The Darksield Chronicles, Boo...

By DragonLord39

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Coming from a destroyed world, Wraith Dragonborn has always been a unique boy. When a portal opens, and he is... More

Chapter 1: The Chronicler
Chapter 2: Cynder
Chapter 3: City
Chapter 4: Questions
Chapter 5: Hey, it's the guardian of lighting (Uh, oh).
Chapter 6: Naturally, It Goes Wrong
Chapter 7: Rooftop Chase
Chapter 8: Arguments
Chapter 9: Return to the Temple (With a few detours along the way)
Chapter 10: The Plan
Chapter 11: A New Form
Chapter 12: Academy
Chapter 13: Restaurant
Chapter 14: Confession
Chapter 15: Nightmares
Chapter 16: Flight Lessons
Chapter 17: Lunch
Chapter 18: Elementary
Chapter 19: The Past and a very short Return
Chapter 20: Taking Care of Buisness
Chapter 21: In the Darkness
Chapter 22: Apologies
Chapter 24: Breakfast and Some Last-Minute Preparation
Chapter 25: The Spy's Job
Chapter 26: Best Day of My Life
Chapter 27: The Dark Side of Warfang
Chapter 28: Unexpected Allies
Chapter 29: Duel
Chapter 30: Preparations
Chapter 31: Battle
Chapter 32: Regrets
Chapter 33: The Battle of Warfang
Chapter 34: The Spy
Chapter 35: The Final Battle

Chapter 23: Preparations and Practice

395 7 13
By DragonLord39

Wraith POV

Wraith walked in through the temple doors. The lesson had been interesting, learning about battle tactics, but he had been ready to get out of there. His idea had been bugging him big time, and he needed to get it done. He had flown ahead of the others and landed at the temple. As soon as he had landed, he had turned back into his human form.

Wraith glanced around the temple. He could faintly hear talking in a room about three doors down a corridor, so he walked over and opened the door. The three guardians had been in a deep conversation.

"Wraith!" Volteer cried. "How are you?"

Wraith shrugged. "Tired a bit. I heard you guys talking about something. What was it?"

Cyril and Terrador exchanged glances. "We were trying to think of some sort of special event to do at the dance, but we can't think of anything."

Wraith grinned. "That's actually why I'm here. I have a few ideas."

Volteer beamed. "Alright then, Wraith, why don't you tell us?"

Instead of walking inside, Wraith shook his head and motioned for them to follow him. "Actually, I want to show you something."

Curious, the three guardians followed him to the pool of visions.

"Back in my world," Wraith began. "We used to have these things called sing offs at dances where singers would sing any song they wanted, and the crowd would choose which singer won."

Terrador shook his head. "But what about the music for the dance? We promised everyone that it would be something they had never heard before, but we can't figure out the right kind of music."

Wraith frowned. "Have you tried rock and roll?"

They stared at him. "What kind of music is it?" Volteer asked.

In answer, Wraith placed a hand on the pool of visions and concentrated. Centuries by Fall Out Boy started playing. He waited until the song was over, then retracted his hand.

Cyril was grinning. "I believe that we have found the perfect music for the dance."

"But how will we get that kind of music?" Volteer wondered.

Wraith grinned. "Terrador, can you get the best blacksmiths you've got along with the best song writers?"

Terrador nodded. "Give me a minute." He ran off while Wraith flipped his hood up and pulled up his mask.

Terrador returned thirty minutes later with a group of twelve moles and three cheetahs. He pointed at them. "These are the best of the best."

Wraith grinned. "Let's see what they can do." For the next hour, Wraith played a wide variety of songs from his world, and the cheetahs wrote down lyrics and notes. Then Wraith pulled up several images of guitars and drums, and the moles copied down designs. Within two more hours, everything was ready.

Wraith clapped his hands. "Alright everyone, get your assignments done, and then we will meet up tomorrow to see how everything goes."

Everyone nodded and trudged off until it was just Wraith and the Guardians.

