Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

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Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19. Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
62. Our First Christmas as a Family
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

65. The Weasley Twins Exit

2K 48 86
By LaineWeasley

We were now nearing the end of April and tomorrow Fred and George were leaving Hogwarts; to get started on adult life, I was currently sitting in the common room with Angelina, Alicia and Katie, not having a clue where the others where. In all honesty I just wanted to spend all the time I had left with Fred and I didn't even know where he currently was, so I just sat reading my book, something I hardly get to do anymore. Between writing, to everyone, and Umbridge now was scanning letters and parcels because that's ethical, I was so busy.

"Y/n." I hear someone say and I look up and see George. "Fred's up in the dorm, he says he wants to show you something."

I look around and see all the rest of the group now here and I look up at George.

"Okay, I guess, I'll see you all in a bit." I tell them as I begin to walk up the stairs, I open the boys dorm room door, and to my surprise the room was covered in candles and there was rose petals on the floor leading to his bed

"I wanted to make our last night together, romantic as I possibly could." Fred tells me taking my hands in his.

"You make everything romantic, this is amazing Fred!" I say beaming at him, my smile then faulting away.

"What's wrong?" Fred asks me.

"Tomorrow you're going." I say trying to show him I'm not upset.

"You'll be fine, you kick arse like always." Fred tells me wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm just going to miss you, we already stay together all of the time, it's going to be weird without you for two months." I say to him, as we stay in the hug. "Anyway, it is really romantic, but where's everyone else staying? They aren't going to want to stay in here with all of this." I say gesturing to the romantically decorated room.

"Their staying in the girls dorm tonight, so we can spend some time together, they understand and they know how hard it's going to be for you." Fred tells me.

"I've practically spent everyday with you for over two years, I think it's understandable." I say pulling away from the hug.

"Your going to be fine here right?" Fred asks me, "because if you aren't I can stay or you can come with us."

"Fred, I'll be fine it's just under two month's and if you stayed here after what you two are going to do, but I have our friends and we can write or try to as much as possible." I say to him and he places a kiss on my forehead.

I know it's equally as difficult for him to leave me here as much as it is for me being left here, but I can't go and he can't stay, so there's no other option than the two of us missing each other I am afraid.

"Yeah, that's true, George and I are going to get work started on the shop and the flat, the flat will hopefully be sorted out by the time you finish in June and then hopefully the shop can open end of July time so we still get a lot of Hogwarts kids come in through June." Fred tells me as he holds my hands in his.

"It's going to be so weird the three of us living together, I suppose all the cooking lessons your mum has given us all over the years will come in helpful." I say to Fred, once again looking around the room. "It really is cute in here."

"Well... I wanted our last night together to be very memorable for the two of us, considering we aren't going to see each other for two months." Fred tells me.

"Well, I guess you are having to go back to using your hand." I say, making us both laugh lightly.

"Well, tonight I don't." Fred tells me, with that smirk he always does.

And he was quite right, he really didn't need to use his hand for tonight, let's just say I think he could probably last now till June until he gets laid again. We are now laying in his bed, cuddled up in each other's arms.

"That was fun, I definitely want to try that thing again." Fred tells me, as he plays with my engagement ring.

"From what round?" I ask him jokingly.

"If we are playing it like that, then I would definitely do it all again." He tells me. "Just promise me that you aren't going to get yourself into trouble, whilst I'm not here."

"I'll be fine, it's normally with you I get into trouble with." I say to him. "So I think I will easily stay out of trouble."

"That is a good point, I suppose my mum is going to badger me about wedding plans." Fred groans lightly, "at least if you are there so doesn't go a hundred and ten percent on me."

"Yeah, I know the feeling, I suppose we should get to sleep soon." I say gesturing to the clock that presents the time, twelve forty-two on it

"Yeah, I suppose we should." Fred's says, grabbing his wand muttering a spell then waving his wand, and the room goes back to it's original state, then spooning me, wrapping his arms around me securely.

"Goodnight Freddie, I love you." I tell him.

"Goodnight y/n, I love you too." Fred tells me, and I close my eyes but can't fall asleep, as Fred's light snores fill the room, causing me to eventually fall asleep.

Waking up in the morning and Fred barely left my side, everywhere I went he was within two metres of me, as he promised to as much time with me as he possibly can before he leaves later on.

"Y/n are you okay?" Melody asks me as we eat breakfast.

