Before I Go - Fred Weasley x...

By LaineWeasley

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Since the first year y/n Avery has been a friend group with the other Gryffindors in her year. Sharing a dorm... More

1. The Summer Before Fifth Year
2. Reunited
3. Seriously
4. Official
5. Oh no
6. Halloween
7. Marauder's Map
8. November Snow
9. Hogsmead Date
10. Slimey Slytherins
11. Sweet Sixteen
12. The birthday Ball
13. Ballgowns and Ballrooms
14. The Christmas Eve Ball
15. Christmas With the Weasleys
16. So what?
17. Bloody Hell
18. The Argument
19. Forgive and Forget
20. Gryfindor versus Ravenclaw
21. The Gryffindor Break-In
22. Birthday Boys
23. The Quidditch Final
24. OWLs
25. Starting the Summer
26. Back to the Burrow
27. Results
28. Nine Weasleys and an Avery
29. Summer loving
30. The Tickets
31. Sunset Date
32. Harry's Arrival
33. The Portkey
34. The Qudditch World Cup - part 1
35. The Quidditch World Cup - Part 2
36. Run
37. Nightmares and Daydreams
38. Back to Hogwarts
39. The Triwizard Tournament
40. The Three Unforgivable Curses
41. The Makeover
42. Nightmares Come True
43. The Goblet of Fire
44. Amortentia
45. The First Task
46. The After Party
47. Seventeen
48. The Yule Ball
49. The Second Task
50. Spring
51. The Last Task
52. Summer Sorrow
53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One
54. Order of the Phoenix - Part Two
55. Harry's Hearing
56. The Last Year
57. The Detention
58. High Inquisitor
59. Head in the Fire
60. Dumbledore's Army
61. Ministry Attack
63. New Term
64. The Demise of the DA
65. The Weasley Twins Exit
66. The Department of Mysteries
67. Goodbye
68. New beginings
69. 93 Diagon Alley
70. The Engagment and The Baby shower
71.The Quidditch Team Catch Up
72. Three Years
73. The Weasley's Arrival
74. Hello, Old Friend
75. December
76. The Twins First Christmas
77. The Weasley Twin's Magic
78. Happy Birthday, My Love
79. The Weasley Black Wedding
80. The Honeymoon
81. May Madness
82. The Death of a Professor
83. The Battle of the Seven Harry's
84. The Wedding of Bill and Fleur
85. Hiding
86. The Ministry break-in
87. The Weasley Twins first birthday
88. Christmas
89. Nineteen Ninety-Eight
90. A Week Filled With Nightmares
91. One year of marriage
92. The Final battle
93. The Second of May ninteen-ninty eight
94. Too Many Goodbyes
95. Life after the War
96. Happily Ever-After
97. Epilogue
A/n: thank you

62. Our First Christmas as a Family

2.5K 51 157
By LaineWeasley

"Merry Christmas, beautiful." Fred whispers in my ear, as we are snuggled up in bed together.

"Merry Christmas, Handsome." I reply to Fred, turning around and placing a kiss on his lips.

As I snuggle in his arms he flips me onto my back and starts placing kisses all over my face and I start giggling.

"Fred stop it." I say as he begins to tickle me making me sequel.

"Oh, you two are disgusting." George says, breaking us apart.

The new deal of us sharing a room is that George also had to sleep in here with us poor guy.

"Sorry George." I quickly say to him, "anyway Merry Christmas." I say to him with a smile on my face.

"Merry Christmas, George," Fred says, from next to me.

"Merry Christmas, you two, I suppose we should get up now shouldn't we?" George says.

"Yeah, we should, we have quite a few presents to open." I say gesturing to the piles at the end of the bed, I ended up putting all of our presents our friends got us there as well.

"Looks like you got quite a few, y/n." Fred says.

"Dad said he was compensating for the Christmases that we missed." I tell them both as all three of us start to open our presents.

We sit opening the presents together obviously getting the annual Weasley jumper from Molly which I am going to put on when we get dressed. Dad got me another mix of things he knows I like which was cute, Fred got me a book I was talking about ages ago along with some framed photos of us and some with our friends in, George got me loads of sweets from Honeydukes so I would stop eating his all of the time, which I don't do. Melody and Jack didn't get me anything because of the Weird Sisters tickets but I was fine with that. The rest of our friends got us all things that they know we like.

