The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Dead...

By blossomedhydrangea

30.8K 751 136

"Is it really a sin that I was born?" A baby girl was born, her name being Ophelia. She was born from love b... More

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2K 52 16
By blossomedhydrangea

Ophelia's POV:

I felt immensely comfortable at the moment. It felt like I was laying on clouds. I've never felt so at peace. And whatever I was smelling smelled so nice, it almost put me back to sleep. 

I almost fell back asleep until I felt something around my waist. Whatever it was, it was holding me down pretty tightly. 

I opened my eyes only to be met with blonde hair clouding my vision. I looked down at my waist and sure enough he had his arm pinned around me. 

Now that I was fully awake I just wanted to get out of bed. I wasn't quite sure where I was though. 

I didn't want to wake him up so I tried my best to pry his arm off of me but was only met with him tightening his grip on me. 

Was he even still asleep? Why is his hold on me so strong?

"Psst...meliodas.." I bent down and whispered in his ear. 

He didn't even budge an inch. 

I lightly poked his face to see if that would do anything but to no avail. 

I was getting a bit annoyed. I was getting ready to yell at him but someone suddenly burst through the door to this room.

"OH MY GOD CAPTAIN YOU WOMANIZER!!" A girl with pigtails and purple eyes came stomping towards us. 

Meliodas still didn't wake up even after all the noise she made. 

"Um excuse me, but who are you?" I asked with a quiet voice hoping she wouldn't lash out at me. 

"Huh oh hey he didn't do anything inappropriate to you did he?" She looked down at the arm that was currently holding me in place. 

"Oh no, I don't think so but if you don't mind, he has a really strong hold on me and he won't wake up." I looked at her with a pleading look. 

Her face immediately contorted into what looked like anger. She pulled the covers off of us and grabbed a hold of him and immediately flung him across the room making him hit the wall with a loud thud. 

Wow. I wasn't expecting that type of strength to come from her. 

"Owww, Diane was that really necessary?" Meliodas was now awake. He stood up brushing off all the debris that landed on him. 

"Well maybe if you weren't such a womanizer captain I wouldn't have had to do that!" Diane huffed and walked out the door. 

"Great now I have to get my wall fixed again." He had his back facing towards me to inspect the wall that now had a decent sized hole. 

I let out a soft giggle as he let out an annoyed sigh. 

He immediately turned towards me after hearing the sound I made. 

"Lia? You're awake!" He quickly walked over to the bed and sat on it. 

"Hi Meliodas. It's been a long time or at least I think it has. still look the same. How long was I gone for?" 

He looked at me with a sad look on his face. He must feel guilty for how I died. 

"Lia. It's been 3,000 years since you passed away. And there's a reason why I still look like this but I'll explain it to you later, okay."

"Wait. 3,000 years?!? You're saying I was dead for that long?!" I was in shock. How can it have been 3,000 since my death? Him and I still look the same. 

"Yes, it's been a rough 3,000 years. A lot has happened during that time Lia."

"Where are we Meli? I don't sense anyone from the demon clan anymore." I looked around the room. I was able to sense beings with magic but none from the demon clan. 

I looked back at Meliodas to see him with his head held down. I couldn't quite see his face and I was a bit worried at his silence. 

"Meli? What's wrong?"

He slowly looked back up at me with a sad look on his face. 

"This is the realm of the humans Lia. And the demon realm basically doesn't exist anymore. Everyone was sealed away 3,000 years ago."

I studied his face as he spoke. I was shocked to hear this news. 

"Does that mean Zeldris and Estarossa as well?"

He gave me a slow nod avoiding my eyes. 

The both of them were gone as well? Not that I'm on great terms with Estarossa but I did miss him. I missed Zeldris too. I miss the times when we all had fun with each other. 

I looked down towards my lap in thought. It was kind of a lot to process. The people I used to call family were all sealed away. No doubt it had to do something with the Holy War. 

I suddenly felt a hand grip my own. I looked up to see Meliodas looking at me with a soft smile. 

"Everything is alright now Lia. You're safe here with my friends and I. I will protect you this time."

I gave him a small smile back. 

He began to raise his hand to my cheek before a knock was heard from the door. 

"Oi cap'n, heard Diane made quite the fuss in here." He looked over to the wall where Diane had made a hole with Meliodas. "Dang she made another hole in the wall again huh. She must've seen you snuggling up with the girl."

Meliodas looked over to the guy with a glare on his face. I wasn't quite sure why he was glaring. 

I suddenly made eye contact with the guy and his eyes widened. He looked surprised for some reason. 

He began to walk towards Meliodas and I with his eyes still locked onto mine. 

Meliodas watched as this man sat on the bed beside me. He seemed to be studying my face. 

I was a bit flustered at the close proximity of our faces but kept eye contact with him. 

"Holy crap cap'n. She's gorgeous. Where did you find this gem?" 

"Back off Ban." Meliodas spoke in a low voice watching Ban basically make googly eyes towards me. 