"I'm feeling positively amazing." I reply, not feeling hungry.

"I'm guessing that's code for no I'm not." Melody replies.

"Yep." I say leaning my head on Fred's shoulder.

"Y/n looks like she's going to cry, Fred." Jack says, as I put my head in my hands.

I don't want him to go, but he has to do it, knowing Umbridge he'll get seriously injured otherwise, but I don't want to be without him.

"Of course she does, you idiot." Melody tells her boyfriend.

"Do you want to go outside before potions?" Fred asks me and I nod my head and he helps my up from the seat and we walk into the courtyard together.

"Come here." Fred says to me and he wraps his arms around me. "I love you, you'll be fine and we both know that... I'm going to miss you too, this isn't easy for me either, I'd rather be with you."

I can feel tears slowly running down my cheeks, then Fred lifts my chin up to look at me, wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"Sorry - I'm so emotional." I tell him and he shushes me.

"It's fine, your aloud to be, no one said you aren't aloud to be, but you'll be okay, right we should get you to potions." Fred tells me taking my hand and walking me to the lesson.

"I love you - see you later." I say to Fred.

"I love you too, beautiful." Fred says before walking away."

"It's really hitting you hard, isn't it?" Angelina asks.

"Yeah." I quickly reply, sitting down next to Melody.

We get through potions and Fred and George meet up with us.

"Godric, you look miserable." George tells me.

"Die." I say to him.

"Anyway, we still have a few hours before I go," Fred tells me.

"I know - I know, right off to transfigurations we go." I say to the group.

"I actually cannot wait to see what you two do later." Jack tells the twins.

"Oh, it will be funny." George tells him, and I look to him and Angelina, she was being a little more quiet than usual.

"I hope so, we need some entertainment round here." Melody tells the pair of them.

"Well, if it's entertainment you want, we've got it." Fred tells her.

As we slowly get through the next couple of hours through the day, I slowly feel more nervous about the twos departure, as we were now walking out of History of Magic, we could hear shouting from the Entrance Hall and I look to my friends and they all nod and we begin running down pushing through the crowd, we see the Inquisitorial Squad looking rather proud of themselves along with teachers, ghosts and the men themselves Fred and George.

"So!" Umbridge says in a triumphant tone. "So - you think it amusing to turn a school corridor into a swamp, do you?"

"Pretty amusing, yeah," Fred tells her, not a fear in sight he then looks up at me and winks, before Filch come running in with a form in his hand.

"I've got the form, Headmistress," Filch tells her waving a piece of parchment in his hand. "I've got the form and the whips waiting... oh, let me do it now..."

"Didn't know Filch was into that." Lee tells us and we burst into a fit of giggles.

"Very good, Argus. You two," Umbridge began, looking at Fred and George, "are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school."

"You know what?" Fred says. "I don't think we are." Fred turns to George. "George, I think we've outgrown full-time education."

"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself." George says with a small smile on his face.

"Time to test our talents in the real world, don't you reckon?" Fred asks his twin.

"Definitely." George replies to him with big smiles plastered on both their faces and they raise their wands.

"Accio brooms!" They say together.

We hear a loud crash in the distance. Fred and George's broomsticks come flying down the corridor, one of them still had a chain and iron peg on it when Umbridge fastened them to the wall. The brooms stopped right in front of the twins.

"We won't be seeing you." Fred tells Umbridge, as he swings his leg over his broomstick.

"Yeah, don't bother to keep in touch." George tells her, as he gets on his own broom.

I see Fred look around the crowd. "If anyone fancies buying a Portable Swamp, as demonstrated upstairs, Coke to number ninety-three, Diagon Alley - Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, our new premises!" Fred announces.

"Special discounts to Hogwarts students who swear they're going to use our products to get rid of this old bat." George adds, then pointing to Unbridge.

"STOP THEM!" Umbridge shrieks but she was too late, Fred and George kicked off from the floor, shooting into the air and Fred look down at my quickly.

"Bye, beautiful." He says sending me a wink before turning to Peeves, "Give her hell from us, Peeves."

I say a good few people look at me including Umbridge looked at me as I looked a Peeve who none of us have ever seen take an order from before salute Fred and George as the zoomed off. Before anything else Umbridge walked up to me.

"Right, Miss Black, come with me." She says with an evil grin on her face.

"No, what have I done?" I ask her,

"You helped them, didn't you?" She asks me.

"She was in History of Magic with us the whole time." Jack says sticking up for me.

"Well she is Mr Weasley's girlfriend-" Umbridge begins.

"Fiancé." Melody coughs.

"I have had absolutely no part in this whatsoever and if I did I would of gone off with both of them." I say walking away with my friends and we head to the Gryffindor tower.

Over the next few days Fred and George had been spoke about so much that they were going to become Hogwarts legends; within a week you often heard frequent quotes from other students such as. 'Honestly, some days I just feel like jumping on my break and leaving this place' or 'one more lesson like that and I might just do a Weasley.' Fred and George clearly didn't want anyone to forget them anytime soon. We were all certain that some of the teachers such a McGonagall or Flitwick could of easily removed the swamp, but clearly enjoyed Unbridge's struggle.

Newly inspired by the twins, a lot of students were following their example. Even though Umbridge got a new door in her office, after the twins ruining it by getting their brooms, Lee snuck in a niffler in there, one that the twins left and it now became the new fashion to perform the bubble head charm before leaving lessons as dungbombs and stink pellets were dropped so frequently. It was now complete chaos in Hogwarts and I wrote to Fred and told him about it and I was just waiting for a reply.

To make matters worse Montague had still not recovered and I somehow got the blame for that one not sure how.

It had been about a month since the twins spectacular exit, with the last Quidditch match near along with NEWTs, I was constantly feeling tired and now sick. We were sitting in the library revising for the exams and I suddenly felt really sick, and I ran over to a small bin and started throwing up grabbing the attention of some students.

"Are you okay?" Melody asks, coming over to comfort me and I nod my head.

"Yeah - I think I'm just-" I start saying before gagging again, "stressed."

"Maybe you should go and rest." She tells me and I go to stand up, suddenly feeling really dizzy as I grab on to a book shelf.

"Woah, I've got you." Melody says, holding me up as best as she can, "can someone help?"

Everyone in our group came rushing over and Lee brings a chair and they slowly sit me down on it.

"This happened during OWLs as well, maybe you should go and see Madam Pomfrey." Angelina suggests.

"I'm fine, it's just stress." I tell them, I was also stressed about Fred and the lack of letters that I was getting which wasn't his fault, it was Unbridges.

"It's not fine. Fred would kill us all if we didn't make sure you was okay." Jack tells me.

"Fine, I'll go." I say, folding my arms together as I really didn't want to go.

"Right, Jack and I will take you, erm, can you guys take our stuff back please?" Melody says and the others nod their heads.

"Right, Mels, we will go either side of her and steady her." Jack says, and I know they are being caring but it still doesn't stop me rolling my eyes at them.

"I can walk by myself." I say getting up and starting to walk. "See." I say and my vision gets blurry again and Melody and Jack stop me from falling to the floor.

"Right, y/n, erm, I don't even think she's going to make it like this, where is Fred when you need him?" Melody says.

"Right, Jack you are going to have to carry her." Melody says and Jack scoops me into his arms. "Right, we will meet you all at the common room after." And we start walking with Melody shouting to get people to move out of the way.

"Move - we need to get to Madam Pomfrey - it's an emergency!" Melody shouts, pushing kids out of the way as my vision keeps coming and going.

"What's going on?" I hear Lucinda ask, I knew she was apart of the Inquisitorial Squad, and I can feel the presence of other members as my vision keeps coming a going.

"She was throwing up in the library and almost passed out twice - we need to get to the hospital wing." Melody tells her.

"Right you lot move!" Lucinda shouts.

"What are you doing?" I hear Malfoy ask.

"She's family - I'll come with you both to get the kids out of the way." Lucinda says.

"Err - thanks." Melody says.

"You lot move or I'm taking house points." I hear Lucinda say and then a scuffle from kids moving out of the way.

"Come on y/n stay awake." I hear Jack say.

"I'm t-trying." I say, trying to keep my eyes open.

"We will be at the hospital wing in a minute, just keep your eyes open." Melody tells me, as Lucinda continues to shout at students.

"Right I'm going to get Madam Pomfrey!" Melody says rushing down the hall, as Jack continues to carry me down the halls until I hear and slightly see Madam Pomfrey.

"Right Jack lay her down on the bed, please, you three can go." She says, and I groan trying to to tell her to get Melody to stay.

"Can - can Melody stay?" I ask.

"Sure, right you two off you go, thank you." Madam Ponfrey says to the others.

