The Ultimate Weapon (Naruto F...

By N-chan

260K 8.7K 4.9K

Orochimaru's greatest feat. Also his cruelest. His legendary experiments were said to know no bounds, and thi... More

1-The Boy in the Abandoned Hideout
2-A Place to Live
3-Graduating the Academy
4-Kakashi's Test
5-Children, Cats, and Drunken Men
6-Cows Hiding in Puddles
7-Therapist in Training
8-Beginning to Understand Anger
9-Imminent Chunnin Exams
10-Teacher and Student
11-The Sadness of Bullying
12-New Mission, New Allies
13-Results of Training
14-Successful Capture
15-A Mistake
16-Breaking Through
17-Waking Up
18-A Glimpse of His Past
19-Orochimaru's Attack (Part One)
20-Orochimaru's Attack (Part Two)
21-The Hospital and a New Hokage
22-First Day
23-It Takes Time
24-Unusual Circumstances
25-Talented Teammates
26-A Banquet
27-Finding a Trail
28-Rainy Days
30-Stories are Just That
31-The Rival of Aoi
32-Coded Eye
33-Unmerry Christmas
34-Memories Linger
36-Saved at a Price
37-Begin the Jonin Test
38-Prepping for the Mission
39-A Shocking Day
40-The Beach
41-Bumpy Roads
43-Poisonous Traitor
45-Wrapping Things Up
46-Huge Decision
48-Team 13
49-Final Test
50-Aoi's Lost Stories
51-Prep Work
52-Moving Up
53-Poor Reasons
54-Consequence of Disobedience
56-Happy Birthday
57-Powerful Words
59-Losing Your Senses
60-Friendly Competition
61-You and Me (April Fools)
62-Mock Wars (1)
63-Mock Wars (2)

47-Lengthy Chats

1.4K 66 56
By N-chan

Konoha was bustling, even though it was just past eight in the morning. Tsunade stood next to Aoi at the gates as they had finally finished their brief meeting. Shizune was also there, off to the side a little. No one else was there but those three, and Tsunade looked down at the blue haired teen more or less blankly. Aoi, for his part, seemed unconcerned. Shaking her head slightly, Tsunade gestured out the gate.

"Best get going then Aoi, travel safely alright?" He nodded his head turning and walking out the gates. Soon enough, he jumped into the trees and was gone from sight as he sped off.

Shizune stepped forward. "Tsunade, are you sure it's okay for this to happen? I mean didn't yo-"

Cutting her off with a shake of her head, Tsunade turned. "It's fine. We should see him again soon enough."


Leaves and branches rushed past Aoi as he traveled as quickly as possible. He should arrive at the Land of Fields within two hours at his highest pacing, much faster than he had traveled back to Konoha from there. He didn't think much about anything as Hane flew slightly behind him, keeping pace easily. He was on high alert, despite traveling alone.

It seemed unnecessary though, as he was left alone during his brief travel. When he was within a kilometer of the palace that was residence to Komali and Kou, he jumped out of the trees and continued at a slightly slower pace on the track. This was so that the guards would not be as wary as if he had just suddenly jumped out of the trees. At last, the palace came into view, and Aoi slowed to a walk.

The guards stepped forward to intercept him. "State you name and business. Otherwise, we will assume you to be a threat."

"My name is Aoi, and I have come at Prince Komali's request. I would like to have an audience with him and Princess Kou." The two shared a look. They were informed that a person named Aoi might show up, but they hadn't expected him for another two days at least.

One of the guards opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a shout from above. Leaning out a window in a very unladylike manner, Kou was waving happily. "Aoi! I am so glad you came!" All three turned their attention toward her, and the guards took a step so they were out of Aoi's way. "Meet me in the courtyard, I'll get Komali!"

With that, she disappeared into the palace, and Aoi walked forward. He stopped halfway through the courtyard, waiting patiently in the shade that a multitude of oak trees cast over the walkway. It took a few minutes, but soon enough both Komali and Kou were walking toward Aoi. They stopped about a meter away, and Aoi lowered his head slightly in a sign of respect.

