Video Game High

By TheDJGoomba

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A high school kid must survive anything that comes his way, bullies,friends, foes, and dating?! Find out who... More

Chapter 1: A New Level
Chapter 2: The Sleep Hangout?
Chapter 3: A Not So Secret Admirer
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: The Look
Chapter 6: A New Goomba
Chaptr 7: The Plan
Chapter 8: Cold Swimmer
Chapter 9: The New Boo
Chapter 10: Power Ups
Chapter 11: Get Ready To Smash!
Chapter 12: Black and White
Chapter 13: The Polterguist
Chapter 14: Tyrone and Jacob's Treasure Tracker
Chapter 15: The Prom
Chapter 16: Minion Football
Chapter 17: The Cake is a Lie
Chapter 18: Dr. Mario Party
Chapter Christmas: A Koopsmas Carol
Chapter 19: Game Genie
Chapter 20: Warp Whistle
Mii Invasion Preview
Chapter 21: Mii Invasion
Chapter 22: Jacked Up Problem
Chapter 23: The Paintbrush
Chapter 24: Chris's Mansion/ Tyron Sunshine
Chapter 25: R.O.B.inator
Chapter 26: Goomba Appreciation Day
Chalter 27: Life of Minions
Chapter 28: The Race
Chapter 29: Murder Mystery
Chapter 30: Are you ready for Freddy?
Chapter 31: Body Switch
Chapter 32: Bootleg World
Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 1
Chapter 33: The New Prince Part 2
Chapter 34: Detention
Chapter 35: Chris's New Shell
Chapter 36: Pokemon Quest
Chapter 37: Get Ready For A Death Battle!
Chapter 38: Behind the Mask
Chapter 39: Dreams
Chapter 40: The Weapon War
Chapter 41: Tyrone's Goompa
Video Game High The Movie Preview
Video Game High The Movie: Heroes Of The Stars
Chapter 42: Gender Bender
Chapter 44: Doodle
Chapter 45: The Savior
Chapter 46: The Pet
Chapter 47: Majora's Mask
Chapter 48: The Internet
A Goomba's Best Friend
Two New Books!(Cancelled)
Chapter 49 : Stupid 64 Jacob's New Girlfriend
Special Chapter 50: The Trio's Fight
Chapter 51: Shorts Original Edition
Chapter 52: The Bake Off
Chapter 53: The Mystery
Chapter 54: The Star Cures
Chapter 55: The First Star Cure
Chapter 56: The Second Star Cure
Chapter 57: The Third Star Cure
Chapter 58: The Deal
Chapter 59: Enter the Mind
Chapter 60: The Rivalry Ends
Chapter 61: The Sleep Hangout 2
Chapter 62: Heart Container Day
Chapter 63: Stupid 64 The Stupid Robot
Chapter 64 Special: Come Stay A While
Chapter 65: Shorts Randomness Edition
Chapter 66: Goo's Life
Chapter 67: Star Fox
Chapter 68: Underwhere
Chapter 69: Overthere
Chapter 70: The Pipe Portal
Chapter 71: The Truth
Video Game High The Movie 2: Partners in Time Preview
Video Game High The Movie 2: Partners in Time
Never Coming Back, Sorry
Maybe Come Back?

