Injustice Book 1: A Journeys...

By Carrots234

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His life was never simple, always struggling to survive from one day to the next. In a city such as Gotham, h... More

Chapter I - Naruto and Barbara
Chapter II - Gotham Thugs
Chapter III - Black Mask
Chapter IV - Recovery
Chapter V - Disagreement
Chapter VI - Black Hood
Chapter VII - Consequences of Arrogance
Chapter VIII - Timely Intervention
Chapter IX - Meeting a Robin
Chapter X - Not Going Down Without A Fight
Chapter XI - Reconciliation
Chapter XII - End of Black Mask Part 1
Chapter XIII - End of Black Mask Part 2
Chapter XIV - End of Black Mask Part 3
Chapter XV - The Fearless
Chapter XVI - Teaming Up
Chapter XVII - Closing In
Chapter XVIII - Scarecrow
Chapter XIX - To Know Fear
Chapter XX - Suspicion
Chapter XXI - Talon
Chapter XXII - Ouctlassed
Chapter XXIII - Argument
Chapter XXIV - Bigger Than You Know
Chapter XXV - Temptation
Chapter XXVI - Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter XXVII - Making A Choice
Chapter XXVIII - Grandmaster
Chapter XXIX - Announcement to Gotham
Chapter XXX - The Bat and the Talon
Chapter XXXI - Dealing with the Undead
Chapter XXXII - Batman Defeated
Chapter XXXIII - An Unexpected Arrival
Chapter XXXIV - A Gift
Chapter XXXV - Deathstroke
Chapter XXXVI - Killer Croc
Chapter XXXVII - Jason
Chapter XXXVIII - Rebound
Chapter XXXIX - Crocodile Hunting
Chapter XL - End of Killer Croc
Chapter XLI - No Rest for the Wicked
Chapter XLII - Mister Zsasz
Chapter XLIII - Ambushed
Chapter XLIV - Suicide Squad
Chapter XLV - Killer Frost (R-18)
Chapter XLVI - Infiltration
Chapter XLVII - Low Profile
Chapter XLVIII - Meeting the Riddler
Chapter XLIX - The Offer
Chapter L - Time Gone By
Chapter LI - Rose Wilson
Chapter LII - Marauder
Chapter LIII - Defeat
Chapter LIV - Kryptonite
Chapter LV - Duel of the Heirs
Chapter LVI - The Worthy and Unworthy
Chapter LVIII - Ragtag Team
Chapter LIX - Beast Unleashed
Chapter LX - Growing Rage
Chapter LXI - Freedom

Chapter LVII - Unlikely Allies

332 13 0
By Carrots234

"Normal Speech."

'Normal Thought.'

"Demon Speech."

'Demon Thought.'

"Other Speech variants."


-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 4th July, 16:00.



"Come on man, you're telling me that you don't find her hot?" One of the guards driving the prison transport van asked dubiously. He was young in comparison to his parters who sat beside him with an irritated look upon his face.

"I'm saying that I wouldn't want to fuck her, unlike you." His partner replied irritably as the driver barked out a laugh. "She's nineteen and I'm married with a kid on the way."

The driver sighed. "Yea I know, you've already said that." Turning the wheel slightly, the driver turned left off the main highway following after the police car in front of them. "But I'm on about if you weren't married and were the same age as me."

"And how old are you exactly?" His partner asked honestly wondering how someone so childish was stuck with the responsibility of transporting a dangerous criminal like Killer Frost. It honestly astounded him.


"That at least makes things a little better." Upon seeing the driver about to speak, the guard shook his head. "And no, my answers still no. I wouldn't because one, she's a criminal. And secondly, she's a criminal with control over ice. She'd probably kill you before or after she's had sex with you."

"Yea, but that's why we have those collars." The driver responded nonchalantly.

"There's something wrong with you." The guard replied with a shake of his head.

"Yea, fuck you too." Putting his foot on the brake, the driver pushed it down slowing the truck in response to the police car in front of them looked to see a figure stood in the middle of the road ahead of them. It was a young woman from what they could see in a black body suit with an orange and black mask on her face. "What is that? Is that a bazooka?!" The driver exclaimed in shock as he saw the woman raise a bazooka up and fire.

The rocket slammed into the police car in front of them causing it to explode in shower of fire and metal. Trying his best to avoid police car in front of them, the driver sharply turned to the wheel, but the sudden movement and the unfortunate act of a wheel hitting a piece of wreckage caused it to flip onto its side, skidding across the ground.