"Aoi, it's good to see you again so soon." Komali spoke almost immediately. "Can I assume that you have accepted our proposal?"

"In regard to that, I have come with a letter from the Hokage." Saying so, Aoi reached behind him into his pouch. Hane perked up slightly since that is where Aoi kept his pocky as well, but lost interest when Aoi simply pulled out a small envelope. He handed it to Komali, who took it and quickly opened it.

It was silent for a few moments as Komali read through the letter. When he was done, he folded it. "I see, so formal. I understand, and will give in to the Hokage's wishes that you remain as a shinobi. There is a question I would like to ask you however."

"What is it, Prince Komali?" Aoi held interest in his eyes as ever so slightly his head tilted.

"Is this what you wish as well? To remain a shinobi of Konohagakura?"

There was a pause before Aoi nodded. "Yes, it is."

"Please excuse me, but why? Here you're closer to your family, so why give that up?" Aoi saw the question burning in Kou's eyes as well.

"It is true that by blood Princess Kou, Shin, and I are all related, however I do not fully understand the concept yet. While it is true that in time I will understand if I stay here, I do not have that desire. The people in Konoha have shown me kindness and hospitality, and I have formed bonds with people there. Naruto was my first friend, and now I have many others as well. They showed me what it was to feel." Aoi began to scratch the back of Hane's head. "I have memories and people that have somehow become important to me. While for a long while I killed without care, the people there have taught me the importance of protecting others. I want to protect Konoha."

At the end of Aoi's small speech, the both sighed slightly in defeat. Komali shook his head. "I suppose I am unable to argue against those reasons. Stay here for lunch however, there is no sense in leaving immediately." Aoi looked about to respond in a negative of the offer, but Komali went on. "And unlike my offer for you to become a guard, this is a direct order from royalty."

Aoi nodded, and a smile broke out on both Komali's and Kou's faces.


Komali's jaw hung open as he stared at Aoi. "So wait... You're telling me that the first time I met Kou... It was actually you?"

To the side, Kou was snickering at her husbands reaction, Komali was flushed a bright shade of red as realization hit him, and Aoi simply nodded. The three were sitting in Komali's private rooms eating lunch together. As the lunch had continued, as well as the conversation, it became clear that Komali was not the person Aoi had originally met. Somewhere along the way, Kou had mentioned Aoi's mission and the first time they had all met. 

Now Komali held his head in his hands. "I had acted so flamboyantly to try and make Kou swoon, and find that it was another man I had acted that way towards. And my wife's brother at that."

"It couldn't have been that bad, could it?" Kou looked at Aoi for support.

The shinobi shook his head. "To be honest, I was very glad when he had finally left."

Komali looked up. "Ah, that's mean!"


"You sure don't sound it..." after peering at Aoi for a second, Komali sighed. "Ah, what has passed is in the past I suppose."

Aoi glanced out the window, seeing the sun lowering past the crest in the sky. He estimated it to be nearing two in the afternoon at this point. Seeing the direction of his gaze, Komali stood up. "It's getting late I suppose. You have to leave soon if you want to make it back to Konoha within the week don't you?"

Nodding, Aoi stood as well. "I should start heading back, yes. The Hokage is expecting me tonight for a meeting." As the meal had continued, Aoi and Komali, as well as Kou, had dropped any pretense of being royalty and shinobi, instead settling into a friendly manner.

"By tonight? How are you going to make that journey that quickly?"

"I will run fast," Aoi replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world to cover that distance in mere hours.

Komali blinked and Kou laughed a little bit. "I guess you would have to..."

Kou stepped forward, circling her arms around Aoi in a hug. "Love you, make sure to visit soon."

Aoi nodded, and he was on his way back to Konoha within the hour.


The day was still rather nice as Aoi continued, but something was off. He stopped on a branch, gazing around the forest around him. Hane settled next to him. The puffed up status of Hane's feathers told Aoi that his companion sensed it as well. Closing his eyes, Aoi quickly formed the handsigns to the jutsu he had created long ago.

