Melt My Iced Heart // Drarry

By kayleighvdeinden

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Harry has been abused for years and when he finally attends Hogwarts he got himself a personal bully....Draco... More

1. Where it all began
2. It won't stop
3. Depression is a dementor
4. Triwizard Tournament
5. Main target
6. Deepest secret
7. Counting ribs
8. Tell me the truth
9. Riddle unraveled
10. Dragon slayer
11. Dance elegance
12. Amortentia
13. Tux shopping
14. Yule Ball
15. A very Drarry Christmas
16. The golden egg
17. Team Draco or team Cedric?
18. Broken trust
19. Black Lake secrets
20. The unwanted kiss
22. Getting cozy with Malfoy
23. Leave him alone
24. Not so blissful ignorance
25. Real witch move

21. Friends with my enemies

395 22 5
By kayleighvdeinden

Almost 4K I can't believe it I never thought I would get this much reads and I'm forever grateful. From now on I'm trying to upload 1 chapter per week so stay tuned. If I'm not going to make it then I will announce it on my profile. I'm still very busy with internship but I really want to finish this story <3

Draco's POV: 

It feels good to finally be friends with Potter. But now comes the hard part, the part where I tell my friends about the fact that I made friends with my enemies. Well Blaise always liked Potter and wasn't really happy when I used to bully The Golden Boy. But Crabbe and Goyle never liked Potter, they always told me they hated everything about him, the fact that he always gets what he wants, always gets out of trouble even though he isn't in trouble often. 

They hated that everyone liked Potter so much and now they have to hear from me that I made friends with the said boy. Well I didn't understand why I ever hated the boy, I mean he's adorable and wouldn't even hurt a fly. But there is only one person standing in my way from making him mine and that is Diggory. I know he kissed Potter on purpose with the second task and I could see at Potter's face that he was shocked, disappointed and embarrassed. That's what gave me a little hope to make the first step and that is being friends with him. 

Yeah after I saw them kissing I was heartbroken and sad, I just wanted to leave the Black Lake and go cry in my dorm and luckily Blaise saw my facial expression and escorted me back to the castle. But when I cried for 2 hours straight I realized Potter's reaction to the kiss and that was for me the reason to take the first step. I gave the boy some time to recover from my last attack and now I wanted to be his friend. 

I just simply have to control that demon inside my head that tries to make me the perfect Malfoy my father wants me to be but that's not who I wanna be. For 4 years straight I did every single thing my father asked me to, I put on an attitude, made it into Slytherin house, made enough friends and even 2 henchmen, got a girlfriend which I regretted later and got good grades on my exams. 

The only thing I did not do was made friends with Potter in first year, yeah my father strictly asked me to do that even though he would be in a different house I had to make friends with Potter just for my stupid reputation. My father did not care about my wellbeing, he only cared about money and reputation. I had to make friends with Potter because he was famous and everyone knew him and his reputation was on point. He said it would really be good for me to have Potter on my side but when I saw Potter for the first time I must be honest I was disappointed. 

I expected an outgoing person who was enthusiastic, talks with everyone, tries to be on his best you know what I mean. But instead I saw a tiny boy with doe eyes and pouty lips and flinched even when Longbottom tried to pick up his toad. I was a horrible person to him and who knew that in fourth year I started to develop feelings for him and even liked the features he has which I used to be disappointed about. My father was not happy with the fact that I didn't make friends with Potter but I told him he was in Hufflepuff house and that he was nothing like the stories everyone tells and that made him calm down. 

Father even hates Potter right now because in second year he visited the school and Potter bumped into him knocking him off his feet. But that's not the real reason he hates him because my father secretly works for The Dark Lord and The Dark Lord wants Potter dead because he stole all his powers and almost killed him. And Potter set Dobby our house elf free and actually I was secretly kind of grateful for that because my father was always abusing Dobby. We have many house elves in our mansion but Dobby was always the victim. I kind of feel bad for him because Dobby was a kind hearted house elf and I used to play with him in the huge garden when I was little. 

I told him all about Potter, the good and the bad stuff and I hope he didn't tell him when we sent him to Potter. I hope Dobby is doing well because at home he was always being kicked and punched by my father, I don't get why he always had to pick on Dobby. 

Right now I'm in my dorm reading The Alchemist  because I have nothing better to do anyway but that's when I realized I had to tell Crabbe and Goyle about me being friends with Potter. What if they pick on him when I'm not there? If they know that I'm friends with the said boy then they will leave him alone if they even want to stay alive. 

I jumped from my bed, threw my book on it and then kicked the door open to walk to the common room where the 2 fat asses where sitting on the black leather couch, warming up by the fireplace and eating all the muffins they stole from the kitchen AGAIN. 

''Didn't I told you guys not to steal any more muffins from the kitchen you will lose us house points for Slytherin!'' I gave both the guys a slap on the back of their heads causing them to flinch and rub the place I just hit them. 

''But Malfoy there is no house cup this year'' oh yeah I forgot. 

