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"So um Meli? I know we're going to rescue Senette, but what about Ban?"

He looked over to me with a soft smile. "I'm sure as soon as he hears that we are on our way over there he'll get out himself. Besides I'm sure there's someone among us he's dying to see!" He rolled his eyes at the last part.

I knew that he knows how Ban feels about me, it's so obvious. "Oh jealous now are we?" I smirked seeing his cute little face turn into a frown.

"That's not funny Lia, you're mine and he knows it."

"Who said I was yours? We aren't dating Meliodas. Don't think just because we kissed once means I belong to you." I snickered at his shocked face but immediately stopped when I saw the sad look on Elizabeth's face.

"Oh Elizabeth I was just joking we didn-" I stopped mid sentence as a large crash sound came from in front of us. Meliodas moved in front of Elizabeth and I only to see that it was just Diane.

"Diane? What are you doing out here?" She didn't respond to Meliodas right away. She just stood there with a blank look on her face and her eyes seemed faded as well.

I walked closer to her to see what was wrong. "Diane? Are you doing okay?" Once I put my hand on her leg she snapped out of it.

"Captain! You're supposed to be back in the village resting! You shouldn't be out here!" She bent down looking at Meliodas in concern. I stood close by Diane cause I felt something was off about her earlier.

"Diane Meliodas is fine, but are you okay?" She looked at me confused.

"What do you mean? I feel perfectly fine Ophelia." I looked back at Meliodas and he just shrugged.

"After you squashed the bugs back in the village you immediately ran off to Baste Prison!" Hawk spoke with a concerned look on his face.

"I did?" She started to look even more confused.

"Something isn't adding up, you sure you're okay Diane?" Meliodas looked up at her.

"Well, my head does kinda feel funny." She played with one of her ponytails but suddenly she had that same blank look on her face and faded eyes. "Um Diane?"

"Captain! Ophelia! There's a holy knight here! Take care of the princess!"

We all stared at her confused. "Diane what are you talking about?" I moved closer to her in concern. "Give them back to me!" Diane went to kick me and  I quickly jumped out of the way but she landed a hit on me as soon as I jumped into the air, knocking me pretty hard into the ground. I grunted in pain as I tried to get up.

"Lia! You alright?!" Meliodas and the others ran over to me. Meli helped me up as he saw I was struggling to gain my balance. "Yeah I'm fine, if she hit me with her full strength I would've been pancake batter for sure."

"Diane why are you going crazy right now?" I studied her eyes and realized what was going on.

"Meliodas, her eyes!" He took a good look and nodded. "She can't see us at all." "Then what do we do?" I looked down at Hawk who looked like he wanted to pee his pants.

"Hm well, we should run!" He suddenly picked up Elizabeth and started running. Hawk and I started running with him. Running seriously isn't my thing! We had to dodge multiple times as she continuously threw punches and kicks at us as we ran away. She almost got me a few times as I was slightly slower than the other two. "Lia pick up the pace will ya!"

"Well sorry I'm out of shape!" I attempted to pick up my pace, it wasn't as easy as I thought. 10 years of no action really did a number on my athleticism. You would think being a demon would help, but sadly I'm only half.

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon