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Later that night we all settled into the Boar Hat. We were all quite exhausted after the events that occurred earlier. 

"Elizabeth you can sleep in my room for now. I refuse to let you sleep in a bed with that perv." Elizabeth looked between Meli and I with a somewhat sad expression. Did she actually want to sleep in a bed with him?

"Yeah Elizabeth! You need to stay away from him!" I looked down at Hawk who was bandaged up from his prior injuries.

"Oh thank you very much Lady Ophelia!" 

"Lady Ophelia?" I tilted my head slightly to the side. "Just call me Ophelia, Elizabeth." 

"Oh no I insist on calling you that! You and sir Meliodas saved my life today. I feel more comfortable calling you guys this way." 

"Hey what about me! I became shaved pork for you!" Elizabeth giggled softly and bent down to pet Hawk. "Yes thank you as well Hawk."

I sighed softly. "Alright, if that's what you want Elizabeth. Please go ahead and get some rest then." I took a quick look at her torn up clothes and stopped her before she went into my room. 

"Hey wait, let's get you some new clothes. I think I may have something that will fit you! I'll be in your room in a minute Meli!" 

"Alright but hurry Lia, I wanna cuddle!" 

"Lia I don't think you should room with him either!" Hawk huffed.

"Oh shut up you perv!" I walked into my room with Elizabeth and slammed the door shut. 

I walked over to my closet and looked through my clothes seeing what would fit her. I opted with a light blue dress that went slightly past the knees. 

"Here, put this on Elizabeth!" She took the dress from my hands with a bright smile. 

"Thank you very much Lady Ophelia!" I nodded and turned the other way to give her some privacy. There was a comfortable silence until I heard her speak. 

"So lady Ophelia...is there really nothing going on between you and sir Meliodas?" I turned slightly to see that she was fully dressed and decided to face her completely. 

"Well not exactly, I'm not sure how to describe our relationship. He and I knew each other for a very long time. We have a bit of a complicated relationship but we aren't exactly a couple I guess.."

She looked at me with a confused expression. "Ah sorry, was that answer a bit confusing for you?" I giggled softly.

She smiled softly, shaking her head. "No it's alright. Well I hope you have a good night lady Ophelia!" 

"You do the same Elizabeth!" I smiled softly, grabbing a nightgown from my closet and left the room going to Meliodas's.

Once I got to the door to his room I hesitated going inside. Things were kind of iffy between us today. I wasn't sure if he'd be mad at me or not. I didn't like when we had a bad relationship with one another. He's the only one in this world right now that I can call family, besides the other sins that weren't around right now. It was my fault that things were iffy today, I just continued to get mad at him and ignored him. 

I took a deep breath and went to open the door but it burst open before I even had the chance to touch the doorknob. I was surprised at the sudden opening of the door and lost my footing falling backwards but was caught by my waist.

"You seem to always fall when I'm around Lia! You just can't stop falling for me huh!" he chuckled softly after seeing my flustered expression. 

I gently pushed him off me and walked past him into his room. I heard the door close and him walking up behind me. His arms suddenly wrapped themselves around my waist. 

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now