Josie Higashikata x Male Read...

By Victor_TheRiper

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Josie Higashikata, an 18 year old female teenager who lives in Japan, M Prefecture, S-City, Morioh Town. She... More

Chp.1 Enter Josie Higashikata
Chp.2 The Talk
Chp.3 The Mysterious Enemy Stand
Chp.4 Enter Angelo Katagiri Pt.1
Chp.5 Angelo Katagiri: Water Neckalce Pt.2
Chp.6 Ryohei's Death/Angelo Katagiri Pt.3
Chp.7 Angelo Katagiri:Water Neckalace Pt.4
Chp.8 End Of Angelo Katagiri
Chp.9 Encountering The Nijimuras
Chp.10 Okuyasa Nijimura: Za Hando
Chp.12 Keicho Nijimura: Bad Company
Chp.13 The Mysterious Creature/New Enemy Stand
Chp.14 The New Mysterious Enemy
Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1
Chp.16 Echoes Act 1/End Of Tamami Koboyashi Pt.2
Chp.17 Toshikazu Hazamada: Surface Pt.1
Chp.18 End Of Toshikazu Hazamada Pt.2
Chp.19 Enter Yukako Yamagishi Pt.1
Chp.20 Yukako Yamagishi Pt.2
Chp.21 Echoes Act 2/Yukako Yamagishi Pt.3
Chp.22 End Of Yukako Yamagishi
Chp.23 Encounter Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.1
Chp.24 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.2
Chp.25 Enter Akira Otoishi/Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.3
Chp.26 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.4
Chp.27 End Of Akira Otoishi
Chp.28 Daughter and Mother Reunion
Chp.30 The Tragic Backstory
Chp.32 Enter Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.1
Chp.32 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.2
Chp.33 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.3
Chp.34 Josie's Story/End Of Rohan Kishibe
Chp.35 Meeting Reimi Sugimoto Pt.1
Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2
Chp.37 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.1
Chp.38 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.2
Chp.39 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.3
Chp.40 Kira: The Mysterious Blonde Man
Chp.41 Kira Yoshikage/Killer Queen
Chp.43 Sheer Heart Attack Pt.1
Chp.44 Echoes Act 3/Sheer Heart Attack Pt.2
Chp.46 Kira Yoshikage gets ORA'd
Chp.47 Kira Yoshikage's Escape
Chp.48 The Heart Father: Yoshihirio Kira
Chp.49 Shinobu Kawajiri/Kosaku Kawajiri
Chp.50 The Unknown Enemy: Highway Star Pt.1
Chp.51 Highway Star Pt.2
Chp.52 End of Yuya Fungami/Highway Star
Chp.53 Cats love Yoshikage Kira
Chp.54 Killer Queen: Bites The Dust
Chp.55 Kira Yoshikages's Identity Expose
Chp.59 The Showdown
Chp.61 Yoshikage Kira's Defeat
Chp.63 One Last Goodbye
Chp.64 The Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon Is Unbreakable
Coming REALLY Soon
Yoshikage Kira's Alternative Defeat
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2

Chp.42 Shigechi's Irreversible Sadness Death

1.3K 37 57
By Victor_TheRiper


And so, Shigechi, with a broken nose, wounded body and bloody face all over and scars as well, he manage to escape from Kira and knowing he's the murderer in Lorioh tone and the responsible death of Reimi Sugimoto...

Shigechi: I-I can't die like matter what...I have to tell this to Josie and the others about Yoshikage Kira...and I need to protect my momma and papa. I promise! I'll protect them from that sick twisted monster! That horrible creep is a terrible core! And o can't let him live on the same town with my mama and papa!

Shigechi then jumps over the window insider the school building to look for Josie and (YN), and the others...and if they can heal me, I can save them...

As Shigechi was looking for them, a basketball was toss towards his gut as he collapses to the floor...three school girls with gum clothes appeared and notice Shigechi...

Girl #1: Sorry about that!

Girl #3: Hey kid, are you okay?!

Girl #2: Geez, I wonder what's wrong the middle schooler??

Girl #1: He seems he needs help. Should we get a teacher??

Girl #3: N-No. he's kinda weird. Come on.

...the three girls garb bed the basketball and left, leaving Shigechi helpless, knowing he's hurt so bad and needs help.....YOU FREAKING THOTS!!!!! FUTURE, COME GET THEM! THEY BELONG TO THE STREETS!!....Ahem, anyways...back to the story, Shigechi got up as he was still wounded up badly as he continues walking down the hallway to look for a Josie and the others. Luckily, as he arrive to a door, he saw through the window, seeing Josie and Okuyasa in there....

Shigechi: J-Josie! Okuyasa!

Shigechi was happy to find them...but then soon he grabs on the doorknob, he gasps in shock to see none other than Kira on the reflection of the window door, as he was behind him outside of the school window...

Kira: So, I recall you saying that people are looking for me. Does that mean there's other people that knows the murder of Reimi Sugimoto? Even there is, they won't be able to track me down. The fact is, no one knows Yoshikage Kira's true colors. It's a secret that you'll have to carry it all the way to your grave.

