The Two Rangers (Mighty Morph...

By redwolf220

64.7K 1.5K 449

Scarlett Monroe a normal teen that grew up with Jason Scott, Kimberly Hart, Trini Kwan, Billy Cranston, and Z... More

Chapter 1: About the Sisters
Chapter 2: Backstory
Chapter 3: Welcome to the Family! (Season 1 Start)
Chapter 4: High Fives?
Chapter 5: Teamwork
Chapter 6: A Pressing Engagement
Chapter 7: Different Drum
Chapter 8: Food Fight
Chapter 9: Big Sisters
Chapter 10: I, Eye Guy
Chapter 11: Cave of Doom
Chapter 12: For whom the Bell Trolls
Chapter 14: No Clowning Around
Chapter 15: Power Ranger Punks
Chapter 16: The Scarlett Scream
Chapter 17: Peace, Love, & Woe
Chapter 18: Foul Play in the Sky
Chapter 19: The Dark Warrior
Chapter 20: Switching Places
Chapter 21: Green with Evil Pt. 1
Chapter 22: Green with Evil Pt. 2
Chapter 23: Green with Evil Pt. 3
Chapter 24: Green with Evil Pt. 4
Chapter 25: Green with Evil Pt. 5
Chapter 26: The Trouble with Shellshock
Chapter 27: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Chapter 28: The Splitflower
Chapter 29: Life's a Masquearade
Chapter 30: Gung Ho!
Chapter 31: The Taken Voice
Chapter 32: Wheel of Misfortune
Chapter 33: Island of Illusions Pt. 1
Chapter 34: Island of Illusions Pt. 2
Chapter 35: The Rockstar
Chapter 36: Clamity Kimberly
Chapter 37: A Star is Born
Chapter 38: The Yolk's on You
Chapter 39: The Green Candle Pt. 1
Chapter 40: The Green Candle Pt. 2
Chapter 41: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 42: Clean-Up Club
Chapter 43: A Bad Reflection on You
Chapter 44: Doomsday Pt. 1
Chapter 45: Doomsday Pt. 2
Chapter 46: Rita's Seed of Evil
Chapter 47: A Pig Surprise
Chapter 48: Something Fishy
Chapter 49: Lions and Blizzards
Chapter 50: Crystal of Nightmares
Chapter 51: To Flea or Not to Flee
Chapter 52: Reign of the Jellyfish
Chapter 53: Plague of the Mantis
Chapter 54: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 1
Chapter 55: Return of an Old Friend Pt. 2
Chapter 56: Grumble Bee
Chapter 57: Two Heads are Better than One
Chapter 58: Fowl Play
Chapter 59: Treak or Treat
Chapter 60: Second Chance
Chapter 61: On Fins and Needles
Chapter 62: Enter the Lizzinator
Chapter 63: Football Season
Chapter 64: Mighty Morphin' Mutants
Chapter 65: An Oyster Stew (Season 1 End)
Chapter 66: The Mutiny Pt. 1 (Season 2 Start)
Chapter 67: The Mutiny Pt. 2
Chapter 68: The Mutiny Pt. 3
Chapter 69: The Flower Disease
Chapter 70: The Wannabe Ranger
Chapter 71: Putty on the Brain
Chapter 72: Bloom of Doom
Chapter 73: The Green Dream
Chapter 74: The Power Stealer
Chapter 75: The Beetle Invasion
Chapter 76: Welcome to Venus Island
Chapter 77: The Song of Guitardo
Chapter 78: They Take Purple! Pt. 1
Chapter 79: They Take Purple! Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Green No More Pt. 1
Chapter 81: Green No More Pt. 2
Chapter 82: Missing Green
Chapter 83: Orchestral Movements in the Park
Chapter 84: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 85: White Light Pt. 1
Chapter 86: White Light Pt. 2
Chapter 87: Two for One
Chapter 88: Opposites Attract
Chapter 89: Zedd's Monster Mash
Chapter 90: Ninja Encounter Pt. 1
Chapter 91: Ninja Encounter Pt. 2
Chapter 92: Ninja Encounter Pt. 3
Chapter 93: A Monster of Global Proportions
Chapter 94: Zedd Waves
Chapter 95: The Power Transfer: Pt. 1
Chapter 96: The Power Transfer: Pt. 2
Chapter 97: Goldar's Vice Versa
Chapter 98: Mirror of Regret
Chapter 99: When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?
Chapter 100: Rocky Just Wants to Have Fun
Chapter 101: Lights, Camera, Action
Chapter 102: Where there's Smoke, there's Fire
Chapter 103: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 104: The Great Bookala Escape
Chapter 105: Forever Friends
Chapter 106: A Reel Fish Story
Chapter 107: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 1
Chapter 108: Rangers Back in Time: Pt. 2
Chapter 109: The Wedding Pt. 1
Chapter 110: The Wedding Pt. 2
Chapter 111: The Wedding: Pt. 3
Chapter 112: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 1
Chapter 113: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 2
Chapter 114: Return of the Green Ranger: Pt. 3
Chapter 115: Best Man for the Job
Chapter 116: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 117: Storybook Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 118: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 1
Chapter 119: Wild West Rangers: Pt. 2
Chapter 120: Blue Ranger Gone Bad (Season 2 End)
Chapter 121: A Friend in Need: Pt. 1 (Season 3 Start)
Chapter 122: A Friend in Need: Pt. 2
Chapter 123: A Friend in Need: Pt. 3
Chapter 124: Ninja Quest: Pt. 1
Chapter 125: Ninja Quest: Pt. 2
Chapter 126: Ninja Quest: Pt. 3
Chapter 127: Ninja Quest: Pt. 4
Chapter 128: A Brush with Destiny
Chapter 129: Passing the Lantern
Chapter 130: Wizard for a Day
Chapter 131: Fourth Down and Long
Chapter 132: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 1
Chapter 133: Stop the Hate Master: Pt. 2
Chapter 134: Final Face - Off
Chapter 135: The Potion Notion
Chapter 136: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Chapter 13: Happy Birthday, Zack!

616 15 0
By redwolf220

(Author/Red: This is what Scarlett wears in the beginning of the chapter.)

(Author/Red: This is what Lily wears at the beginning of the chapter.)

(Author/Red: This is what Scarlett wears for the rest of the chapter.)

(Author/Red: This is what Lily wears for the rest of the chapter.)

Scarlett's Point of View

It was nighttime now and normally I would be at home doing some homework or helping Lily or done something else, but not tonight.

Tonight, I was helping out my friends getting ready for Zack's surprise birthday party, which was tomorrow.

"Why couldn't we just have had made a cake the old fashioned way?" I ask my uncle as we walk over to this Cake-O-matic machine that Billy had brought over.

"It will be less work that way. Less clean up." Ernie answers.

I put up both my hands and walk away. Billy was dancing around listening to some music.

Trini was painting Happy Birthday onto this banner as Lily and Kimberly were blowing up balloons.

"You're right Kimberly! The performers assembled to create this harmonious tune transcend all predecessors to this genre of music." Billy shouts as he dances around.

Kimberly, Lily, and I looked at each other confused. Then I realized what he meant by that.

"Translation, please?" Kimberly asks.

"He likes the music." Trini and I say together.

"Only you two can speak Billy, but when it comes to music or dance some how you can translate sis." Lily said.

We smiled and Trini gets backs to her work.

"Billy! Billy! You gotta help me!" I hear uncle Ernie shouting.

I get up from my seat and walk back to Ernie. The cake was turning into blue slush inside the machine. Ernie opens it up and starts trying to clean it up.

"Come on, help me out Lily or Scarlett." Ernie says.

"You were saying?" I asked.

He begins calling for Billy but he was too busy listening to the music he was listening to. So Kim had to break it up.

The blue stuff was getting all over Lily and I, Ernie falls down as Lily and I gasped.

"Uncle Ernie. Come on." I said as I took my jacket off and put it with my stuff behind the counter.

Billy comes over and turns off the machine. Ernie had blue cake mix all over him.

"I guess I still got to work the kinks out of this thing." Billy says to us.

"Yeah, look what it did to Uncle Ernie." I said as Lily was in shock.

"Sorry." Billy says.

"I hate machines." Ernie says as more blue cake mix falls on top of him.

