend around their friends.

"You guys are our OTP," Sophia said, giggling along with Perrie.

"OTP..?" Harry questioned, obviously confused.

"It stands for one true pairing," Louis admitted softly, blushing.

The guys all laughed, including Harry, but Louis and the girls sat together, giving them looks.

"Don't laugh," Perrie said, hitting Zayn. "He's right."

Harry chuckled, looking at Louis-who looked as if he wanted to disappear. "I-I..I'm sorry, babe. C'mon. Explain this whole 'OPT' thing to me."

Louis shook his head, blushing harder as he explained. "It's OTP, Harry," he said quietly. "Um..well basically an OTP is like, your most favorite couple. The one you ship most."

"Ship?" Niall asked, laughing loudly.

Jamie scolded him. "Ni.."

"Sorry, mate! Continue."

Louis looked down, now being the center of attention which made him sort of nervous.

"Go on, love, it's okay.." Harry said. He wanted Louis to be less shy around his-now their friends.

He sucked in a breath, smiling before continuing. "Okay..well shipping-it's where you want two people to be together, they're your OTP. So you ship them."

"Ship them where?" Liam asked, causing the boys to laugh loudly again.

Louis sighed, taking a small bite of his chicken before excusing himself.

Harry bit his lip, frowning. "Lou, wait.." He said, getting up and running after him.

"Li," Sophia gave him a look.

"Whaat? I just-"

"It's not funny, alright?" The brunette said, Perrie and Jamie backing her up.

"Yeah. Louis is obviously still quite nervous around us, don't make things harder on him. Especial you. You know better." Perrie poked Zayn in the chest, causing him to wear his best 'guilty face'.

"Nervous? Why?" Niall was genuinely confused now.

Jamie tucked a red strand of curly hair behind her ear and started explaining things, while Harry and Louis stood at the side of the restaurant, talking.


"Why, Harry?" Louis was frowning.

"What do you mean..?" He tried to touch his boyfriend, but he just shied away, making him upset.

"Why make me look like a loser in front of your friends? I look like a freak talking about OTPs and shipping-they don't get it! It's like when we're with them, I-"

"You..? Baby.." Harry tilted Louis' chin so he could look him in the eyes.

Louis looked away. "Stop that." He sighed. "It's like I' of the girls.." He mumbled.

Harry's eyes widened. "Lou, why would you think that?"

He looked down. "Hmm, I don't know, maybe it's because when the eight of us hang out, it's you with your boys, being good ol' Haz and laughing it up and I'm just little sweet and shy Louis who talks about fanfiction and cute boys with the girls.

I'm a guy, Harry! And yeah, don't get me wrong, I like Soph, Pez, and Jai just fine, but sometimes it's hard. Watching you be a normal guy with your friends..and I..I'm just girly and small and-"

"Lovable. Beautiful. Silly. And most importantly, mine.." Harry finished for him. He took Louis' hands in his own, loving how they felt.

"Lou, listen to me-I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I didn't know. You're not one of the girls, unless that's what you want to be.

Yeah you're a little different, but-hey now-a good different. I like different. That's why I fell for you."

Louis blushed a deep red, looking Harry in the eyes, which was a hard thing for him to do. "Really..?"

"Yeah." Harry grinned, running a hand through his hair. "You don't need to feel bad or left out-there's no one I like to hang out with as much as you, you know that, but if I want to just be with my guys, you don't have to worry. We'll include you if you want. You probably won't understand much of what we're saying, 'cause honestly we're idiots, but we'll teach you..if that's what you want.

And hey, you can even teach us about some of the things you're interested in."

"So I'll teach them about you...?" Louis smirked innocently, eyelashes fluttering.

Harry laughed, scooping him up and kissing him. "Hey, I'm supposed to be the cheeky one in this relationship!"

Louis just shrugged once he was put down, laughing as they walked back towards the restaurant door.

"Hey, Lou?"


"We're my OTP."

Louis smiled brightly, hugging Harry tightly. "I love you, Styles."


After all was settled and the boys had now successfully learned what shipping was, they all drove to the drive in theatre, settling on the latest chick flick.

"I know you wouldn't want to see this, Harry-" Louis started.

"Anything for you."

They just smiled lovingly at each other, cuddling in the backseat of Harry's car.

"You know," Harry whispered, "my friends would joke around and say that I'm whipped, but I don't think I am."He laughed. "I just really like you."

"You like me enough to spend your Saturday night watching a chick flick? We're making progress." Louis whispered in reply with a soft giggle, holding his hand.

Harry squeezed it, kissing his hair as they silently watched the film together.


"Next date night will be a lot better, I promise," Harry said as he dropped Louis off at his house, a few minutes before it hit eleven.

The boy just smiled shyly. "Deal. But it won't be so bad as long as you're there." He winked.

"We're acting like those people in the movie we watched tonight, all cheesy and stuff.." Harry said, chuckling.

But they always acted like that.
Louis shrugged. "I guess, but I don't know, I kinda like it!"

The green eyed boy looked at him sweetly before slowly leaning in and pressing his lips to his boyfriends'.
"Goodnight, Lou."

The boy got out of the car, smiling and waving until he was out of sight. "I ship us so hard," he said to himself as he entered the house, his lips still tingling from the kiss.


"How was the date?" Anne asked curiously once Harry had gotten home.

"Oh, pretty good. Yeah, we had a nice time. And I learned a new word?"

"Is it smartass? Because if so, you should already know it-you are one," Gemma teased.

Harry scoffed, ignoring her. "OTP," he said, setting his keys down on the table.

Anne laughed. "What in the world is an OPT..?"

"No, mum, OTP. Louis taught it to me!" He said excitedly, explaining the new term to his family (even though Gemma claimed she already knew what it was).

"Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong.." Anne said slowly, "But you and Louis are..are my OTP..?"

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed. "Mum, you've got it!" He kissed her on the head, laughing.

Gemma smacked her lips, rolling her eyes at the same time. "I live in a house with crazy people.." She said.

"You know, you could always move out, right? You're 19.." Harry pointed out.

Gem looked down, biting her lip with a small smile. "Nah..I think I'll stay here for a bit longer," she said. "Even if you guys are annoying and all that with at your cutesy couple stuff, I like you and Louis. I want to be here to see you guys.." She admitted.

Harry grinned, holding her hands and spinning her around. "So, you're telling me, WE'RE YOUR OTP?!" He was laughing like a madman.

Gemma pushed him off, chuckling with another eye roll. "One, you've just reached a new level of gayness," she said, poking him, "and two, I wouldn't go that far, but-"

"WE'RE YOUR OTP! Admit it!!!" Harry yelled.

"Shhh, Harry," Anne told him, shaking her head. "You're way too excited about this new word!"

He blushed, nodding. "Yeah. I guess you're right. It's all Louis' fault though."

"Just get to bed, squirt," Gem said. "Have sweet dreams of Louis-he's all you ever think about anymore," she said with a smirk.

Harry yawned, knowing they were right and trudged up the stairs to his bedroom after saying goodnight.

As he drifted off to bed, he smiled. He and Louis really were teaching each other a lot, and he loved it.


"ship them where?" i cry everytime.

i tried to include everyone more in this chapter-i know i didn't do as well as i could've, but there's more to come! yay for gemma and harry cuteness though! sibling goals af man.

so yeah. louis sometimes feels like he's one of the girls, but it's okay cause harry loves him so matter what and is okay with watching chick flicks and stuff and agh these boys have actually become my life :(:

next update should hopefully be soon! maybe tonight if i can get to it! please read, vote, etc. thanks!

signing off,
iStartedNothing x

p.s. i apologize for any errors-past, present, and future!

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