Change of Perspective (TodoBa...

By WokeASF

200K 6.5K 9.8K

When Bakugo and Todoroki get into a fight, what will Aizawa have them do? More

Intro Thingy
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five


1.7K 66 143
By WokeASF

Todoroki's POV:

I feel the anxiety bubble up as time passes by. He's coming back. Today he's coming back. Finally. Oroka is bigger. Barely, but it's noticeable. I've shown him pictures, but pictures are nothing compared to holding her.

There's soft, quiet murmurs in the room as we all wait for the door of the dorms to open.

Bakugo walks in with his bag, Aizawa right behind him. He looks annoyed once again. It's been two months since we've held a class party, so I thought it would be nice for him. I know he missed it.

"I knew you guys would do this," he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"So, what did you all do this time?" He asks.

"Oh, and you," he says, pointing at me. I'm practically shaking with excitement. I haven't seen him in over two weeks. He didn't let me go visit cause he wanted the suspense or whatever.

"Why haven't you hugged me?" He asks, frowning.

I smile widely and practically run to him. Thank god I didn't trip or anything. I would've died from embarrassment. He opens his arm, frown instantly disappearing from his face as a smile replaces it.

He let's out a small 'oomph' when I finally hug him. I didn't get to hug him for over two weeks. Torture. That's what it was.

I wrap my arms around him and he does the same.

"You act like I went off to war and came back after five years."

I roll my eyes as we pull away. "I missed you," I say, practically radiating happiness.

"Jeez, calm the fuck down. You look like the fucking sun," he says, covering his face.

I turn around to look at the class as I suddenly remember that they're here too.

"I guess it's your turn now," I say, moving out of the way so that they can all swarm Bakugo.

"Hey, hey, what the fuck," Bakugo complains, voice getting drowned out as I stand away from the circle that he's trapped in, people's voices overlapping, asking him questions and saying that they missed him.

I stand next to Aizawa who looks happy.

Bakugo had decided to stay an extra month after the first. He's been able to keep up with school and stuff like that. The only thing is training and he told me that he wanted to do that first thing tomorrow morning.

"He seems good right?" I ask.

Aizawa nods.

"They were able to find out which medications were best for him, even adding some since he was diagnosed with more things as you know," Aizawa informs.

I nod.

Bakugo did learn to cope with his depression. The stay at the hospital, as he said, was a great experience for him because he got to understand the people around him. Apparently group therapy was for him.

The day after he went to his first group therapy, he complained on and on about how everyone there was just too nice and needed to 'grow a pair'.

Two weeks later, he was laughing about how when he went to go grab some cookies with Aimi, this other dude threw up on one of the nurses.

I say that the stay at the hospital was good for him, but damn am I glad that he's back. I finally get to cuddle in a shared bed with Oroka and hold him as we both fall asleep. Or dozing off as we watch another Adam Sandler movie, heads resting on each other.

The first day was the most stressful for him. He wanted to ball his eyes out because he got lost on his way to the cafeteria for dinner. Then some nurse found him looking around nervously, thinking he was going to hurt himself. 'It was scary. I didn't want to know that so many people wanted that', he had said. There were tears in his eyes as I hugged him.

After that, he just complained for about the next two weeks. Then things started going uphill. His mood had changed too. He seems more confident and ready. He seemed grown.

"What is it with you and standing around, looking like a lost fish?" Bakugo grumbles, suddenly in front of me.

When did he get here?

Wait? A fish?

"A fish?" I frown.

He laughs, smile wide.

"I'm kidding Halfie," he laughs, looking back at the swarm of people he just escaped.

"Is this thing gonna last long? Cause I wanted to lie down in my own bed and see Oroka," Bakugo sighs heavily.

Somehow the heavy sigh is... light? It's different. It's happy. It's comfortable.

He had cried a few weeks ago when he wasn't 'getting fixed'. He said he still had anxiety and depression, but that they also added another thing to the list.

'They said I had underlying symptoms of PTSD. From Kamino and what happened with my dad. Also the suicide thing.'

The last day he had let anyone see him, he had this confident look in his eyes.

'You know how I told you I'm feeling better than when I first came in? Well I'm going to get even better these next two weeks. You got that? Just watch.'

Then when I came by the best day, the nurses had told up that he refused to see anyone. At first I thought it was a bad sign, but I remember what he said. He told me to watch. So that's what I'd do.

"The class just wanted to say hi. They didn't really plan an event or anything," I tell him.

He sighs in relief and calls everyone to get their attention.

"I'm going to my room now so don't fucking bother me," he yells before turning around with his bag and walking up the stairs.

I wave a quick goodbye to everyone and turn to Mr. Aizawa.

"I know he's going to be so happy," I say, smiling and I see a small smirk before I turn and chase after Bakugo.

When I get to his room, his door is slightly open, so with a light knock and a small push of the door, I enter. He's sitting on the floor, legs crossed as he pets Oroka with a smile on his face. He's definitely glad to be back, that's for sure.

"So, are you gonna say something?" Bakugo asks after a while.

Oh yeah, it's weird to stare at someone in silence, right?

"I missed you so much," I say.

He looks at me while continuing to pet Oroka.

He stands up and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and he ropes his arms around my neck. His face buried into my chest and my chin rests on top of his shoulder. I squeeze his hips and he tightens his hold on me.

"I feel good. Have been this last month. Not 100 percent, but it's good. Right?" He asks.

"It's better than good. I'm proud of you," I answer with the same hushed tone he was speaking in.

"You're just saying that."

"I'm not. I really mean it, Kat. But now you have to tell me why you didn't let me see you these last two weeks."

He nods into my chest and pulls away. I let him go and he picks Oroka up, laughing at how he has to hold her with both hands now. He takes her and sits on the bed, putting Oroka on his lap before patting the bed in front of him for me to sit.

I frown. "Why don't I get to sit on your lap?" I ask.

He rolls his eyes with a laugh as I sit down in front of him. He looks over my face, a soft look taking over his usually angry features. He always looks like this around me.


"Okay, so I guess I'll start then," he says, snapping out of his daydream.


"I wanted to surprise you. Myself too. I wanted to see how good I could get without having to depend on you guys. It was hard not being able to calm myself down by saying 'it's okay, in a few hours you'll be able to hug Halfie and it'll be okay'."

I nod, letting him continue. He looks proud.

"The first few days were hard. Really hard. I had a few panic attacks. They were bad. I had to get through it though. I couldn't stay at the bottom. I had to get better mentally," he sighs, petting Oroka who's already purring.

"So I talked it out with the group and stuff, telling them my doubts. I feel like I'm not good enough. Like I'll never be good enough for you," he frowns, but quickly adds, "And I know. I know what you're going to say. That I am enough, but it's not so easy for me to see. So I told them. I told them about Kamino. About some stuff about All Might and Deku. And I told them about my parents."

"So many bad things. Those things are all bad because of me. I got kidnapped then All Might had to save my ass. Then All Might's favorite. Not me. It's Deku. We both looked up to him and I was the one with the amazing quirk. So what did I do wrong?" He asks, looking up at me.

He doesn't look sad or disappointed. He looks like he struck gold.

It makes the air leave my lungs.

"Nothing. I didn't do anything wrong. It's not my fault. None of it. I know that, but when I'm in those bad moods, I use that against myself. I'm my own enemy. When I want to put myself down, what do I do? I resort to those things. And I knew that before, I did. Everyone did, but it didn't register. Now, though, it clicks. And maybe it's the new meds, but I feel good. Better than ever. And it doesn't feel fake. It doesn't feel like it's the medicine. Knowing that it's the medicine doesn't make me want to crawl out of my skin either. It- I- it's good."

He smiles at me, holding Oroka.

"I'm good," he breathes.

I feel the tears come to my eyes as the smile on my face is so wide it burns. I nod, agreeing with him. He is good. He's the best. The absolute best.

I go to hug him, but I stop when I see his hand is held out to stop me.