"Thanks Lucinda." Melody tells her before I hear footsteps walk out of the door.

"At the moment, there is nothing I can do, we need to wait for her to wake up, as I don't want to give her something that won't help and the symptoms aren't a lot to go on." Madam Pomfrey tells Melody.

As my vision becomes less dizzy I am finally able to sit up and Madam Pomfrey comes rushing over.

"How are you feeling?" She asks me.

"In all honesty, like crap." I tell her and I see Melody smile from next to me.

"So I'm going to need you to go over the symptoms with me." Madam Pomfrey says, as she holds a clipboard in her hands.

"So I've been being sick the last three or four days and occasionally dizzy and today was the worst for both - erm that's it really." I say and Madam Pomfrey gives me a look of concern.

"What times have you been being sick?" She asks.

"It always seems to be around five o'clock, because, it's been mostly when we start quidditch practice." Melody answers me, and I see a little look on Madam Pomfrey's face.

"Have you been feeling more tired than usual?" Madam Pomfrey asks me.

"Well - yeah," I answer.

"Cramps?" She asks.

"Here and there - yeah." I reply.

"Frequent urination?" She asks.

"Yeah, I keep weeing a lot more than usual." I tell her.

"What about any mood changes?" She asks.

"She's more grumpy than usual and cry's easily." Melody says.

"When did you have your last period?" She asks me and I have to think.

"Er- probably the beginning of April..." I say realising what she's asking and the three of us share glances.

"You think I'm pregnant, don't you?" I whisper.

"I'm afraid so - I'll go and get a test and you can confirm it." Madam Pomfrey says to me, before wondering off.

"Well shit." Melody tells me.

"Well shit indeed." I reply.

"Did you two use protection?" Melody asks.

"Well - yeah... oh... I don't think we did the night before he left." I say as Madam Pomfrey comes walking over with a test before attending to another student.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Melody asks and I nod my head.

"Well I guess I don't need to read the instructions, I've done this before." I say jokingly as we walk into the toilet.

I sit on the toilet and take the test, knowing fully well that I was about to find out.

"I genuinely cannot fucking believe this." I say as we wait for the result to pop up and it quickly does.

"Well congratulations, mama." Melody jokes with me before bringing me into a hug. "You'll be fine."

"Will I? Fred and I are just starting our lives - Molly is going to kill us both, she would say we should know better because of the first time." I say gulping.

As we walk back into the hospital wing and I sit back on the bed.

"So?" Madam Pomfrey asks and I just nod my head.

"How many weeks along do you think I am?" I ask.

"Going from your last period, around six weeks now." She tells me as Melody grabs my hand.

"I've got some potions you can take, to help, you'll have to have them at meal time, I'm sure you can make an excuse to the rest of your friends." Madam Pomfrey tell me, and I laugh lightly. "I can always perform a scan on you, if you want?"

"Yeah, sure, when?" I ask her.

"I can do one in my office now, as I'm not that busy, do you want Melody to come as well?" She asks and I nod my head and we walk to the office and I lay down on the bed.

"Well, I was right, you are now coming up to seven weeks, and oh - well there's two - you've got twins. And far as I can tell they are growing completely fine." She tells me.

"Twins?" I say adding on to the shock I already have.

"Yes, well it makes sense, your mum was a twin wasn't she? And Fred." Melody tells me.

"Oh Godric, how am I going to tell Fred and Molly." I say, feeling a mix of emotions.

"As well as them, we have to tell your head of house - it's protocol. Would you rather me tell her than you?" Madam Pomfrey asks.

"Erm - yes please." I say, as Melody holds my hand comfortingly.

"I'm going to need you to come back on Friday, but here's some potions that will help you and the babies." She hands me a few vials of different colours. "So the purple coloured one will help ease morning sickness symptoms, the blueish one, you should add a few drops to your drink around lunchtime daily, it will give you the vitamins that the three of you need. And the colourless one."

"Thank you, am I aloud to go now?" I ask her.

"Yes, any problems or anything changes come to my straight away or get Melody here to come and get me." I stand up with Melody and we walk out of the room and she can clearly tell I'm in shock.

"That was a lot..." Melody tells me sympathetically.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that..." I tell her, "we aren't telling anyone else okay, it can stay between me, you, Pomfrey and McGonagall."

"Of course, no one else will know, no more partying for you, what about quidditch?" Melody asks me.

