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By patt_sz

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383 20 9
By patt_sz


a few months have gone by, four to be exact and quinn had her little bump which zion and dante loved touching and kissing, she was almost five months along and today was the gender reveal.

reign gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and edwin hasn't left her alone since she came into the world, but reign finds it cute and she gets more time to herself so she doesn't mind, her name was picked out by reign and second name was edwin's idea, and her full name is verenity amara honoret, or mari for short.

camila also gave birth to her baby son, victor had full control of picking the name so they named him luca oliver massi, and he was already the calmest baby on planet earth, he didn't even cry when he came out into the world.

yasmin had her wedding with mila so she was officially yasmin clark, no more yasmin williams but yasmin didn't care because she was happily married to mila.

zamira and brandon were still only dating just like sasha and nick, but they didn't care because they weren't in a rush for anything anyway so they just lived in the happy moments, and they were all still friends.. but back to the gender reveal.

zion's family came over for it too and they were all excited to find out the gender, camila was the only one who knew because she organized the whole event with kara, it was obviously happening at quinn's and zion's house because where else would they do it all.

everyone was going to arrive soon and quinn was still upstairs changing while zion helped yasmin and reign set up the snacks on the table in the backyard with dante and simba running around, quinn didn't want to go all out with the outfit so she just went cozy and casual.

she was only going to be around friends and family anyway so she wasn't impressing anyone anyway, when she was ready she headed downstairs to see everything set up and dante was nicely dressed thanks to zion.

when she walked outside yasmin turned to her and smiled, "everything looks amazing, thanks guys." quinn mumbled with a smile, "no problem, i'm just excited for the reveal." reign stated excitedly, "what are those stickers for?" quinn asked noticing blue and pink name stickers.

"oh we're going to have everyone write their names on one of the stickers, and whatever color they pick they're betting on that gender of the baby."

"oh, fun."

"and if they guess it right they get ten bucks, provided by your boy."

quinn chuckled while zion kissed her head then dante ran up to them all with simba, "i want baby brother." dante stated panting so yasmin wrote dante's name on a blue sticker then stuck it on dante's shirt, "there you go." she said and he smiled.

"what are you guys betting on?"

"i'm going with a girl, your mom had two girls so there's genes for it."

"okay, reign?"

"i'm going girl too, she can be besties with mari."


"boy, i'm betting on my brain."

"who the fuck would want that?"

"yeah it's pretty useless."

zion sighed while reign and yasmin raised their brows and i chuckled, "either way, i'm going with a boy." zion stated and they all got their colored stickers, "and you bubs?" zion asked as he turned to quinn, "i'm not taking part in the betting, it doesn't matter to me." she said smiling.

"oh come on, it's a little money fun."

"fine, then i'll go with a boy like dante and zi."

"the winning team i see."

"shut up zion, it's a girl for sure."

"keep dreaming."

then the doorbell went off so they all headed inside and zion opened the door to his parents and siblings, "move." kekeli said as she shoved past zion and walked to quinn, "rude bitch." zion mumbled while quinn laughed and hugged kekeli, "welcome." zion stated letting everyone else in.

mandy and prosper hugged quinn and zion before they were introduced to yasmin and reign while elom just went to dante and simba, "what's up?" elom said smiling and dante smiled, "hey elmo." dante chuckled and elom sighed, "cool, are you excited to see if you're getting a baby brother or sister?" he asked smiling.

"yeah it's boy."

"you think?"


"okay i'll go with your bet."


they high fived before dante led elom outside to get himself a blue sticker, "okay let's go back inside." elom stated after getting his sticker but then everyone came outside, "oh, never mind then." he mumbled and dante chuckled, "you kids having fun?" zion asked as he turned to elom and dante.

elom hooded his eyes and sighed while zion laughed before he picked up dante, "he still calls me elmo." elom stated and dante smiled, "i know i'm reminding him it's elmo every time." zion said bluntly, "what?" elom questioned with furrowed brows, "every time before you come over i remind dante it's elmo and not elom." zion stated smiling.



"because that's not my name."

"dante who's that?"


"you heard him, it's elmo."

zion and dante smiled while elom just shook his head at them, then everyone got their stickers and soon there was another ring on the doorbell so zion went inside and opened the door to zamira, nick, brandon and sasha, "sup." sasha said with a nod before she walked past him and joined everyone in the backyard.

so they all followed her including zion and talked for a while before getting their stickers, and after a good few minutes everyone was in the backyard ready for the gender reveal.

victor was carrying luca around and edwin was carrying mari around while dante was sticking with elom and simba so all the kids were being looked after, "okay reveal time." camila called out so zion ran to quinn's side and she chuckled before he placed his hand on her back and grinned.

camila made sure everyone had their stickers before she grabbed the big black balloon and handed it to zion and the pin to quinn, "okay whenever you're ready." she mumbled smiling as she stepped back next to victor, "why am i scared?" quinn sighed and zion chuckled before she took a deep breath.

she moved her hand back then stabbed the balloon with the pin before blue confetti flew out, zion immediately started cheering and quinn smiled while everyone applauded and cheered, "dante you're getting a baby brother." zion stated as he picked him up and kissed his cheek.


zion and quinn chuckled before she kissed dante's head while zion wrapped his arm around her waist, "alright who do i owe ten bucks?" zion questioned with a sigh, and people raised their hands so zion started handing out ten bucks to them because he purposely took out a few ten dollar notes for this.

everyone congratulated mainly quinn because zion was busy giving out money, "are you excited dante?" elom asked as he stood on the side with dante while quinn got hugs from people, "yeah i got baby brother." he mumbled happily, "are you going to give him one of your cars?" elom smiled and dante nodded.