Wind puffed away from him softly, and Aoi paid attention to the currents of the chakra infused air. Somewhere off to his left, nearly a quarter of a kilometer away, the wind parted around a cluster of leaves on a branch, instead of rustling through as it should have. Marking the location, Aoi continued to pay attention as his jutsu continued, knowing that there could be others in hiding as well.

His suspicion of companions was unnecessary however, as he didn't sense others in the vicinity. Aoi opened his eyes as Hane pecked his arm. Leaning over slightly he ruffled the bird's head, almost naturally bringing his mouth next to the bird's ear as he did so. Speaking in a barely audible voice, he told Hane what to do.

With that, he simply took off, Hane flying ahead of him this time. Suddenly, Hane dove down. Aoi glanced down, and saw a small rabbit. It wasn't a strange thing for Hane to go after the small game, being the bird of prey that he was. Shifting his gaze to the side, Aoi saw a flash of white off to his side as this happened.

Aoi halted once more as the white clad figure appeared before him. Though he was only two and a half kilometers from Konoha, it seemed that he would be delayed. Short brown hair, glasses firmly on his face, and small scars from burns on his arms, it was unmistakably Fuzake. Even with a glare planted firmly on his face, Aoi would be lying if there wasn't a stirring of pleasure at the scars.

"Aoi, I told you we would be seeing each other again soon." A grin was on his face, and despite Aoi remaining silent, remained there. "I see you're still hostile, and I won't blame you after how I attacked you last time. That doesn't mean I'm giving up though."

"You really ought to, determination doesn't suit you."

A laugh erupted out of Fuzake. "I'm sure you would know all about that wouldn't you?" Again, Aoi remained silent. "Please, it isn't like our organization is hell bent on destruction, unlike the Akatsuki."

"Devils are known liars." Aoi's hand hovered at his side, ready to draw his si at the slightest sign of hostilities. "I was in Konoha just barely, I had time to read your file."

"Oho, I hope you enjoyed what you read. Any good stories?" There was a light of challenge in his eyes.

"Not much, until I help fill out more of course. There were a few reports of some murders, prime suspects being members of Enburu."

Raising his hands in a despairing manner, Fuzake sighed and shook his head. "The misunderstanding masses. What was the saying? You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. The world will never become better with corrupt government officials. They needed to leave so the world could change. The devil is never as black as he is painted to be."

"I don't see the difference between your ideals and those of the Akatsuki. I'm not joining your organization." There was steel in Aoi's eyes as he said this.

"We'll see about that. After seeing the burns you managed to inflict on me, even N has become interested in you." Fuzake dodged to the side as Hane flashed past him to sit once more beside Aoi. "Your bird, wasn't it..."

Shouts sounded in the distance, coming from the direction Hane had just appeared. "Behind me? Yes, I told Hane to slip off to find the shinobi in charge of scouting the area around Konoha."

Fuzake looked like he was about to swear with the shade of red he was turning, whether from Aoi's wits or from his own negligence it was indecipherable. "Smart." He said with gritted teeth. "I'll be seeing you then." With that, he disappeared just as quickly as he had come.

"Hopefully not anytime soon." Aoi muttered, just as a team of four shinobi jumped into view.


"He was that close to the village?" Tsunade questioned Aoi after he had finished relating the tale. Aoi nodded. "Suppose I'll have to make sure the guards are more observant then." Shizune, standing to the side of Tsunade's desk, made a note on the clipboard she was holding, obviously with a list of things to do. With how many papers she flipped through, it seemed there was quite the list.

"What was it you wanted me to return today for?" Aoi questioned, referring to the meeting they had earlier in that day.

Tsunade's face broke into a grin at the question, remembering what it was that she wanted Aoi to do. "Well you see..."


I am so sorry. It has been nearly a month since the last update. What's worse is that I had half of it written for a majority of that month. I won't even bother with excuses, though there are reasons for the late update. Anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'll be trying my best to update soon, but there is no set date unfortunately. No promises. I'll just end off here.

Oh! Make sure to submit ideas for the 50th chapter.


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