Cyril gave Wraith an impressed nod. "Very well done, Wraith. I was impressed by how you took charge of the situation."

Wraith grinned. "Thanks. Well, I had better get going before the others start to wonder where I went. See you later." He spun and disappeared.

He appeared out of the shadows of a tree and immediately fell on top of Flame.

"Ah!" Sparx yelped. "Ape!" He hid behind Spyro.

Wraith got to his feet. "Sorry, Flame." He helped the red dragon to his feet and glanced around at his surroundings. They were back at the academy, but it was nighttime. "Huh, I could have sworn I entered the temple during the day. Ah well." He glanced in Spyro's direction. "You can tell Sparx to quit acting like a baby and that it's safe to come out."

Sparx flew out from behind Spyro. "Watch who're calling baby, you hairless ape!"

Wraith rolled his eyes. "So, we're going to play the insult game? Alright then, bring it on, flying pixie stick."

"Oh, you're on, hairless furball!"

"Watch your language, yellow stick with wings!"

"Oh, that's rich coming from Mr. Bald Ape!"

"Oh, and I'm supposed to be scared by a glowing chatterbox?"

"At least I'm not a hairless freak!"

"And at least I'm not a walking air horn with wings!"

Sparx had no comeback for that. He crossed his arms and didn't say anything.

Wraith sighed. "Finally, he shut up." He turned toward Cynder, who had been watching the whole exchange with an amused expression.

"I can't believe you managed to shut Sparx up." She said to him.

He shrugged. "Next time I'll bring some duct tape."

Cynder and Spyro stared at him. "What is 'duct tape'?"

He sighed. "Never mind. So, what did you guys do while I was gone?"

"Well, we decided to have a race around Warfang," Flame explained.

Cynder grinned. "And I won."

"Only because you used the wind element," Spyro protested.

Wraith coughed into his fist.

They looked over at him.

"So, I managed to um, hook something up for the dance. I hope you guys are up for it."

"What is it?" Cynder asked.

He grinned. "Ever heard of a sing off?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, so it's basically a contest where singers sing songs, and the crowd gets to choose who wins."

"Cool," Flame grinned.

"But how does that involve us?" Spyro asked.

Wraith grinned. "Well, I was hoping that you guys might be interested in participating." He raised his hands before anyone could start shouting or asking questions. "Just think it over, alright?"

Everyone nodded.

Wraith turned toward Flame. "So, what did she say?" Wraith thought that he might have blushed, but it was hard to tell with his red scales.

"She said yes." Flame mumbled.

Wraith grinned. "Way to go man!" Then he noticed Hunter walking along the academy grounds with two other cheetahs at his side.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," he said. Then he teleported into the shade of a tree near where Hunter was walking. He stepped out into the sunlight and became visible. "Hey, Hunter."

As expected, the two cheetahs drew their swords. "Ape!"

Wraith ignored them. "So, Hunter, I'm guessing these are your friends?"

Hunter nodded.

"Hunter, what are you doing?" one of the cheetahs demanded. "That's an ape!"

Wraith sighed. "Is everyone I meet going to assume I'm an ape?"

Hunter shrugged. "To be fair, you kind of look like one." He turned toward the two cheetahs. "It's alright, this is my friend, Wraith." He turned toward Wraith. "And these are my friends, Sharpclaw and Runner."

Wraith nodded politely toward the two cheetahs who were both still glaring at him distrustfully.

"So, Hunter," Wraith continued. "I was wondering if you could help me out with my swordplay."

Hunter nodded. "Very well. Sharpclaw, Runner, you two referee the match."

The two cheetahs nodded and sheathed their swords but kept on glaring at Wraith.

Wraith drew his sword and willed his dagger into its sword form.

Hunter drew a long, curved sword. "So how do we decide who wins?" Wraith asked.

"By death blow, or rather, when someone hits a spot that would otherwise kill." Hunter answered.

Wraith nodded, satisfied. "Let's begin." He waited.

Hunter made the first move and lashed out with his sword.