"Let us help you up and we'll take you to the bathroom so you can clean up." I say to him. Lily and I help him stand up and help him over to the bathroom.

"I can take it from here, thanks kids." Ernie says.

"Yeah, sure." I said with Lily nodding. After he cleans up he comes back out and looks good as new.

"How's it going Billy?" Kimberly asks as she gets on top of the counter.

"Did you fix it?" I asked.

"I fail to ascertain why this appliance isn't working. I mean, the molecular mix re-arranger's still intact." Billy explained.

"Problems?" Jason asked as we see that he had arrived with two paint cans in his hands looking confused.

"The cake-o-matic that Billy built for Zack's surprise party, it went on warpath. Nearly drowned me in cake mix." Uncle Ernie explained to him as Lily and I giggled.

"Should have listened to Scarlett." Lily said with me nodding as Uncle Ernie gives us a look.

"Listen Ernie, I wanted to thank you for keeping the place open late tonight. So we could decorate for Zack's birthday party." Jason says.

"Boy, is he going to be surprised. And speaking of surprises! You guys will never guess what I found about the power rangers." Ernie says.

"The power who?" Billy asks.

"The superheroes with large dinozords?" Ernie asks.

"Doesn't ring a bell." I said.

"The one you never stopped talking about. Come on, Lily help me out here." Uncle Ernie says looking at Lily.

"The one's with the colored costumes." Jason guesses.

"That's them. What they'll do for Angel Grove, what Batman has done for Gotham city." Ernie says smiling.

"I think I've seen them on TV." Jason says.

"Oh, have you now?" I asked him as I smile at him.

"Yeah. What have you heard?" Jason asks as Lily nods.

"I've heard they're regular humans, just like you and me." Ernie says.

"Well, you know, I heard they were space aliens. From a distant planet." Jason says sitting next to me as Lily went back to help Trini.

"Aliens?" Ernie asks.

"You know, we should keep this space alien stuff under our hats. We wouldn't wanna panic anybody." Jason says.

"That could be possibility." I said as Jason nods.

"Aliens, woah, this is big." Ernie says as he walks away.

"Space Aliens?" Lily asked him.

"I had to think of something." Jason says.

"Well, well, well." I heard as I turned my head to see Bulk and Skull had entered the Youth Center.

"If it isn't the nerd patrol from Angel Grove high." Bulk says.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Uh, this place is closed fellas." Billy says.

"Yeah, to nerds like you." Bulk says to him.

"Why don't you get out of here? No one invited you." I stated crossing my arms. Then Bulk carries Billy and places him onto the counter.

"Hey Bulky, look at what we have here." Skull says as he holds up the sign that Trini had been working on. Trini tries to take it, but Skull moves it away.

"Whoa! Oops, a birthday party. Awwww!" Skull says.

"Yeah, well we would have invited you, but animals aren't allowed." Kimberly says.

"More like Neanderthals." I said as Lily and Kimberly laughs.

"Good one sis." Lily says to me. Then Bulk blows his nose onto the sign and Skull just laughs.

"Parties over kids." Bulk says.

"Hey, I worked a long time on that." Trini says.

"Hey, I'll tell you what, babe... What do you say I help you paint another one after we've done having a little... Fun?" Skull asks.

Trini pushes Skull backwards onto piles of paint and he falls. Kimberly, Lily, and I start laughing.

Bulk walks over to her and Lily soon he unpops their balloons right in their face.

"Someone ought to let the air out of you." Jason says.

Bulk charges over to Jason but Jason leaps out of the way and Bulk hits his head onto a gold pole.

He was dizzy and then he falls back unto this box that had Kimberly's balloons inside. Some of them had popped.

"My balloons!" Kimberly and Lily say together.

Skull charges at Jason this time and he also runs into the gold pole. Lily and I laughed and so does Billy.

Skull comes at Billy and Billy just in time opens the cake o Matic machine and makes Skull get inside. Skull was now covered in cake mix.

"I hate party crashers." I hear Kimberly saying.

"Maybe I should call the police. Let's see what they have to say about it." I threatened them as I hold the phone as everyone looks at me.

"Alright, we're gone." Bulk says as he and Skull leave.

"Thanks for stopping by! Don't come back!" Lily yelled as I walk to the door after them.