"Oh, y/n, I have another present to give you later" Fred tells me before walking out of the room and I turn to George.

"Do you have any idea what is going on? He keeps acting weird." I say and he just shrugs he's shoulders, looking as confused as me.

"I actually have no clue, this is one of the things I don't actually know what my twin is up to, and I don't know whether that is a good or bad thing." George says.

"Right... anyway I'm going to get breakfast, I guess I'll see you in a bit." Gesturing to the fact that he was still in his pyjamas.

I walk down the silent hallways and stairs until I reach the top of the stairs at the kitchen and hear a few people talking.

"Of course you can, I see how happy you make her." I hear my dad say.

"Thanks Sirius, so you will all help with the plan?" I hear Fred ask.

"Of course, we will." I hear Bill say.

"It will make her very happy Fred, she loves you so much." I hear Molly say, I wonder what they are talking about, when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Merry Christmas, y/n." I hear Ginny and Hermione say from behind me.

"Merry Christmas, you two, I hope you both liked you presents and mine where lovely, I really love the Quidditch through the Ages book, Hermione." I say with a small smile.

"Why are you just standing at the top of the stairs?" Hermione asks.

"I was just day dreaming." I say quickly trying to not be suspicious.

"Morning, girls and Merry Christmas." I hear dad say cheerfully behind me.

"Merry Christmas." The three of us say in unison as we walk down the stairs into the kitchen and I go and give my dad a hug and he places a kiss on the top of my head.

"Like your presents?" He asks.

"Yes, thank you. I hope you like yours." I tell him.

"Yes, I do and thank you for all the Honeyduke sweets, been ages since I las had some of them." He says.

"Well, I thought you could have some cool things to keep yourself occupied." I say, then moving to Molly, "thank you for the jumper Molly." I say bringing her into a hug.

"It's okay dear, thank you and Fred for the earrings very thoughtful of you both, anyway, breakfast?" She asks sitting me down the table away from Fred and Bill, who have fell silent from their conversation.

"Merry Christmas, Bill," I say, as Molly ushers me down the table to sit with Hermione and Ginny and I see Hermione holding another present.

"Who's that for?" I ask her, nodding at the present.

"Kreature." She replies and I make a gagging noise in disgust.

"Y/n, could you come and help me with breakfast please?" Molly asks and I stand up and walk over to the aprons.

"Of course, I can, Molly." I say, as I pull the apron over my head and tying it around me.

"So what time are we going to see Arthur?" I ask Molly.

"After we have had Christmas lunch." Molly tell me.

"That's good, I forgot to take my present for him to St Mongo's yesterday, so I can take it today." I say to her as I hear my dad talking to the others in the background.

"I'll look for him later, I expect I'll find him upstairs crying his eyes out over my mother's old bloomers or something. Of course, he might have crawled into the airing cupboard and died... but I mustn't get my hopes up." Dad says, causing most people around the table to start laughing apart from Hermione.

I look up at Fred and he makes eye contact with me before quickly turning away.

"Is everything okay with Fred?" I ask Molly.

"Yeah, of course he is dear. Why?" She asks as we continue to cook breakfast.

"He seems a little off that's all." I say to her, as I look at Fred joking around with his siblings.

"He seems fine." Molly says, quickly glancing up at her son.

After eating breakfast, then Christmas lunch I sat talking to dad before we went to see Arthur.

"Are you sure you want me to go? I can always stay here with you." I suggest to my dad.

"Its fine sweetheart, I'll be cleaning up after lunch anyway." Dad tells me shoeing me out of the room with everyone else so we could go to the hospital.

As its Christmas, in the muggle world trains weren't working today, so we got to borrow a car from the Ministry which had an extendable charm on it, so we could all fit in. We got to St Mongo's rather fast as there wasn't many other cars on the road. As we walked into St Mongo's a held onto Fred's hand taking in all of the decorations that now filled the hallway. We then walked through the entrance room I see a Wizard talking to the witch behind the desk, and he had a satsuma jammed up his left nostril.

"Family argument, eh?" I see the witch from behind the desk smirk. "You're the third I've seen today... Spell Damage... forth floor."

We walked through the hallways to get to Arthur's room and we see Melody and Jack with their parents and Melody's sister and I rush up to them and give them a hug before Fred and Jack sneak off together.

"Do you have any idea what is going on with them, because Fred has been acting weird since this morning and George hasn't got a single clue." I say turning to Melody as we walk towards the ward that Arthur is in.

"I really haven't got a clue, if I did I would tell you - you know that, you are my best friend." Melody says as we walk through the ward and all gather around Arthur's bed and I hand him the present quickly interrupting the conversation that Molly and Arthur were having.

"Merry Christmas, Arthur, hope you enjoy the present." I say with a smile, before letting the adults carry on with their conversation and I say Jack and Fred once again whispering to each other.

"Their scheming on something, and I think it has to do with the two of us for a couple of reasons." I say to Melody.

"Please tell me what you think is going on detective Black." Melody says, trying to not be too loud so everyone doesn't hear the conversation.

"Right, give me a minute, we need to go somewhere without everyone here." I say to her and she nods in agreement.

"Mum, y/n and I are just going to the toilet quickly." Melody says, to her mother who was only half listening to her, we then leave the room quickly actually finding the toilets.

"So?" Melody asks me.

"I think the two of them are planning something big, because I overheard a conversation I shouldn't have this morning with Fred talking to my dad, Molly and Bill, he also said he has another present to give me later." I say a little anxiously, "he has then being acting a little off since this morning, but I don't want to spoil any plans."

"Whatever he is up to, and Jack for that matter, they are only doing it because they truly love us. Come on y/n you and Fred have clearly liked each other since what second/ third year, and obviously with how your life used to be you were slightly scared, you said so yourself, but we all see the way Fred looks at you and how you look at him, that's true love right there." Melody tells me.

"Mels, you are going to make me cry, and don't get me started on yours and Jack relationship, you two even each other out, and you two are always happy when you are together and the way he talks about you when you aren't there is the most adorable thing I've ever heard but that is a story for another day." I say to her and we both have massive smiles on our faces.

"I'm telling you now if you and Fred weren't together I would dump Jack and date you." Melody says and I laugh at her lightly.

"I have a thing for dating best friends don't I?" I say and we share a small laugh.

"We should head back now." Melody says and I nod my head in agreement but when we head back none of the kids are there.

"Oh girls, the others have gone to the tearoom on the fifth floor, you two should go up there as well." Anna tells the two of us and we look at the slightly awkward conversation that Molly and Arthur are having.

"Okay, see you in a bit." I say.

"See you later." Melody says and we make our way up to the fifth floor.

"So how's Christmas with your dad?" Melody asks.

"Pretty enjoyable, first Christmas I have properly enjoyed in years, last Christmas was good but it didn't feel like Christmas if you know what I mean. Then Christmas in fifth year I practically invaded the Weasley's Christmas with my family problems and most Christmases were so boring with my family, how's Christmas been with your sister?" I say to Melody as we walk up some stairs.

"Boring, she is so dull, but having Jack and Anna there has added some excitement to it and then she was going on about this new boyfriend that she is going to introduce the family to in the summer or something like that, was barely paying attention, I think I dozed off it was that boring." Melody tell me, and I start laughing, knowing that her sister is rather boring.

"So how is it with Jack and Anna staying at yours for the holidays?" I ask her.

"Its pretty interesting, Jack and my dad get on pretty well and Anna gets on with mum well, although they really did say no sharing a bed together unless we want my sister staying in there and George for you and Fred is probably bad enough, she would probably say Jack got right on top of me and it would be for a kiss - she is honestly so frigged, makes Lee look like a player." Melody says causing me to laugh as we walk up one more flight of stairs.

"Finally," I say as we reach the top of the stairs.

"You act like that was so much exercise but you are on the Quidditch team and do a lot more exercise than that, especially with the amount of laps you like to do around the Quidditch pitch." Melody says.

"I suppose you have a point there." I say as we push open some doors and our eyes go straight to the table with Bill, Fred, George, Jack, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

"There they are. Thought you two got lost." George says.

"Clearly not." I tell him.

"You two get sent up here?" Bill asks us both.

