Hello, love

By mirrorball_lover

5.7K 141 37

Klaus and Caroline. Klaroline if you will. Caroline had everything she wanted. Or at least she thought she d... More

Welcome back
Just go
The cellar
Road Trip
New Rooms
Shopping trip
Bite me
Guilty as charged
Call me
Bring the popcorn
Not an Update

Forever Love

358 9 0
By mirrorball_lover

Hey guys, OMG we are at 170 reads. That is so much and I am so grateful for all of you who are reading. It literally means the world. I just wanted to let you know I am writing a new book called From out of this world. It is about Marvel and the avengers. Josie quill(Peter Quill's sister) comes to live with the avengers and meets a little spider-man. I am also using Sabrina Carpenter as a face claim for that story so, if you like marvel fanfics please go check it out. Anyways I'm so haply this book is doing so well. I never want it to end which sadly could happen soon. I'm trying to think of ways to keep it going so I'm working on it, but you know everything good must come to an end. Anyways thanks so much for all of your reads and I hope you enjoy.

"I know." Caroline responded softly. Klaus smiled as he stepped a little closer to the crying girl.

"Did you mean it?" Klaus asked. Caroline looked at him and then to the floor feeling almost frozen. "Do you love me?" Caroline inhaled a deep breath. She turned her gaze up to Klaus.

"I always have." Her voice was a soft whisper. Suddenly Klaus pushed his face onto hers as their lips crashed. Klaus placed one hand on her waist and the other rested behind her neck as she placed her hands in his hair and on his neck. Klaus broke the kiss and smiled at Caroline before speeding them to the wall.

"Miss Bennet." Elijah said as he suddenly opened Bonnie's door. She sighed.

"It's Bonnie." Elijah nodded.

"Are you ready to leave?" Bonnie hesitated for a moment. Elijah looked at her as she stopped.

"Okay so my suitcase is in Caroline's room and I would just go and get it, but I kind of told Klaus to go get her and who in knows what could be going on in there." She said awkwardly. Elijahs eyes widened before he chuckled softly.

"I will make sure my brother brings you your luggage." He spoke in a charming accent. Bonnie smiled with a nod as she rubbed her arm in embarrassment. "May I ask you something?" Elijah asked as he opened the door for Bonnie.


"Why do you want my brother and your friend together. Klaus is not a good man and from what I have heard Caroline is as good as it gets." Bonnie smiled.

"Well first of all Caroline is the nicest and literal best person in the world, but she is not innocent." Bonnie paused as she laughed to herself. "Obviously I know Klaus is a terrible person, but they're soulmates. She's in love with him, she just won't admit it and Klaus won't stop admitting it." Bonnie laughed again receiving a smile from Elijah. "Klaus somehow in between all of their fighting and him making her go insane, makes Caroline happy. After everything she's been through, all I want is for Caroline to be happy. If anyone deserves it is Klaus. And yes I know Caroline can do better, believe me she knows that, but for some reason she keeps being brought back to Klaus." Bonnie spoke to Elijah softly.

"Yes, well I suppose Klaus will never find anyone better that Caroline Forbes." Bonnie smiled.

"Probably not." Bonnie somehow even made Elijah chuckle.

"Well." Klaus mumbled as he rubbed Caroline's shoulder as she laid peacefully next to him on the bed. She rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." Caroline mumbled now turning to face Klaus.

"Can I just say that I knew it." A huge grin appeared on Klaus' face. Caroline hit Klaus' arm and tried to force herself not to laugh.

"Whatever." She said before resting her eyes again. Klaus smiled as he wrapped his arms around the blond.

"Did you know that I came back." Klaus said. Caroline opened her eyes and tilted her head.


"Yeah, but when I did you were happy. Despite me not liking Tyler at all, you were happy with him." Klaus said softly. Caroline smiled remembering how happy she was. Her and Tyler weren't fighting and hadn't been for a while and her mom was alive. She looked at Klaus and kissed him softly.

"Thank you." Klaus looked at her strangely.

"For what, love?" He asked.

"For letting me be happy, for always keeping me happy. Thank you for being good to me." Caroline said calmly. Klaus smiled. "I know you've hurt people, but so have I. Neither of us are innocent. You aren't the bad guy, you're just misunderstood. I understand you, like you do me." Caroline said now curling into Klaus' arms.

"You're welcome love." He said smiling. "Thank you for understanding me. I have always feared that no one does." Caroline smiled and shut her eyes.

"Are you ready to leave Caroline?" Klaus asked as he waited outside the bathroom door. Caroline opened the door now all dressed and wearing almost no makeup. This didn't faze Klaus, he thought her most beautiful when she was herself. Makeup or not, girls didn't wear makeup a thousand years ago so why must she.

"Look, I want to, but Klaus. You know I can't." Caroline said as she rubbed her arms and then began to search for her jacket.

"Caroline, please. I promise I will protect you. You just need to trust me." Klaus said now becoming angry.

"I trust you, I just don't trust everyone else." She spoke softly.

"Well, you should know that Bonnie is alone with both Elijah and Rebekah." Klaus said making Caroline's blue eyes widen.

"You left her alone with them!" Caroline shouted at the hybrid. He nodded slowly making Caroline pace around the hotel room.

"I guess we should get going then." Klaus said with a smirk.

"Seriously? It's not funny. She could die!" Caroline shouted at Klaus. "My best friend is in danger and I was here with you. I'm so stupid! How could you do that?" Caroline cried. Klaus softened his stance and walked towards Caroline.

"I promise you that no one will ever harm you or your friends. Please Caroline, I don't think I could live without you." Klaus took Caroline's hands in his own.

"I mean you've already done it for over a thousand years." Caroline mumbled under her breath making Klaus chuckle.

"Come love, let me take you home." Klaus said now holding Caroline's hand and leading her out the other way. Caroline sighed, but followed the hybrid anyway.

"What about all my stuff?" She asked as Klaus lead her into his car. How many cars did he have Caroline thought.

"I have that taken care of." He promised the blond. She rolled her eyes as she sat in the passengers seat.

"They will arrive shortly." Elijah spoke to Bonnie in his soft accent. Bonnie nodded and made her way up to her room.

"My room still there?" She asked casually as she walked up the steps.

"It has not changed one bit miss Bennet." He told her. Bonnie turned around and saw Elijah standing right in front of her. She quickly backed away. "Is something wrong?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"It's Bonnie." She said calmly and then a giant smile appeared on her face when she saw the door open revealing her best friend. "Oh my gosh we have so much to talk about." Bonnie whispered to Caroline as they ran up the stairs.


"Ok spill." Bonnie spoke quickly as she bounced into her bed. Caroline laughed and then to a deep breath.

"We kissed." She said in a breath. Bonnie widened her eyes and grinned.

"I knew it. I was right, you two are perfect for each other and I am the reason you kissed." Caroline tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at her friend.


"Oh I totally gave Klaus this awesome speech about how great you are." She said with a smile on her face.

"Seriously?" Caroline shouted. Bonnie nodded with excitement.

"Ok what else happened?" Caroline sighed.

"Ok so after we kissed we...you know." Caroline said as a blush crept onto her face.

"Oh my god! Caroline!" Bonnie squealed then stopped suddenly. "Ew gross, I'm the reason for that." She made a disgusted face which resulted in Caroline throwing a pillow at her. "Ouch.How does that still hurt even when I'm a vampire?" Bonnie asked with a grin on her face.

"So the girl is staying?" Elijah asked.


"And Rebekah?"

"That is her choice." Klaus spoke calmly receiving a gentle nod from Elijah. "I just hope she makes the right one."

"She will." The boys turned around to see Rebekah standing at the door with a sorrowful smile on her face. "I've learned my lesson I swear. I was angry." She admitted.

"I know, I forgive you, but I swear if you go anywhere near Caroline-" Klaus started.

"I will go to my coffin." Rebekah finished leaving a smirk on Klaus' face. "Trust me I know."


"I have a question." Caroline said as she watched Klaus draw.

"What is it love?"

"How do you continue to live your life after losing so many people?" Her voice was quiet and Klaus could tell something was bothering the Blond.

"Simple don't get attached." He stated.

"What about me? I would hope you are attached to me." She said with a small chuckle. Klaus tilted his head in confusion.

"You're a vampire." He said calmly. Caroline sighed.

"Yeah, but I will most likely die before you because you can like never die. How would you live with that?" Klaus nodded.

"I would get the white oak stake and stab myself." He said plainly. Caroline widened her eyes. "What is this about love?" Caroline sighed.

"I have lost so many people in my life already. I lost my parents, I lost Tyler, me and Elena aren't really even friends anymore and Stefan is-is... well he left. Everybody I care about leaves or dies and I'm scared that I won't be able to handle anymore death." She cried. Klaus quickly put down his paper and walked up to the blond and wiped away her tears as he pulled her into a hug.

"You can handle anything, I'll make sure of it." Klaus whispered into Caroline's ear. "I love you Caroline." He said in a soft voice. Caroline smiled.

"I love you too." Klaus looked up at the girl and softly placed a kiss in her lips. "Klaus?" She asked as they returned to their hug.


"How long will this last?" She mumbled into his shoulder. Klaus smiled.

"Forever love."

The end.

OMG it's over. I'm so sad. I hope you all enjoyed the book and I love you all.

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