"Her proficiency with complex illustrated characterizations is quite impressive, isn't it?" I hear Billy asking as I walk back to Jason and the others.

"What did he say?" Jason asked as he looked confused. He looked cute confused as he turns to Kim.

"Don't look at me. I don't speak Billy." Kimberly says.

"He said I draw a good cartoon. Thanks Billy!" Trini says. I see Jason putting on a party hat.

"We've got all the balloons blown up, the banners are made. What else is left to do?" Kimberly asks.

"I think we're about done." Jason says.

"Well, all we have left to accomplish now is just make sure that Zack doesn't find out about the planned festivities prematurely." Billy says.

"Hey, you guys. I just saw Zack pass by my office window!" Ernie says out of breath.

"Uh oh." I spoke.

"I think he's headed this way." Ernie says.

We all start cleaning up the place. Very fast and then we hide under the counter. I hear humming.

"Hey Ernie, what's with the late hours?" I hear Zack asking.

"Just catching up on some work, Zack. And I'm all by myself too, see?" Ernie answers.

"Yeah, right. Trini's mom told me the gang might be here, so I just came down to see if I saw them." Zack says.

"Nope. I haven't seen anyone. There's just me, my stack of papers, my bowl of popcorn, a few tables, a couple of chairs..." Ernie says.

"I get the picture; I get the picture." Zack says.

"Yeah, you get the picture." Ernie says.

"Listen, if the gang comes around, tell them I'm lookin' for them, okay?" Zack asks.

"Sure, sure, no problem." Ernie says.

"I wonder where they disappeared to. I'll see you, Ernie." I hear Zack say.

"Take it easy, Zack. Okay, the coast is clear." Ernie says. We all came up from behind the counter.

"Whew!" Kimberly says.

"That was way too close." Lily says.

"So now, what do we do?" I asked.

"We all go home and rest up." Jason answers.

"And make sure that Zack doesn't find out." Trini says.

"You mean lie?" Lily asked.

"Exactly." Jason says.

"But I hate lying. I have never lied before." Lily said.

"Don't think of it as lying." Billy says.

"Just think of staying away from the truth." I said to her.

"Or try to avoid Zack tomorrow." Kimberly says.

"Alright guys, time to go home. Hey Scarlett, Lily, do you two need a ride?" Jason asked us. We look at him and then at Ernie.

"Well, uncle Ernie was going to take us home." I spoke.

"Why don't you two go off with Jason? I'll be good. I'll meet you two at home." Ernie tells us.

"Well alright then." I spoke.

"Come on." Jason says.

We all go our separate ways into the parking lot with Lily and I got into Jason's car. He gets on the other side, and he begins to drive us home.

"What's your address?" Jason asks.

"It's 567 Courtly Palace." I answered.

"So, how's you two doing?" He asked.

"We're fine." I started saying.

"I did some research on this cancer thing that Mark died to." Lily says.

"Look, everything will be alright. You two still have your Uncle Erni, Maria, Jack, and us, so you two won't be all alone." Jason says.

"But it was our friend, you know? Someone we see as a brother." Lily asked as I sighed.

"I know. But think of it this way Lily." Jason starts.

"He's in better place now." I finished as Jason nods at me smiling a bit.

"I guess you're right." She said sighing. We finally arrived at our address as Lily, and I unbuckle our seat belts.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked him as Lily heads to the door yawning.

"You bet." Jason says as he smiles at me.

"Have a good night." I said smiling at him as I get out of the car.

"You guys too." Jason says.

-Time skip-

Soon I met up with the others at school and we walk by Zack.

"Hey Zack, what's up?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, right." Zack says as he walks away from us as we stopped by Kimberly's locker.

"What's wrong with him?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, he didn't look too happy at all." I spoke.

"He thinks we forgot his birthday." Kimberly says.

"He'll be ok." Trini says.

"You guys, he seemed really bummed. Do you think the surprise party's a good idea?" Kimberly asked.

"Of course." Billy answers.

"I mean his feeling disappointed right now, but he will feel happy later on." I stated.

"Yeah, I mean, he's gonna be so surprised later, we're gonna have to pull him off the ceiling. He'll be ok until then." Jason says.

