The End is Beautiful || Crowl...

By Noyasthighs

24.9K 759 178

"The end of a story is the start of a new one" *EDITING OF THE STORY BEGINS 1/5/23!* *finished 5/6/23* More

Prologue: My Story
A Vampire
End & Beginning
Different Plans
The Past
A Month
Long Ago
The Shelter
Heartbeats & Life
Your Eyes, My Smile
Into The Morning
Early Winter Chill
In Hot Water
Back To Sleep
SEASON 2: Eusford (A/N)
SEASON 2: Accepting
SEASON 2 : Different
Season 2: This Life (10K!)
SEASON 2: Promise
Season 2: Along For The Ride
SEASON 2: Osaka Bay
SEASON 2: For The Time Being
SEASON 2: The Opulent Mansion
SEASON 2: His Blood
SEASON 2: To the First Time
SEASON 2: Morohoshi
SEASON 2: To Crowley & Leila
Season 2: To Leila

Last Night

596 20 14
By Noyasthighs

I slowly approach the raven colored haired kid in the middle, silent as ever as he pays all his attention to Crowley, Horn and Chess in front of him. "I'll let you go today. But the next time I'm draining every last drop of your blood" Crowley announced with his signature smirk on his face.

"What-?!" The kid starts to yell before I gently tap his shoulder. "Better watch your back kid" I say with a laugh in my voice. Crowley was quick to my side to retreat from the group of vampire extermination livestock before they could decide to counter attack.

His cold fingertips trace the skin of my bare back. A quiet groan vibrated past my lips as a sudden chill creeps down my spine where he touched me. I slowly open my eyes to the early morning sunlight outside the window.

I was thirsty.

And painfully sore everywhere.

"Good morning" I hear him whisper against my ear. A quiet sigh left my lips before I slowly shifted to face him. "Hey" He says as soon as I finally settled. I gave him a once over. He was dressed in his uniform with his a kind smile on his face. Almost like nothing happened at all. "Hey" I mumble.

"How are you feeling?" He asks. "Parched" I admit with a chuckle in my tone. "I figured" The corpse admits with a smile. He sighed as he stood. "I'll get you something to drink" He says as he swiftly stood from his place on the bed. He quickly left the room.

I sat up in my spot in the bed, pressing the cover tight to my bare chest. I look around the room, finding that many of the bedding pieces were strewn about with a few cracks in the wall above the headboard to add. I sigh. Damn corpse...

A sudden sharp pain shot up through my sore body, making me gasp. I pull away the covers, finding my pale skin littered with dark bruises and deep bite marks. No freaking wonder im hurting.

"Sorry. Guess I went a little overboard huh?" His voice suddenly says. My head snapped up towards his direction as I press the covers to my chest tightly again. The corpse only smiled as he walked over to offer the champagne flute of a livestock's blood. I took it, feeling heat rush across my cheeks. He sat down in the spot he was before as I pull the tip of the glass to my lips. He watched silently as I downed the thick liquid in a few goes.

I took the last drink and sigh, feeling the pain gradually go away as the little bites and bruises heal.

"Did you enjoy it?" I ask. I toy with the glass in my hands to avoid his confused crimson eyes. "...even though you're a vampire?" I ask. The corpse scoffed.

"That would be an understatement Leila. The fact that I'm a vampire set aside" He admits as he pressed his freezing hand against my wrist. "Last night was the best night I've had in my 800 years..." He admits as he brings my hand up to lay my palm flat against his chest where his heart would beat if he were still alive. "Especially since it was with you of all people" He says.

More heat rushed to my cheeks. He had to have noticed by now.

His little chuckle proves it too.

He pressed his other hand to my cheek, pulling my face to meet his in a deep yet chaste kiss. A laugh quietly escaped my lips as I lean into his hold.

"Looks like I got here just in time. Sorry that I'm late Ferid" Crowley announced. The corpse turned to look over at us and his face fell into a smile. I kept my attention trained on the group of Demon Army Livestock, battered and barely hanging on to their will to fight.

They're gonna retreat any second.

I caught the glare of the raven haired kid from earlier. A smirk crossed my lips making the kid react with a anger scowl covering his face.

"Well now that you're here, the game i was planning doesn't sound as fun" Ferid admits as he sheathed his sword. "But I have an idea. Ehy don't we play a new game called 'Capture them alive'" Ferid says.

"I could get behind that" Crowley says with his knee weakening smirk as he turned to look at the livestock as well. The corpse eyed me, making my smirk grow bigger.

Oooo. About to let the wild card free huh? This is about to be fun.

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