"Yeah, Anna said we should and it looked a little awkward between your mum and dad." Melody says as we sit down with the rest of the group and I sit next to Fred.

"Fred, are you okay?" I ask him as the others are in a conversation of their own.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asks me, still looking a little uneasy.

"You don't seem yourself, that's all, maybe its just me, being an idiot." I tell him.

"Nothings wrong beautiful." He says, taking my hand in his and placing a small kiss on my cheek.

"Only if you say so." I say placing a kiss back on his cheek.

"So what's the pan for tonight, then?" Ginny asks.

"We can play some games and have a few drinks?" I suggest.

"Sounds like fun." George says, I can't tell whether he is being sarcastic or not, right now.

"Yeah, we will se if Sirius or mum have anything planned first and we could work it around them." Bill suggests, "I think he did mention saying something about spending the evening with y/n, but you should check on that one." He says, looking at me.

"Yeah... I will." I say.

"I wish we could come round, but my mum has got an 'evening full of fun' ahead of us." Melody groans.

"If it's that bad, we can go to bed." Jack says and I see a little smirk appear on his face and I just shake my head lightly, knowing exactly what he is implying.

"Well, I think an evening of playing games sounds rather fun." Hermione said.

"Yeah, I like the sound of the drinks too." Ginny says.

"Ginny, you are not touching a drop of alcohol, you are fourteen years old and I think mum would personally kill anyone in the room that knew you had a drop." Bill tells his younger sister and I have to agree with him, if Molly found out that she had one drop of alcohol in her system she would kill the rest of us, which is why I am glad she doesn't know about some of the times the twins and I would steal her alcohol, once everyone had gone to bed.

"Yeah, your still a baby." Ron tells her.

"So are you." The twins say in unison.

"Well I'm the oldest here by what at least eight years?" Bill says.

"Yeah, maybe seven because of y/n and Jack." Melody points out.

"Yeah, Jack's birthday is October, so seven years actually." I say.

"Sometimes I question how you and Hermione aren't in Ravenclaw." Ginny says. "Like look at y/n's OWL's one E out of the lot and the rest were O's and Hermione is going to be the same."

"We are just clever girls, ain't that right Hermione, although, I do think we are both brave." I say.

"Why's that?" Jack asks.

"She has to deal with Harry and Ron all of the time and I have to deal with you three and Lee, I think that's enough said." I say and Bill, Melody, Hermione and Ginny all start laughing as the boys sit there a little speechless.

"You're brave to deal with us?" Fred asks me.

"Yeah, we are, look at all the stupid shit you lot get up to mostly on a daily bases as well." Melody says, "and Hermione, just gets dragged into stuff with Harry and Ron, and her intelligence defiantly gets them out of it."

"You know what, you girls sometimes come out with a load of rubbish." Ron says and Harry just laughs.

"See Harry knows that he is trouble." I say as I see the door to the tearoom open.

"Right you lot, you can come down now as we will all be leaving soon." Anna tells us all and all ten of us get up and leave the near empty tearoom and walk back down the ward Arthur was on.

"Thank you all for the presents and the book on Muggle History, looks like it will keep me occupied whilst I'm in here and the wires and fuses look good too Harry and all of the other presents are amazing." Arthur said with a big smile.

"Well I hope you enjoy it, I read a book on Muggle History before, one summer, you'll find it really interesting." I reply to Arthur.

"Right, Molly, we should be going." Remus said looking at the clock as Mad-Eye and Tonks along with the other adults linger.

"See you tomorrow, Arthur, enjoy the book." I say before the Weasley kids move off to say goodbye to their dad along with Molly and the other adults.

"Right, I suppose we should go home." Melody's mum says.

"Yeah, right, Molly we'll see you over the next few days." Anna says.

"Right, you two, I'm guessing I'll see you in a couple of days, then." I say to Melody and Jack, bringing Melody into a quick hug.

We all get back into the car and as soon as we walk through the door, my dad takes me upstairs to show my some stuff of my mum's that I might like.

"I'll see you in a bit." I say pecking Fred's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replies and I go up the stairs with my dad into his room and I sit on his bed as he gets a box out of the wardrobe.

"Dad, how do you have all of this?" I ask him, "I thought, it would of been left at the house that we lived in when I was a baby."

