Hello, love

By mirrorball_lover

5.7K 141 37

Klaus and Caroline. Klaroline if you will. Caroline had everything she wanted. Or at least she thought she d... More

Welcome back
Just go
The cellar
Road Trip
Shopping trip
Bite me
Guilty as charged
Call me
Bring the popcorn
Not an Update
Forever Love

New Rooms

373 8 0
By mirrorball_lover

"Welcome to New Orleans." Klaus said calmly as the girls stepped out of the car. Klaus ran over to Caroline to hold her hand as she got out and Bonnie rolled her eyes. Caroline looked at him for a moment hesitantly before walking past him.

Caroline looked around at all the colors and the people and she smiled. She never imagined herself living anywhere but Mystic Falls, but here she was and it felt right. Klaus grinned as he watched the blond look around in amazement.

"I see why you like this place so much." She commented softly. Klaus stared at her for a moment as she spun herself in a circle gazing upon all the wonders of New Orleans.

"So Care, where are we gonna live?" Bonnie interrupted. Caroline looked at her with a frown. She suddenly looked at Klaus and then back to her friend.

"I don't know. God, how could I not think of that. I always plan ahead and now I have no idea." She told her friend as she looked around the city with panic now in her eyes. Klaus watched with a confused look on his face.

"You shall live with me, in my home." He said confused as if it wasn't already obvious. The girls looked at him for a moment and then turned back to face each other. Bonnie was about to say something, but Caroline quickly beat her to it.

"No." She said calmly. "We will find somewhere else." She refused to look at Klaus as she said this, but could feel his stare as she pulled out her phone to search for apartment buildings.

"Caroline, the whole point of this was so-" He started, but the blond once again began to talk.

"Klaus, I don't want to live with you!" She said in a rushed panic. He scanned her worried face and laughed.

"Love, you misunderstood. You and the Bennet witch-"

"It's Bonnie." She said as Klaus glared at her. Caroline couldn't help herself but to release a small laugh.

"Of course, you and Bonnie will live in my very large home with my siblings. Not just me." He said as he looked into Caroline's light blue eyes as she ran her fingers through her bright blond hair.

"But that's not exactly comforting considering that Rebekah hates me." Caroline said with a bit of fear in her eyes. Klaus nodded.

"My dear sister knows how to behave herself." He said calmly before turning his gaze to the small witch. She looked at him in confusion for a moment before realizing what he wanted from her.

"Don't worry Care, we will be fine. Plus he basically lives in a mansion." Bonnie said to her friend while she remained in eye contact with the original. He smirked as Caroline exhaled and dropped her shoulder.

"Fine." They heard her say before a big grin appeared on Klaus' face. Caroline forced herself not to laugh at the image of the 'big bad hybrid' smiling with a big goofy grin. She was unsuccessful once she began to chuckle lightly at him. He loosened his smile looked at the blond with caring eyes.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh." She said while a smile was still plastered on her face. Klaus had a smirk that tugged on the corners of his lips as he looked at the girl trying to force a straight face upon herself. Bonnie looked at both of them and rolled her eyes before exhaling a long breath.

"So, where is this mansion?" Bonnie asked interrupting her friend and the original. Caroline then turned her focus to Klaus and waited for a response.

"Follow me." He said softly as he began to walk away. Caroline looked at Bonnie with her eyebrows raised as they followed Klaus. They finally stopped at an odd looking building. To both girls it didn't look like much of a home, it seemed more like a hotel of some sort, but they smiled nonetheless. Caroline stared at the building for a long while before finally having the courage to walk up to the door. She inhaled a deep breath and stepped up to the door and faced Klaus.

"So, does someone have to invite me in or something?" She asked afraid to make a fool of herself. Klaus smiled at the girl and shook his head.

"Now why would I do that? If anyone is brave enough to enter my home they may." He said calmly as he stared into Caroline's eyes. Her and Bonnie glanced at each other for a moment. Caroline didn't walk in the house instead she waited at the doorway. Klaus then opened the door for her, but she remained standing at the doorway.

