Josie Higashikata x Male Read...

By Victor_TheRiper

147K 3.1K 2K

Josie Higashikata, an 18 year old female teenager who lives in Japan, M Prefecture, S-City, Morioh Town. She... More

Chp.1 Enter Josie Higashikata
Chp.2 The Talk
Chp.3 The Mysterious Enemy Stand
Chp.4 Enter Angelo Katagiri Pt.1
Chp.5 Angelo Katagiri: Water Neckalce Pt.2
Chp.6 Ryohei's Death/Angelo Katagiri Pt.3
Chp.7 Angelo Katagiri:Water Neckalace Pt.4
Chp.8 End Of Angelo Katagiri
Chp.9 Encountering The Nijimuras
Chp.10 Okuyasa Nijimura: Za Hando
Chp.12 Keicho Nijimura: Bad Company
Chp.13 The Mysterious Creature/New Enemy Stand
Chp.14 The New Mysterious Enemy
Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1
Chp.16 Echoes Act 1/End Of Tamami Koboyashi Pt.2
Chp.17 Toshikazu Hazamada: Surface Pt.1
Chp.18 End Of Toshikazu Hazamada Pt.2
Chp.19 Enter Yukako Yamagishi Pt.1
Chp.20 Yukako Yamagishi Pt.2
Chp.21 Echoes Act 2/Yukako Yamagishi Pt.3
Chp.22 End Of Yukako Yamagishi
Chp.23 Encounter Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.1
Chp.24 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.2
Chp.25 Enter Akira Otoishi/Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.3
Chp.26 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.4
Chp.27 End Of Akira Otoishi
Chp.28 Daughter and Mother Reunion
Chp.30 The Tragic Backstory
Chp.32 Enter Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.1
Chp.32 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.2
Chp.33 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.3
Chp.34 Josie's Story/End Of Rohan Kishibe
Chp.35 Meeting Reimi Sugimoto Pt.1
Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2
Chp.37 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.1
Chp.38 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.2
Chp.39 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.3
Chp.40 Kira: The Mysterious Blonde Man
Chp.41 Kira Yoshikage/Killer Queen
Chp.42 Shigechi's Irreversible Sadness Death
Chp.43 Sheer Heart Attack Pt.1
Chp.44 Echoes Act 3/Sheer Heart Attack Pt.2
Chp.46 Kira Yoshikage gets ORA'd
Chp.47 Kira Yoshikage's Escape
Chp.48 The Heart Father: Yoshihirio Kira
Chp.49 Shinobu Kawajiri/Kosaku Kawajiri
Chp.50 The Unknown Enemy: Highway Star Pt.1
Chp.52 End of Yuya Fungami/Highway Star
Chp.53 Cats love Yoshikage Kira
Chp.54 Killer Queen: Bites The Dust
Chp.55 Kira Yoshikages's Identity Expose
Chp.59 The Showdown
Chp.61 Yoshikage Kira's Defeat
Chp.63 One Last Goodbye
Chp.64 The Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon Is Unbreakable
Coming REALLY Soon
Yoshikage Kira's Alternative Defeat
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2

Chp.51 Highway Star Pt.2

806 25 6
By Victor_TheRiper


As we left off, (YN) was riding on the motorcycle as Josie was hiding on behind him, as they head over town to look for the user of Highway Star and take the user down for good. The two notice that Highway Star has already got a scent out from them, if they get caught from the stand, their nutrient will be sucked and will lose strength and energy and currently die...

(YN): Damn it! We got a problem!

Josie: What is it?!

(YN): If we're looking for the user of that stand, then how the hell should we know where he's located at??!

Josie: Crap! Now that you mention it...oh wait! I have an idea! What if I call Koichi on the phone to help us out! He can use Echoes to fly up there and look for the enemy!

(YN): That sounds like a good idea! We can use the phone booth to call him! Hold on, there's one near at the station!

And so, (YN) with 90 km/hour speed heads over the station as they make a quick stop, and use the phone booth to call at Koichi's house...

Josie: Okay! I'll use my card to call Koichi and-

Suddenly, they notice Highway Star appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the road...

Josie: What the!?! They just appeared out of nowhere!?! We were sure we were at 80km/h of speed and then now we were at 60km/h of speed! It's simple of math!

(YN): It's not that! It should have taken them like 3 minutes to get to us, but the bad thing is that they know ours scents! That's why they appeared out of no where!

The footprints pointed at them, knowing well that they have found them...

Josie: Shit! Shit! Step on it (YN)!

(YN) steps on the gas as he continues to get as far away from Highway Star, but it keeps coming due of them going 60km/h.

Josie: Great! Now how are we gonna call Koichi?!

(YN): Hmmm....I got it! Josie, there's a guy with a phone in his hands! Once I'm near it, quickly snatch it out from his hands! It's the only way to call for Koichi!

Josie: O-Okay!

And so, (YN) rides near the sidewalk as Josie gets ready to snatch a phone out from a person, and so she did.

Josie: Got it! I'm gonna call Koichi!

As Josie was dialing for Koichi's number, meanwhile at Koichi's house, he was having trouble trying to get his dog, Police, out for a walk due to him being so lazy...

Koichi: Oh come on Police! You have to walk at least.

Koichi then hears his house phone ringing as he picks it up...

Koichi: Hello. Koichi Residence.

Josie: Koichi! It's me Josie!

Koichi can tell by the voice that Josie was in trouble. So Josie told everything to Koichi that was happening about the enemy stand, Highway Star...knowing that the stand has to do with the user being in the tunnel and living there for some Koichi starts to investigate on the newspaper as he found something about it...

Koichi: Here! On the newspaper, something that happen two days ago. I even saw the news yesterday. Some thug on a motorcycle was drunk driving and crashed into the tunnel's entrance. That person who crash is John Doe, he was unconscious and in critical condition with injuries all over his body. He's undergoing intensive care at Budogaoka Hospital now!

Josie: Sounds like he may be the victim of the stand, anyone else??

Koichi: Wait a sec. When I saw the scene of the accident, there was blood all over. Hey Josie, don't tell me the stand you and (YN) are being chase has to do with sucking nutrients, right??!

Josie: I don't know. (YN), Isn't it possible that the John Doe, who's in critical condition could be the stand user??

(YN): Maybe. From what I heard is that he needs nutrients to recover his body and-

Josie: (YN) look!!

(YN): Eh?!

They notice that they were about to head towards to a path towards the ocean...

(YN): Shit! The ocean!

Josie: Wait look! A corner!

(YN): Good! Buts it's a risk! If I give a turn cause the motorcycle to drop down to 60km/h. Hold on tight!

Koichi: Josie?? (YN)?? Are you there??

Josie: Yeah! Koichi, whatever you do don't hang up okay?!

Koichi: Got it!

(YN): Hold on tight Josie!!

Josie then holds on (YN) tight as (YN) makes the turn, and using his knee to slow down for a bit to make the turn, and so he successfully did as he goes back to 80km/h of speed...

Josie: (YN)! You did it!

(YN): Ha! Take that!

As they make the turn, they then notices another end road, which leads them to the ocean harbor...

(YN): Shit! Another end road! Now what!?!

Josie: Leah it to me! Crazy Diamond!

Crazy Diamond: DORARARARARAA!!!

With Crazy Diamond punching the walls and destroying them into crumbles of pieces, (YN) then stops the motorcycle as they see Highway Star coming closer and closer to them...

Josie: And the crumbles of the wall...fix!

With the walls that Crazy Diamond destroyed, the crumbles of the wall started to repair again as they made a wall back again, this time blocking them from Highway Star, for them not to smell their scents on the other side...

(YN): Ah. I see now. In order for them not to come straight to us, it couldn't see it anymore with the wall being in the way.

Josie: Yeah. It's not planning to attack nor kill us. Only tries to take our nutrients.

Koichi: Josie! (YN)!

Josie: Koichi! The hospital! Head over there and make sure you find that John Doe guy!

Koichi: Got it!

(YN): This situation is heavy so far...

Josie: Tell me about it, how the hell are we suppose to escape now?? What should we do??

As the two started to think of a way to get out of here and head over to the hospital, on the other side of the wall, the footprints started to form into a person, revealing Highway Star true self...

Highway Star then climbs over the wall, soon starting to smell their scents, suddenly, the wall collapses and notices Josie and (YN) aren't there anymore, and notice a path underneath, knowing they have gotten that path, so Highway Star turn into footprints again as it started chasing after them...

Josie: Good idea (YN)! Who knew there's a culvert here! Luckily there was for us to escape! But how are we suppose to get out of here and know what direction is the hospital and not go to the wrong one and will lead us to the ocean again?!

(YN): Dont worry! I know the direction! Just hang on tight!

And so, (YN) started taking right and lefts paths to head over to the hospital...until...the motorcycle started to slow down somehow...

Josie: Wh-What the!? Hey! Why are you slowly down?!

(YN): I-I don't know! Did it broke down or something!?

Josie: No that can't be! The engine seems fine, why all of the sudden is slowly down?!

(YN): Wait, don't tell me...

(YN) uses Cinder as Cinder punches the gas tank of the motorcycle, knowing there out of gas...

(YN): Phew. That's why. There's no gas.

Josie: No gas, means that we're slowly down! And that stand will catch us up any moment! We have to do something!

(YN) suddenly stood quiet as he then smiles a little..

Josie: H-Hey! What the hell you're smiling about!? You do realize we're in a middle of a situation right?!

(YN): Hehe. I know, but now it's the perfect time to do this trick.

Josie: Trick?!

(YN): Watch closely. Cinder!!!

Cinder then was summoned as he suddenly places his both hands on the cycle, he then started to boost his flames up for some reason as he gave a roar until his flames started to surround the motorcycle, the wheels were on fire, the motorcycle was becoming bigger as well, and soon a skull appeared on the front of it, and soon (YN) step on it and somehow the motorcycle started to drive faster and faster than before

Josie: W-Woah! How did you-

(YN): It's a trick I know. Don't worry, with Cinder using its power to give this cycle and upgrade, it'll be no problem for us to waste gas. Now we can go even faster!

Josie: Th-Thats awesome!!

(YN): Yeah! Hold on tight!

Josie: O-Okay!

Josie then holds onto (YN) as (YN) then started to ride the cycle even faster, more than 60km/h, the speed was in 100km/h. And so, (YN) found an exit to the culvert, soon to get out from that path and arrive at the streets...

(YN): Hell yeah! Now we can head over to the hospital!

Josie: Even better! Look, it's several blocks away from what I'm seeing! We're close!

(YN): Then hold on tight, cause we're gonna be in one hell of a ride!


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