"See as your mother and I both come from one of the twenty-eight sacred families my mother didn't mind keeping a few things, even if we were both blood traitors." Dad begins to tell me. "Your mother always told me that one day she wanted you to have this dress, it was her good luck dress."

Dad pulls out a beautiful black dress, it looks extremely expensive, well what would I expect neither my mum's family or dad's family would let either of them walk around in rags.

"Its so beautiful." I say holding up. "Although, I don't really think black is my colour."

"Your mother said that, but she then disagreed when she put this on." Dad tells me.

"When did she wear it?" I ask him.

"The day before we both decided to runaway - well more kicked out - either way we wanted to leave. Yes, we wanted to marry each other but not for the reasons they wanted us to. It was all about power, money and status for them all but your mother's parents weren't as harsh as mine were, she spoke to them quite regularly about but what the order had planned and then when she told them she was pregnant well they wasn't very happy as when we found out we were just finishing our last year at Hogwarts and hadn't got jobs yet, so we 'were going to live off of them.'" Dad tell me.

When I look at my dads childhood it was a lot worse than mine, his mother and father sounded awful and I'm glad I can't remember her, but he was the black sheep in his family along with his cousin Andromeda, who is Tonk's mum, they both didn't share the pure blood values and were burnt off of the family tapestry, looking at the tree, a lot of families are related to each other which I find weird, well my grandparents were cousins - well second cousins still fucking weird.

"I'm so glad, I never got to meet them or if I did, I never will remember them." I tell dad.

"Yeah, I'm glad you can't remember it and never will have to live through that ratchet life and life style ever again, anyway, you should show me that new dress I brought you, I want to see if it suits you or not." He says.

"Okay - give me a minute or two." I say apparating to the room I was sharing with the twins, grabbing the navy blue dress and walking into the bathroom next door, I change into the dress, which fits my body type and has three quarter length sleeves, the dress goes to the floor, it is rather pretty.

I then with a flick of my wand put my hair into a style that goes well with it and apparate back into dads room.

"So what do you think, then dad?" I ask him, slowly spinning around.

"You look beautiful, just like your mother, except you have my attitude  and your personality, although your mother was a very intelligent women, so that's where you get the brains from." He says, with tears in his eyes.

"Don't start crying, now dad because you will start me off." I say to him and he pulls me into a hug.

"Anyway, Fred came up here looking for you, he said for me to tell you to meet him in the study said him and George are doing something for their joke shop, so knock and don't apparate in because it might scare them to death or something like that." He says placing a kiss on my cheek, "I need to go down the the kitchen now anyway, so I'll walk with you?" He suggests.

"Yeah sure and those two need to be careful because of Molly, she'll skin them both alive." I say to him as we walk down the stairs and the study door is closed.

"I'm sure we'll see you in a bit love you dad." I say as he continues to walk down the stairs and I knock on the study door.

"Who is it?" I hear a voice ask.

"Me, y/n, dad told me to come down." I say.

"Oh yeah, come in." I hear a voice say and I open the door just to see Fred in there smartly dressed up and I look at the walls they have photos of us on them even from first year.

"Fred... what's going on?" I ask him as I close the door behind me.

"I'll explain that in a minute." he says joining me at the door. "See this photo here?" He says pointing to one of the group laughing together in our first year, we all look so young. "That was the first time I saw you laugh like that at this is when I knew you were somehow going to be in my life forever."

He looks at me and smiles, I can tell he is slightly nervous.

"Then this photo here on the day most of the group made it on to the Quidditch team and the thing you was most excited about is to play against your older brother and hopefully kick his arse and I knew then with the smile you had on your face and that I was the first person you came to - to hug that I liked you, but I didn't really know what that meant." He says guiding me through the room looking at some second year photos and how happy we all were and when Molly sent me my first of many Weasley jumpers.

"Now this third year photo of the Quidditch team." He says showing me the moving picture and I'm smiling at the camera whilst Fred first looks at me and my smile then looking at the camera with the biggest smile on his face, "well I think at this point I was in love with you and wanted to do everything I could to make you happy and I think I have done a pretty good job at that." He says as we look at the third year photos, ones of us playing in the snow together.

