By Lauren_A__

22.5K 727 96

Her deepest secrets are inked into her skin, the black lines a reminder of her dark past. No one can find out... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 14

589 20 2
By Lauren_A__

"People can perfect whatever facade they want, but everyone holds their sins close to the skin."

- Jeaniene Frost


Harry's POV

The sound of distant voices wakes me from my sleep. My eyelids flutter at the sound of a high-pitched laugh. I grasp at the covers pulling them right up to my chin, basking in the warmth of the bed a little longer. A bright light shines behind my eyelids, forcing them to lazily drift open. Sunlight streams through the window, the morning rays casting the room in a radiant glow.

The night before floods through my mind. Adilyn.

I roll over to where she had fallen asleep only to find an empty space. It's early in the morning probably around eight o'clock. When had she left?

The memory of her lips on mine plays through my mind and my fingers drift to my them, remembering the warmth of her kiss.

Another distant cackle of laughter floods through the room. Everyone went to bed early last night, so it makes sense that people are up already.

Begrudgingly, I slip from the warmth of the bed, stumbling still half asleep to the bathroom.

Stepping under the stream of hot water, I'm immediately reminded of who occupied the shower last. Memories of the night play through my head as I wash myself absentmindedly.

The pain on her face... The explanation of what happened... Her lips on mine...

I've never seen her so vulnerable. I'm surprised she didn't try and hide her emotion from me.

I'm anxious to see her today, curious as to see how she will act. I'm almost positive she won't show anyone the pain or sadness she is feeling. But I wonder if she'll show me.

I shut the water off, drying myself quickly before stepping out onto the tiled floor. After brushing my teeth, I run a razor along the small stubble that had grown on my face. Unable to break the habit of keeping myself clean cut. My hair is the longest it has been, since I have been on leave for a while. I haven't had to cut it so the curls have formed a haphazard mop on the top of my head, although my sides are a little more tamed in their shorter length.

The room, when I walk back into it, is warm, signalling it is going to be another hot day. I chuck on a pair of light blue board shorts and a black loose-fitting singlet.

I follow the sound of voices to the kitchen and I'm instantly met with the smiling faces of Naz, Mila, Cooper and Chloe.

"Hey man," Naz greets, sending me a grin as his arm is slung over Chloe's shoulders. The glint to his eyes tells me he is more than happy with whatever played out between them last night.

"Morning," the two girls chorus while Cooper nods his head to me.

"Hey guys," I greet, making a beeline for the coffee jug.

Cooper hovers over the stove, scooping pancakes onto a plate already piled high with them. The smell wafts past my nose and my stomach growls.

"Where's everyone else?" I question, turning around to the group leaning back on the bench with my hot coffee in hand.

Mila answers, "Candace and Courtney are out on the jetty. Liam is in the shower and Adilyn is still in bed asleep."

So Adilyn went back to her bed last night. I wonder if Mila knows where Adilyn fell asleep last night?

I eye her curiously. "Adilyn must've got back pretty late?" I question Mila, looking for a sign that she knows what happened.

"Yeah," Mila says to me. "I haven't spoken to her yet, she was asleep when I woke up this morning. I hope everything went well."

I nod my head to her in response. So, she doesn't know.

"It's so cool that she's a midwife," Naz chimes. "I never would have thought it."

"Adilyn's very smart," Mila defends instantly. "She can do anything she puts her mind to."

I smile slightly at her abrasive tone and Naz holds up his hands in surrender. "I don't doubt it," he mumbles.

I watch as Cooper loads another batch of pancakes onto the pile.

Liam walks into the kitchen, his brown hair a wet mop on top of his head. "Smells amazing," he compliments.

Everyone breaks into discussion of what to do today and I sip quietly at my coffee, hoping it will start to wake me up.

"Hey everyone!" My attention immediately snaps to the voice. Adilyn.

She walks into the kitchen a bright smile on her face. She's wearing a small white sundress, the colour complimenting her tanned skin perfectly. I can see the outline of her pink bikini beneath the dress, the straps tying in a bow around her neck.

"Hey!" Mila squeals and runs up to embrace her. Everyone's attention turns to look at her, a few greetings thrown her way.

"How did it go?" Mila questions excitedly, pulling back from their hug. I stiffen slightly wondering if I should step in to shield Adilyn from having to answer.

Her bright grin doesn't falter for a second and her eyes are full of light. "It was amazing! Everything went well!"

Her voice is even and upbeat, no sign of anything but happiness.

What the fuck?

"That's so good!" Mila choruses back. "My little midwife!" Mila squeezes Adilyn's cheek and she beams even brighter.

"Pancakes are ready!" Cooper calls and Mila's attention turns to the food.

Adilyn's eyes drift to me and it's the first time I see her smile falter. I stare back at her confused and shocked. How did she do that, lie so easily, appear not affected by what had happened?

Her eyes are pleading with me, desperate for a sign of whether I will rat her out. I give her a small nod and her shoulders relax. It's not my place to say anything, I never thought to anyway. But I can't help but be taken aback but how fluidly she had lied and presented this facade.

She doesn't approach me just follows Mila towards the stove to grab a plate of food. I wait until she has dished hers and left the room before I go and grab my own plate.

I follow Naz as he walks towards a dining area I've never even been in before. This house is ridiculously big. A long wooden table sits in the middle of the room, the girls occupying one end of the table. Naz and I pull up a seat next to them, Mila next to me and Adilyn across from me. I don't meet her eyes.

I chat with Naz next to me as I devour my plate of pancakes. We decide on a game of water volleyball after breakfast and the girls break their chatter to agree. They talk amongst themselves until we've all finished our plates.

Dumping them into the dishwasher, everyone retreats to their rooms to get changed.

Already in board shorts, I head towards the jetty spotting Candace and Courtney sitting next to each other at the end of it. They sit very close shoulders pushed against each other; I don't think they hear my presence as they stare at each other lost in some moment. My movements stop when I watch Courtney lean forward and press her lips to Candace's. I'm taken aback by the gesture, unaware that they felt that way about each other.

As if finally noticing my presence at the start of the jetty they break away and turn to look at me.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I mutter, feeling bad for intruding on their moment. They grin at me, amusement crossing both of their faces as they look at my awkward stance.

"That's okay!" Courtney calls out. "Everyone knows we are gay."

They both laugh. "Well except for you," Candace says observing me.

I smile at them and shake the awkwardness off. I grab the net and ball from the ground and walk towards them.

"We're gonna play a game of volleyball, wanna join?" I announce to them.

"Nah," Courtney says. "We'll watch though."

I smile at them before sitting on the side of the jetty and easing myself in. The water is pretty warm which I'm surprised by. I get to work setting up the net. The tide is somewhat low so it'll make the game easier as the girls will be able to stand up in the water.

I look up at the house and watch as a group of people walk down the porch. Naz's arm is around Chloe's waist as she walks next to him in just a polka-dotted purple bikini. My eyes don't linger on them though as they snap to Adilyn who walks next to them in just a bright pink swimsuit. The shape of this one is different from the one she usually wears. This one has a similar top that pushes her tits up but has a triangular strip of material connecting to her bottoms. The shape really accentuates the curve of her waist.

Jesus, of course, she looks fucking hot.

Liam runs from behind them and sprints down the jetty launching himself into the water next to me. The rest of them pad slowly across the jetty. The three girls greet Candace and Courtney brightly before sitting on the side of the jetty and easing themselves in. Naz just flings himself over them.

I chuck the ball to him.

"Alright!" Liam calls. "Let's split into teams. Adilyn and Mila you're with me. You three over there." He gestures to Naz, Chloe and me and points to one side of the net.

Adilyn and Mila swim over to him, then form a circle whispering lowly.

"Okay," Naz begins as we stand in a circle. "Harry you go up the front, Chloe and I will take the back."

His voice is serious and I can't help but laugh at how competitive he instantly became.

He spins the ball in his hands as we all spread out to our instructed positions, the opposing team doing the same.

Adilyn's face is serious and I can't help but grin at her. She meets my eyes and raises one eyebrow challengingly.

Oh, it's on. I smirk at her.

"Alright!" Naz yells. "Let's play!"

Naz serves the ball over the net, Adilyn who stands at the front moves and jumps up to meet it, her fist connecting with the ball spiking it back down to our side.

It hits the water next to me and I gape wide-mouthed at her.

"Oh yeah!" She calls out tapping her chin in mock recollection. "We used to play!"

She gestures between Mila and her, Liam's face looks as shocked as mine. Mila grins evilly and meets Adi in a loud high-five.

Adilyn is the one smirking now.

"Bring it on!" I call out. My shoulders roll once in competition. The ball is served again.

We play for a good half-hour, the score incredibly close as all three of them hold their own against us. Chloe doesn't do much but Naz and I compensate for her lack of skill. Candace and Courtney remain seated on the edge of the jetty watching the game in amusement, laughing at us.

I notice the huge grin that Adilyn wears the whole game. But I can't help but suddenly wonder if it is real or not.

We end up winning by two points and the other team makes it clear they aren't happy about it. The three of us high hive and Naz swings Chloe around in his arms. He can't keep his hands off of her.

Adilyn calls out, "I'm gonna head up and get ready. I've gotta go back to the hospital for a bit to check on my lady."

"Okay!" Mila pipes back immediately. "Don't be too long though!"

Adilyn smiles at her, "I'll only be a couple of hours."

Her gaze then flashes to mine and I see for the first time today a glimpse of pain flash across her face. I instinctively step towards her, but she shakes her head at me and walks over to the bank to get out.

She pulls herself up and walks toward the house, revealing the way her swimsuit hugs her curves, but I look away.

"Wanna play again?" Liam questions the group.

"Sure!" Chloe pipes up and I know that means Naz is in. Mila nods.

Courtney speaks up, "I'll take Adilyn's place!" She kisses Candace on the cheek before pulling her dress off and slipping into the water, taking her place next to Mila. We play for a little while, the game easier now Adilyn's skills aren't assisting the opponents.

We pause momentarily as Adilyn walks back down the jetty, scrubs back on, handbag slung over her shoulder.

"I'm off!" She calls to us, which is followed with waves and wishes of good luck. She gives me the smallest of smiles, but it doesn't quite meet her eyes. She's gonna have to face the pain again when she sees Caroline.

Concern takes over my expression as I watch her walk away to her car, hopping in and driving away without a moment's hesitation. Turning back to the game, I catch Mila's curious gaze and have to look away to avoid the scrutiny of her eyes.

I try to focus on the game, but my mind isn't in it. After Mila starts to shiver we call it a game, our team winning by a mile.

Naz and I make our way to the barbeque chucking some sausages and burger patties onto the grill for lunch.

"When do you go back?" Naz asks me as I flip another burger patty on the grill.

Mila leans on the railing across from us. Her attention switched suddenly to us away from Cooper.

"I've got another month or so," I answer, flipping my gaze from Mila back to Naz. He gives a solemn nod.

"I'm glad you came on this trip," he says. "It's a nice break for you."

"Me too," I agree with him, smiling.

Mila eyes me curiously and my brows furrow in confusion at her.

"What do you have to go back to?" She asks me somewhat hesitantly as if she is afraid of the answer.

"I'm special forces," I reply and her face drops immediately. I'm shocked by her response. Her eyes go wide briefly and she gives a sad shake of her head.

What the fuck is with that.

Before I can ask what is up with her she walks off, quickly retreating into the house. Naz and Cooper have the same confused looks on their faces.

We all eat our lunch lying on the grass, the heat of the sun nipping at our skin. Once I've finished my burger I notice Mila still hasn't come out of the house. I launch myself up off the ground deciding to go find her.

Searching through the main rooms of the house first, starting with her bedroom I finally find her at the opposite end of the house. She's seated, legs in a ball in front of her, chin leaning on her knees, on the cushioned window seat of the study.

I approach her slowly. "Mila," I announce, and she turns to me.

I sit in front of her. "What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?"

She ignores my question and just studies me with an intense expression on her face.

"You like Adi, yeah?" She asks suddenly. I stare at her surprised.

"Well... I haven't really spent that much-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"It's yes or no, Harry," her voice is suddenly serious, making me even more confused.

"Yes, put simply I'm into her," I sigh, giving in to her.

She eyes me carefully, stuck in thought.

"I think you are good for her..." She admits, sincerity leaking into her tone, "But if you want it to keep being good you can't tell her, not yet at least."


"What are you talking about?" I ask her, even more confused. "Tell her what?"

"If you tell her you are special forces she will run." She says matter-of-factly, "Do you want her to run?"

"No," I answer hesitantly, confused.

"Then keep your mouth shut. Got it?" Her voice is clipped with a demanding tone. Completely out of character for her usual bubbly self.

She doesn't give me a chance to respond as she stands up and staunches out of the room.

What the actual fuck?

I am still filled with confusion as I make my way back outside to the group. Mila is already there, her head leaning casually on Cooper's stomach as she lies sideways to him.

I eye her suspiciously before lying down on the ground next to Liam. My back presses into the grass and I drape my forearm over my eyes shielding them from the sun. I feel the sun immediately start to warm the skin of my bare chest.

People chat and move around me, but I ignore them and let my mind wander.

Between what has happened with Adilyn over the past couple days and now what Mila has said, my thoughts fly rapidly around my head.

Why would Mila ask me to lie about my role in the special forces? Her behaviour is so odd to me.

The sun starts to lose some of its heat, as it moves along to the afternoon sky. I've been lying on the ground now stuck in my thoughts for a while, my shoulder blades starting to ache from digging into the ground.

The sound of an engine running immediately snaps me from my daze. I lift my arm from my face and sit up. Liam, Mila, and Cooper still lay around on the grass, however I have no idea where the others went off to. The four of us watch as Adilyn's car pulls up into her spot underneath the tree. I hear the engine shut off and this time she doesn't hesitate to step out of the car.

I study her closely as her face comes into view. She wears a neutral expression, a slight upturn of her lips, a polar opposite to last time she stepped out of the car.

"Adilyn!" I hear Mila cheer.

The smile grows on her lips as she walks toward us, bag over her shoulder and stethoscope in one hand. But I notice the slight sag to her shoulders, the heavy emotion she is hiding weighing them down.

She stumbles for a moment, left leg limping slightly before she returns to her normal strides. I sit up straighter, watching her.

When she approaches the group, she plonks herself down next to Mila leaning back on her hands and stretching her legs out comfortably in front of her.

"Hey, guys," she greets. "What've you been up to?"

"Got beat in another round of volleyball," Mila gripes. "Had some lunch and have just been chilling."

"Nice. Maybe you would have won if you had me," she teases and I scoff amusingly.

Her eyes dart to mine, something flashing behind them before humour takes over her face. She gives me a small grin.

Mila turns to look at me as well and gives me a pointed look. I look quickly away from her scrutinizing gaze.

I watch as Adilyn lies back on the grass arms stretching back beneath her head, relaxed. I take in the way her scrubs cling to the top of her thighs and the way a small strip of skin is shown as her top rides up. She really does suit the scrubs. I'm surprised by how ridiculously hot I find them.

The group breaks into chatter again. After a while, the girls move to all gather around the fire that Naz made and we head in to play pool. For the rest of the night, I hang with the boys, drinking beers and playing games.

I don't see Adilyn or Mila for the rest of the night.

I suppose it gives me time to wrap my head around the mystery that is Adilyn.


Ah such mystery! Hope you enjoyed the chapter xox

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