He seemed to have noticed the change in Meli's demeanor and backed off. 

"Jeez cap'n, you're such a party pooper."

He smirked and turned to me before leaving. 

"See you later, m'lady." With that he walked out the room shutting the door behind him. 

I giggled softly as Meliodas looked at the door with daggers for eyes. He looked back over to me hearing my giggle. He immediately softened his gaze after seeing my smile. 

"Lia this isn't gonna do, you need to stop being so beautiful."

I looked at him with a confused face. "Stop being beautiful? Are you complimenting me right now?" I looked at him feeling my face heating up. Once again I'm grateful for my darker skin tone. 

For some reason his cheeks began to get a bit rosy but he immediately composed himself. 

"Well of course! You're down right gorgeous Lia! And that body of yours is to die for!" He shot you  a cheeky grin. 

At this point it felt like I had a fever. I wasn't used to hearing such things from him. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something touching my boobs. 

"MELIODAS!!" He still had that cheeky grin on his face until I conjured balls of flames and started to aim them towards him. 

He immediately ran away while laughing and dodging the flames. 

"Sorry Lia, I just couldn't help myself! Besides with what you're wearing right now it was hard to resist!"

I looked down to see that I was no longer in the white gown I was in before and what looked to be Meliodas's shirt. The buttons weren't done up all the way and my boobs were basically on full display. 

This pervert will die today.


After about 30 minutes I stopped trying to roast Meliodas alive as I was feeling a bit drained of magical energy already. That was a bit strange. 

He ended up having to leave after getting changed and told me to stay put in this room till he got back. He gave me a change of clothes before leaving. 

It was a beautiful but simple dress and it was my favorite color too, dark Blue! Almost just like my hair. I put it on and went to the mirror next to his bed to admire myself. 

'Dang I look good!' I thought to myself. 

To be honest I didn't really want to stay in this room all day and I didn't know how long Meliodas would be gone for. So I decided that I should go do a little exploring. Maybe not the brightest idea in the book though, but who cares!

I slowly opened the door and peeked my head out to see if anyone was around. Seeing that the coast was clear I walked out and began walking down the long hallway.

There were other rooms besides his in this hallway and I assumed they probably belonged to his friends so I didn't open any of those doors in fear I would be caught. 

As I kept walking through the hallway I looked out the windows and gasped at what I saw. 

We were obviously in a castle and quite high up as well. The scenery was absolutely beautiful. I washed my eyes over every inch of what I saw. The demon realm was never this beautiful so I was quite amazed at what I was seeing. 

"Oh, you're awake." 

I was taken out of my trance as I heard a woman's voice come from my left. 

I looked to see such a gorgeous woman. I got nervous because of how beautiful she was. But for some reason she looked familiar and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. 

"Does Meliodos know that you're out by yourself?"

I was once again brought out of my trance and widened my eyes. Oh boy I'm in trouble. 

"O-oh no! I was bored and wanted to explore. I'm not supposed to be roaming around am I, I apologize!" I bowed my head slightly and looked back up to see an amused look on her face. 

"For a demon you don't seem like one at all, the same as the captain." 

I looked at her with wide eyes. She knew Meli and I were demons?!? Would she kill us?!

She must have noticed the panic in my eyes and chuckled a bit. 

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. Unless you try to harm me of course."

"O-of course not! I wouldn't dare harm people that Meliodas cares for or anyone in general for that matter!"

"Interesting. You're such a softy for a demon...or should I say half demon?" 

Once again your eyes widened and she as well chuckled again. 

"Meliodas told me a bit about you. I hope that's okay with you? Plus it's obvious with the two different types of magic you radiate."

"I radiate two different types? I never noticed. Oh wait, my other bloodline was sealed from birth. That may be why I never noticed.."

Her expression softened and she spoke again. 

"Miss Ophelia, would you care to join my friends and I for lunch? Meliodas will be there as well."

I looked at her in thought. Would it be alright? Would Meli get mad if he knew I left the room? Oh well if I don't tell him she will. 

"Uhm sure miss.." I trailed off forgetting I didn't know her name. 

"Merlin is my name Miss Ophelia. It's a pleasure to meet you, but I feel as though this is not actually our first time meeting."

She looked at me with her hand on her chin and her eyes looked as if she were studying me. 

I laughed nervously. "I actually feel as if I've met you before as well. But I can't quite put my finger on it."

She nodded still in thought. "Well let's go then, I'll lead you to our dinning area."

After a silent couple minutes we finally made it to the dining hall. Before we entered I could hear all types of ruckus being made. 

"BAN!! Make one more sexual comment about Ophelia and I won't hesitate to kill you!"

"Woah captain calm down and Ban please stop! That isn't appropriate!" 

I saw a young boy floating on a spear getting in between Meli and Ban. 

"You should've seen the huge knockers on that beautiful woman King and her face was a gift created by the gods!" Ban laughed as he dodged Meli who immediately lunged for him. 