"Now onto our forth year at Hogwarts's when I think we both started to know that we both had feelings for each other but didn't want to say anything, personally I was to scared I would ruin our friendship and I knew what could possibly happen with your family but we got a lot closer, I mean we used to walk around holding hands." Fred says, gesturing to a photo where we are sitting together, my head resting on his shoulders and us holding hands laughing together.

"Once we made it to our fifth year, I wanted to tell you so bad, but never wanted to ruin our friendship but when we confessed our feelings to each other - well I knew then that we would be together for the rest of our lives and that we belong together." He says smiling and looking down at me and I have tears in my eyes, just watching how lovely this boy is. "And when everything happened at Christmas and you knew to come to the Burrow I knew that we could have a life together and no one could stop us." I look at the photos of us together, the smiles we both have on our faces when we are together.

"Then getting our OWLs and after all the mess you went through you still managed to get top grades. Then sixth year I kind of fucked things up but, I couldn't stay away from you and when you said you smelt me in your Amortenia, well it made us come back to each other and the Yule Ball... wow, you took my breath away that night, you always look so beautiful but that night, I can't even explain how I felt looking at you, you were literally breath taking and finding out everything to do with your actual family and you just kept as positive as you could. And the year ended on a dark patch and I swore to myself, that you will never have to go through anything alone and I really mean it after what happened in the summer and that now brings us to our seventh and last year at Hogwarts." Fred says, as I stare at the photo of us dancing together at the Yule Ball and other photos that were taken that year, then moving to a small section of photos for our seventh year.

"Now our seventh year has been a little boring, but I've loved spending every moment I can with you..." Fred says, nervously as I look at the photos.

"Now, I never really knew how I was going to do this, but here it goes..." Fred says and I realise what his doing and I have tears in my eyes.

"Y/n Elizabeth Lily Black, I love you so much and I always want to love you no one else... except our kids, I never knew I could love someone like this until I started to love you, nobody makes me this happy and I don't know what I would do without you in my life Y/n, you are so beautiful, smart and amazing but what I really want to say is..." He got down on one knee and pulled out a box with a a small diamond in. "Y/n Black will you marry me?"

"Of course, I will Freddie." I say crying with happiness, and I can see that Fred has tears in his eyes as he slips the ring onto my finger, before standing up and pulling me into the tightest hug.

"So this is why you've not been yourself today?" I ask him, as we stand in the hug.

"Yes, your dad and Bill really helped me out with getting everything sorted." Fred tells me as we split from the hug and he places a soft kiss on my lips which we deepen kissing for a minute or two. "Y/n Weasley, defiantly fits." Fred says and I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"I love you Freddie, so much, honestly where did you get some of these photos from because I haven't even seen some of them before." I ask him.

"I've had a little help from everyone." He says, pulling me back into a hug, "And I love you too y/n Black well soon to be Weasley."

"I suppose we should go down and tell everyone the good news?" I ask him.

"Oh, yeah, we should." Fred says with a little smirk, as he opens the door for me and we walk down the stairs to the kitchen and as soon as the door opens we are hit with...


As soon as the door fully opens I see my dad and Molly both crying the Weasleys, Melody, Jack, Harry and various order members and Molly and Dad come wondering over and dad engulfs me in tight hug.

"My baby girl, all grown up and she's now going to get married." Dad says tearfully.

"Look at the two of you-" Molly began saying tearfully, "I can't wait to get started on the wedding planning, but honestly looking at the smile on both of your faces is so wonderful - right I'm going to talk to someone else before I start crying again."

As Molly wonders off Melody, Jack and George come wondering over.

"Let's have a look then." Melody says grabbing my left hand and bringing it up to her face to look at. "Oh... its absolute gorgeous."

"You were in on it too?" I ask her and she nods.

"Oh, we all were." George says, pulling me into a hug.

"I finally get a sister." Ginny says, pushing George out of the way and hugging me tightly, "well done Fred, good thing she didn't reject you, eh?"

"I would never, I love him way to much." I say to her.

"We'll get out of your way," George says and the small group move off as everyone else come to congratulate us.

"Look my niece all grown up!" Uncle Remus said pulling me into a tight hug, I honestly couldn't tell who was more emotional, my dad, Molly or uncle Remus.

