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Meliodas and the others were unable to enjoy the party. They were worried about Ophelia. Something was definitely not right.

"Maybe we should've gone with her, something isn't right," Meliodas was faced towards the ballroom doors with his arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed.

"Brother, I'm sure she'll be alright, she can handle her own. She's really strong, even for someone not from the royal family or the 10 commandments," Zeldris spoke but it was obvious that he was worried about the girl as well.

"Wow Zel, you always give Lia compliments but never give me anyway. I'm hurt," Estarossa said with a slight pout.

Zeldris rolled his eyes and ignored him. "Father is really late isn't he? He usually always turns up on time to things like this," Zeldris's worry grew deeper and deeper by each passing second.

Out of nowhere the castle began to shake and the sound of a huge explosion could be heard coming from the direction of Ophelia's mother's bedroom. All of the guests were panicking because it felt like an earthquake with a 7.5 magnitude was going on.

The 3 brothers immediately knew what was happening and darted out of the ballroom and towards the direction of the explosion as fast as they could.

"See I knew we should've went with her! The earthquake must be from her and that explosion as well! But I'm feeling a strange power coming from her," Meliodas was ahead of the other 2, a deep frown on his face.

"It's the power of a goddess, but she isn't one. So why would she be able to use their magic?" Estarossa questioned as they got closer to their destination.

As they got closer they could only see smoke and debris everywhere but could tell that a chunk of the castle was missing. Mirabelle's room was gone and so was her life energy. They assumed the worst, thinking that someone must've harmed her and Ophelia lost control. She tends to lose control when she can't handle her own emotions.

As they got closer to the hole in the castle they could see a huge ball of light which blinded them so they had to squint in order to see. The ball of light slowly diminished and revealed a goddess.

The brothers stared in shock as they immediately recognized the goddess. Her appearance was different but it was definitely her. Their Ophelia. She dawned 2 sets of wings and one of her eyes shined gold along with the goddess symbol. She was giving off such immense power. Her power level probably reached more than 15,000 and continued to rise with each passing second.

A large voice boomed through the sky and caught the attention of the shock filled Brothers.

"My sons! Lay witness to this traitor of the demon realm! A half breed with goddess blood!
She must be destroyed!"

Ophelia? A traitor? It couldn't be. The brothers had no words. So many things were going through their minds. Were they really going to have to kill her. But they cared for this girl a great deal. She meant a lot to them. They grew up with her and had so many memories.


Knock, knock, knock.

Today was the day that Mirabelle decided to finally introduce her daughter to the Demon King. She had kept her hidden from him for a few years because she was afraid he would see through her deceit, but she was prepared now.

"Now remember Ophelia, you must be polite. If he asks you a question you better answer, okay?" 5 year old Ophelia looked up to her mother with a bright smile.
"Yes Mama! You don't have to worry!" Mirabelle gave her a soft smile, loving how cute her daughter was.

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now