"I suppose I'm going to have to be extra careful, we don't have any subs and it will make everyone else suspicious." I tell Melody. "I need to tell Fred as soon as I can, but I don't even know when that's going to be, I can't put it in a letter..."

"Yeah, with Umbridge scanning everything, she'll find out and possibly be a lot harder on you. Also, Lucinda seemed every concerned about you, seems weird but maybe she's changed." Melody suggests as we walk up the stairs.

"She's only a child, she goes off of what her parents tell her and sometimes in that world, you don't get much choice." I tell her as we approach the portrait hole. "Remember if anyone asks its stress related."

"I've got it." She says and we walk into the common room which is pretty full and our group of friends, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione come rushing over to me.

"Is everything okay? How are you feeling?" Could be heard by them all.

"She's fine, just stressed." Melody tells them all.

"What did Madam Pomfrey say?" Lee asks.

"She just told me to calm my work load down slightly and stop stressing as much especially about Quidditch." I lie.

"Yeah... you do stress about quidditch a lot, anyway have you wrote to mum or Fred and George?" Ginny asks.

"I've wrote but Umbridge is making the replies a good week later at least, it's making it harder for our relationship, I may have to sneak out and apparate to the burrow one weekend after quidditch practice." I tell them.

"You shouldn't" Hermione tells me.

"What's Umbridge going to do? Expel me?" I say.

"You know given half the chance she would," Ron tells me.

"Well, I wish she would hurry up." I say half joking.

"Anyway, Miss Black here needs rest, orders from Madam Pomfrey." Melody tells the group.

"Yeah, don't worry about me guys, I'll be fine." I tell them. "Goodnight!" I shout to them all as Melody practically drags me up the stairs.

"So, you really do need to get some sleep. So have you thought if you want to keep them?" Melody asks me.

"Of course I do, I know Fred would love to be his dad and I would love to be a mum but I'm just in total shock and finding out there's two in there well... that's a different story." I tell her, getting into my pyjamas.

"Yeah - you should try and speak to Fred as soon as you can." Melody tells me.

"I'm going to - I just don't know how or when." I tell her, "maybe I will sneak out one night or something, I don't know." I say sighing lightly, laying down in my bed.

"If you do just be careful, I'll let you get off to sleep, will you be okay by yourself?" Melody asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I just need to rest. Thank you Melody." I say to her as she walks out of the room and I'm left in the silence of the room.

I sit resting my hand on my stomach, knowing that I'm not going to get a baby bump yet for at least another month and even then it will be tiny. Fred and I spoke about having kids but in a few years from now, not straight out of Hogwarts but I guess there isn't anything I can do to change that now and twins, what is Molly going to think. What about my dad? And Fred's just started his dream career and I just bombard him with kids, this an actual nightmare. I lay in my bed tossing and turning in my bed overthinking the situation but who wouldn't?

Waking up in the morning I realise when I was in my thoughts, I must of falling asleep, I look at the time and it's still rather early and everyone else is still sleeping, so I go and have a warm shower, also washing my hair, then getting into my school robes and I decided I'll have breakfast by myself this morning and when I walk into the Great Hall, with barely any people in there and I sit in my normal spot, and do myself a small bowl of porridge, I suppose I need to give the babies something decent and I also pour myself a glass of pumpkin juice.

"How are you feeling today?" I hear someone ask me and I turn around and see Lucinda.

"I'm good, thank you - thank you for yesterday it really appreciated." I tell her.

"It's okay - you really didn't look well and sometime screaming at those kids has its benefits and it clearly does." Lucinda tells me.

"I really do appreciate it, things could be a lot worse if I didn't get there that quickly." I tell her.

"It's fine - I just wanted to make sure you were okay and you are so-" she begins before I interrupt.

"Look I was wondering if you wanted to be a bridesmaid at the wedding, you were my sister for many years and you are still family and one of the closest people I have to an actual sister." I say to her and she looks completely shocked and a small smile forms on her face, the two of us were a lot closer when we were younger until everything happened when I started Hogwarts.

"Of course I will." She says with a smile before pulling me into a surprise hug and I hug her back after processing what has happened. "I'm going to go before anyone thinks we like each other." She says with a small wink, knowing she's in on everything too.

I sit eating breakfast, adding some of the purple drops to help ease morning sickness symptoms as I felt sick in the mornings as well. As the Great Hall finally fills up, I finally get my replies from Fred and Molly and I open Fred's letter first.


