The X in Skye

By MeganTaylor24

215K 4.6K 765

Skye Red was born into her family's mafia which just so happens to be the most powerful mafia. She is not a... More

Not my type of job
Power over Chinos
You'll find out
Care to explain?
The invitation
Girls night out!
Girls night out II
Not a movie
Pat me down
Midnight Skye
It's complicated
Boot camp
A win to a lose
Five Bs
Hidden information
That's why I'm called X
The Lions den!
Strobes to strike
Gossip and gowns
The Red men
Waltz of rescue
You feel it too!
Say your goodbyes!
Smoking rage!
There is no WE!
Good to be back
Taste of normality
So it begins...
He's the fix to her addiction
The walk in aftermath
Not a sweetheart
Splash of romance
You want in?
The Theatre
A Red Christmas
Bloody fury
Twisted psychology
The chase
Bright lights
Too soon?
Betrayal of the highest degree
His return
Make up
His letter
Black out
Tips and Tricks
The phone call
Gasoline to fire
Valuable lessons
Forever X
Thank you

Slashes for Slashes

1.4K 49 4
By MeganTaylor24

Skye's POV

After a feast fit for a queen and the longest Christmas movie marathon in history the house is restored to peace. Most left in a food coma. The boy's eyes are too big for their stomachs however, the don't back down for a challenge.

I look down to Grayson sound asleep, he has a calming nature about him. It still doesn't help me sleep. I brush his messy brown hair from his forehead with a smile.

I slipped out of bed gathering a hoodie in stealth mode in attempts of not stirring him awake.

I carefully lift my window up letting in the sharp breeze in, the sudden coldness runs through me but it feels good. I climb out taking one last glance at Grayson before stepping onto the small roof.

I lower the window leaving a small crack to allow me back in. I turn to find I'm not alone out here.

They didn't notice me. "What brings you out here?" I ask sitting next to them

"Can't sleep" He answers not taking his eyes away from the nice view in front of us. "That makes two of us" I smirk bringing my legs to my chest.

"Why'd you let me stay?" Tyler's face is lit with the moonlight. His bruises are starting to heal but the purple colour is still present. He stares awaiting my answer.

I huff "I'm still trying to figure that out" a small amused sigh comes from him

"Maybe because I feel somewhat to blame. If you didn't turn on your Father he wouldn't have harmed you"

That was the first time I had let the truth out. I didn't explain myself to anyone, I had to reassure Grayson but nobody tried to convince me otherwise.

"Nobody is to blame except Arthur himself" He harshly states. As much as I want to stop everything he's right, this is something I couldn't prevent.

A minute silence passed before he asks "Why did you stop them killing me?"

"What is this 20 twenty questions?" I laugh due to my hopes of stalling.

It is clear he isn't going to let it slide. "You hurt me Tyler" he looks guilty as he should "But, as much as I hated you I still care. You weren't always bad to me"

"Hated? Past tense?" he asks with a small glimmer of hope.

I roll my eyes "You are far from being my favourite person but so far you've kept true to your word. Betraying your Father doesn't come easily and for that you're off of my hit list" he chuckles a little.

"You know I never meant to hurt you" I glare at him questioning the stupid statement. He swallows a lump in his throat "Arthur had been threating me for weeks. It was about a grand scheme he had with an ally away from the wolves" He's been working with Lorenzo a lot longer than I thought.

"All I knew was Jessica's family was somehow wrapped up in it. I had to build a relationship with her and destroy my one with you. I hated it. Every second" His eyes were glazing and his words sounded genuinely sorrow.

"I never did anything with her. I didn't even want to be around her but I had no choice"

"You could have told me we could have worked something out" he turns back to me.

He shakes his head "I wasn't going to drag you into this mess. Like you said betraying your own blood doesn't come easy" he looks back to the view

"I didn't tell him about my plan with Jessica. So, when he found out what happened and Red knew he was furious, worse than I've ever seen. I still have scars where he beat me"

Something isn't adding up "So, the cheating scene wasn't his idea?"

He laughs "Not at all. I knew what was coming and I needed to find a way to stop it. I wanted you as far away as possible"

He looks a little more relaxed, he's been carrying that on his shoulders for months "Perhaps that's why" I pause for a second "Deep down I knew there was more to the story. I kept telling myself you wanted more than what I was giving but it didn't feel right"

He gives me a small smile with a hint of sadness "You may be able to kick my ass and look after yourself but this was my way of protecting you. I know it's pathetic and quite frankly it's only made him more powerful"

I rest my head on his shoulder, I feel his eyes look down in surprise but his body softens quickly after "I think we'll be just okay against Arthur" he hums in agreement. "I just wish you didn't run" I thought out loud.

He moves looking down at me "If I didn't you wouldn't have met him" he nods his head to my bedroom window. I grow a small smile "I see the way you look at each other Skye. I'm happy someone bringing out Skye rather than X all the time" I laugh shaking my head. I'm two different people and they don't tend to get along.

"Speaking of X. What's happening tomorrow?" he asks

I shake my head with a smile "More like what's first?"


I open my eyes expecting to see Grayson asleep however, he is not. Strange. He's never been awake before me. I turn to my alarm. 8am. He hardly wakes up for school let alone on winter break.

I hop out of bed deciding to sort myself out before worrying about him, he's old enough to look after himself.

The hoodie I wore lays on the chair near my window, I pick it up flashing back to last night. A small part of me thought it was some weird hallucination, having a conversation with Tyler and actually listening, something I thought I was past.

