My Trophy Boy

By bubblegum_space

67K 4.6K 1.8K

My Trophy Boy An episodic drama series exploring the unfathomable feelings and actions between connected pola... More

A/N: Hello!!!
Introduction: Character Profiles
A1S1: An Invitation
A/N: Holland's 'Home'
A1S2: Unexpected Response
A1S3: A Streamer?
A1S4: Who's Home
A1S5: Interruption
Act 2 - Scene 1: Theatre
Act 2 - Scene 1: Observations
Act 2 - Scene 2: Passing Moments
Act 2 - Scene 3: The Watcher
Act 2 - Scene 4: Out of The Black
Act 3 - Scene 1: Sunday
Act 3 - Scene 1: Talking To Myself
Act 3 - Scene 2: School Drama
Act 3 - Scene 2: The Shock of The Surprise
Act 3 - Scene 2: Rush Hour
Act 3 - Scene 3: Holding Back The Tears To Cry
The Cave Bar
Act 3 - Scene 4: Cave Bar
Act 4 - Scene 1: Morning
Quinton's House
Act 4 - Scene 2: Quinton's Hospitality
Act 4 - Scene 3: Quinton's Thoughts
Chapter 24: Getting With It
Chapter 25: Mind Full
Chapter 26: Pushing On
Chapter 27: Hiding In The Closet
Chapter 28: Lost Control
Chapter 29: Environmental State
Chapter 30: Office
Chapter 31: Office Part 2
Chapter 32: Office Part 3
Chapter 33: An Offer
Chapter 34: Eek
Chapter 35: Quinton's Morning
Chapter 36: Heading Up And Out
Chapter 37: 145 Minutes With Him
Chapter 38: Ignorance
Chapter 39: What The...
Chapter 40: I'm awake!
A/N: Meet The Secondary Characters!!!
Chapter 41: Mates?
Chapter 42: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Chapter 43 Part 1: The Shower
Chapter 43 Part 2: Brushing Our Teeth
Chapter 43 Part 3: Cream Me
Chapter 44: The Younger Sibling
Chapter 45: Ow
Chapter 46: Chris' Insight
Chapter 47: Feeling Like A Reck
Chapter 48: What To Do, What To Have?
Chapter 49: Annoying?
Chapter 50: How H+Q Ended Up In The Cinema Room
Chapter 51: My Inflicted Pain
Chapter 52: Playing Games
Chapter 53 Part 1: The start of a long day.
Chapter 53 Part 2:The Ride Back
Chapter 53 Part 3: Not So Bad
Chapter 53 Part 4: Whats To Come?
Chapter 54: The Playroom Part 1
A Lotta Love And A Little Pain
Author's Note:
The Start of The Next Day
Car Ride
In The Car Moment
As Quiet As A Mouse
Keeping Safe
The Sadist's Pleasures
A Few Words
Holland's Discovery
Quick Confessions
What Shall I Do?
Author's Note
Oh, So This Is Where We're At?
New Home
Shower Moment
Evening Meal And A Confession
Teary Eyes
AM in The Morning
Early Morning: Task One

Act 2 - Scene 1: Dinner Date

1.5K 85 43
By bubblegum_space

A/N: Most chapters will display the different covers I've made for this novel. Comment to let me know your thoughts and opinions of the different covers🤓
Enjoy the read!


I was in awe with the interior of the steakhouse. Quinton took me to a town towards the outskirts of London, a hub containing different bars and restaurants. Who knew rural ends were so posh?

The restaurant had a spunky rustic theme as it flaunted its 5-star prestigiousness. Everything was so spaced out and neat, unlike the dirty takeaways in my ends. The hygiene standards in my area gave me anxiety and that's why from young I've encouraged Paris to cook. We wouldn't just eat from anyone, I couldn't trust it.

Quinton walked ahead of me to show me the way. My head started bopping to the rhythmic sounds of Motown music which played in the background. As we delve deeper into the body of the building, the chatting around us muted the funky disco beat.

I am not a peoples person. I can't afford to be neither when I have 2 lives to protect. People either scared or frustrated me.

I took in a breath to ignore how many people there was. All being white people.
As a reward for the distraction the flavoursome atmosphere invoked my stomach to rumble, though I was partly-full.


We walked down a couple of steps and passed a bouncer. Michaels exchanged a few words before we were let through to enter a more quiet, a more soothing space. The busier sector we just exited had a brown/gold/black/cream theme. This private sector was more elegant in its display of dark red/browns and gold.

"Evening gentlemen, a table for two for Maître Michels?" The host greeted welcomingly.

"Oui, le meilleur endroit face à la rivière." Responded Michaels.

What the...french? Why was he speaking french to this man? Did he know him? Was Quinton French?

A tall petite woman with ice blonde hair and Eurocentric model features approached us. I presumed it was our waitress. As she neared she stood taller than me, flaunting a strict welcoming charm.
Actually, she wasn't much shorter than Quinton.
She was a looker that was for sure.

"Natalia, here, will guide you to table 2A. Enjoy your evenings Maître Michel and Co." Formally bowed the host with a tight lipped smile.

"Thanks." I smiled politely at him before following Natalia's quick strides.

"Shitp!" I quietly gasped. Lol I tripped.
The tall body of intimidation looked behind at me with deep concern.
"I said Ship!" I defended myself subconsciously. Urgh, I wanted to slap myself, because why would he care about me cursing anyways? In fact, why did I care?!
"I'm fine, just tripped." I gave a quick thumbs up not that he asked. I'm so annoying!

He made me feel a little nervous, I think. I still haven't got over how Quinny here was a young mature man instead of an old wrinkly one.
He's not even middle aged, so he's able enough to use a phone. I don't get why was I in communication with his P.A this whole time as if he couldn't ring me himself?

"Here's your menus. Do press the buzzer-." She pointed to an electrical bell attached to the corner of the table. "-and I will be at your service as quick as possible." Natalia bowed, smiling slyly at me.

"Thanks." I said politely before my eyes averted towards Michaels who just gave her a quick nod.

"Again, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask." She shot Quinton a hopeful look and he shooed her away with a flick of his wrist.

My lips tucked into my mouth as I suppressed my urge to laugh. Shame, poor ting. She scurried away quicker than she came.


Five minutes later and I still had no idea on what I wanted to order. The prices were mad expensive that it hurt my feelings. If I'm going to spend all this money I wanted to try something new, but I didn't want to receive something disappointing that wasn't to my taste. Wasting money like this felt sinful when realistically I didn't have this kind of money to spend. I looked up from my menu to see Quinton's piercing gaze. Fucking hell. Stare much...

"If you're indecisive the pulled pork burger and sweet potato fries is a good shout. Or the grilled king prawns with bbq steak skewers are nice. But if you want something real meaty get the rump steak, they do it really well here." He suggested.

"So do you come here often then?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"I wouldn't say often, but I've been here several times on different occasions." He cracked his fingers and neck nonchalantly.

It made the hairs on my neck stand, because the cracking noises made me cringe at the thought of bones cracking. Paris does it all the time and I literally have to fight her to stop. I think I have trauma from when CJ and I was younger and he jumped of a balcony and broke his arm and leg.

I think I'll have the ribeye cut steak and dofenoir potatoes as it's not everyday I can eat fancy shit like this. For dessert I'll have the baileys cheesecake.

"I'm ready to order now."


Michaels' order sounded like a whole feast, which was fair since he didn't eat a lot at the theatre. He ordered like three different types of wines which were expensive as fuck! I had in mind that I'd pay for the dinner as he covered theatre costs, but he's exceeded my budget even for halves, which I will still try to pay for out of curtesy.

Whilst we waited on food the conversation was light and cheery. We discussed the play we had just watched until the arrival of our drinks. The Natalia chick was attempting to subtly flirt with Michaels over the wine choices which I found impressive, as I knew nothing about their conversation.
How does someone successfully hook someone in over the talks of beverages?
Skilful woman.