I hope everything's still going good at Hogwarts, the joke shop is coming together nicely we have started on the work with the contractors, and the flat should be roughly finished more mid July now, looking at everything.

I hope the next Quidditch game goes well for you all, I wish I could see you play the last game. I can't wait to see you only roughly seven weeks left (when I'm writing this). George says hi to you all and he says he hopes you aren't missing us both too much. I hope Umbridge isn't making all of your lives too difficult, see you soon beautiful.

I love you lots,

"Who's the letter from?" Katie asks me, clearly seeing the smile that's on my face.

"Fred, they both say hi and hope we aren't missing them both too much." I tell them.

"I think we all miss them, the chaos isn't nearly as fun." Lee says, I know his feeling a little lost without the pair, Jack's fun to an extent, but not Fred and George fun.

"Yeah, although knowing they have inspired all these kids is quite funny." I tell them.

"Yeah, it is funny to see the rest of them having a competition on who can be the next Fred and George, but no one can ever be them." Angelina says. "Did Fred mention how the shop plans are going?"

"They are in progress but a little slow at the moment, he wrote it over a week ago now, so things could of changed already, I'll write back to him later." I tell the group, I turn to Angelina. "You being writing to George?"

"I wrote a letter a couple of weeks back, so I'm hoping I get a letter soon, but with Unbridge here it's taking ages." Angelina replies.

"Fred also wished us luck on the Quidditch game next weekend." I tell the group, "I wish he was here to see it."

"I'm hoping it goes well." Angelina says.

"Me too." Alicia, Katie, Melody and I say together.

Before I could think about Quidditch and Quidditch practice I had to go to Madam Pomfrey before training so I was already in my robes.

"Could we keep this short please, I'm in a little bit of a rush." I say to Madam Pomfey and she looks at my in a slight bit of shock.

"I was planning to keep it short but quidditch?" She asks me.

"We have one more game and no subs, I really need to be there." I tell her and she looks at me with concern.

"It's not good for you or the condition you are in." She tells me, raising her eyebrows at me. "How's the morning sickness?"

"Just about bearable." I tell her looking at the clock anxiously.

"That's good, anything concerning you?" She asks me.

"No, everything is fine." I tell her.

"Right then off you go, but come back here next Friday, for the eight week scan." She tells me.

"Don't worry I will be, thank you." I tell her before, making my way down to the quidditch pitch.

"About time." Angelina tells me.

"I'm just hoping this practice goes okay." I tell her.

"Me too." She replies.

We practice for a good two/three hours and I keep having to stop to be sick and I'm hoping this doesn't happening next week with the game.

The next week passes rather quick with Quidditch practice, a little more frequent and the whole team apart from Ginny revising for either NEWTs or OWLs in Ron's case, so the whole team was pretty much stressed. And I was in Madam Pomfrey's office with Melody.

"Babies are looking completely healthy, and you are completely healthy as well." Madam Pomfrey tells me.

"So it's all good then? Apart from the awful morning sickness - well all day sickness in my case." I tell her, "the potion has eased the sickness for the most part."

"Well if everything is good, you are free to go, but remember to come back in two weeks time and if anything is wrong within that time remember to come to myself or Professor McGonagall." Madam Pomfrey tells me.

"Thank you, see you in two weeks." I say to her.

"Thank you." Melody says to her and we walk out of the room and I see Lucinda and give her a smile which she returns.

"You two seem to be going well with you both." Melody says to me.

"Yeah, she's some of the only family I actually have left." I tell her as we walk up to the Gryffindor Tower.

"I suppose that's true, I hope your sickness wears off tomorrow even if it's just for the game." Melody tells me.

"Me too." I reply.

And boy was I wrong... I'm currently throwing my guts up into the small bin with Melody rubbing my back.

"Are you sure you should play?" Ginny asks me, and I go to reply, but instead throwing up and I just stick a thumb up.

"Angelina - you can give the speech." I tell her before throwing up again.

"Right team, this is the last game for most of us and some of us have played on the team for the last five years. I just want to say we've got this." Angelina says, "I would also like to say a massive well done to our Captain, who has had to do a lot of changes to the team this year, but it's looking good. Now let's get out there and kick Ravenclaws arse!"

"Yeah!" We all cheer and I hold my stomach feeling sick.

