My Trophy Boy

By bubblegum_space

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My Trophy Boy An episodic drama series exploring the unfathomable feelings and actions between connected pola... More

A/N: Hello!!!
Introduction: Character Profiles
A1S1: An Invitation
A/N: Holland's 'Home'
A1S2: Unexpected Response
A1S3: A Streamer?
A1S4: Who's Home
A1S5: Interruption
Act 2 - Scene 1: Observations
Act 2 - Scene 1: Dinner Date
Act 2 - Scene 2: Passing Moments
Act 2 - Scene 3: The Watcher
Act 2 - Scene 4: Out of The Black
Act 3 - Scene 1: Sunday
Act 3 - Scene 1: Talking To Myself
Act 3 - Scene 2: School Drama
Act 3 - Scene 2: The Shock of The Surprise
Act 3 - Scene 2: Rush Hour
Act 3 - Scene 3: Holding Back The Tears To Cry
The Cave Bar
Act 3 - Scene 4: Cave Bar
Act 4 - Scene 1: Morning
Quinton's House
Act 4 - Scene 2: Quinton's Hospitality
Act 4 - Scene 3: Quinton's Thoughts
Chapter 24: Getting With It
Chapter 25: Mind Full
Chapter 26: Pushing On
Chapter 27: Hiding In The Closet
Chapter 28: Lost Control
Chapter 29: Environmental State
Chapter 30: Office
Chapter 31: Office Part 2
Chapter 32: Office Part 3
Chapter 33: An Offer
Chapter 34: Eek
Chapter 35: Quinton's Morning
Chapter 36: Heading Up And Out
Chapter 37: 145 Minutes With Him
Chapter 38: Ignorance
Chapter 39: What The...
Chapter 40: I'm awake!
A/N: Meet The Secondary Characters!!!
Chapter 41: Mates?
Chapter 42: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Chapter 43 Part 1: The Shower
Chapter 43 Part 2: Brushing Our Teeth
Chapter 43 Part 3: Cream Me
Chapter 44: The Younger Sibling
Chapter 45: Ow
Chapter 46: Chris' Insight
Chapter 47: Feeling Like A Reck
Chapter 48: What To Do, What To Have?
Chapter 49: Annoying?
Chapter 50: How H+Q Ended Up In The Cinema Room
Chapter 51: My Inflicted Pain
Chapter 52: Playing Games
Chapter 53 Part 1: The start of a long day.
Chapter 53 Part 2:The Ride Back
Chapter 53 Part 3: Not So Bad
Chapter 53 Part 4: Whats To Come?
Chapter 54: The Playroom Part 1
A Lotta Love And A Little Pain
Author's Note:
The Start of The Next Day
Car Ride
In The Car Moment
As Quiet As A Mouse
Keeping Safe
The Sadist's Pleasures
A Few Words
Holland's Discovery
Quick Confessions
What Shall I Do?
Author's Note
Oh, So This Is Where We're At?
New Home
Shower Moment
Evening Meal And A Confession
Teary Eyes
AM in The Morning
Early Morning: Task One

Act 2 - Scene 1: Theatre

1.4K 101 30
By bubblegum_space


"I fucking birthed you, you motherfucking ungrateful black shit!" Yelled Marcia.

"Yet you still haven't learnt the art of mothering a child let alone two, you good for nothing slag!" I yelled back.

I was in the midsts of my project and Marcia suddenly decided to barge into my room raging on about how my room was still her room. From there we've just been arguing and it's been like 20 minutes already. I didn't want to cuss her down, because this crazy bitch was about to get physical. I was not going to lay my hands on her, though I had deeply wished she would leave for good.


My left cheek stung, but I held my nerve even if it was my last. The viper of a woman walked off and then slammed the front door. I went to look around to see if she left her house key and much to my luck she did. I took it and locked the front door.

I refuse to let her back in!

It was time to neaten the yard and get ready. It was 15:00 and I need to leave the flat by 17:00.


