Josie Higashikata x Male Read...

By Victor_TheRiper

152K 3.2K 2K

Josie Higashikata, an 18 year old female teenager who lives in Japan, M Prefecture, S-City, Morioh Town. She... More

Chp.1 Enter Josie Higashikata
Chp.2 The Talk
Chp.3 The Mysterious Enemy Stand
Chp.4 Enter Angelo Katagiri Pt.1
Chp.5 Angelo Katagiri: Water Neckalce Pt.2
Chp.6 Ryohei's Death/Angelo Katagiri Pt.3
Chp.7 Angelo Katagiri:Water Neckalace Pt.4
Chp.8 End Of Angelo Katagiri
Chp.9 Encountering The Nijimuras
Chp.10 Okuyasa Nijimura: Za Hando
Chp.12 Keicho Nijimura: Bad Company
Chp.13 The Mysterious Creature/New Enemy Stand
Chp.14 The New Mysterious Enemy
Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1
Chp.16 Echoes Act 1/End Of Tamami Koboyashi Pt.2
Chp.17 Toshikazu Hazamada: Surface Pt.1
Chp.18 End Of Toshikazu Hazamada Pt.2
Chp.19 Enter Yukako Yamagishi Pt.1
Chp.20 Yukako Yamagishi Pt.2
Chp.21 Echoes Act 2/Yukako Yamagishi Pt.3
Chp.22 End Of Yukako Yamagishi
Chp.23 Encounter Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.1
Chp.24 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.2
Chp.25 Enter Akira Otoishi/Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.3
Chp.26 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.4
Chp.27 End Of Akira Otoishi
Chp.28 Daughter and Mother Reunion
Chp.30 The Tragic Backstory
Chp.32 Enter Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.1
Chp.32 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.2
Chp.33 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.3
Chp.34 Josie's Story/End Of Rohan Kishibe
Chp.35 Meeting Reimi Sugimoto Pt.1
Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2
Chp.37 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.1
Chp.38 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.2
Chp.39 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.3
Chp.40 Kira: The Mysterious Blonde Man
Chp.41 Kira Yoshikage/Killer Queen
Chp.42 Shigechi's Irreversible Sadness Death
Chp.43 Sheer Heart Attack Pt.1
Chp.44 Echoes Act 3/Sheer Heart Attack Pt.2
Chp.46 Kira Yoshikage gets ORA'd
Chp.47 Kira Yoshikage's Escape
Chp.48 The Heart Father: Yoshihirio Kira
Chp.49 Shinobu Kawajiri/Kosaku Kawajiri
Chp.50 The Unknown Enemy: Highway Star Pt.1
Chp.51 Highway Star Pt.2
Chp.52 End of Yuya Fungami/Highway Star
Chp.53 Cats love Yoshikage Kira
Chp.54 Killer Queen: Bites The Dust
Chp.55 Kira Yoshikages's Identity Expose
Chp.59 The Showdown
Chp.61 Yoshikage Kira's Defeat
Chp.63 One Last Goodbye
Chp.64 The Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon Is Unbreakable
Coming REALLY Soon
Yoshikage Kira's Alternative Defeat
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2


1.2K 38 21
By Victor_TheRiper


As we left off, Kira used Killer Queen to shut up Koichi by leaving a huge gaping hole on his gut, and dropping him to the ground...

Kira: Th-This feeling I this the feeling of defeat?! No. Bullshit! This little shit was just annoying that's all. Only a minute I have before Josie and the others arrive here. I just wanted to punch him a lot of times to calm myself down, and now he has his socks inside-out. Doesn't that bug him?

Kira somehow started to get annoyed the fact Koichi has his socks inside out...

Kira: Nrrrgh!! It's starting to annoy me already!

Kira then takes out Koichi's socks as he started putting them correctly, after that, he then puts back his shoes...

Kira: Aah. There we go. Now I can finally relax...and now I can eradicate you the bug you are! Killer Queen! *Summons Killer Queen* The tip of this finger can transform anything into a bomb! So for your execution, I think I should transform your student badge into a bomb!

Killer Queen then was about to lay its finger on Koichi's student bag and turn it into a bomb if anyone tries to touch it, and make it explode....until...

Jocelyn: ...You did a good job holding on the forth Koichi....I'll take it of this fucker from here...