"Guys can we please just eat, I do not understand why a fight is breaking out." Another young boy with pink hair and glasses spoke. 

"Captain you're such a womanizer!! I can't believe I didn't see the way she was dressed this morning! You dressed her that way didn't you?!" Diane stomped her foot making the ground shake a bit despite still being in her shrunken form. 

"Everybody, please calm down. This is very irrational." I was stunned to see such a huge man. He was ripped!

I looked over to Merlin to see her face contorted in annoyance. 

"Ban come here so I can kill you!!" Meliodas was still chasing Ban around the dining room. None of them noticed Merlin and I yet. 

The ruckus continued and I could see Merlin getting angrier by the second. 


All of a sudden the sound of glass breaking was heard and I think that's when Merlin had enough. 


I looked at Merlin shocked that she yelled so loud and so did everyone else. 

"Oh hey Merlin! Oh and Lia great timing. Ban here would like to apologize for undressing you with his eyes this morning!" He currently had Ban in a choke hold with a goofy grin on his face. 

I rolled my eyes and walked into the dining hall with Merlin following behind. 

"Oh is that so? Then I think you owe me an apology too Meli for groping me this morning."

I looked at him with my hands on my hips and a brow raised. He laughed nervously and let go of Ban. 

Ban let out a few gasps for air as he was able to breath again. 

"Wow captain you're over here trying to kill me for undressing her with my eyes and you groped her without her permission? Not cool my guy." Ban said with a smirk on his face. 

Meliodas sent a glare at Ban but he didn't seem to care. 

"Nice to see you again gorgeous. You know you'd be better off with me than that lecherous captain over there." He winked at me, taking my right hand and placing a kiss on it.

I giggled a bit. Ban was actually pretty hot. Not gonna lie. 

"Woah that was hot." He let go of my hand.

"Thanks for the offer Ban, but I'm not together with Meli."

I looked over to see Meliodas pouting after hearing my words. 

"What? It's true, don't make that face Meli."

"Captain. Who is this girl? She gives off strange magical energy. A little similar to yours."

A voice suddenly spoke from beside me. I look to my left to see the pink haired boy eyeing me with a blank look on his face. 

"Oh hello, my name is Ophelia. I'm a friend of Meliodas. Who might you be?"

I kept a blank look on his face still eyeing me but opened his mouth to speak. 

"Gowther, Goat sin of Lust." 

"Sin?" I tilted my head in confusion. 

"Oh I never told you anything about that, have I Lia?"

Meliodas walked over to me and patted my head. 

"No you have not Meli."

"Let me introduce you to everyone then. You already know Gowthwe now. He's the Goat sin of Lust." Gowther gave a slight nod. 

"Merlin here is the Boar sin of Gluttony. Ban is the Fox sin of Greed. The one of the spear is King, the Grizzly sin of Sloth." He pointed to the young boy. 

"Captain it's not a spear, it's my chastiefol." 

As he was explaining I could feel Meliodas snake his arms around my waist but decided not to make a big deal of it. 

"Diane is the Serpent sin of Envy." 

Diane squinted her eyes seeing that Meliodas had wrapped his arms around me. It seems that she may have a crush on him.

"Captain, get your hands off of her!" 

Meliodas completely ignored her and continued with the introductions.

"The big guy is Escanor the Lion sin of Pride."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Ophelia." 

I gave him a soft smile. "Likewise Escanor!"

"And last but not least me! I'm Melidas, the Dragon sin of Wrath! We are officially known as the seven deadly sins, the King of Liones' most strongest knights!"

"The seven deadly sins huh?" He looked up at me with a cheeky smile. 

"Well it's definitely a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope I won't be a burden since you all are letting me stay here."

They all looked at me with bright smiles, except Gowther. He continued to look at me with a blank face. 

"Captain, will she become one of the sins? She has a pretty high power level." 

Gowther took off his glasses to clean them and furrowed his brows. 

"I can't quite put a finger on why her magic energy feels weird to me. I can't tell whether she's dangerous or not."

He put his glasses back on and looked towards the captain. 

I gulped in nervousness. 

"Actually Gowther, I plan to introduce her to the King. He also wanted to meet her. She may just become a sin."

Meliodas who already had himself wrapped around me snuggled into the side of my chest which made me slightly annoyed. He still dared to touch me after I nearly made him into barbecue this morning. 

"You'll introduce her to the King?" Merlin spoke. 

"Of course! I'm certain he'll let her become a sin!"

"Me become a sin huh? I think I may know what sin I'll be. The sin of Sorrow."


Hello the author here! I know this story probably isn't the best but I'm enjoying writing it and I hope you all enjoy reading it as well. I'm trying to write as much as I can between my part time job and school but it's proving a bit difficult. I'll try my best though! Thank you everyone so far for the amount of reads and votes. Even though it's a very small amount I still appreciate it very much!

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