"Look, I'm good now. The doctors said it was a good sign. That they finally found meds that work for me, but that's what it is. It's the meds. A-do- are you okay with that?" He asks, biting the inside of his cheek.

I smack away his hand and pull him in for a hug, making sure to be careful with Oroka.

"I don't care about the meds. I love you."

"I love you too."



I hum in acknowledgement.

"I'm sleepy," Bakugo mumbles into my chest.


My eyes are barely staying open. It's a miracle I can even see.

"Put the laptop away," he says, snuggling into me even more.

I missed this. But I'm tired and I want to sleep.

"Mkay," I answer.

I close it and put it on the floor, tucking it under the bed so I don't step on it in the morning.

I turn on my side and Bakugo wraps his leg around my waist, pulling me closer. He sighs heavily which is hot on my chest and I wrap my arms around him tighter.

"G'night Halfie. I missed you."

"Mm I missed you too. Goodnight."


I wake up to a weight on my body. The entire thing.

I open my eyes and see Bakugo on top of me.


He had his head rested sideways but he lifts it up and the action makes my heart explode.


"Why are you on top of me? Not that I mind it's ju-"

He covers my mouth with his hand, sending me a glare.

"I woke up here and I didn't want to bother you. I was just listening to your heart. It's really loud and it started beating faster a few seconds before you called me. Were you excited?" He smiles.

I look away, a small smile resting on my face.

Stupid traitor heart.

"I'm just happy you're here."

"Well now I'm going to annoy the shit out of you. Let's go spar," he smiles, getting off of me and the bed.

"Wait," I say, pulling him back to me.

"Tch, what?"


"You just want to do the nasty. I told you we would do it when I came back, just wait for tonight, yeah?" He asks, almost hesitantly.

"I don't want to do anything you're not ready for. It doesn't have to be all the way if you don't want to."

"I'm ready, I am. I just want to get ready. You know?"

Get ready? Is he gonna wear lingerie? Maybe a skir-

Bakugo flicks my head.

"What was that for?" I ask, rubbing my forehead.

"To stop your perverted thoughts. You're nasty," he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How'd you even know?" I ask.

He deadpans.

"You start daydreaming right after I say something that might be dirty," he sighs.

I pout and he drags me out of bed.

We brush our teeth, eat a light breakfast, Bakugo takes his medication, and then we change into sparring-appropriate clothing before heading down to a building we reserved in advance.

We do some stretching, Bakugo rolling his shoulders as he faces me after a few minutes. With a final stretch of my legs, we get into our stances.

"Ready Halfie?"

"I should be asking you that."

He charges first, opting for a kick. I dodge it in the knick of time, using my flames to scare him. He does jump back, but as soon as the flames are gone, he charges again. This look of determination clear on his face.

I'll go all out.

I throw ice at his feet, but he smirks, instantly jumping towards me, missing the line of ice.

He's charging at my from above. You'd think that he's stuck there, unable to move, but that's wrong. My boyfriend is a genius.

I throw my flames to make him change direction, and he does just that, moving to the right where I throw ice, but again, he changes direction, this time going straight up, getting ready to launch a bigger attack.

He aims as I look up. When we make eye contact, he smiles and fires.

My reaction time is slower than I would've liked, but I get out of the way just in time. A few pieces of rubble fly and hit my face, making me close my eyes so that none go in.

Suddenly I'm tackled onto the floor.

This was the worst fight I've ever put up.

My head was cushioned by his hand, but as soon as we're on the floor, he's pinning my down.

I open my eyes, sure that there's no more rubble flying around. He's panting and that's when I realize that I am too.

He notices that I tried to move, so he grips my arms and adds more weight onto my legs to prevent me from moving any further.

"Is this all you got Halfie?" He breathes.

"Sadly, I think so. I don't know wha-"

I shut my mouth, remembering exactly why it happened.

"Huh? Did something happen?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, your stupid smile. You looked happy and it made me happy. I hate this," I groan in frustration.