Chapter 43: Valentines Day

86 8 4
By TheDJGoomba

(Art by: geekybooks1205)
At school I told Jacob and Chris, "Now, it's time to ask Goombella to the Valentimes Day dance!" Chris said "Well, I'm asking Madison." Jacob said "I'm asking Bow." I said "I can't bealive that it's already Valentines Day. The year seems like it's only been about 43-50 days or so." Chris said "Yeah, it does seem a little short, but not every single day is an adventure." "That is true." Jacob said "Well, we better get to our classes." The bell rung and we went to P.E. DK said "Well recently I've heard that in the begging of the year something happen between 2 students." Me and Goombella started blushing and DK said "That's why, we are all doing them again!" Everyone groaned and sighed. DK said "Well thank your fellow class mates. First up is Goom and Goombella. Literally where was like half the class when all of you took this test?" Goom said "I'll let you get a head start." Goombella said "You know just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that your better then me." DK said "Go!" Clouds appeared and the screen started going up and they started Platforming. When they jumped on a cloud it disappeared. Goombella jumped on one and Goom was still at the begging. After about 10 second Goom said "Alright. That's your Valentines gift." He started jumping on the clouds and he was fast!" Jacob was eating a banana and I threw it at Goom. It landed on the cloud and he fell off the screen. DK said "That's a penalty!" Goom respawned at stage two and started running. Jacob said "Hey what happen to my banana?" Goombella went to stage two and started running. DK said "Now then, time for usual Platforming. Activate the trap door." A trap door opened under me and I yelled "Jacob!" I grabbed onto the ledge and said "Tell Chris and yourself to hit yourselves." Jacob said "Why?" I said "Because you both had a lot of time to save me but you d-." I fell into the trap door and I was at the top of something. I said "Why am I at a construction sight?" DK said "Welcome to my Simulation Room." He jumped on the platform next to me and said "Goombella and Goom have to come up here to save you." Goombella said "Because of love!" Goom said "Because of hate!" I said "Thanks Goombella. I hate you too Goom." Goombella jumped over Goom and started running up to me. Eventually she got up to me and jumped over DK. I said "Thank you Goombella, but your Goomba is in another castle. Lets go." We landed back on the ground then Goom said "I'll get you one day Tyrone. And I'll get you." Goombella said "Get away." After everyone else went we all walked off. Goombella said "So what are we doing for Valentines Day?" I said "That's a suprise." She said "Ok then, see ya then." She walked back home and I said to Jacob "Oh man! I forgot all about Valentimes Day!" He said "First off it's Valentines Day and second off you can't just forget about this day." He started floating away but I grabbed him and said "Oh no! Your helping me out of this, like we usually do." He said "Oh no no no. I'm going somewhere with Bow." I said "Really where?" "She's been trying to find out and she could be listening." She came out of the ground and said "Dang it!" Then disappeared. I said "Well that was random. But what am I suppose to do?! For the love of Arceus please help me!" A Parakoopa crashed through the room with a pink shell and bow and arrows! Jacob said "Well I'm gonna get ready, get out of my room." He threw me and the Koopa out. I said "Hey, who are you?" He said (He sounds like Cupid from fairy odd parents) "I'm Koopid!" I said "That's the dumbest name I've ever heard, and I'm friends with someone named Meta Soldier." "What ever, I'm here to help you!" "How?" "Who's your Valentine?" "Goombella." "Hmmmm." He was looking through a pink book with a heart on it and said "Here you two are! You've been dating for 6 months now? That's around the begging of school!" I said "Yeah, it was forced love at first but we eventually really connected." "Right." He slammed the boom and said "No body cares kid. I'm only here to help you." He got out his bow and a few arrows and said "Watch this." We went outside and he shot Mighty and Mighty started kissing a stack of hay. I said "Wow! These are powerful!" He said "No! You can't use them silly Goomba boy! In the book of the gods it says that you cause as much trouble that you fix." I said "Hmmmm, are you sure that isn't Jacob?" "Yeah, pretty positive. Anyways I can help you later. See ya kid." I swiped his bow and arrows and said "Yeah haha. See