Start To End (COMPLETED)

By roysbitch

11.6K 82 14

"You're lying! She would never do such a thing." I was in denial as I shook my head repeatedly to clear my vi... More

Character Introduction
chapter one.
Chapter one, part two
chapter two
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter five part 2
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter eleven
Chapter eleven part 2
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chpater thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty seven
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five.
chapter fifty six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine.
Sixty one.
Sixty two.

chapter ten

282 3 0
By roysbitch

It was a busy day near the beach today, everyone was running inside of the shop, placing orders and getting their things before taking seats. The shop was packed today than it normally was, I whipped down the table beside Ruby, sending the girl a smile that had a chocolate ice cream to her lips with a sandwich beside her, she had eaten a full meal yet and it was concerning me. I waved at her, standing up again with my stuff in again before walking behind the counter to unpack a few stuff.

My ears picked up when I heard the door open and close to the shop, a familiar scent floating around in the air until it hit me and I smiled as I whipped my hands down on the apron before standing in front of the ice cream stand. Zach walked in with two of his best friends, he had been friends with these two boys ever since he entered high school and I was happy for him. He was semi popular in school because of the many sports he played in school and outside of school, he was an amazing footballer and an amazing brother.

They were laughing as they made their way towards me, Zach pulling me into a half hug over the counter that was in between us and I smiled as I waved to his two friends. "Hey, Ven." Zach smirked as he forced me to do a handshake with him, a handshake that we've known ever since we were kids and now it was cringe as fuck to do but he loved to annoy me.

"You better have a good reason for why you're here, idiots." My face hardened as I got their order ready, looking at Zach to explain himself, then his two friends that waved at me innocently before pointing their fingers towards my brother. "Don't you three have classes right now?" I handed Juan, a tall dirty blonde haired male his lunch with a drink, I smiled as I handed Nicolas his things before waiting for Zach to say something. Juan and Nicolas were waiting for Zach order so they could pay together, it was Nicolas turn today.

"One of our teachers died today, got the rest of the day off." Fuck. I nodded my head as I handed him his drink and food, he wasn't going to have something unhealthy, not today. Nicolas payed and I smiled again, handing him back his card as they continued to hog around my workplace, scaring off my lovely moody customers while engaging me into their conversation. They were three weird boys, Juan was seen as the mean one out of the group, Nickolas the brains of the group that kept them alive until this day and there came Zach, the good grades and apparently fuck boy of the group.

I wanted to murder him.

"When are you going home?" I asked curiously, getting distracted with my other orders that I walked away from them but they continued to talk, screaming at me for answers and I rolled my eyes. "You better not fight this time around Juan, one black eye is enough." I had been the one that cleaned his eye when I seen him at Zachs school. He had gotten into a fight on the way back home and his parents weren't the best role models, they were addicts and I felt bad for the poor boy.

"About that Ven." Zach rubbed the back of his neck nervously and I glared at him, not ready to hear what he had done this time. He laughed, a nervous laugh and I frowned as I urged him to get it over and done with before I thought about stabbing him in the chest. "You can't get mad!" I raised my eyes at him, handing the change back to the couple walked in for some cold drinks. "I forgot my keys this morning, so can I borrow yours?" I sighed, reaching down into my apron, I pulled out my keys, tossing them over to the idiot as I knew he would forget something this morning.

The grabbed a seat close to where I was working, sitting in front of me while I walked back into the room. I needed to replace bubble gum and mint flavoured ice cream, pulling open the freezer I grabbed two new tubes before walking back to where I was. "Hey Raven!" I mumbled hi back to whoever had called out my name as I slapped ice cream down in their places, restocking them before I told whoever had called out to me to wait. "Could I get the chocolate ice-cream." I got startled by the voice. I look up to see who said it ,Tyler was standing there, well not standing but sitting down on the high seats in front the counter to reach my height.

I chuckled amused with the hyper child, nodding my head, I grabbed the scope before scoping him a chocolate ice-cream in a cone. He handed me the money and I handed him his ice cream with his change, he didn't move away the seat where he was sitting. He smiled as he sat down in front of me, Zach gave me a questionable look and I shrugged my shoulders, telling him to shut up and keep his mouth shut.

"Raven, the manger wants to talk to you." Rosemary, my coworker shouted from behind me, patting my shoulders to get my attention but I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't like when people touched me without me knowing, it was made me feel sacred and think about bad things that had happened. I shrugged her hand off my shoulder, ignoring her as i walked back to where his little workplace would be, standing in front of the door I tried to think of reasons why he would want to talk to me all of a sudden. I knocked twice, opening the door when I heard his voice.