"Congratulations you two, hurt her though Fred, and you'll have me to deal with." Tonks says bringing me into a hug.

"Don't worry, I have no intention on hurting the women I love." Fred says, whole-heartedly.

"That's good because I wouldn't want to hex you." Tonks says before walking off.

After Tonks wonders off to talk to other people and the trio walk over and smile.

"Congratulations, you two." Hermione says, before pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks Hermione, ready to be a little ring bearer, Ronniekins." Fred says, and I just roll my eyes at him.

"Don't be so horrible, he can be one of your many groomsmen." I tell him.

"One of many?" Fred asks me.

"Well yeah, your brothers and Jack and Lee, that's quite a few already and bridesmaids, I suppose your mum has already started planning it." I say to Fred.

"Yeah, I think she has." Ron says, sounding a little irritated.

"Don't worry Ron, we won't stick you in any frilly dress robes." I tell Ron, causing everyone to laugh lightly.

Before Ron could respond we hear a glass clink a couple of times and everyone looks around and I see my dad standing there.

"If I can have everyone's attention please. I would just like to say congratulations to my daughter and soon-to-be-son-in-law. Seeing how happy you two are together, makes me happy." Dad begins saying. "When Fred asked me if he could marry my daughter, I got very nervous as to me she'll always be my baby girl but I guess here we are..." he says getting slightly emotional. "Anyway to Fred and y/n." Dad says raising the glass in his hand.

"To Fred and y/n." Everyone says.

We spend the rest of the evening celebrating until we all go to bed. Fred and I get into bed together and he wraps his arms around me.

"Goodnight Freddie, I love you." I say as we snuggle up together.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Fred tells me, "I love you too."

We fall into a peaceful sleep together then waking up in the morning and going for breakfast Molly is clearly excited about the wedding.

"What about bridesmaids?" She asks me.

"Well Ginny, Alicia, Angelina and Hermione then Melody as my maid of honour." I tell her and Fred nods in agreement.

"So what about when you want the wedding?" My dad asks.

"We haven't even got that far." I say laughing lightly.

"I was thinking spring or summer." Fred says.

"That sounds good. Where is Ginny?" I ask them and I then see her walk into the kitchen.

"What about me?" She asks.

"Just sit down." I say to her and I hold Fred's hand.

"So we wanted to ask you, if you want to be one of our bridesmaids?" Fred asks and she leaps up from the chair and brings us both into a hug.

"I take that as a yes." I say.

"Well I suppose, we are going to need to go dress shopping soon, I'll send you both off with some booklets, when you leave for school, so you can still look at stuff." Molly tells us both.

"Thank you, Molly. Where is Hermione?" I ask Ginny.

"Just writing to her parents, why?" Ginny asks.

"Bridesmaids stuff, I tell her." And a smile forms on her face.

"So who are you having as bridesmaids then, ooo and who's going to be best man?" Ginny asks.

"So we have you, Hermione, Alicia, Angelina and the Melody as the maid of honour and George obviously, he is my twin." Fred tells his younger sister.

"I hope the rest of the kids wake up soon, as we need to see Arthur at St Mongo's." Molly says to the few of us at the table.

"They should be up soon." I tell her, "do you need any help with breakfast?"

"Oh no thank you dear, you can talk wedding stuff though." Molly says, with a massive smile on her face.

I knew Molly was going to be very excited which, I love as it takes a little weight off of mine and Fred's shoulders. Dad was also very excited.

"Well, I'll have to get my dancing shoes back out then, won't I?" Dad asks and I laugh lightly.

"Yeah, you and uncle Remus can dance around to all the old songs you used to dance to." I say to him.

Before we go and see Arthur, we spend the rest of the morning talking wedding and Hermione happily agreed to be my bridesmaid and Arthur was also very excited about the news and I suppose it was just our friends we had to tell now, and deal with it all at school.

- - - -

A/n: hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I cried writing it but that's because I'm a soppy bitch. So what did you all think of the engagement, I thought it was cute and I wrote most of it at two in the morning and then got really tired so I couldn't finish it.

Anyway, I'be wrote a good what 3 or four chapters within the last week and I don't even know how, as they are all 5,000 plus.

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