Blake's smile is the first thing I see as I walk into the kitchen. "Bit early for you isn't it?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

"Men with as good looks as me don't need beauty sleep, it's a figure of speech" I clip the back of his sarcastic head. He groans with a laugh.

"Why is the house quiet?"

"Mama Red is in the study. Wolfie is... well, it's Wolfie most likely in his office. As for your brother probably planning how he's going to take over the world"

I laugh at his accuracy. "You have the honour of me and"

"Me" Tyler causally chimes strolling into the room. He looks a lot happier compared to the last few weeks.

"Well" I slam my hands on the counter "I'm hungry so get your asses up and help me cook breakfast"


Since Christmas hours are apparently a thing now Axel finally turned up. Relationship troubles I assumed considering his sour face and attitude, perfect mood for what's to come.

Grayson has gone completely M.I.A. The modern day and he still can't answer a single call or text.

"The last god awful place the idiots chose" Blake says as I pull up to the weirdly up together looking building I have yet to explore. They seemed to have used places far enough away from the public for their evil acts to proceed.

We continue to get out the car with Axel following behind us, Tyler had the pleasure of riding with him.

"Let's have some fun boys" I smirk pulling my first blade out.

Walking straight into cross fire is something the boys thrive off, testosterone has been especially high of late.

They went trigger happy taking the first three out quicker than their brains to comprehend what was happening. I knock one man down with ease, embarrassing on their behalf so far. I nod for them to go ahead.

One blade, two blade, three blade flew just as I finish I feel a gush of air to the side of me. I catch the fist and twist it pressing the pathetically dumb girl against me.

"What a pleasure" I growl into her ear.

She screams and kicks me in the shin shoving me back.

The commotion made the room silent "Go ahead boys. This one's mine" I smirk not taking my eyes off of her.

Just as I finish the room fills with more men. Another fist comes at me but I duck, she's weaker than I thought.

I lunge at her landing a definite bruise on what she thinks is a perfect face. She groans kicking me, it slightly winds me but I'm pleasantly surprised.

I jump further and further back every punch is thrown. Until I duck sliding on the floor landing behind her. She turns frantically. I wink angering her more.

The pleasure of watching her simmer is cut short when I hear the sound of a jamming gun. Hyper hearing has it's blessings, a panicked Tyler is the victim.

Without a thought I reach into the back of my jeans "TYE" I yell throwing my gun through the air. He catches it immediately firing it on the balcony landing a chest shot.

Suddenly a sharp pain riddles my thigh. I look down to see a bleeding slash. Blood trickles down my leg while a squeaky giggle taunts me. This bitch really took my blade.

"What's wrong Skye? Out of blades?" She pouts sarcastically.

I straighten up "Far from it" a wave of panic washes over her "And unfortunately Jessica"

"You've just pissed off X" I reach for a metal construction pole that has been conveniently placed next to me "See, Skye plays fair but X" I swing the pole swiping her legs out from beneath her, she lands with a thump "Is far from it" She groans rubbing her head, the fall most likely caused her concussion.

I approach her as she crawls back. Her room soon runs short causing her to once again hit her head. I drag her onto her feet and pin her to the wall by her neck. The blood from my leg is starting to puddle on the floor.

"You're a fool to think you can go against me and win" I bite

She slaps me. the sting on my cheek is nothing compared to my leg but it infuriates me more.

I chuckle in her face "But if a fight is what you want it's what you'll get" I let her go. She flattens her jacket and once again swings for me. I catch her fist "Too much swing" I grin releasing her hand.

Each time critiquing her lame technique.

Punch after punch it was time to put her out her misery. I kick her back finishing her off with a roundhouse kick. She falls back smashing the grand mirror.

I bend down touching her new bloody wound "Shame, looks like you've got 7 years of bad luck heading your way" I smirk as her dazed eyes focus on me.

She scrambles to her feet but has no urge to fight.

"Now I'd rather not slice you into little pieces resulting in me killing you but we both know" I lean forward playing with one of my blades and whisper "I will"

The boys make an entrance looking the most part fine. "Ahh, boys just in time" I say dramatically "The lovely Jessica was just about to tell me what exactly she's doing here"

Her bitch face is paired with a locked jaw. I lean forward waiting

"I came looking for my Father" She choked out

I look between everyone "I assume you didn't find him or did they find him first?" I ask pointing to the others.

"He's not here. Where have you got him?" she spits exposing her left over aggression

I laugh at her desperation "I can assure you we wouldn't waste time on one of you"

"Arthur did though" Tyler interrupts

The plot thickens even more. "He had a choice stay and protect his family or leave and remain unharmed. Can you guess the rest?"

For once she looked hurt. Not physically but emotionally "He left us" she says boarding on tears

Daddy's princess is not so royal anymore.

The threatening tears did indeed fall. The small spark of humanity I possess annoyingly makes an appearance.

"Guys. Wait outside a minute" I don't turn to see their reactions, I wait to hear their footsteps.

"Want to finish me off in private?" she mumbles

I shake my head "I only did this because I had to" she rolls her eyes and glares at the floor.

"As much as I've dreamt to get rid of you I know deep down you're just a normal girl who's been messed up. You wear a bitchy mask to hide every mental scar your family has put you through" I crouch down to where she slid down

"So, I'm giving you an escape goat" her eyes snap to mine "I can't imagine what it's like being abandoned and left for dead by my Father. If we harm you it's one less thing he has to deal with. But, if I keep you alive, you make it your life's work to be as successful and powerful as he thinks he is. Let him pay by you winning"

I hold my hand out "Do we have a deal?"

She takes a deep breath "Yes"

I pull her close and whisper in her ear "But remember I'm queen around here. Do not cross me again"

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