Shigechi Mind: N-No! I-I must save mama and papa!

Shigechi twists the doorknob, which was a horrible idea to do so....

Kira: Sorry little one, but Killer Queen has already left it's mark on the doorknob.

Suddenly, Shigechi's whole body started to expand again as he seems he's finally going to explode into his death again...he whine and cry knowing he's too late to go and get help, he then takes one final look at the only best friends he ever made...

Shigechi: J-Josie!! O-Okuyasa!!

Suddenly, he then was able to see (YN) walking down the (YN) notices what was happening to Shigechi...

(YN): Shigechi??! ...Shigechi!!!

(YN) runs for his life to go and save Shigechi...but it was too late now...

Shigechi: (Y-YNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!!!!

And sadly, Shigechi was now blown into pieces, as (YN) then was too late to save him as the explosion caused him to fall backwards...

(YN): Sh-Shigechi! ...N-No!

Suddenly, Josie and Okuyasa burst out from the classroom as they heard that loud explosion and Shigechi's scream as well...

Josie: (YN)! What happen!? Are you okay?!

Okuyasa: We heard a loud explosion and suddenly heard Shigechi's voice!

(YN): H-He...He got exploded!

Josie/Okuyasa: What?!?

Josie: Exploded?! What do you mean!?

(YN): I-I don't know! I-I just saw him all wounded and seem badly injured, and he seem he needed help, so I rush to him...a-and suddenly...he exploded!!

Okuyasa: J-Josie! (Y-YN)! Look!

Suddenly, the three notice Shigechi's stand, Harvests was the only one copy left, it was holding onto a button from a shirt somehow as after that, Harvest then exploded into pieces and leaving the button alone...

Okuyasa: I-It was Harvests! B-But it exploded!

(YN): Just like Shigechi did!

Josie: Th-Then that means...he died!?

(YN): ...By the looks of it...yes.

Josie: N-No! That can't be! It can't!

Josie then picks up the button...

Josie: We have to go to his middle school, and look for him right now!

(YN) Mind: ...I-I somehow remember...this kinda happen seem's the same person who killed Mr.Avdol and Kakyoin!? And even Mr.Kujo!? I-It can't be!! So he's still here in Morioh!?! No! I have to find him, but first I need to find Shigechi! the three look for Shigechi in his middle school just in case...Meanwhile, in the hidden street of Morioh, where Reimi Sugimoto is to be found before, she was walking with her dog, Arnold, until he then suddenly howls up the in the air, as Reimi looks see none other than Shigechi's soul flying across the air and suddenly exploding into pieces...

Reimi: O-Oh no! It can't be! Not again! That foul demon! He's taken another life! Another victim screams across the skies...why does this keep happening!?!

As soon Shigechi's soul was torn to pieces and gone forever...(YN) felt deep down...that Shigechi was truly gone for good...and has to tell everyone here in Morioh what happen to him...and the only thing he needs proof is with the help of Reimi...she's the only one that can see souls arriving on the hidden street where she's always there with Arnold...later on the day, it was sunset, all the people (YN) knows father around to have a meeting about Shigechi's death and the murderer still lurking around the town...Him, Josie, Okuyasa, Okuyasa's father, Koichi, Rohan, Yukako, Tamami, Hazamada, Tonio, Tsuji, Josephine, and Jocleyn, all gather around about it as (YN) started talking about the death of Shigechi and the murderer...Reimi as well, as she can recognize the picture of Shigechi she just saw of his soul...

Reimi: There's no doubt about it. This boy has passed. Shigechi must have run into the killer and cost him his life. The whole thing is sickening. I know what you all are thinking, how did they meet? How and why he was murdered?? But I have no idea. I'm positive this is "his" what he's doing. I recognize that handy work of that murderer anywhere. Trust me.

(YN): ...We just looked for him and couldn't find him anymore. I still don't get how this could've happen? We only let him out of our sight for 5 minutes. His books and school supplies are still at his desk. Later on, we notice his parents filed a missing report on him. I doubt it won't be useful anymore.

Koichi: W-Wait! What are you saying (YN)?! You don't think it could be a stand user who has done this.

(YN): ...You guys couldn't possible notice, but Shigechi's stand, Harvests, was...well in a word was damn invincible. But what the hell?! This guy killed him 5 minutes, then hidden his body out from campus without anyone noticing.

Josephine: don't think...

Jocelyn: can't be! (YN), you said that the guy who killed Shigechi somehow made him exploded?!

(YN): Yes, there's no doubt about what I saw. Who ever this guy is, made Shigechi explode...and it kinda reminds me...this happen again...before it's almost like this happen to...Mr.Avdol, Kakyoin...and Mr.Kujo...

And that's it. Jocleyn knew that the person who killed Shigechi is the same one who heartlessly murdered Avdol, Kakyoin...and her husband as well...

Jolyne: M-Mommy...I'm starting to get scared.

Jocleyn: It's okay half pine. We'll find the bad guy and take him down for good, I promise you that.

Jolyne: O-Okay.

Jocelyn: (YN), you said you found a button, right?