-X- Line Break -X-

Groaning, Crystal raised one hand to her head and rubbed her temples. She didn't even know what had happened, only one minute ago she had been staring at the guard currently in the back with her, trying to entice him to come towards her so that she could try and escape from her binds. Then all she had heard was an explosion and then the truck she was in was suspended in the air before it slammed into the ground, Frost slamming her head into the wall behind her.

She had temporarily seen stars before she finally managed to regain some sense of herself and looked to see the guard unconscious on the ground. Unfortunately for her he was out of reach so she couldn't use the keys on his side to undo her cuffs.

Gunfire outside turned her attention away as she heard the sound of the police firing at whoever had attacked the convoy. She didn't know how many there were, all she knew was that someone was killing the police who had been tasked with being transporting her and she would not deny, she was a little wary.

The collar around her neck stripped her of her powers as long as it was active and it was most assuredly, active. If it wasn't and the mysterious groups aim was to kill she'd be more than able and confident to take them on alone. However, with her powers contained and their aims unknown, Frost didn't exactly feel confident in surviving if they had come here to kill her.

But Crystal didn't get anymore time to think on it as the doors to the back of the van were kicked open, the top one which would have been right door being ripped off revealing Ravager. "Killer Frost?" The young mercenary said and Frost nodded her head knowing that it was best to be cooperative for now. "I'm getting you out here, but I expect your help."

"Get me out of these cuffs and get this fucking collar off me and I'll help." Frost replied and Ravager nodded her head, raising the bloody broadsword held in her left hand and cutting cleanly through the cuffs. Rising to her feet, Frost robbed her sore wrists and then indicated to her collar and with a nod, Ravager took hold of it in one hand and ripped it off.

The motion jerked Frost off-balance and she glared at Ravager slightly and almost considered using her powers to get out of here, but quickly reconsidered when the blade was rested on her shoulder.

"Don't even try it." Ravager warned lowly, sharply pulling the pistol from her hip and firing at the the guard who had slowly come round from his unconscious state. "You're coming with me."

"And what exactly do you want my help with?" Frost asked as the two stepped out onto the street and she took a moment to take in the sight of the ten police officers all scattered across the ground, some of them had limbs missing and blood pooled out from their wounds. It was certainly impressive, but she didn't feel scared. With her powers returned she was more than confident in her ability to take on Ravager, she just needed to put some distance between them first.

"We're going to free, Naruto."

"Oh, what sort of trouble has he gotten himself into that would need my help?" She questioned, internally wondering if this was the other girl he had feelings for her.

"I don't really feel like explaining this twice, so let's just hurry up and go." Ravager said.

"Oh, so that means we're going to get someone else. Who would that be?" Frost asked curiously following Ravager out into the field where she found a helicopter waiting for them. "Not going to answer? Okay, can you at least tell me where we're going?"


-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 4th July, 16:15.


Location Unknown.

Leaning back, Slade allowed himself to enjoy a brief moment of rest from his training. Over the course of the last eight months, things had been relatively calm. He had performed a few missions with Rose accompanying him and she had performed well. Very well in fact, especially with her vast improvements in training, she had in fact grown to a level where she would be able to match Naruto in terms of hand-to-hand combat.

From what he knew of Naruto's current situation, he hadn't even being conscious since he was first delivered to his contractor.

"Slade." Looking back over his shoulder, he saw Wintergreen entering the living room. "Rose hasn't returned from her 'walk.' It's been two hours." Slade nodded his head and turned to look back out the window. "Shall I bring her back?"

"No, that's fine, Wintergreen." Slade responded. "I already know where she's going."

"I see." Wintergreen inclined his head and left the room leaving Slade alone once more.

When he had delivered Naruto to contractor, he had done so under strict terms that he had learned recently, were being breached by the new head doctor, Mark Desmond. Slade had already being making plans to get Naruto out of there by using the heroes, after all Naruto's new powers couldn't fully develop while being experimented on and locked in a cage.

'You've proved to be more useful than ever, Rose.' He thought of his daughter as he continued to calmly watch the sun shine down upon the courtyard. He had been wary of trusting her after her defeat at the hands of Naruto however, she had proven herself time and time again that she was worthy.

Unknowingly, she had helped him and it made Slade more than sure that sparing her had been the correct choice.

-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 4th July, 16:15.

New Jersey,

Gotham City,

Gotham Heights.

