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After our little feast that we shared at Dr. Dana's home, everyone had fallen fast asleep and were now back at the Boar Hat. However, I was unable to sleep tonight. I just had so many things racing through my mind starting from the Demon King basically wanting control over my body, the holy knights possibly knowing about me being a half goddess and the prophecy that Merlin had told me about 10 years ago. There was just too much going on to fully process.

One thing I do know is that I can't let them get a hold of me. If they truly are trying to resurrect the demon clan like I suspect, then I need to get stronger in order to prevent that from happening.

I looked down at the bracelet Merlin gave me, tracing my finger around the detailing. It scares me to know that the only way to do that is to remove it, not like it's helping me much now anyways. The magic Merlin cast on it is fading and rapidly. If I we can't find Merlin in time then I may just have to give in to the demands of the demon king. Give in to the large amount of power that I've been suppressing. Deep down I can feel both my goddess blood and demon blood fighting for dominance everyday. I'm afraid that fully embracing my powers will lead to my demonic side winning me over. More or less because that's who I thought I was for many years.

However, I have people that will help me now. I need to rely on the people that surround me. Meliodas especially, would never let me go over to the dark side. He would rather himself die than watch me go through all that pain. I honestly feel the same, I would rather die again to protect him.


The next morning, I awoke to Ban holding me tightly in his arms. It was as if he was afraid someone was going to take me away from him. He was still asleep but he had a look of pain written all over his handsome features. Thankfully, one of my arms was not being restricted by his body so I rose my arm up to his face, softly caressing his face with my hand to hopefully calm him down.

After a few minutes of caressing him his face softened, he no longer looked like he was in pain. I smiled softly seeing that he was more relaxed. I laid there for a while watching him sleep before realizing he was shirtless.

I started to feel a bit flustered, heat rising to my face. I started squirming around in arms to get free from his grasp but that only made him tighten his hold on me even more.

"Lia, stop squirming. I'm trying to sleep." He spoke with his husky morning voice, eyes still closed. He pushed my head up against his bare chest and I swear I nearly passed out.

"Um Ban? Do you think you could maybe let go?" I waited a few seconds but no answer. "Ban?"

He let out a low groan, pulling me even closer if that was possible. "Just let me hold you for a while, I haven't seen you in 10 years. Can't I enjoy this time with you in my arms?" I relaxed a bit after hearing what he said, it was nice that he had missed me this much. I wrapped my arms around his larger body, snuggling my head into his chest, breathing in the scent of him. He let out a soft chuckle and I could feel the low vibrations coming from his chest, tickling my face.

"That eager to touch me huh?" I let out a soft gasp, unwrapping my arms from around him giving his chest a few smacks. "That's not what I was doing!" I huffed as he laughed a bit more at my reaction. He ran his hands up and down my waist to calm me down. "Sorry babe, just can't help teasing you." I looked at at his face to see that his eyes were open and his lips curled into that smirk he always wears.

"Get up you lazy butts! Come get your breakfast!" We could hear Hawk yell from the bottom of the staircase. I let of a soft yawn, not wanting to fall back asleep I tried to pry Ban's arms off of me again, but to no avail.

"Ban let's get up now okay?" I watched as he moved his body down, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. "No can do babe, I'm not letting you go, not when I finally got you back in my arms." Before I could protest the door to my room slammed open.

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora