Always, Alice

Af WinterSkiesOfficial

4.9K 159 46

Harry leaned in closer to her, his eyes moving down from her eyes to her lips as a loose curl fell effortless... Mere

Mr Styles
Gingerbread Lattes
First Day Nerves
Music and Wine
Just Passing By
Your So Lovely
Girls Night In
Snow Day
Tuesday Blues
Nerves Are Good
Sequins and Glitter
Big Smiles Everyone
Christmas Eve
Two Hearts
New Years Eve
Come With Me
The Prince & The Princess
She Might Wait
Don't Look So Nervous

Games Night

138 5 0
Af WinterSkiesOfficial

Alice was so thankful it was Saturday. The previous night had been tough - but such a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She had slept like a baby for the first time in ages and had woken up feeling refreshed and recharged, even more excited for the fun evening ahead with her best friends.

As it usually does when you have something good planned, the day dragged by. She messaged Hayley at around four to ask if she wanted to come over to get and get ready sooner rather than later. Hayley didn't even message back, appearing at the door twenty minutes later with a bottle of rosé - what a girl.

'This is so lovely,' Hayley said as she sipped on her wine and read the little card Harry had given Alice the night before, 'He is literally the loveliest guy Alice,'.

'I know,' she blushed, pulling straighteners through her long soft hair and letting it fall down her back.She was flirting with the idea of cutting it shorter lately. Maybe a change is what she needed.

'Are you guys like, official yet? Has he called you his girlfriend?' Hayley questioned, perching herself on the bottom of Alice's bed after topping up both their glasses. She was already dressed for their evening, one of those girls that was able to throw on minimal makeup and pull a brush through her hair and look effortlessly beautiful. She had on a pair of plain skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a white cardigan over her shoulders. Effortlessly chic and stunning.

'No, we haven't really talked about that to be honest, I don't think it matters,' said Alice, switching off her straighteners and double checking the makeup she had spent far too much time on earlier.

'Yeah, fuck labelling anything,' said Hayley, taking another swig of wine, 'So, Niall's hot - wouldn't mind getting to know him better,'. Alice turned so quickly she almost gave herself whiplash.

'What?' she laughed.

'Yeah, I was thinking about it last night when we were texting.' Hayley replied casually.

'You guys are texting?' Alice beamed as she dropped everything, grabbed her wine and shifted onto the bed next to Hayley - fully poised ready for any gossip Hayley was willing to dish.

Hayley laughed at Alice's reaction, 'Yeah, just getting banter really,' she said, 'he's nice, it's all chill,'.

'This is so awesome,' said Alice, 'think how cool this will be, best friends with best friends,' she felt herself getting excited, 'oh my days this will be so much fun if you guys-'

'Alright alright calm down girl,' Hayley jumped in, stopping Alice's train of thought from rattling away down the tracks, 'we are just texting - don't go planning our double weddings just yet,' she said and they both fell into a fit of laughter. The two of them clinked their glasses together and enjoyed a few more glasses of wine before they wrapped up warm and headed down to Harry's for the evening.


'Your my best friend mum, you're not going anywhere just yet,' Alice said as she dropped the ridiculous amount of pills her mum was prescribed to take each day into her weak and shaky hand.

'And you are mine, my sweet Alice,' she replied, her voice as shaky as her hands but her eyes so full of love for her daughter.

'What will we watch tonight? I thought maybe Wizard of Oz, it is nearly Christmas after all.'

Alice's mum laughed softly, 'Alice it's just turned November, you still have about six weeks,'.

'I know, but to me that's nearly Christmas!'.

After helping her mum to swallow her abundance of pills Alice grabbed her laptop and cuddled up under the duvet next to her. She had Wizard of Oz loaded and just as the titles started to roll her mum started to speak quietly.

'Why don't we celebrate a little early this year, perhaps Hayley could come over too,' and as it sank in what her mum was saying, Alice's heart tightened as she fought back tears. They knew what was coming, they just weren't sure when - that was the hardest part. She was determined to never get upset in front of her mum, she had to be strong.

'If that's what you want mum, I'll say to Dad - how about this weekend?' her voice too was shaky, but she held it together, just.

'Perfect,' her mum replied quietly, settling herself down and reaching her hand out to take Alice's. 'I love you so much sweetheart.'.


'Hey ladies,' Niall said as he answered the door to them, 'Come in, welcome, bonjour,'. He was like an excited puppy was Niall, never stopped moving, always happy. He always wore a smile on his face, a trait Alice thought was so wonderful to have.

She stepped through the door first, 'Alice my dear,' he said joyfully and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a bear hug. This guy really loved a good hug.

'How are you Niall?' Alice said, her voice muffled into his shoulder as he squeezed her tight.

'Much better now you girls are here, Hayley, hello, how are you?' he let go of Alice, reaching over to Hayley and pulling her into a bear hug too.