Why does he have such a big affect on me? Why is he so hot? Ugghh.

"You're so annoying," he sighs, letting me go.

He stands up and stretches.

"Let's go again?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'd definitely like that," I say, feeling embarrassed by how quickly I lost.


We're both on the floor, panting. God, I'm sweating so much and I smell so bad.

I turn to Bakugo who's right next to me, his arms and legs are stretched out like a starfish. He smells good. I'm jealous of that. We're both covered in bruises, scratches, and burn marks.

It's been hours since we started fighting. We had around five rounds. The first one doesn't count. We tied on these last three. He won the first one, and I won the second. We definitely tied.

"So I won," he pants.

"That first one didn't count. No."

"Yes it did. We fought six rounds. I won the first two, you won the second one, and we tied the last three. Which meanssss, I won," he laughs.

"No, I said that first one didn't count."

"Sore loser."

"Sore winner," I retort.

He barks out a laugh, holding his stomach, groans here and there.

"Don't make me laugh," he wheezes.

He's wincing and I smile at him, also on the floor looking like a starfish. I'm so glad he's back. God I missed being around him all the time.

"Ow," he says, letting out a few extra laughs before calming back down.

His shirt is a little torn around the back. It's torn up way more in the front too. I almost laugh when he turns and his nipple is just out.

"Babe, that's indecent," I say, trying my hardest not to laugh.


"Put your nipples away," I pretty much wheeze out.

He widens his eyes and looks down to see that one of his nipples is, in fact, out.

"Shut the fuck up, you dumbass," he says, a smile making it's way onto his stupidly pretty face.

We do stretches after a while, making sure that the soreness lessens. Ugh I'm in pain.

As we walk back to the dorms, I feel my legs ache and my arms creak. Bakugo looks just as sore. Damn, maybe we over did it. I honestly don't know how long we were fighting. It really was hours. How many hours? I have no idea.

"I need to nap," he says.

"I'll join," I yawn.

We shower and head to his room. I've never felt so clean in my life. The amount of sweat I produced was crazy. Bakugo even worse than I was, but at least he didn't smell bad. In fact, he still smells like burnt sugar. It's really hot actually.

"Are you just gonna stare?" Bakugo asks, turning around from where he was, getting food for Oroka.


"Okay, hold on. Leave for ten minutes," he says, face turning even more red than before.

"Um, okay," I say, turning to leave.

"Wait, can I just sit out there? I don't really want to walk that much," I laugh, abs hurting as I do.

"Yeah, whatever, just, I'm gonna get ready now," he says, scratching the back of his head.



"Jeez, don't get a fucking nosebleed. If you do I'm breaking up with you," he threatens.

I nod, giving a half-assed salute.

"You know what? Take Oroka up to your room. It'll probably take long for you since you're sore, so by the time you get back, you can enter. I'll leave the door unlocked," he says, letting me back into the room so I can grab Oroka.

I feel the excitement in my steps. They're a little wobbly and Bakugo laughs.

"Take the stairs," he says.

I do what he says, making sure I don't hurry so that he has enough time to get ready. God, it's taking everything in me to go this slow. Hell, I'd run if I had to, even with how sore I am.

I put Oroka in my room, petting her and giving her a kiss on the head before leaving.

Once I'm at Bakugo's door, I knock.

A weird-sounding 'come in' comes from the room and I open the door instantly. My eyes fly over to the bed where Bakugo is sitting. He's holding his dick in his hand, stroking it slowly with his coconut oil right next to him on the bed.

I quickly shut the door behind me, locking it without losing eye contact with Bakugo.

I think I'm already hard.

"I'm going to take very good care of you," I say.

Bakugo shudders and I practically run towards him, instantly kissing him and putting my hands on his waist.

He makes a soft sound that drives me crazy. Oh god, we're going to have sex.

Don't cum now. Don't cum now. Don't cum now.

This isn't how I planned it. I want to be slow and steady.

"Okay, okay, wait. I-wait," I breathe.

He sits back, panting, looking a bit disappointed and sad.