Standing atop one of the many large buildings in Gotham, Barbara looked down on the city below with a frown on her face. It was just her tonight, Batman and Robin having left earlier this afternoon to the Justice League HQ, the Hall of Justice. It was certainly impressive, she having being taken there with Naruto by Jim when she was twelve. Then a second time with Batman and taken to some of the more private areas.

Again, it was certainly impressive, but she doubted it would live up to Robin's expectations. 'It hadn't done for me and I have lower standards than Dick.' She thought amusedly.

Either way, Gotham for tonight was under her sole protection and while it was daunting task, she didn't expect much. Things had been incredibly tame over the course of the last eight months, which was a shock. Sure they had to deal with some of the bigger threats here and there, but it was like Gotham was starting to calm down.

Victor Fries and his attack in Gotham Park was the first major instance of crime besides the daily robbery, murder, mugging and just all around shenanigans of the small time criminals of Gotham. And he had quickly been put down by both Batman and Robin – the two having being passing though the area on their way out of Gotham – before Barbara even got on the scene.

So she wasn't overly worried about tonight and in fact, she wouldn't be surprised if she got to spend the night relaxing. Alfred would inform her of any crimes that were reported on police channels and on any security camera across the city. As a result, she would spend the night relaxing here until something came up and so far it had been unusually quiet which she was glad for.

While the criminals had been tamer, not doing much outwardly, Batman had been brutally training her and Robin into the ground. It was safe to say that their defeat at the hands of Marauder despite working together had definitely left a lasting impression on all of them. Batman had been firm on his stance in changing that and had taken them back to basics, brutal body conditioning, repetitive katas and constant sparring against him.

They had improved drastically, she couldn't deny that. But she was certainly suffering from aches and pains for weeks on end.

As her eyes panned down over the city below, she locked onto the sight of a certain young woman looking straight at her from a building that was few stories lower than the one she was on. This alone was shocking, but even more so was the orange and black mask she wore which instantly brought up memories of her humiliating defeat at the hands of Marauder.

'He called her Ravager, didn't he?' Barbara questioned, jumping off and opening her cape in order to glide safely down to Ravager. While Deathstroke's identity as Slade Wilson was well-known, Ravager's and Marauders was not, which had been a point of extreme stress and frustration for Bruce even though he hid it well. Even more so was how Marauder had not been spotted since that first instance eight months ago, what had happened to him was just as much of a mystery as who he was and answers were not coming soon enough.

Landing in a crouch, Barbara thumbed the Batarangs she was gripping securely under her cloak while staring at Ravager who was stood loosely. "What are you doing here, Ravager." Barbara demanded, not really expecting an answer to her question but asking anyway. There was always a chance she could answer or reveal some hint as to what she was doing even if Ravager was avoiding answering.

"I'm here for you." Ravager answered calmly temporarily causing Barbara to falter, but she quickly recovered and narrowed her eyes, her body tensing in preparation for a fight.

"If it's a fight you want then you'll get one, just don't be surprised if you lose." She taunted and Rose's lips twitched into a sneer, almost rising to the taunt, but instead took a calming breath. Rose hadn't come here to fight and no matter how much she wanted to prove that she was better than Barbara, she wouldn't.

"I'm not here to fight." She said after a few moments and she took a few moments more to actually swallow her pride and admit the next part. "I need your help."

Barbara was stumped, unable and unknowing on how to actually take that statement. Was it true? Did she really need her help or was it some ploy to her to lower her guard? These questions and more ran through Barbaras head as she stared unsurely at Ravager.

"My help?" Barbara questioned and Ravager nodded her head. "Why? And what's to stop me from just turning you into the police right now?"

"Because she's not alone." A second voice spoke up and Barbara quickly moved to her right, bracing her back against the edge of the building as she looked to see a Frost step out from the shadows.

"Killer Frost?" Shaking her head, Barbara narrowed her eyes realising that not only was she outnumbered, but probably overwhelmed as well. If Ravager was as good as Marauder then she alone would be her equal, with Killer Frost in the mix as well, that only made things more dangerous. "A known merc and a know criminal here for me, it doesn't exactly paint a good picture."

"We know that, that's why I told you to stay hidden." Ravager shot to a Frost who only scoffed.

Inspecting her nails, Frost looked at Rose dismissively. "She wasn't going to listen, I've seen it plenty of times from heroes. They get this look in their eyes when they're done with talking and she had that exact look on her face." Frost explained her reasoning, while Barbara cautiously studied the two.

It was obvious to her that neither particularly liked the other. 'Which beggars the question as to why they're working together. Either way, I need to buy some time and figure a way out of here should things go south.'