Wraith parried with one sword and lashed out with the other.

Hunter blocked it and retaliated with a slice at Wraith's head, but Wraith ducked it and charged forward, swiping both blades at Hunter. Hunter dodged one and blocked another.

Wraith swung an overhead strike at Hunter, but Hunter blocked and swiped his blade at Wraith's foot, using the flat of his blade to trip Wraith and send him to the ground.

Before Wraith could respond, Hunter had his blade at his neck.

"Victory goes to Hunter!" Sharpclaw announced.

Hunter helped Wraith to his feet.

Wraith grinned. "Nice move. I didn't see it coming."

Hunter grinned. "Keep your opponent focused on one point, then attack when they least expect it."

Wraith nodded. "Can we go again?"

Hunter shrugged. "I don't see why not." He resumed a fighting stance.

This time, Wraith attacked first. Wraith led with a swipe at Hunter's head, and as expected, Hunter parried and swiped at his foot. Wraith decided to pull a Deadpool move and jumped backward, spinning as he did so that his foot connected with Hunter's jaw and sent him reeling backward. Wraith landed on his feet and swiped out at Hunter's side.

Hunter blocked and counterattacked.

Wraith parried then side-kicked Hunter, sending him flying backward. Wraith charged forward. Wraith lashed out in a cyclone of spinning attacks.

Hunter managed to block the attacks, but the constant barrage never allowed him a chance to counterattack.

Then, instead of striking with his sword, Wraith lashed out with his leg, sending Hunter to the ground. Before Hunter could recover, Wraith leveled his sword at Hunter's chest.

"Wraith wins," Runner called in a voice full of shock.

Wraith helped Hunter to his feet. "Good job, Hunter," Wraith said with a grin.

Hunter grinned as well. "You did great. I'm surprised you adapted that fast to my fighting style. I must admit, I've never seen a fighting style like yours before."

Wraith shrugged. "I actually came up with it in my spare time, inspired by different fighting styles I've seen." Then he addressed all three cheetahs. "Do you think that maybe I could spar all three of you? You know, so I can practice fighting multiple opponents?"

The three cheetahs nodded and assumed fighting positions.

Wraith was about to assume his but hesitated. "Is it alright if I use one of my powers to make this a fair fight?"

Hunter thought for a moment. "Okay, but no electricity please."

Sharpclaw scoffed. "I doubt he'll be even able to take down one of us."

Wraith grinned. "Let's find out." He assumed a fighting position and attacked.

Sharpclaw swiped at his head while Runner swiped at his waist.

Wraith parried both attacks with his swords, and when Hunter stabbed at him, he teleported behind him and lashed out with both feet, sending Hunter flying forward.

The two cheetahs whirled around. "How did you—" Wraith cut Sharpclaw off by lunging forward and swiping with his sword.

Sharpclaw barely parried the blow while Runner lashed out with his sword.

Wraith backflipped and allowed the blade to swing past him, right at Sharpclaw.

Sharpclaw yelped and leaped backward, barely avoiding the sword. "What was that for?!" he demanded.

Before Runner could respond, Wraith charged forward and delivered a sweep kick to both of them, sending them to the ground. He got to his feet and pointed his swords at them. He glanced toward Hunter who was just beginning to get off the ground. "I win."

Wraith stepped backward and reassumed his fighting position. "Let's go again."

And they did.

They battled for two more hours, Wraith winning sometimes, while they won others. And each time they won, Wraith adapted to their plan and won the next round. Soon, the four of them were so exhausted that they could barely stand.

Wraith sheathed his sword. "I think that was enough for one day." He held out his hand. Hunter shook it. "It was an honor sparing with you." Wraith said. He shook hands with the other cheetahs. "I guess I'll see you guys later." With that, he jumped backward into the nearest shadow and teleported back to his room at the temple.

He didn't even bother changing back into his dragon form. He just fell straight on his bed and fell asleep. His dreams were filled with thoughts about the dance and one very important question.

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