Loki x Reader - Princess

By fan-of-the-fandoms

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Exactly what the title says :) More



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By fan-of-the-fandoms

Y/N's P.O.V.

I got drunk.
We all did.
Thor had somehow brought several bottles of Asgardian wine back with him and after the party, we took the drinks upstairs.
Most of the team had already gone to bed, drunk off of their mortal alcohol, but a few stayed. A few being Tony, Steve, Bucky and Sam. I don't remember exactly what happened, but Sam and Tony got drunk after just a few sips of the alcohol, it took a whole glass to get Steve and Bucky drunk and Loki and I shared a bottle and a half, before everything began to blur.

"Morning, Princess." Loki whispered and I opened my eyes, looking at him, before closing my eyes and smiling sleepily.

"Good morning." I mumbled and he shuffled closer to me, his cool skin coming into contact with my warm skin, making me shiver slightly. The sheets had been kicked to the bottom of the bed and Loki cuddled up to me.

"I agree; it is a very good morning." He mumbled against my neck.
"I could get used to waking up like this." I hummed in agreement, leaning back against him.
"Let's just stay like this all day."

"I wish I could, silly trickster." I sighed, turning and wrapping my arms around Loki.
"But I have to meet with Director Fury of SHIELD. Steve said it was important." Loki groaned and I kissed him lightly, before sliding out of bed and going over to the bathroom. I started up the shower and cringed at my messy appearance in the mirror, before cleaning myself up.
Once I was done, I wrapped a towel around myself, before a nauseous feeling washed over me.
I barely made it over to the toilet in time, puking up the contents of my stomach.

"Princess?" Hearing the noise, Loki was by my side in an instant, making sure my damp hair was out of my face. My entire body was trembling and there were tears in my eyes. I felt horrible.
"Y/N, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." I whispered, fear overtaking my whole body.
"I don't get sick. I don't even get hungover- that's never happened before."

"It's okay." Loki mumbled, pulling me against his chest.
"Maybe it was the wine."

"No- it tasted fine." I shook my head.
"If it was the wine then you'd be sick too. We drank from the same bottles." Loki looked like he was thinking something over, before he helped me to my feet.

"You should get some rest-"

"No. I can rest later. I need to do this meeting." I replied stubbornly and Loki sighed, nodding his head.

"I'll be in the bedroom, if you need me, Princess." He kissed my forehead lightly, before leaving the bathroom, letting me get changed.
Two weeks into our marriage and I'm sick. We're really off to a great start.


"What's up with you?" Natasha asked walking into the room and sitting on the couch opposite us.
"You look awful."

"She's sick." Loki muttered, sounding worried as he combed his fingers through my hair.

"The Goddess of Health and Healing gets sick?" Natasha asked, sounding amused.

"No. I don't." I mumbled.
"I have never been sick or remotely ill in my life. I can't stop throwing up."

"What and this just started this morning?" She asked and I nodded.

"She doesn't have a temperature, and she's not showing any other signs of sickness, other than throwing up." Loki mumbled.
"Bruce didn't understand it either."

"Boys." Natasha rolled her eyes.
"Y/N, I think we need to talk. Girl to girl." Loki immediately made a noise of protest, but Natasha held up her hand, silencing him.
"Girl talk."

"She's my wife. I think I'm allowed to know what you're going to say to her." Loki argued and I forced myself to sit up.

"If Y/N wants you to know, she can tell you after we've talked." Natasha shrugged.
"If she doesn't-" The woman was cut off by JARVIS announcing that the car to take me to meet Fury was waiting outside.

"Girl talk can wait until later, right?" I asked and she nodded, smiling slightly.

"Princess, let me come with you." Loki pleaded.
"You're sick- I don't want anything to happen when I'm not there."

"I'll be fine." I insisted, before kissing him lightly.
I moved over to the elevator, smiling weakly at the pouting Loki. The doors closed and I made my way down to the ground floor, where a black car was waiting.

"Miss Njörddottir." A man in a black and white suit opened the car door and suddenly my instincts told me to run. I stepped back carefully, before the suited man pushed me into the car roughly.
I didn't hesitate to fight back, using my power to inflict painful sicknesses on the three men. The driver, the man who pushed me and the man sat in the backseat. Something was injected into the side of my neck. Almost instantly I felt myself getting weaker and the car door closed. I knew I had to get out, so before I could pass out, I summoned as much magic as I could, before the ground shifted beneath me.

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