"Living here isn't putting me or my best friend in danger is it?" She asked as she stared at the hybrid. He shifted in his stance as Caroline refused to break contact with him.

"You couldn't be safer." He said with a smirk on his face, but Caroline still glared at him. He looked at her in confusion.

"Please tell me the truth." She paused for a moment remembering what happened the last time she had asked someone for this. "I know you have a lot of enemies who maybe can't kill you, but they can probably kill Bonnie or even me. So if this place isn't safe then don't drag us into our death beds." She said calmly as she had taken a few steps closer to the hybrid.

Klaus could feel her soft breaths on his face. He looked into her light blue eyes and then to her friend and nodded. "I will make sure no one will hurt you or Bonnie as long as you are here." He said in a now serious tone closing a few more inches between him and Caroline. She smiled and then quickly took a few steps back before walking in the door. Bonnie watched them and forced herself not to laugh at how desperate the original was.

"So where is our room?" Bonnie asked trying to put down all of the bags she was still holding. Klaus looked at her for a moment before sighing. We have plenty I'm sure you could find one to your liking as long as it has not been occupied already. Bonnie and Caroline looked at each other and smiled.

"Come on Bonnie, I'm sure the rooms are massive." Caroline said as her and her friend put down their bags and raced up the stairs. Klaus smiled at the sight of the blond being so comfortable in his home.

"Niklaus." He heard his elder brother say and slowly turned around to face Elijah.


"Why is it that there are two women in here running around like children?" He asked with a serious expression on his face. Klaus sighed as he looked at his brother.

"Elijah, I have brought them here remember. You agreed to this." Klaus said now irritated with his brother. Elijah smirked and then began to speak once more.

"Niklaus, you said you would bring a sophisticated girl, not two preschoolers." His brother made even the worst insults sound like complements sometimes.

"I assure you they will behave. I have just given them the pleasure of picking out their rooms and they are excited. She also acts much more foolish when with her friends, but they will be fine." Klaus told his brother confidently before they heard an unusual amount of laughter come from upstairs. "Excuse me." He said calmly as he now walked up the stairs to meet the girls.

Klaus finally found them in a large room as they sat on the floor giggling. He smiled as he saw the happiness in the blonds eyes.

"This one." Bonnie said to Klaus as he walked through the door.

"It's perfect." Caroline finished for her friend. Klaus looked at the girls in confusion for a moment. "What now?" Caroline asked taking notice of Klaus' face.

"I assumed you would want separate rooms." He told the girls. They then looked at each other and bright smiles appeared not even a moment later.

"Okay so we were thinking that we knock down this wall and make this our very own gigantic room filled with thousands of riches." Caroline said as she looked at Klaus. He then raised his eyebrows at the young vampire before the girls burst out laughing. "Okay, so maybe I'm joking. Bonnie will stay here and I will take the room next to hers." Caroline told him as she recovered from her laughing fit. He smirked at this knowing that Caroline's room would be right across from his own. She stared at him now in confusion but her only nodded.

"As you wish." He said before walking out and into his own room. Caroline watched him and rolled her eyes now knowing what he had been smiling about.

"This is so weird." Caroline told her friend who instantly agreed. Caroline then went down the stairs to grab hers and Bonnie's things and set out for her own room.

As Caroline entered the room she smiled with anticipation. A frown then took over her face. In seconds she was knocking on Klaus' door. Klaus opened his door and was pleasantly surprised to see Caroline standing outside his door nervously.

"Caroline." He said calmly as he looked at her. He noticed how she shifted nervously and but her lip as she tried to think of what to say to the hybrid.

"Okay so I know the rooms are probably all historical and stuff, but is there anyway that we could maybe redecorate?" She asked with hesitation as she looked down at the floor. Klaus suddenly placed his hand under her chin and brought her head up to face him. She looked at him awkwardly as her stared at her.

"Anything for you, love." He said calmly and Caroline exhaled in relief as she smiled at Klaus.

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