"I hope so." Trini said.

"You're right. Bye you guys." Kimberly says as the bell rings.

"Bye." I say to her as we all head off to our classes.

-Time skip-

After school was over, the five of us were making our way to the Youth Center after I picked up Lily, then our communicators started beeping.

"What's up Zordon?" Jason asks.

"Zack is in trouble. Rita has sent of her creatures to attack him; he needs help fast." Zordon explained.

"I'll see you guys later." Lily says as she looked around then teleported to the Command Center.

"We're on our way. Come on guys, it's morphin' time." Jason says.



"Saber-toothed tiger!"



"Hyah!" We say together. Soon we arrived at Zack's location.

"Back off!" Jason shouts. The monster growls and starts attacking us as it slashes Jason, and he falls down.

"Jason, you alright?" Zack asks as we all regrouped.

"I am but check out the sword." Jason says.

"He ruined our weapons." Trini says.

'Yeah, my power fans were ruined.' I thought as I saw the fans.

"This is not good." Billy says.

"What do we do now?" Kimberly asks. The monster growls and blasts at us and we all fall down.

"This is one nasty knight." I spoke.

"Rangers! Blade blasters up! Let's bring them together." Jason shouts.

We get into pyramid formation and blast at the monster, but he somehow ends up deflecting it and throws it back at us.

"Ha! Take that, wise guys!" Rita yells as makes the Knight big.

"Tyrannosaurus dinozord power, now!" Jason shouted.

"Mastodon power! Let's toast this dude." Zack yells.

"Triceratops power!" Billy shouts.

"Saber-toothed tiger power!" Trini shouted.

"Velociraptor power!" I shout after her, then Kimberly calls her zord next.

All of our zords run side by side together, well mine ran.

"Let's go!" Jason yells as all jump into our zords.

"Power rangers, synch up!" Jason orders.

"2, 1! Mark." We all say as I put my power crystal into the megazord dashboard.

"Let's get him!" Jason yells as their zords get into tank mode.

"Activating Velociraptor Megazord." I spoke.

Velociraptor Megazord Activated

My zord had now become a megazord and it starts fighting with the knight, but it slashes me with his sword.

"Aaah!" I yelled as a few electricity bits flew around me.

Their tank mode had stood up and now our megazords were ready to fight this knight. Then they also start fighting.

"Zordon! We need the power sword now!" Jason shouted and they start fighting again.

"Oh, man! He fried the power sword!" Jason shouted as the monster growls and came at us again and hits us. The ranger's megazord falls down.

"Hang on you, guys!" I yelled as I blasted at him, but he stayed put. He blasts my megazord and I go crashing down.

'What in the world?' I thought looking at the monster. Soon the megazord of the other rangers' get back up.

"Hey, wait a second!" The knight yells, the power sword was good as new.

They must have done something right. In a few seconds, he gets destroyed. Their megazord helps my megazord back up.

"Thanks guys." I say to them. After it was all over, we all go get ready for Zack's party. Then we take him to the Youth Center when it turned dark.

-Time skip-

"I still don't know why we have to be here." Zack says as we entered the dark Youth Center, since lights were off.

"Wait, why is it so dark in here? Where's Ernie?" Zack asked.

"SURPRISE!" People yelled as the lights turned on and Zack was surprised.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZACK!" Ernie and a few people from school shouted.

"Happy Birthday!" Kimberly says as Zack turns around and gives us all hugs.

"Awww man." Zack said as we all say Happy Birthday to him.

"You thought we forgot, didn't you?" Jason asks.

"Yeah, I was bumming." Zack says.

"Sorry Zack." Lily said.

"We had to keep it all a secret." I added.

"This is so cool, you guys. Thanks! Hey, what's that noise?" Zack asks.

"Oh, not again." Ernie says as he rushes over to the cake o matic machine.

"Awww, I thought this thing was fixed." He says as he hits the machine on the side.

"Let's party everyone." Jason says.

"Yeah." Zack says.

"Come on." Jason says as he leads me to the dance floor.

Lily went over to the floor with Zack. We all start dancing with each other and had a great time. Zack had a great night. I was happy for him.


Theme Song: Happy Birthday covered by Sarah Jeffery

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