''Well then......why didn't you bring ME any?'' they flinched and threw me some muffins. I took a seat on the couch across from them and gave them a confused look ''What's the matter with you two haven't you eat at dinner?'' I asked and they looked up with their mouths full of muffin some crumbles even falling out of their mouths ''These muffins weren't served at the feast''. 

I rolled my eyes at them ''You two are lucky there's no house cup this year otherwise I would've hang you two upside down in the broom closet'' they looked up at me with open mouths and then gulped. Crabbe and Goyle were always scared of me but they should be because I'm the one in charge. Actually they have nothing to be scared of because they are taller, bigger and they weight more than I can lift anyway. 

''I've gotta tell you guys something by the way'' they ate the last pieces of their muffins and paid their attention on me. After some very quiet seconds they stopped chewing and swallowed their last piece of muffin. 

''Potter and I hung out the white flag''.

They looked at me confused while they didn't stop chewing their muffins. Of fucking course they don't understand war language. ''Potter and I are no longer enemies, we're friends actually''.

Apparently they both didn't swallow their muffin pieces yet because the moment those words left my lips they spit out the in saliva covered pieces of muffin and stared at me with wide eyes and their mouths wide open. ''Why?'' Crabbe started. 

''I thought you hated Potter?'' Goyle added. 

''Let me explain it first will ya?'' I stood up annoyed at their expressions and behavior and walked around the black leather couches while my attention was pointed on the flames in the fireplace ''I've bullied Potter for 4 years only because I was disappointed that he wasn't the Harry Potter from the stories my mother used to tell me when I was younger. And I know that's not Potter's fault but I had to keep my Malfoy image so I started bullying him''.

I looked up at Crabbe and Goyle who relaxed in their seats and listened carefully to every word I said ''When this year started I noticed something about Potter, he was more silent than usual, skinnier than usual and more scared than usual and I wondered what had happened to him last summer and when I did some investigation I decided that I would hang out the white flag and shake hands with him and act like friends''.

They looked at me with confused ''Well what happened to him then?'' Goyle asked but I shook my head ''I can't tell you, it's too personal'' I don't even know everything that happened to him so I'm not gonna tell anyone about this and besides he doesn't want me to tell anyone this is his secret. 

''Well if you're friends with Potter then we will leave him alone too'' Goyle says. 

''Oh you better be, I don't want to get in trouble again for your behavior'' they shook their heads making me grin. I am a coward sometimes I'll admit that but Crabbe and Goyle were so submissive to me, I can do anything to them and they won't even argue. I wonder why that is maybe it has something to do with my last name, my rich family perhaps? 

Harry's POV:

After my talk with Malfoy I walked up to the Hufflepuff common room to finally go to bed and the next day I decided to tell some of my friends about my new friendship with Draco. I do this because I don't want to lie to my friends or keep this an unspoken subject. And if I don't tell them honestly they will find out anyway if I suddenly get friendly with Draco. 

I went up to the library, the first person I want to tell this is Hermione because she had a hard time with Malfoy too so I have a lot of explaining to do. I walked in the library looking at my feet to ignore the glare from madam Pince and made my way to the back where Hermione was reading Hogwarts: A History for the hundredth time. 

''Harry!'' she screamed enthusiastically when I approached her table ''Hi 'Mione'' I smiled and took a seat across from her. 

''Did you know that in the late 1900's the Hogwarts uniform was navy blue? And girls had to wear a tartan skirt'' I sat down and looked around me. 

''Ron is at the Quidditch pitch playing a friendly game against Ravenclaw if you're looking for him'' I chuckled ''Well actually I wanted to talk to you 'Mione''.

She closed her book and put it down on the table while looking at me with full attention ''I know you don't like him but....but uhhmmm......I sort of made friends with Malfoy'' I mumbled. She looked confused ''Harry I can't understand you when you're mumbling'' I sighed and fidgeted with my hands ''I made friends with Malfoy''.

This time she looked dumbfounded and even more confused ''Harry why would you make friends with that snake?'' I flinched because she raised her voice causing her to calm down immediately. She doesn't know anything about the Dursley's but she knows I flinch easily. 

''I-I thought m-maybe I could better be friends with him than enemies because I don't want him on the wrong side'' she sighed and moved closer to me grabbing my hands ''But since when did Malfoy agreed to be your friend?''. 

I looked her deep in her eyes ''Since he saw what happened to me and then he apologized'' I made Hermione even more worried than she already was, maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut because now she's gonna ask questions but Hermione is my friend she has the right to know about what happened to me. 

''Harry what do you mean with 'what happened to me'''?.

I fidgeted with my hands again and started to tell her everything, from the beating from the Dursley's to the starvation and the cupboard under the stairs they kept me in. The name calling and letting me do all the chores in the house, I even told her about the touching without consent and that's something I haven't told anyone. At the end we were both crying in the corner of the library me holding on to her tight and she was hugging me like this was my last day on earth. 