Michaels snuck glances at me with a slight smirk on his devilish face, what was he thinking? I didn't know what to do apart from awkwardly smile back at him. I guess as a typical lady's man he's chuffed he's gonna get some tonight? Good on him.

Patiently I waited for the food to come. I've spent hours in this man's company and there was no specific talk about business.
Was he waiting for the food to arrive first?
This sense of stalling made me grow tired.


"I wanted to meet you to show you my gratitude for your admirable services. My team enjoyed working with you." He nodded with a light tone. His IT team were full of snobby pricks, but what was nice was that everyone minded their own business to get on with work.
"Furthermore, I'd be happy to have you on board, but it's a substantial risk to collaborate with you since you lack the qualifications. I presume you're working towards a higher education, yes?" Michaels cut up his bloody steak, looking at the rawish meat like it was mouthwatering.

*Thu-dump. Thu-dump. Thu-dump*
My heart sang in a dropping tone. I felt slightly offended at his nosiness, I've already communicated that I was not working for anyone. It wasn't in person, but now that it was it made me feel pressured. Frankly it's none of his business.

"I am a working man not an academic. I appreciate the values of a uni degree, but it is not for me." I placed a piece of well done steak into my mouth.

I looked over to Quinton whom grimaced at me. "I've never understood the person that likes their meat tough and chewy." He scrunched up his nose when he laid eyes on my plate.

I don't know why, but I was compelled to look at him by his judgemental eyes that were now observing me. I felt hesitant to swallow my food as he was watching me.
I fought the urge to cave in and spit out my food, but instead I swallowed my mouthful. To be honest I could've done with the steak more cooked, but it was just about fine.

I grabbed a glass of red wine and took a big swig. Michaels broke his trance and smiled at me before tittering. I took another swig before focusing back on my food.

"Careful, this wine is famous for creeping up on people." He said in a humoured voice. Pff glad he finds me amusing.

Ignoring his comment I asked him, with the intent of regaining my own sense of power, "You seem to be going above 'just curtesy' on our date tonight." I looked at him skeptically.

He frowned slightly. "I'm sorry, I believe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to insinuate."

"You seem to have an interest in me as if you would like to propose something. This is all way too much for just a 'thank you'." I squinted my eyes.

"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow condescendingly.

"Well I'm not complaining and I sure do appreciate this kind gesture." I reassured him so he didn't think I was rude.

"Well I'd hope so." He humphed in a scoff-like manner.
"I wouldn't have want to go all this way to disappoint you." He picked up his glass of red and swirled it around, looking at it merely.
What was he getting at?
"However..." He pondered as he sniffed the contents in the glass.
I've seen that in films. Why do people swish the wine then smell it? Usually they drink after, but he didn't so what's the point?
"The point of this gesture was not to just speak of pleasantries. I wanted to extend my gratitude and offer you the chance to reconsider my proposal. I see a lot of potential in you, Mr Pierce, but without qualifications backing you you'll remain stuck. My guidance will be a gateway for you to improve your stats and skills. I can openly disclose that I am not this charitable towards people in your position. I am not the kind to tarnish my dignity, but your gift is natural." His backhanded compliment echoed in my ears.

I began to feel a little woozy, preventing me from reacting negatively. I don't drink so it could've been the wine, but I haven't even finished the glass yet. People drink wine like it's juice, so could I be feeling strange due to this single glass? No, I ain't no fucking lightweight! I've had beers before and a shot of something I was unfamiliar with, THANKS to CJ.

..Even Paris has more of a drinking spirit than me.

"So you, a big shot CEO of some random cooperate business felt the need to be charitable after hiding away from me?" I felt flattered and smiled at him lazily.
"But it's my services you want to allege, because you have shit IT employees.. ahaha.. you don't listen to the answer 'no' do you?" I shook my head and laughed. I felt like a bold crazy person who didn't give a shit about anything in the moment. Is this the drunkenness CJ has encouraged from me all these years?
"Still though, all this time you could've called me. Ahahaha... I thought you was going to be an old man!" I started laughing out loud, gaining a few looks from people passing by. We were seated opposite a big window that displayed a beautiful bridge and river. There were pretty decorative lights over the bridge and people walking by in couples.