"I want to do this right. I want it do be special," I smile.

Bakugo looks flushed and happy.

"Can I do that for you?" I ask hesitantly.

He nods.

"Okay. Just- first, is this okay?" I ask.

"Yes," he breathes.


He sits further back on the bed, resting his upper body on the pillows. He had lifted his boxers back up for some reason, but that's okay. This is going to feel good for both of us.

I crawl towards him and lean down for a kiss. It's slow and passionate as my tongue explores his mouth. His tongue is rough compared to how soft and smooth the rest of his mouth is. I groan as he grips my hips, pushing them down to meet his.

He gasps into my mouth as our clothed erections press into each other. I meet his thrusts and continue kissing him with the same amount of passion.

I pull away with a small smack sound to look at Bakugo completely. His hair is still slightly damp from the shower. Oh, and suddenly, I'm not sore anymore.

His lips are red. God, they're so red and puffy.

"I hate it when you just stare. Do something," he practically whines.

"I- okay. Wait a second. It's just- you're so hot and I can't believe this is happening," I say, running my hand through my hair.

He's in a black tank top that makes his already small waist look smaller and fuck it does things to me.

"I'm gonna treat you so good," I breathe shakily.

"You already said that, so do it."

Right, yeah.

I put my hands under his tank top and slide them up, feeling his hard body. God. Of course he still worked out when he was gone.

I lean down and kiss up his torso, licking and biting every now and then, making him shake with anticipation before reaching right before his nipples. I breathe hotly on them before sitting up to which he breathes out heavily.

I grip his shirt, looking at him.


He lifts his arms and sits slightly forward so the shirt comes off. As soon as it's off, I attack his neck with licks and kisses. Feeling him shake and hearing him bite back his noises makes my body run hot.

"Let me hear you," I breathe right next to his ear before leaving a nice, dark mark.

I bite down on his collar bone as I grip his small waist and he outright whines. It's long and high pitched.

That's what I wanted to hear.

He squirms as my hands slowly make their way down barely slipping under the fabric of his boxers. I can feel the dip of his v-line and bite down on his collar bone again to supress another groan. It makes him buck his hips up with a breathy moan.

"Shoto," he says shakily.

Don't cum now. Don't cum now. Don't cum now.

I hum.

"Touch me."

Oh god. Don't cum.

I finally pull his underwear down, gripping his erection firmly. The sudden touch, making him buck his hips up again with a rather loud gasp.

I moan right next to his ear at that.

"Take- take your shirt off or something. God, why are you still wearing clothes?" He asks, gripping my shirt, practically pawing at my chest.

"Kat, if you don't stop doing that I will cum right now," I warn.

He throws his head back in frustration, letting go of my shirt.

I sit back, pulling my shirt off. I somehow manage to take my pants off too before grabbing his dick again.

"Pass me the oil."

He immediately reaches for it before handing me the container. I give his erection a few strokes before opening the oil and dipping my fingers in. He stares.

I look at him before spreading his legs even wider.

Don't cum.

He has a plug in.

Where the hell did he even get that?

I swallow thickly as I look up at him. He's flushes red and looking away.


He slowly looks over at me.

"What's this?" I ask.

"I knew you were a perv so I went and got one before I left. I wanted to surprise you. Is it weird? It feels weird," he says, still looking.


"No. God no. It's not weird. Babe- I- fuck you're so hot and cute at the same time," I exhale heavily.

"Really?" He asks, sounding shocked.


I grab his thighs, gripping them tightly.

"I- I wasn't sure if you'd like it," he admits.

"Well I really do. Can I," I trail off, looking at the black plug.

He nods and I instantly press against it. He gasps in brokenly. His fists are clenching and unclenching as I continue messing with it.

When I give a particularly hard push, his hand flies to his dick, gripping it tightly at the base as he moans quite loudly.

I do it again, making sure to leave it pushed there as I rub it back and forth.

He grips the sheets, knuckles turning white.

"Oh Shoto. Please, just- if you don't enter me right now I'm going to leave," he moans breathlessly as I continue moving the plug.