'Alright don't smother me, mr,' Hayley cackled, Niall pulled away from her and Alice saw their eyes hold each other's for a moment, Hayley blushing and looking away - it was unlike her to be bashful around a guy.

As she stood back watching them, letting them have their little moment, she felt two arms slink around her waist and a warm torso press against her back. Lips pressed lightly onto her exposed neck and a low gruff voice whispered into her ear 'hey'. She turned herself around in the arms that held her and wrapped her arms around Harry's shoulders, smiling up into his beautiful green eyes and swooning slightly at the dimpled grin that spread across his face.

'Hey' she replied softly and pressed her lips to his. The familiar butterflies swarmed in her belly, his lips soft and gentle against hers, his hands gripping tight to her waist.

'Aw c'mon you saps I'm starving,' Niall interrupted, waltzing past them into the kitchen and dragging Hayley by the hand behind him. Harry laughed and brushed his hand over Alice's cheek once they had been left alone.

'You look beautiful,' he smiled. She had decided to wear black skinny jeans and a beautiful lilac jumper which she adored, comfy, yet she felt nice in it. She had straightened her hair perfectly before leaving but it had developed some waves during their walk to Harry's house - thanks damp winter air.

'Thank you,' she replied, blushing under Harry's stare. She noticed he had gone for a white pin striped shirt, unbuttoned enough down his chest that you could see hints of the his beautiful tattoos peeking out from underneath. A necklace fell to his chest, his hair perfectly messy and his usual floral cologne swept through the air between them. He was, as always, perfect.


Harry and Niall had prepared a gorgeous meal for them and once they were done, they settled themselves in the living to play Cluedo. They had also evaporated three bottles of wine between them so far so all were feeling happy, content and warm as Harry popped open another and topped up each of their glasses.

'Jesus,' said Hayley, 'I'll be dancing on the tables at this rate,' she giggled.

'Aw that sounds like fun - I'm up for that,' said Niall, clinking his glass with Hayley's. Alice noticed that the more he drank, the thicker his charming Irish accent became.

'You do not want to see Niall dancing,' said Harry as he sat back down on the floor next to Alice. They were sitting on the soft carpeted floor around the coffee table, their back leaning on each of the couches and Cluedo spread out in front of them.

'Our high school prom, I've never been more embarrassed by someone's moves,' Harry continued, using air quotes around the word moves.

'Hey now, I pulled that night, there must have been some decent moves in there somewhere,' he laughed, 'also you can talk Mr I have one move and it's some weird shuffle thing,' Niall clapped back.

'Oh!' Alice said suddenly, 'I've seen that move,' she beamed, sitting up and pointing at Harry, 'even the kids weren't sure how to join in,' she giggled as she tried to do the arm shuffle she had witnessed him do the previous day. Harry leaned over, tickling her and causing her to collapse into his side, surrendering when she nearly spilled her wine.

Harry laughed, pulling her up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. 'You loved it, couldn't take your eyes off me,' he said quietly to her so only the two of them could hear.

'True,' Alice replied, and leaned down to leave a soft kiss on his lips.

The night continued with laughs, stories, games and more wine. Alice smiled when she returned from the kitchen with another bottle to find her three friends squashed together on the small sofa, laughing at some dad joke Harry had just told them. 'Smile,' she said, lifting her phone up to take a picture, wanting to capture the moment.

'Dance with me?' Harry suddenly said, as he pulled himself up and moved to turn up the volume on the record player. Alice heard 'Landslide' playing gently. She popped the bottle down on the coffee table and accepted Harry's outstretched hand. His arms then wrapped around her, pulling her in close as they began to sway slowly to the music. Alice relaxed into his hold, leaning her head against his chest, letting the music take over any other sound in the room.

They were in their own little world, both enjoying the feeling of being in one another's arms. One song blended into another and before Alice knew it, they had been dancing for what seemed like hours. She looked up into Harry's eyes, his eyes locking back with hers. She couldn't help but smile, her heart completely full.

'It's just us now I think,' he said quietly and Alice turned to where Niall and Hayley had been sitting. Two empty wine glasses had been left on the table, both Hayley and Niall nowhere to be seen. Alice turned back to Harry, her mouth open in shock but starting to giggle, as did Harry.

She placed her hands into his hair and pulled him to her, pressing her lips fully against his. Harry let out a soft moan as their lips met, pushing into her and accepting the kiss fully. Alice could spend forever kissing him, his lips were soft and plump like they always were, his tongue working its way into her mouth as the kiss deepened, exploring her just as she wanted to with him.

As her mind got lost Harry pulled their lips apart, pressing their foreheads together and looking at her as if deep in thought.

'You want to stay over tonight?' he said gently, still holding her waist and both of them still swaying slightly to the music that still echoed through the room.

'Sure,' Alice replied.

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