ya." He disappeared and I said "Time to make a few arrangements." I went to Waluigi's Heart Piece Restaurant. One of the fanciest restaurants in Video Game Land. Not just Nintendo but the whole Video Game Land! When I got there Wario said "Welcome sir, how may I help you?" I said "Wario? The treasure stealer, Wario!? What are you doing working here? If anything I would've expected you to have been stealing half the stuff in here by now." He said "Well I have to help (Yes I know they aren't brothers) my bro out." I said "Ok then, well can I have a table for two tonight around 7?" He started laughing and said "You realize it's Valentines Day, right?! The place is packed! Wahahahaha! You would need some kind of magical device to d-." I took out a coin and shot him with an arrow. He said "I think I'm in love." I said "You want the dollar? Go and get it!" I threw it out the window and he ran after it while it flew in the wind. I went to the reservations list and said "Hmmm let me see here. Chris and Madison? Gonna just erase that and put Tyrone and Goombella. Perfect. After dinner me and Goombella will go to the dance." I heard a door open and I jumped out the window and heard someone say "Um... Where is the reservation guy?" I walked back home and Chris came up to me and said "Hey, guess what? I'm going to that fancy restaurant with Madison." I said "You might not want to bet on it." "What does that mean? What's with the bow and arrow?" "Uhhhhh why are you asking so many questions!? Um, see ya!" I started running to Jacob's house and when I got there Koopid was there I said "Oh hey Stupid, what's up?" He said "First off, it's Koopid." I said "Yeah whatever you say Stupid." "Second off, give me back my bow and arrow!" He grabbed it and I tried getting it back. I pulled it back and said "Never!" We were fighting for it and I was pulling on the launching part and there were 3 bows in it. I said "Fine, you want it so bad? Take it!" I let go and the bows went to Bow's house. Koopid said "Look at what you've done!" I said "Calm your shell, what could possibly go wrong."
At Bow's house
Goombella said "I can't wait to see where Tyrone is taking me." Bow said "Jacob won't tell me." Madison said "Vhris said he's taking me to that Waluigi restaurant." Goombella said "Isn't that place also a casino? Like with pinball machines?" "Probably, I mean it's Waluigi's place so." 3 bows started shooting all around the room then all 3 of them hit each of them.
Back to Stupid and Tyrone
I said "What could possibly go wrong?" Goombella, Bow, and Madison walked out of the house and Jacob and Chris came next to me. Jacob had on a fedora and bow tie. I said "Where are they going?" Chris said "Why is there a pink flying Koopa next to you?" Koopid slapped him and said "I am a Parakoopa! I am much more dignified then you!" Jacob said "Why are they going to Goom's house?" Goom opened the door with Bomb-Boo and Koops behind him and then we saw them talking. After they were done Goombella kissed Goom, Bow kissed Bomb-Boo, and Madison kissed Koops! Our jaws dropped and Koopid said "So what movie are we watching tonight? Wait for it. Jaws? Ah hahaha! Oh I crack myself up." I said "What happen?! How could this be possible!" Koopid said "Well let's see here. Since those 3 are your rivals they are basically you 3 just with different personalities." I said "Nooooooo!" Jacob said "Noooooooooooo!" Chris said "Noooooooo!" Koopid said "Blame your Goomba friend." Jacob and Chris surrounded me and said "Your gonna fix this!" I said "Of course guys. I always do. But we'll need another plan! Here's what we d-." Jacob said "No! We are not doing another plan! Me and Chris are helping you get our gfs back!" Chris said "Yeah first we infiltration wherever they're going we bicycle kick our rivals! Fatality! Then we get the girl!" I said "That's actually not a bad plan. But no." Koopid said "I know what you 3 can do. Find the 3 anti love arrows." I said "Well, where are they?" He snapped and then we were teleported somewhere familiar. I said "Where are we?" Koopid said "Welcome to the anti love relm!" I said "Ok then, let's get going!" I jumped over a few rocks and then we looked in the mushroom kingdom. When we went in Jacob said "I don't like it here, houses are half broken, windows, karts, nothing here is happy or loving." A toad said "Give me the money!" I said "We don't have any." He said "Well, let's see what your ghostly friend there has to say." Jacob covered his eyes but the toad grabbed him and started shaking him down. A picture of bow fell out and the toad