Loki x Reader - Princess

By fan-of-the-fandoms

1M 32K 17.3K

Exactly what the title says :) More



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By fan-of-the-fandoms

Loki's P.O.V.

"Girl talk? What kind of girl talk?" I scoffed, annoyed by the mortal's vague answers.

"Just give up. She's not going to tell you." Barton shrugged.

"If there's something wrong with my wife and you know what, then you should tell me." I glared at her, but she was unfazed.

"Brother!" Thor called loudly and I scowled as I turned to face him, but the expression dropped when I saw the unconscious Goddess in his arms. He laid her down on the couch and I moved to her side, cupping her cheeks.

"What did you do?" I glared at Thor.

"She was in the elevator. I found her like this. What's wrong with her?" I ignored his questions and Natasha moved me out of the way, looking at something.

"She's been injected with something. See? She needs to get down to the medbay now." Without hesitating, I grabbed onto my Princess and teleported us both down to the medbay, startling Bruce.

"What- Y/N?" I laid her down carefully and the scientist came over.

"She's been poisoned,or something. I shouldn't have left her alone." Bruce began to run tests and I felt helpless. He hooked her up to machines, briefly explaining what they did as he went along.
For a moment I considered hunting down whoever hurt my Y/N, but the thought of leaving her and not knowing what was wrong was almost unbearable.

"Bruce, be careful!" Natasha scolded as she burst into the room, Thor and Barton on her heels.

"I know what I'm doing, Nat-"

"She could be pregnant." The four words made me freeze. They made everyone freeze.

"Girl talk. That's what you meant by girl talk." Barton mumbled.

"What?" I breathed. This was all too much. In just a few months I had reconnected with Y/N, fallen in love and married her and now she could be pregnant?
It was happening too fast.
I was hesitant to go through with the marriage, but this was a whole new level.

"I presume you consummated the marriage?" The redhead asked and I barely resisted rolling my eyes.
"Nausea, but no other obvious signs of sickness are early signs of pregnancy, among humans at least. If she's pregnant, who knows what damage whatever she has been injected with could do."

"Loki..." Thor looked at me with an expression that made me wonder if he could read my mind. He looked almost as worried as I felt.

"Don't let her out of your sight, not even for a second." I spoke and Thor nodded.
"If anything happens to her-"

"Go." Thor spoke.

"What- no! Go where?" Bruce protested.

"I'm going to find who hurt my Princess." I muttered, moving towards the elevator. As worried as I was, I couldn't just sit around, especially not knowing that Y/N could be pregnant. I wasn't sure how I felt about that news, but I needed to clear my head and the easiest way to do that was to find who hurt her.

"I'm coming too." Natasha spoke and I didn't argue.

Y/N's P.O.V.

My eyelids felt heavy as I forced them open, looking around the dark room in confusion, it took me a moment to recognise mine and Loki's bedroom. It was dark, but there was a light in the corner of the room, where Loki was sat under a lamp, reading a book. I moved to sit up and his head snapped towards me.

"Hey." I muttered, my head spinning. I felt nauseous, but not enough to actually be sick.

"Hi." Loki replied, his voice strained. He didn't move from the chair and his whole body was tense.

"What happened...?" I asked carefully and I could he he was hesitant to answer. I was starting to get worried. Why was Loki so tense? By now he would have usually come over, but instead he didn't move, as if he was scared of me.

"You were attacked." He looked down.
"You went to meet Fury, but it was a trap. They drugged you, but you fought against the sedative and Thor found you in the elevator, unconscious. We took you down to the medbay, Bruce says you'll be fine with rest." My eyes widened slightly.
"Natasha helped me find the men who hurt you and I dealt with them." I nodded and moved to get up, but something caught my attention.

"What the fuck?" I held up my wrist, revealing the magic restraint that Tony designed for Loki. My husband cringed, but didn't move as I stood up.

"You need to rest, you can't do that by using magic." I looked at him in disbelief.

"You put this thing on me?" I looked at the metal band, hurt and betrayal flowing through me. Loki just looked away.
"Did Bruce at least figure out why I was sick this morning?" I asked and Loki stood up, moving away from me.

"No." He moved towards the door.
"But that's also why you're wearing the restraint. Whilst you were unconscious, your magic... it hurt Barton and Bruce." My eyes widened in horror and Loki sighed heavily.
"Just stay here. I'm going to get you something to eat." He left without another word and I wrapped my arms around myself, moving over to the chair Loki was just sat in, pulling my knees up to my chest.

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β€’REQUESTS CLOSEDβ€’ β€’BOOK IS FINISHEDβ€’ I (obviously) don't own any of the MCU characters, just the storylines, and add-in characters.