"Can I go then?" Asked Paris.

"Run me through it again." I shook my head. I wanted her to stay home and get work done, but she was a party girl.

"Me and two girlies are going to a house party, I'll be back before 11." She put her hands together in a begging motion.

House party? Was it the one CJ wanted to invite me to?


"Whyyy?!" She whined.

"Because." I put on a Boss cologne. It was my first designer fragrance and made me feel somewhat good about myself.

"Because what?!" She continued to whine.

"Because theres gang bangers there, mandem way above your age and some above mine. You should be doing your homework and revising, but most importantly you have athletics tomorrow morning. It's also important you stay and watch over the yard whilst I go on this business date. We don't want Marcia to come back and vandalise the place, now do we?" I lectured, giving her the side eye.

Her shoulders slumped as she huffed and puffed. "Always ruining my fun." She muttered.

"You always go out, I don't. This-" I pointed to my formal attire. "Is so I can maybe negotiate my way into earning a lot more money." I put my hand on her shoulder. She shrugged me off. Cheeky cow!

"So you can quit your porn shit?" She raised a brow and said with sarcasm.

"It's so you and I can have a better life. Get out of this dump, become financially stable, and for you to live your dream. But sis you need to do your part." I said with cold sincerity.

"Fine, whatever. I'm having a friend round though." She demanded.

"Uh who?" I frowned.


"Ugh fine, don't make a mess and don't go into my room, or touch my shit!" I rolled my eyes.

"We won't!" She said in a duh tone.

"Better not, I don't trust your friends." I made her beware for the billionth time.

"I know, cha." I she kissed her teeth, rudely, before she rolled her eyes and walked to her room.

"I'll give you £20 to order a takeaway!" I shouted so she could hear me. That lil girl knew how to grind my gears with her foul attitude, but watch her switch up when she wants something.
"Ah shit! I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago!" I groaned as I checked the time and grabbed my jacket.

I wore a white dress shirt, black skinny jeans, white Nike socks, white air forces, a black hoodie - because it was cold, a black suit-jacket, fake diamond stud earrings, an unbranded black watch and my bum bag. My hair was moisturised with cantu products and gel so my coils sprung. I made sure I had my wallet and my phone before I put in my earphones, locked the door and went on my way.

...Holland and his outfit^...

I waited for the bus, which was like 10 minutes late and hoped that I wasn't going to miss the train. Unfortunately, the bus broke down and all passengers remained seated for another 10 minutes, as we awaited for another bus to arrive.

I'm 100% going to miss this ediat train! I frowned and shubbed (pushed) up my lips at the thought.

I got to the train station at like 17:48, which to me meant I'm gonna miss the train! The train left in two minutes, so I ran to the platform I needed to get to in hopes that I'd make it. I voiced out a hundred quick apologies to all the people I bumped into, but didn't stop in my tracks. It was their business if they heard me or not..

As soon as I ran down the stairs of the underground, I felt defeated and breathless as I watched how my train mercilessly zoomed away. I must have cursed loudly or some shit, because people were looking at me funny.

"Fuck sake man, like what the actual fuck?!" I slowly and sloppily made my way to a bench.

I took a deep breath, but instantly regretted it, because the smells of the underground were fumey and foul. I took out my phone, resumed my music and emailed Mr Michaels to say how I will be a bit late. I looked at the digital chart ahead which read '12 minutes' until the next train's arrival. According to google maps that meant I'll be at the theatre by 6:25.


Being in the city of Central London made me not hate London as much as I initially thought I did. The bright city lights and joyous street entertainment was definitely a heart-warmer. It was next level busy, which was no surprise, and had me in a weird wowed awe.

I had no time to waste on all the attraction, therefore I hurried to where the maps directed me. I had seen about two other theatres and was puzzled as to why there was a need to have more than one. I've never been to the theatre before, so this was new to me.

I bumped into someone, but this time stopped and apologised. This collision actually hurt this time and I think that's because the person was a lot bigger than me.