gasped and said "We have some lovers!" It echoed across the land and I said "Ha! That was pointle-." Something grabbed us all and when I woke up I heard familiar voices. Someone said "The Goomba looks nice, should we let them go?" Someone else said "No, and first off the boo looks better." Someone else said "No way, the Koopa definitely." Someone took the bag off my head and I said "Where are w-!? Whoa, am I looking in a mirror? It's an apocalyptic mirror." The Goomba grabbed me and said "Do you know where you are?!" I said "I could answer if you would just let go of my throat." He threw me to the ground and said "We are the law here! We take care of the ones who still have some love after the apocalypse." I said "Apocalypse? What are you talking about?" He kicked me and said "Anything nice, cute, or loving has been sucked out of this kingdom and this world. Besides one Koopa who still had hope." I said "Was his name Koopid?" The boo gasped and said "Wait, are they them?" The Koopa said "Shut up! You already said to much!" Jacob and Chris woke up and said "Where are we?" I said "Jacob, Chris! Run!" The Goomba said "Yep! Get them!" The Koopa charged at me but I jumped on him and grabbed a air vent and kicked it down. I said "Jacob, Chris! We gotta go!" Jacob and Chris jumped in the vent and we started crawling through it. I said "This place seems high-tech. Those arrows must be in here!" Chris said "Who were those guys?" I said "I don't know, but they went in attack mode when you guys woke up and I said your names." Jacob said "Could it be us?" I said "Jacob don't be stupid of course not." We looked down through another air vent and those guys were in that room. The Koopa said "Ok, so where could they be?" The Goomba said "Probably in the Anti room." The boo said "Chris, Tyrone, focus. It's Valentine's Day, that means that those guys have to be us! The prophecy might come true!" The Goomba said "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard you say!" Jacob said "I told you so." The Koopa looked at us and we started crawling again. I said "How could this be? Prophecy? There are a lot of plot holes forming here." Chris said "Does it matter? Let's get to that Anti room." We looked down at another vent and there was a waddle Dee and Shy Guy. The waddle Dee said "Well, I gotta go take a Luigi." The shy guy said "Ok- wait, a Luigi?" The waddle Dee said "You know, number two." We started crawling again and we saw 3 black arrows. I said "Ok, let's go!" I kicked open the vent and fell into the room. I said "This should be e-." Jacob said "Wait there might be laser sensors!" I took a step and said "Huh?" A fast bullet bill almost hit me and I said "Son of a bullet bill! Run!" We all started running and dodging the bullet bills. I grabbed one of the arrows and said "Got one!" Jacob grabbed one and said "Got one!" Chris got one and said "Got o-." The door opened and the Goomba said "So, it was true, ok Chris hit the button." The Koopa hit a yellow button and a red light started flashing! The Koopa said "Wait, if we kill them, then won't we not exist?" Jacob and the boo said "Ha! I told you!" Me and the Goomba said "Shut up Jacob!" I jumped over the Goomba and started running. Pipes were breaking and steam was coming out. I saw a pink and purple light then I woke up on Jacob's front lawn. I said "The heck?! I still have the arrow!" Jacob and Chris woke up and said "What time is it?" Koopid appeared and said "Its love-O-clock." He grabbed the arrows and shot them. I'm guessing they all hit the right locations because the next thing I knew we were all going to Waluigi's Heart Piece restaurant. Afterwards at the dance I saw Goom and our other rivals eating Ice Cream and crying. When we all went back home I said "That was the best night ever!" Jacob said "Yeah, but what about that apocalyptic future thing?" I said "Meh, we probably stopped it right?" Koopid appeared and said "You did! That future is gone. Gonna be honest I had the anti love arrows the whole time but I wanted that future to never exist. So basically you changed your future." I said "That's good and we got back our girlfriends! Best Valentimes Day I've ever had!" Jacob said "Its pronounced Valentines!" I said "Nope. I know how to speck right!" "Well you don't know how to pronounce it." Koopid said "Riiight, well later losers." He disappeared with only leaving one arrow on the floor. I placed it with all of my other stuff I collected across my adventures, next to my mushroom and Freddy Fazbear doll.

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