(YN): Oh, yeah I did. Harvests brought it to us before dropping into pieces.

(YN) then hands over the button to Jocelyn...

Jocelyn: This is Shigechi's dying message. It's very likely Harvests pulled off the murderer. If so, we've been given an important clue. I'd like to investigate this further. Mind if I keep it?

(YN): Be my guess, but how can you find the person with just that button??

Jocelyn: More than you would think, we might find the brand of the clothes, or even the manual factor.

Koichi: Good idea.

Okuyasa: H-Hey...if we're done with this meeting, then I should go home now. Talking about this is putting me in a weird mood...I'm really pissed. Come on dad, let's go.

Josie: ...S-Same. I-I'm gonna head home...I-I'm not myself lately.

Okuyasa and Josie, who hasn't been themselves lately, both walked away, heading to their houses...

Koichi: H-Hey, what's up with them two?? Their not like themselves before...

(YN): Yeah, I know. Shigechi may come off as an annoying greedy bastard...but there was something undeniably lovable about him...I still haven't wrap my head around the fact he's gone. Honestly...I'm not sure how to feel. I don't know if I should rage there hell out...or cry at the same's one of the most irritating things you could imagine, I'm sure that's how they feel too. But it's probably way worse for them.

Yukako: How can something so terrifying happen here in Morioh right under my nose!!

Tonio: I'll make sure to let my costumers to keep and eye out for this mad man.

Tsuji: Phew. I can imagine him paying me for a visit. But I'll take some precautions.

Hazamada: Keep in mind, Stand Users have a nasty common when they meet each other.

Tamami: Well Thats said, I hope we never meet.

Rohan: So the time has come for all of us to take action.

And so, everyone parted ways and keeping in mind to be on a look out for this the far corner of the sidewalk, Kira was to be seen as he watch the whole thing, and notice Josie, Okuyasa and (YN) there as well...

Kira: So, that one with the ugly glob looking thing is Okuyasa, and the other one is Josie...and that fella is (YN)...(YN)...where have I heard his name from?? And his familiar, it's like I've seen it before. Oh well, doesn't matter anyways, now I can go home and sleep well tonight. Way the go Kira, way the go.


Later on, it was already night time, (YN) was kinda worried about on that night, he asked her auntie if it's okay for him to go and stay at Josie's house for a little to keep an eye on her. Her auntie was okay with it. So, (YN) starts walking over to Josie's house, as soon she's arrives, he rings the doorbell as the door open, soon to see Josie's mom, Tomoko...

Tomoko: Yes?

(YN): O-Oh. Evening Miss. I'm looking for Josie Higashikata? I'm her friend.

Tomoko: Friend? Oh. So you must be (YN)!

(YN): O-Oh. Yes. I'm her friend.

Tomoko: Come on in.

(YN) enters the house...

Tomoko: ...Josie told me everything. About what happen to her little friend.

(YN): ....

Tomoko: I just can't believe that. What kind of sick bastard would do such a thing to a 14 year old kid?!

(YN): I makes me sick too as well. All of us as well. How is she?

Tomoko: She hasn't eaten anything when she came back. Not even said anything at all rather than telling me about her friend.

(YN): ...maybe I can make her talk. That's why I'm here. I'm worried for her as well.

Tomoko: Oh, of course. She's upstairs in her room.

(YN): Thank you.

Tomoko: Oh, (YN).

(YN): Hm?

Tomoko: ...other than Josie's friends...she has told me much about you, of how kind, caring and nice friend you are towards her. No other boy is like that to her than you. I'm just happy she has found friends , especially you.

(YN): *smiles* And I'm glad I get to be her friend too.

Tomoko: Mmm. Upstairs to your right, you'll find her room.

(YN): Thank you.

And so, (YN) starts to walk upstairs as he then heads over to Josie's room, he knocks on the door, soon Josie open and was surprised to see him here at her own house...

Josie: (Y-YN)?! What are you-

(YN): I'm worried about you Josie. So I decide to show up and be there for you. Your mom let me in as well. Don't worry. I let my auntie know I'll be here for the night, and she's okay with it.

Josie: O-Okay...well, you can come inside.

(YN) enters in Josie's room as her room was dark and can barely see, Josie lays back down to her bed as (YN) sits next to her...

Josie: (Y-YN)...

(YN): Hm?

Josie: I-Is it okay...if you can...lay dow with me...I can use a friend here to make me feel better.

(YN): *chuckles* sure

(YN) takes off his shoes and so as his he does, he slowly lays down on the bed as Josie then starts to scoop closely towards him as she then suddenly started to cuddle with him, and clingy as well...(YN) does the same as well...until Josie said...

Josie: (YN)...?

(YN): Yeah, Josie?

Josie: ...I-I know I lost a friend like Shigechi...b-but...

She suddenly started to cry and won quietly ...

(YN): J-Josie! Are-

Josie: But I don't wanna lose you importantly..! I don't wanna lose you...I wanna be around you, making me happy...

(YN) heard Josie what she he then replies...

(YN): Don't worry Josie...I will never leave you alone...never.


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