Luckily and surpringky, Jocelyn appeared behind Kira, he then use Killer Queen to strike a punch as Star Platinum blocks it..

Kira: What?!?

Kira notices Jocelyn standing up, still bleeding out from the wounds before from Sheer Heart Attack...and is barely can stand up and holding the pain...

Kira: ...Well now, this a surprise. I never knew you will prop yourself up with those injuries for a lady like you. You would've have been better off laying down on the ground on your eternal slumber peacefully. I'm fairly certain I can see the trees behind you through those gaping holes you have.

Jocelyn: ...Nice watch.

Kira: Hm??

Jocelyn: Go ahead and take one last look on it. Cause I'm about to break the shit out of it, and to be clear by it, I mean your freaking face as well, motherfucker.

Kira: My...your really certainly are an intriguing lady. What possibly did I do to get you this worked up??

Jocelyn: ...what didn't you sick, twisted, anti-motherfucker...I didn't came here just to meet my auntie and have her and my grandfather reunite together...I also search for the culprit that killed my two friends...and my husband! And by the looks of it...I've finally found him...and it's you!

Kira: Friends??? Husband?? What are you-

Jocelyn pulls out her necklace, and tosses it to Kira...Kira looks at the necklace as it then has a picture of Jocelyn, Jolyne...and her husband...

Kira: ...Oh? Ooooh. *chuckles* if my memories are still good, this man with you seems really familiar. If I remember...I think I blown him up to smithereens. *chuckles* alongside with his and your pathetic friends.

Kira tosses the necklaces near Jocelyn

Jocelyn: ...You bastard...!! I should beat the living shit out of you for that! You've taken my only one thing I cared from on my life!

Kira: *Chuckles* and do you think I care?? *scoffs* All I know is that I was happy I got rid of your precious friends, and your special husband of yours. They were troublesome for me, and glad I blown them up. But as for now, I would love to learn your name and other things about you, but I really must get going to my destination. I have a mere 20 seconds left. Mindless talk, isn't just on my agenda and it's...useless.

Jocelyn suddenly spat out a lot of blood as he lost a bit of balance as she drop down to the ground on her knees...

Kira: *chuckles* I have to be honest with you, your stands attack earlier is surprising feeble, weak and useless. Stopping that pitiful punch was like catching a little fly. But you have to be an absolute Neanderthal to believe to believe in your feebleness has any chance of overcoming Killer Queen's power.

Killer Queen was summoned as he gets ready to strike down Jocelyn..

Jocelyn Mind: I-I don't know...but somehow...this motherfucker...the way he said useless, and said about time...he reminds me of that bastard DIO!
D-Damn it! He thinks he's won Huh?!? He's just being too cocky! Just you wait! Because I'm about to-

Jolyne: M-Mommy...?!

Suddenly, Jolyne came out of no where, as Jocelyn gasps in shock ness...

Kira: Hmm? Well, what do you know, if it isn't your sweet little daughter.

Jolyne: Mommy...!

Jocelyn: J-Jolyne! What are you doing?! Get back sweetie! Wh-Where's your-

Josephine: Jolyne, little pumpkin, where you run off too??

Josephine also appeared with Shizuka in her hands and notices Jocelyn on the ground with Kira...

Josephine: J-Jocelyn! What happen?! W-Wait! Who in the world is that?! D-Don't tell me he's-

Jocelyn: Old hag! Get Jolyne out of here now! And get out of here too, both of you now!

Josephine: Th-That he's the killer! And the one who killed my friends ...and your husband...!

Kira: *Chuckles* If I were you old lady, I wouldn't come closer to her, even not letting that little girl get near to her mommy, or I'll have Jocleyn here blown into smithereens.

Josephine quickly grabs Jolyne to her hands...

Josephine: Jolyne! Stay here sweetie!

Jolyne: No! Mommy's hurt! I can't leave her! Mommy!

Jocelyn: J-Jolyne...

In Jocelyn's POV and perspective, she can see Josephine worried about her, and her daughter, Jolyne, who's crying her tears out, calling for her, wanting her not to be hurt...and then, she slowly turns her focus on Kira as she sees him smiling as Kira says to her...

Kira: Once I'm done getting rid of you, I'll get rid of that old man, that baby...and your precious little girl. Oh, and I'll be having your sweet hands~...Goodbye.


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