I grip it and slowly pull it out. It's bigger than I anticipated.

"Are you sure you're stretched enough?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes."

I pull the last piece of fabric on my body off and put a good amount of oil on my dick. I look at Bakugo.

"Is this okay?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm sure."

I hold his hand as I slowly push in. I stop when Bakugo squeezed down. I whine at the feeling, willing myself to stay still.

"You can move. It doesn't hurt," Bakugo breathes.

"God I just feel so full," he moans, throwing his head back.

I push in. "Tell me when to stop."

I'm all the way in and he has his mouth open, head thrown back, no noise escaping his lips.

He takes a broken deep breath.

I don't know if that's a good thing until he plants his feet on the bed and pushes down harder.

Don't cum now.

"Shoto. Move. Please move."

His neck is on full display, veins prominent. There are some hickeys already placed, but I decide to add more as I slowly thrust in and out.

Bakugo grabs my arms, gripping tightly enough that I feel his nails dig into my biceps.

My hips stutter and Bakugo's back arches off the bed.

"It feels so good. Oh please don't stop," Katsuki pleads.

He's so tight and warm. With him clenching down so often, it's a wonder how I'm still not spent.

I'm definitely not going to last long though. I already feel the warmth building up. With the way Bakugo is gripping on me for dear life as he moans with broken gasps and breaths, I definitely lasted longer than I thought.

"More. Faster," he says, trying to push back against me.

I make sure my knees are planted firmly on the bed, in between Katsuki's legs which are spread wide just for me before giving him what he wants.

Scratching down my back as he drools onto the pillow, he makes eye contact with me. His eyes are clouded with lust. The way his face is so open and readable. I'm going to cum.

I don't realize I'm moaning until Bakugo's eyes widen. Just then, his body tenses up completely as he cums, strings of the white substance coating our lower abdomens.

I cum right after at the feeling of him clenching down harshly as his face showed the amount of pleasure he was in. The pleasure completely washing over me as my body shook.

We both pant. I pull out slowly before laying down on the bed next to him.

"That was great," he breathes.

I nod.

"Yeah. It was."

"You did it in me," he says.

Oh fuck. I did.

"I- um I'm sorry," I say, immediately apologizing.

"It's okay as long as you clean it the fuck out," he grumbles.

Just then my stomach growls.

We did have a light breakfast. What time is it?

I look at the clock on the dresser and see that it's 7 in the afternoon.

Yeah, I'm starving.

I go to get up, wanting to clean Bakugo up.

"No wait," he says, grabbing my arm.

"Stay here I'll make us a big dinner. Just, stay here for now," he says.

I nod.

"I love you," I tell him.

"I love you too."


The next day, our bodies were dead. Training and then having sex right after while we're sore was not smart, but man is it worth it. Seeing the marks on Bakugo's body is a sight.

The only problem is that Bakugo can't walk.

Last night when we said he'd make dinner? Yeah, once he tried to get up, his legs gave out on him.

"Stupid fucking Halfie! We trained and then had sex and this is what I get!?"

I ended up making us grilled cheese for dinner and for breakfast. I don't know what I'll make for lunch though. If I make grilled cheese again, Bakugo will kill me. Maybe I'll tell someone to make food for us.

"Are you still sore?" I ask, massaging Bakugo's lower back.

He nods.

"Was last night the way you wanted?" I ask him.

"Yeah it was. Stop asking. You know I enjoyed every second of it. Stupid dumbass."

I sigh happily. "I love you too Katsuki."

Word Count: 5,063
Hellooo. This was the epilogue wooooo. Uhh, I'll post the extra thing I made right after this. It's not an actual part of the story but it was an idea I came up with a while ago after I started the fic. Uhhh it's Valentine's Day so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAYYY!!! That's the only reason I thought it was still good to have smut in the epilogue. They hadn't actually done it, so I thought I would add this in. Anyway, info about my next fic will be posted in my 'conversations' tab thing. I love you all and thank you for reading this <3

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