"I'm sorry." I repeated as I looked down at classy embroidered shoes.

I paused my music as I needed to ask the stranger of my whereabouts. Honestly I was sort of lost. All these theatres were neighbouring each other and the maps said that I had arrived at my destination.

I looked up to see a chiselled jawed, long blond haired, mint-green eyed man, that looked very polished, smelled very fragrant and had predictor shaped eyes, like a lion. I was almost gawking, but kept a straight face for composure. The beautiful specimen gave me a sudden smile to showcase his perfect pearly whites. Posh British caucasians don't tend to care for their teeth very much. They were always yellow or fucked, well generally speaking. Maybe he wasn't British?

"Nice to finally meet you, Holland Pierce." His deep smooth velvety voice greeted, then he stuck out his hand.

I shook it, hesitantly. I was shocked. No way this was Mr Michaels?! How did he even recognise me?

"E-evening, Mr Michaels." I looked at him in the eyes, but instantly regretted it.

I was nervous. I felt shy, but I had to try to mask it. It was hard. His vibrant eyes stared right back into mine with no hesitation. I felt the need to gulp down the tension that was stuck in my throat, but struggled as the grip of his hand began to hurt me. The man had an overly strong grip as he prolonged our handshake.

"Call me Quinton." He stated firmly, letting go.

"Alright then... Quinton." I forced out a half smile as I rubbed my throbbing hand.

"Let's go in shall we?" He said pleasantly before guiding me to the entrance of the theatre.

People were still cuing up and I was shocked. He asked me to be here at 6 and currently it's half past.

"How are there still people cuing?" I wondered, more so to myself.

"They're the common folk so they must get checked before entering the theatre." He stated as we walked straight past the cue and security.
"As VIP I like to be served first." He said with a low tone of voice, sparking my interests.
"To make sure we have our refreshments before the bars and stands are open to the public." He added as he guided me up a large elegant set of spiral stairs.
"However you kept me waiting, so now we must cue for the snacks." He grumbled.

I couldn't interpret his tone. Was he being sarcastic about my punctuality or was he genuinely insulted by it?
For good measure I apologised again. "Sorry for being late." I mumbled with embarrassment.

The intimidating handsome hunk of a man, in his black fitted suit, guided me to the bar. Every time he guided me to a new direction he put a hand on the small of my back, like I was a lady. I didn't think much of it at first, but it happened frequently as he guided me to a new direction. He could've used his words and said 'this way' or 'that way', or was he too posh for that?

Nevertheless, the interior of this extravagant building was fricken beautiful! Down to every single detail there was something extraordinary, especially up here. We were on the top floor and from down below you could see the majority of people go through a different entrance.

Feels like some blacks v whites type shit, just without the colour. Rich v poor then.. Though I wasn't rich he obviously he was. Still though it was weird..

"Evening, Sire. What can I get you this evening?" The bartender addressed Mr Michaels respectfully.

Quinton looked to me and raised a brow. I was momentarily confused until I snapped out my clouded thoughts and got with it.

"I-uh... I'll have a..." I didn't know what I wanted. When I had looked at the menu board everything was expensive!
"I'll have a lemonade and a scoop ginger cake ice cream." I smiled politely.

The man serving us was austere. He didn't smile back, but looked at Quinton and asked if he wanted anything else. I was going to pay for my  own shit to show that I was capable, but Quinton began to order a whole leap of shit out of nowhere!

"May I get a chocolate muffin scoop, a glass of rouge and a large box of paprika and honey popcorn."

My face scrunched up at the sound of paprika and honey popcorn. Mr Michaels looked down at me and momentarily chuckled.

"Don't judge a book by its cover." He simply stated.

"Will that be all, Sire?" Asked the bartender that purposely avoided to look in my direction.

"Do you want an alcoholic beverage?" Quinton asked me.

"Uh.. no thank you." I awkwardly smiled.