"You said you needed my help." Barbara said, stopping Ravager from arguing with Frost. "Why exactly do you need my help and why should I agree to help you in the first place?"

Smirking at Ravager who had a sour look on her face, Crystal turned to Batgirl who was still tense and in a fighting stance. "It's simple, we're going to save someone that's connected to us all in some way."

"That's it?" Barbara asked dubiously, not annoyed at the fact they're trying to save people, but at how vague of answer it was.

Even Rose shared Batgirl's sentiments. "Seriously? What the fuck was that?"

"I told her, didn't I?" Frost replied nonchalantly.

"In only the most fucking vague way possible." Rose shot back. "We haven't got time to be vague or have you fucking forgotten?"

Crystal just waved her off as Batgirl looked on curiously while at the same time trying to figure out what Frost meant. "The way I see it, he's been wherever he is for nearly eight months, what's a few more hours? Besides, if we're asking Batgirl for help, might as well make sure she's good enough."

It was both Barbara and Rose who glared at Frost this time who still looked unfazed by the attention she was getting.

"Tick tock, Batgirl. Our mutual friend is enduring more suffering the longer you take to figure out who were talking about."

'Then why make this a test in the first place?' Barbara really wanted to ask Frost that question, but she doubted she would like the answer she got back and instead focused on figuring out who Frost was on about. 'Someone all three of us know? That could be anyone. Ravager knows Deathstroke and Marauder. Killer Frost has her family and the accomplices she's worked with over the years. And I've got my dad, my friends and...Naruto!'

It took everything Barbara had to not jerk away in shock at the answer she arrived to. She knew it was a long shot, but it also made sense. She and Naruto had been friends since they were kids and Frost and Naruto had been partners in the assault on Arkham a little over a year ago. Then from what the two had let slip, their mutual friend had been gone for a little under eight months, that lined up perfectly with the time in which Marauder had last been seen.

"Naruto?" She uttered and by the looks on their faces, she had gotten it right. "Where is he?" She demanded, her guard lowering as she looked between the two of them in anger.

"Cadmus Research Facility, Washington D.C." Ravager explained, a small scowl on her face at being ordered around by Batgirl of all people. Batgirl nodded her head stiffly and looked at the two questioningly. "I have a helicopter just outside of Gotham to the north." Ravager explained and with another stiff nod, Batgirl began to follow the young mercenary.

Frost on the other hand was studying Batgirl curiously.

"Frost, hurry your ass up!" Ravager exclaimed, but Frost just ignored her order and instead looked at Batgirl who had turned to look at her with frustration practically exuding from her and this made Frost's smile widen.

"Oh, my." She murmured in amusement. "Now isn't this interesting."

"What?" Barbara asked as she noticed her gaze.

"Tell me." Frost began. "Did you know of Naruto's feelings for you?" Even with the mask covering Batgirl's face, Frost could just tell she was blushing at it made her laugh lightly, but she was much harder to fully read unlike Naruto. "I'll take that as you suspecting which just makes this very juicy."

"What the hell are you on about, Frost? We haven't got time for this shit!" Ravager snarled.

"And I'll repeat that he's already spent eight months in there, another few minutes won't hurt him." The blasé way in which she said that made both Ravager and Batgirl glare at her balefully. "But I just find this whole thing very amusing. Batgirl obviously returns Naruto's feelings for her, but I'm guessing you didn't get together because of your whole...double life." Frost then turned to Rose with a smile on her face that made the white haired girl nervous. "And then we get the third part of this little love triangle, Ravager."

"There's no love triangle, I don't like Naruto." Rose bit out and while Barbara frowned at this, Frost only laughed harder.

"Don't be a Tsundere, I doubt Naruto finds it very cute and your blush says it all. Word of advice, get a mask that covers your entire face if you can't hide your embarrassment." Frost mocked and then posed proactively, the way in which she did so making the two younger girls blush at how it brought attention to every inch of Frost's body. "And then there's me. The one that actually had sex with him."

This made both Barbara and Rose freeze with the latter actually clenching her fists and gritting her teeth.

Walking past them with a cocky smirk on her face, Frost looked down at them through the corner of her eye. "Try and keep up." The way she said it told them both that she was talking about more than just keeping up with her as she walked away.

"Slut." Ravager spat out as she turned to follow Frost to the helicopter, Barbara agreeing with her wholeheartedly.

Yet despite that, Barbara turned to look at both of them and couldn't help but feel her chest tighten, had she and Naruto really grown that far apart?

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