As we walk out we can already hear the Slytherins shouting 'Weasley is our king'.

"Here comes the Gryffindor team, Bell, Black, Johnson, Letchford, Spinnet, Weasley and Weasley." Lee announces, and I walk over to Ravenclaws Captain, Roger Davies.

"Captain'a shake hands." Madam Hooch tells us, which we do, before getting into our positions and the fourteen brooms then flying high into the sky.

"And they are off!" Lee announces. "And Davies takes the quaffle immediately, he dodged Johnson, Bell and Spinnet as well." Lee says and I hit a bludger his way, but it misses and Rodger scores and the Slytherins start singing again.

"Ron do not listen to them!" I shout to him.

"Davies goes to score again, and Weasley saves it!" Lee says and all of the Gryffindor's go absolutely wild, roaring from the stands and Alicia takes the quaffle throwing it to Katie who throws it to Angelina who scores.

"Johnson scores! It is 10-10." Lee announces as I hit a bludger at one of the other Ravenclaw chasers and they drop it but Roger catches it throwing at the goal and Ron saves it causing the crowd to go wild.

"It looks like Ron Weasley has taken a turn for the better!" Lee says and I look to Ron who is smiling ear to ear.

"Weasley is our king,
Weasley is our king,
He didn't let the quaffle in,
Weasley is our king..."

I look to Melody who has a smile on her face and it is enough confidence for the whole team to pull through which ends with Ginny catching the snitch and I realise we done it we won the cup.

"Well done Ron!" I shout pulling him into a hug, "I'm so proud of you, you did so well." I say to him with tears in my eyes.

"Well done team." I say bringing them into a group hug. "What a way to end our time in the quidditch team." I say tearfully and I can see the others are quite tearful to and McGonagall drags the whole team for a photo, with her as teary as me.

"Well Professor you get to keep the cup in your office for another year." I say to her.

"Yes, I suppose I do." McGonagall replies with a smile.

We are all in high spirits as we arrive in the changing room.

"I just wanted to tell you all, we did amazing out there, and it was a nice way to finish our time in the Gryffindor team." I tell them with tears in my eyes. "Girls amazing chasing skills, you all worked well as a team, Ginny on form as usual, Melody well we faked our way through being beaters and Ron, that was spectacular." I say and the whole team is smiling, we were all so happy.

"I'm thinking this calls for a party!" Alicia tells us all.

"YEAH!" The whole team shouts out as I walk into the office picking up the photos I brought in here with me looking around the room, rather tearfully and I feel the urge to be sick again, I grab the small bin and bring it up to my face after placing the photos back on the desk and throwing up all the contents of my stomach in there and the door opens.

"Oh y/n..." Melody says to me rubbing my back.

"This is karma for playing." I whisper to her, before throwing up again.

We get back to the common room where a party was in full swing and Jack offers me the flask and I turn it down.

"Not like you to turn down alcohol." He tells me raising his eyebrows.

"I feel sick, so it's best off that I don't drink." I tell him and he doesn't question it any further.

I sit down talking to Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron.

"You should of seen her before the game." Ginny says grimly. "Throwing her guts up into a bin and then started once that match finished."

"That's what stress does." I lie to them.

"Hopefully you can relax a bit now that quidditch is done." Hermione tells me.

"Hopefully it does, all I can do is try to relax, that's what Madam Pomfrey suggests, actually I might go up to bed." I tell them.

"Are you sure it's just stress?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I'm hoping it calms down now, right I'll let you lot celebrate, I'm going to see my friends."

"Where are the others?" I ask Angelina and Lee, gesturing to the lack of Melody, Jack, Alicia and Katie.

"They are having a little fun of their own." Lee says giggling.

"Well, I can't say I blame them." I say yawning from exhaustion.

"Tired?" Angelina asks.

"Yeah, everything is tiring at the moment." I tell her, sitting down on the sofa.

"I would say go to bed, but there are no free dorms at the moment." Lee tells me and I laugh lightly stretching myself across the sofa.

The party quickly died down, as Fred and George aren't here to carry the party so people disappear a little more quickly then usual and I slowly fall asleep on the sofa.

- - - -

A/n: Please, please don't get mad at me, I thought the baby idea was cute and who would of guessed twins :) Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you for 15k.

I had to walk in snow to get my glasses, which has actually helped with the headaches I get when reading and writing, but I honestly froze, it took me ages to warm up.

Anyway have a meme...

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