''Oh Harry I didn't know you went through all of that I'm such a bad friend'' she cried in my shoulder leaving a large wet spot on my robe ''No 'Mione you're not a bad friend''. 

I soothe her by rubbing my hand up and down her back ''Yes I am Harry if I was a good friend to you, you would have told me sooner''. 

''Hermione listen, you're not a bad friend. The fact that I haven't told you earlier is because I haven't told anyone and I have a hard time telling it because I'm embarrassed and I don't like to talk about it'' she nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. I love Hermione no matter what and I'm glad that I've took a step forward into telling her about it. Because now I have more motivation for telling the rest of my friends but first I need to tell them about my unexpected friendship with the blond Slytherin.

I told Hermione about my Christmas time with Malfoy and she smiled because I was very enthusiastic about it. I told her I made friends with him because I believe he changed and he's working on becoming a better person ''You're way to good for this cruel world Harry, that's one of the things why you belong in Hufflepuff'' I smiled ''Hufflepuff isn't always full of sweet people and Slytherin isn't always full of evil people. Everyone has different qualities''.

''That's true''. 

''Hermione?'' I begin. 

''Yes Harry?'' he looked up at me from my shoulder ''Please don't tell anyone about this, I want to take my time before I tell the rest because you're the only one who knows apart from Malfoy'' she nodded in response. 

After I helped Hermione from the ground because we were both sitting on the ground leaning on the book shelf, I walked out of the library while she went back to her table to read some other books. I walked to the Hufflepuff dorms and saw Cedric coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair soaking wet. He walked up to his bed leaving a wet path on the ground but when he noticed I was standing in the doorway blushing he looked up at me smirking ''Were you staring Harry?''.

I noticed my drooling look and the red tint on my cheeks and shook myself out of my daydream I mean Cedric is good looking but I'm still not sure about my feelings ''No what are you talking about?'' I joked and plopped on my bed. ''Cedric I need to talk to you about something'' he put on his clothes and then focused on me. 

''Have you finally made up your mind about that kiss?'' he smiled but I shook my head giving him a disappointment look. I immediately felt bad but I just don't want to give him false hope or a broken heart. ''I just wanted to tell you that I made friends with Malfoy''. 

He dropped his wand on the ground which he held seconds ago and looked at me with a confused and a bit of an angry face ''What why?!'' he screamed making me flinch but he didn't seem to notice. 

''I thought it would be better to be friends with him than enemies''. 

''May I remind you Harry that Malfoy beat the shit out of you, called you names, called Hermione a Mudblud several times, used jinxes on Neville and not to forget he's a Slytherin, a Malfoy and his father works for the dark side which makes him automatically a Deatheater''. 

''How do you know his family works for the dark side? You can't go calling people Deatheaters without prove!'' I screamed because this time I was the one who was angry. How dare he call them Deatheaters when he doesn't have any prove. 

''I know they're Deatheaters Harry, after the First Wizarding War a lot of Deatheaters were arrested by the Ministry of Magic but some Deatheater families regained freedom. Families like the Nott's, the Crabbe's, the Goyle's and the Malfoy's. They claimed to be enslaved by the Imperius Curse but I don't believe any of that'' he snapped. 

''But how do you know they became Deatheaters on purpose? What if they were really enslaved? I don't believe they served The Dark Lord because the Malfoy's are really dominant. And besides even if they did it on purpose Draco had nothing to do with that because he was a kid back then''.

''Oh so now it's suddenly Draco? What happened to Malfoy?'' he snapped again. 

''Cedric please-'' I wanted to talk but he cut me off. 

He raised an eyebrow ''Harry dear, the Malfoy's were indeed dominant but they were also hungry for power and The Dark Lord promised them power if they cooperated. They were just too stupid to see that The Dark Lord would never give them power''.

''How do you know all that?'' I looked confused and a bit cranky while he was scratching his chin ''My father tells me a lot of stories''. I don't know if I should believe Cedric, I don't really pay much attention in History of Magic. But if the Malfoy's really served the wizard that killed my family then I would like to stay away from them but I know Draco wasn't involved in any of that. He couldn't because he was a kid just like me but then a little older. 

I also told Cedric about my Christmas time with Malfoy and he looked like he could snap his wand in two. If looks could kill I was ripped in half but I don't understand I mean I had a nice time with Malfoy otherwise I had to spend Christmas with........yeah you know who I mean. But he doesn't know about the Dursley's yet but I don't want to cry again so I would tell him some other time. 

''Why would you spend Christmas with that dick?!'' I flinched again from the hard voice. ''Ron went on a trip with his family and I couldn't come with them and I couldn't go home because of reasons but I stayed at school and Malfoy found me in the Room Of Requirement and well I was crying because I didn't want to spend Christmas alone and then he stayed with me''. 

I don't think I've ever seen Cedric so angry but I don't get what his problem is because it's nice from Malfoy to keep me company with Christmas. And he won't bully me anymore because we raised the white flag. Still I have some strange idea that Cedric might be jealous but why? It's not like Malfoy is in love with me or something. 

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