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I was brought out of my thoughts when I suddenly felt a strong presence coming from the direction of Baste Prison. It didn't feel like Ban, it must've been a holy knight then. Crap, we've been spotted already. A dark cloud was approaching our direction, but it didn't seem like a normal cloud. There was a strange buzzing sound coming from it as if it were made of thousands of bugs.

"You guys what is that?" I looked at Elizabeth who wore a worried expression.

"It's coming from the direction of Baste Prison." Diane spoke while squinting her eyes at the sight of the strange dark cloud. 

"Could it possibly be a storm?" I shook my head.

"No, that isn't normal. It's due to someone's magic and its not Gilthunder either. The sound coming from it is definitely bugs!" I got in a stance, reading myself for a fight.

"Guys they're not just regular bugs! They're poisonous!" As soon as Hawk said that the bugs started spouting out what I assumed was poisonous acid as everything it touched melted. This is not good.

"Hawk, Elizabeth! Run!" They started running as soon I said that along with many other civilians that were in the town. All I could hear was terrified screams. I had to burn these stupid things and quickly get rid of them.

"Diane! Get ready to fight!" Not hearing a response from her I looked up to see her with fear filled eyes. I mentally face palmed. Diane was afraid of bugs, I completely forgot.

"Bugs are the one thing I don't like!" If she can't fight then it all depends on me! Totally not good!

"Elizabeth, Hawk go hide under something!" I conjured up balls of fire and blasted them towards groups of bugs. There were just too many. If only I could create a giant wall of fire this could be dealt with quickly.

'You want power don't you? Take off that bracelet.'

The same voice from earlier spoke to me again, but this time it made my body feel weird, as if my body weren't my own. I found myself reaching for the bracelet Merlin gave me. Realizing what I was doing I stopped myself. I shouldn't take it off. My powers would go berserk if I did.

'You'll never be able to protect the ones you love if you don't have power! Take it off!'

This time the voice spoke in a louder and more aggressive tone. My body no longer listened to me and I was again reaching for the bracelet. Once I had my hand on it I began to slowly slide it off.

'NO STOP! I'll end up hurting someone!' I yelled in my mind for my body to stop moving but it wouldn't listen. As my bracelet was almost off all the way I was brought out of my hypnotic trance from the loud tremors of Diane's attack.

I fell to my knees, suddenly feeling weak from whatever was happening to me. My body was feeling numb.

"Ophelia! You and Elizabeth watch over the Captain!" I watched as Diane sprinted towards Baste Prison.

I was currently too confused to process what just happened.

"Lady Ophelia! Are you hurt?!" "Ophelia did those bugs burn you?!" Both Hawk and Elizabeth came over to my body that was currently slumped on the ground. I looked at the both of them with wide eyes.

"Lady Ophelia?" Elizabeth looked highly concerned for me. I had to snap out of it. I need to protect the both of them. Now is not the time to be sitting here in a daze.

"I-I'm fine guys. I didn't get hurt." Elizabeth held out her hand to me and I took it standing up slowly cause my body still felt a little numb.

"Are you sure. You look out of it Ophelia. Did something happen that we didn't see?" I looked towards Hawk and shook my head. "No it's really nothing. I'm fine I promise." I didn't want to worry the both of them.

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now