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"Mother! Wait!" I kept running as fast as I could, but she kept getting out of my sight no matter how fast I ran.

Out of the corner of my eye a glimpse of a man popped up into my vison. I caught a glimpse of the curly midnight blue hair that resembled mine perfectly. Then realizing that it must've been my father, I stopped running, hunching over to catch my breath.

"Ophelia." I quickly looked up to see two people in front of me. My eyes began to water at the sight of them. "Mother and...father." The two of them stood side by side, looking at me with such warmth in their eyes.

"My beautiful daughter, I'm so sorry that we weren't able to be there for you. We've been watching you since you were brought back to life. I'm sorry that we were unable to be there for you. I should've protected you, we should've protected you." My mother reached her hand out to mine, pulling me closer to her, pulling me in to a hug.

It's been so long since I've been held in my mother's embrace, way too long. "It's alright Mama, I don't blame you for what happened and I should've been the one to protect you. You weren't able to defend yourself, you were weak at the time." She pulled me away from her, wiping the tears that stained my face.

"Ophelia, I want you to say hello. This is your father. I know this isn't the most ideal situation to meet your father but.." I turned to my father and studied his features. I really did resemble him.

"My precious baby girl, I'm so glad to finally see you again after all this time. I actually raised you for a couple years with your mother after you were born. However, due to unfortunate circumstances I had to leave you and your mother." He looked at me with great sadness in his eyes. I can see how much pain he felt for not being in my life all those years.

"Don't worry father, I don't resent you. I know that you must of had a reason to do so, it was because you're a goddess isn't it?" He looked at me with a mix of shock and sadness.

"Do you hate that you are of goddess blood?" Tears welled up in my eyes again. "No, of course not! I love who I am! I would never change who I am. I truly wished that the three of us could've lived a life together. But at the time it was taboo for races to intermingle.." My head hung low, my parents truly deserved better. I swear I'll get revenge for what the demon king did.

"Sweetheart, your father and I want to talk about your powers." I picked my head up and looked at my mother.

"We know you can't control them." He looked down at the bracelet that I was wearing. "That bracelet is useless, you need to fully embrace your powers. And to do that you need to fully embrace the sorrow that you always feel. Don't be afraid of it, you can control it if you put your mind to it." He held his hand up, caressing my face while looking at me with a fatherly smile. I rose my hand up and held mine against his.

"I'll try my best." I suddenly heard explosions coming off from the far distance and a new presence was among my friends.

"We don't have much longer, you should get back to your friends Ophelia." I looked back to my parents and saw that they were slowly staring to fade away.

"Wait! Can't you guys stay for a bit longer?" I began to panic, I just got to see them again after 3,000 years and now they're leaving me. They were starting to fade out even more.

"One thing before we go sweetheart, we know the demon king placed a curse on you. In order to suppress him you need to fully embrace your goddess abilities as well. I was a part of the royal family, you should be strong enough to withstand him. By the way, there seems to be a relative among you, from my side of the family." At this point I could barely make their figures out.

The Sin of Sorrow (Seven Deadly Sins x OC) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now