"yeah yellow and green."

"why green and yellow?"

"they're pretty."

"so you're giving away the pretty cars?"


"you're so nice."

dante smiled before the pair high fived while simba stood by dante like always, "are you going to play cars with him?" elom asked as he crotched down to dante's height, "yeah and you." dante stated pointing to elom, "we're gonna play cars together?" elom mumbled and dante nodded smiling.

"alright fine by me."

"it's going be fun."

"definitely, what color car can i have to play with?"

"um.. blue and purple."

"and what about you?"

"red and orange."

"okay i'm excited."

then quinn came over and picked dante up while elom simply smiled at her, "are you excited for your baby brother?" she asked smiling, "yeah we going to play cars with elmo." dante stated and quinn chuckled, "tell zion to stop reminding him to call me elmo." elom said with a sigh, "baby say elom not elmo." quinn mumbled and dante just looked at her blankly.

"el - om."


"thank you."

quinn chuckled with a nod before she let dante down and went off to zion, "where's my ten bucks?" she asked with furrowed brows, "alright here." zion stated and handed her one hundred dollar note instead of ten, "that's a hundred." she said and he nodded, "i know." he mumbled and she confused.


"because i love you."

"that's not a reason to give me a hundred bucks."

"it is actually, i went through your laptop history and i know you want that black leather coat so now you can get it."

"zion you don't need to-"

"i know bubs."

"then have this-"

"nope, you're getting that coat with that money."

"how? post it through the laptop?"

"fine i'll take it back but you're buying the coat off my card."

she chuckled and grabbed his face then pecked his lips while he held onto her hips, "i love you so much." she mumbled smiling, "i love you too." he said with a smile then ducked down, "and you as well." he stated and kissed her belly before standing back up while she chuckled at him.

"and dante of course but he's busy with elmo."



quinn chuckled before she kissed his cheek and they went off to their friends, everyone was having a blast at the mini party and quinn couldn't be happier with the way her life turned out and it's not even close to finishing.. hopefully.

the party went on for hours but nobody even cared because they were having fun, and when the time eventually got to 6 pm everyone decided it was time to head home after four hours.

obviously zion's parents and siblings stayed, elom shared a room with dante because dante argued on it while kekeli had her own room and the parents too, "okay goodnight baby." quinn mumbled then kissed dante's cheek before walking out of his room.

when she walked into her bedroom zion was laying in bed shirtless and ready to sleep, "you look so beautiful bubs." he mumbled while she grabbed one of zion's shirts and her shorts, "thank you." she smiled then walked over to kiss him before she started changing while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"do you want help?"

"no it's okay i got it."

he sat up then got off the bed before he kneeled down in front of her when her shirt was off, "we're going to have the cutest baby on earth." he mumbled and held her belly while planting little kisses on it, "definitely." she smiled happily, "and i get to be a dad to two boys." he stated and she chuckled.

"you're going to be and are a great dad."

"thank you bubs."

"and i'm a great mother so you don't need to tell me that one."

he chuckled and nodded because she was definitely correct, "you're also the sexiest mother i've ever seen." he stated and smirked, "yeah we're not just mother and father, we're a milf and a dilf." she said with a nod, "oh you're definitely a milf." he mumbled and she smiled.

"it sounds like a negative thing but i'm proud of it, i'm a hot mom."

"the hottest."

"thank you, and you're the hottest dad i've ever seen."

"that's why we make cute babies."

she chuckled and nodded before he kissed her forehead and let her finish changing, then she walked to the bathroom and started removing her makeup while he stood behind her and kissed her neck.

"i love you."

"i love you too."

"i love you."

"i love you too zion."

"i love you bubs."

"i love you too daddy."

he smirked and looked up to look at her reflection in the mirror, "you want head?" he asked with a smirk, "your son and brother are next door to us, your parents and sister are also in the other rooms and you want to give me head?" she questioned and he nodded, "as long as you're quiet." he mumbled and she shook her head.

"not a chance zion."

"why not?"

"because one: i've not shaved for like weeks since my bump came in, and two: just no."

"okay one: i don't care, and two: please?"

"you don't care that i didn't shave?"

"not one bit, couldn't care less honestly and please?"


he pouted and sighed while she chuckled at his cute face, "you're such a child i swear." she mumbled as she leaned down to wash her face, "i'll give you a child- oh wait." he said with a smirk and she chuckled as she dried her face off with a face towel.

"i already did."

"i noticed."

"really? i thought i hid it quiet well."

she chuckled and nudged him before they walked back to the bedroom, "bedtime." he mumbled as he jumped onto the bed, "i love you so much you weirdo." she chuckled while she let her hair down from her low ponytail, "i love you too my beautiful future wife." he stated as she got into bed.

"i can't wait for this baby to be born and to finally be your wife."

"you already are to me, since we started dating."

"but i meant officially."

"yeah i know bubs, but soon."

he smiled and kissed her head while she laid on her side, "you mean the world to me." he mumbled and caressed her cheek, "you're the only person i need ever, and our kids of course." he added smiling and she couldn't help but smile too, "i love you zi." she said before he leaned in and pecked her lips.

then she flipped onto the other side and he wrapped his arm around her, "goodnight bubs." he mumbled and kissed her cheek, "goodnight zion." she responded before they began slowly dozing off to sleep with smiles on their faces, while dante was still up with elom talking.

he was just excited to have a baby brother.

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