"An old man? You did no research on me?" He put a hand to his heart as he pretended to be offended. I liked that he had a sense of humour.

"Did you do research on me?" I leaned onto my arms that were on the table.

He looked at me with slight shock folllwed by a smug smile.
"Do you always nibble on your lower lip when asking these types of questions?" He randomly asked.

I was whaaat?!!!?

"Uh..." I sat up straight, feeling embarrassed. "Bad habit I guess." I shrugged it off and took a nervous sip of the wine.

"It's fairly cute on you." He gave a reassuring smile.

It was my turn to grimace at him. Him saying 'cute' is odd. Me and 'cute' is an unfamiliar combo. I bet £100 that if he thought I was 'road' he wouldn't have called me cute. But then again I let down my guard, dorky I am and there's no way of hiding my feminine tendencies. I was reserved, because it was a lot safer for me.

Maybe he's clocked that I'm feminine and is trying to take advantage? He doesn't know me so for him to presume my nature doesn't bother me, but it was still none of his rich boy business. Who does he think he is calling me cute, I am not a preppy fag that's going to do anything for a hot buck. From my experience, boys liked to tease me, expecting me to pounce on them. A common misconception from the arrogant heterosexuals.

"Cute?" I chuckled skittishly.
"You're trippin bruh." I shook my head.
"I may be a 'soft' and 'small', but cute? Nah fam!" I laughed it off immaturely as if I was tryna say 'I don't swing that way'.

Ok so maybe I'm not okay with anyone knowing that I'm gay. I guess I'm naturally 'camp', so it's easy for people suss me, but that's also why I don't like being around people. I could dress all masculine, speak road and shit to not sound 'fem' but there's always someone studying me too hard and notices some crack within me.

Quinton just looked at me with straight up confusion. Again I felt humiliated, but I held my nerve.

The nifty blonde appeared by our table again and to be honest I was sort of glad. "Is everything to your taste?" She looked at Michaels first.

"Yeah, brill." He said dismissively. I was shocked with his throat cutting tone and from the looks of it so was she.
His mood has dampened, why?
"Clear our station when you're ready and bring out the desserts." He commanded.

I was a little taken aback.

"Yes, Sir Michaels." She responded like a sad puppy.

"Cheers." He held up his wine towards himself before finally sipping on his wine. The girl scurried away.



The rest of the evening went okay. A bit on the quiet side, but I wasn't complaining. The food and dessert was leng. The atmosphere of the whole place was warm. The wine... golly gosh, I couldn't help but sip sip away, making me extremely drunk.

"Quinton Michaels." I felt exuberant.

The man just looked at me blankly with his sharp green orbs.

"As an independent I wouldn't mind helping out, that's if you would want me to." I smiled carefully.

He was my highest paying customer. He's a good gig, but I can not be attached to him by working directly for him and him alone.
I don't know why I felt so brave, knowing that he's going to turn me down, because of his flipping 'dignity'.. I blame the wines!

"Sure. You're highly intelligent." He smiled, not looking at me.
My heart palpitated. His smile was a dangerous smile.

"Oh." I raised my brows. That was much simpler than I had expected.

"There's one condition." He stated firmly.

"Go on." I folded my arms.

"Not a contract, but a proposal. I have a special project for my IT team who'll be collaborating with my MI team, you could work with them on this project. If successful you'll be rewarded a cash some of £5,000 up front, plus a bonus if deserved."

My mouth salivated at the mention of the reward. Piece of cake.
"Sounds good." I grinned.

"At a later date I'll provide you with more information." He brushed off his hands and pressed the bell.
"Let's get the bill shall we?"

Each gig payment I'll receive from him will probably allow me to earn more money than his average employee.

Tehe...I felt like a winner baby!

"Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom!" I jumped up and held my mouth as I ran to a rest room. Shit.. was this was price of chugging down rotten grape juice?


Thoughts on Holland so far?

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