"In total that will be £47."

I double clicked the side of my phone to pay via card, but Michaels gently grabbed my right hand and held it down by his left hand side. I looked up at him puzzled and he shook his head with a smile.

"But-" I was about to argue.

"Keep the receipt." Michaels said to the bartender as he tapped his card on the card machine.

The bartender got busy with our orders and Michaels let go of my hand.

"So the play we're going to watch is written by an acquaintance of mine. She's a classical writer that likes to incorporate a modern flare into her works. Unfortunately, she won't be here tonight to watch the premiere of her 6th play, but I hope you enjoy." He spoke softly.

I could literally sink into his voice..

"I'm sure I will, I've never been to the theatre before." I said honestly.

I looked up to him and he his features softened as he raised his brows.

"Never?" He questioned.

"Never." I clarified as I grabbed our orders.

"Well then you're in for a treat." He nodded with a pleasant smile on his face.

Plays and stuff never intrigued me to be honest, but then again I didn't know what to expect from them. When I hear of a 'play' I think of Shakespeare who doesn't interest me as a writer. It was painful having to study his works for my GCSEs, so for this I was prepared to be bored. As long as I don't fall asleep the evening should go smoothly.

I felt like there were people following us. I turned around and there were two buff looking dudes in casual formal wear. They were separated apart, but followed us every corner we took. They blended in with other people around us well.

"Uh Quinton?" I lightly nudged him.
He just looked at me before he looked down at the spot where I had nudged him. I hope he wasn't offended.
"I think there's two guys following us." I whispered.

The man turned to look. Ugh he was so bait! Then let out a loud laugh and shook his head. What was so funny?!

"They're my security guards." He stated.

Now I feel just plain dumb and stupid.

"Good evening, Sire Michaels and co." A woman standing by a narrow entrance curtsied.

"Evening." Quinton said with no emotion or expression before he guided me to our seats.

We were on a balcony that had its own booth of three recliner seats. I leaned forward to look over the balcony and it was a long fall.. if one was to fall.

In the distance there were lots of people seated on the sloped hill at the ground floor. There were hundreds or maybe even thousands that came to watch! This must be a production to look forward to then?

Just in front of the stage there was a live orchestra which wowed me. The instrumentalists warmed up which made a strange soothing sound.

The lights dimmed and a waiter served us a tray of extra goods to snack on. Altogether we had: salted peanuts, chocolates, nachos, strawberries, grapes, popcorn, ice cream and a jug of iced water. When did he order all of this?

Moments later the lights suddenly switched off and the chitter chatter quietened down to a silence.

"If you let your jaw drop for too long you won't be able to pick it back up." Michaels remarked cornily. Was that supposed to be a joke?

I shook my head which a mocking smile before taking a spoonful of my ginger ice cream. Oh yeah.. the flavours they had here were extraordinary, no wonder the price! These undersized goods were almost worth the price.

He used hand sanitiser before he took a handful of popcorn. He put the box of popcorn on the little food stand with all the other stuff and told me to help myself.

"Can I have some handsan' too?" I asked politely.

He nodded. I took the little bottle and I avoided his piercing gaze. The first thing I went to try was the paprika and honey popcorn...
OMD!!! It was a blended combination of spicy and sweet.. I liked it!

"This is good!" I went back for more.

"It is." He said in agreement.

Lol the man was just watching me as I took bites of everything. I felt like a kid in a candy shop and frankly didn't give a shit.

I put a bit of ice cream and popcorn on a cheesy nacho.. the man looked at me as if he was concerned for his own well-being, which caused me to giggle at his silly facial expression.

The room was silent as a mouse and so  I whispered, "Try it before you knock it." Trying to be funny like he was earlier.

He playfully rolled his beautiful orbs and shook his head no.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Premier of, 1949. Enjoy!" Said the host.

The anticipation and excitement of what was to come...

Awe Holland feels spoiled..🤗
I hope you enjoyed the read :)

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