"Come in." Mr. Song, a short Korean man that owned this shop, he was a good man compared to my manger at the restaurant. I walked in with my face emotionless, i did a short bow, showing my respect as he was an elder. The reason I bowed to him was to respect him, he was korean and it was a formal thing to do, bow to your elders when you greet them but bowing was also what supernaturals did as well. "Raven." He smiled as he greeted me, his eyes saddened and I grew curious. "You're one of my best employees here, you know that." I was getting fired, I knew that. "But I have been getting complains about your work recently and your interaction with customers aren't the best." He sighed, shooting me an apologies look

"I'm fired?" He nodded, lowering his gaze and telling me that I should have my money delivered to me soon, I nodded and said thank you before I walked out. I took off my apron, throwing it in the washing machine as I took off my work cap as well, grabbing my things i walked out. 'Twice in a row, already.'

"Hey, slow down!" Zach yelled from somewhere behind me, pulling me back by the collar of my shirt and I groaned as I stumbled on my feet with the force he had pulled me by. He stood in front of me, his friends with him as they gave me confused looks for my rushed work. "Why are you leaving early, finished early or?" He asked me concerned

"Are you okay Raven." Nickolas asked as he stood beside Zach, his hazel eyes looked down at me concerned, he was 17 and he was taller than me which was a pain in the arse.

"I got fired." I ran a hand through my hair, walking again to sit at a table close to where the beach is, I stared at the crashing waves that hit off the rocks, leaning over the glass balcony thing we had around the shop as I watched people jump into the coming waves. It was a peaceful thing to watch as they decreased, people laughing and enjoying their time at the beach with their families or friends, I wish to have that someday but I knew I couldn't.

"You know." He threw his arm over my shoulder, his arm chocking me but I didn't say anything as I waited for him to talk, I wasn't in the mood to keep up with his playfulness and he understood that. "I could look for a job, I'm at that age already." I jabbed him in his stomach for thinking of something like that, he had enough things to deal with right now. I would work for now and he'll start working next year or the year after that but definitely not now when his exams were around the corner. "Them two already have jobs!" He complained as both the boys laughed at Zachs behaviour, he had always wanted to help me, make me feel less stress and I couldn't have asked for a better brother than him.

"No, you have school and it's my responsibility as your older sister to take care of you and Ash." I was taken by surprise as little arms wrapped around my legs, my body tensing up and Zach gave me a confused look. Our eyes traveled down, looking down at the little girl with long black hair that stared up at me with her doll like eyes and i melted right on the spot.

"Raven leaving?" Rubys lips were pulled in a little pout, looking up at me with her big eyes as her hair covered her forehead, her arms wrapped around my leg as if telling me not to go. I smiled as I leaned down to pick her up off the ground. I felt Zach mindlink me, I unlocked my links after so long of keeping them closed and Juan and Nickolas were quick to fill me in with questions, Juan even asked me if I had given birth to a kid.

'Where's your necklaces? You never take them off, what happened?' Zach was beyond shocked as he started down at me, his eyes panicked as he scanned my body from head to toe for any injuries and I laughed it off. I smiled softly at the worried boy, he was tensed thinking something bad had happened yet here little Ruby had pulled them of accidentally. He thought I was going through a rough time again, he got worried about me to easily.

'They're in my pocket.' I could physically see the relief wash over his face as he sighed, his shoulders dropping slowly and a faint smile on his face, his facial features more relaxed than they were a few seconds ago. I cut the link between me and him, giving the little girl that was tugging on my shirt my attention, she was licking away with her ice cream in one hand while she stared between me and my younger brother. She was a curious little kid, it had me worried about her safety even if I didn't know her.

People weren't the nicest towards kids in the area we lived in.

"Who's this little one?" Ruby, the little girl hid behind my leg, hiding herself as Zach gave her a nickname. She popped her head out from behind my leg as I patted her head to reassure her that he was safe, he meant no harm to the girl. She was giving him a funny face and I laughed, she looked so cute with her face all scrunched up and looking from from head to toe and doing a double take at his friends as well. I wished I had kids, too early for that.

"Hello, my names Ruby." She smiled all of a sudden shy, I stared at Zach with a raised eye and he shrugged as he didn't understand what that was about. Why was she so shy now? "You look handsome." The little girl mumbled and I laughed staring at Zach's speechless face, his two friends stared down at the little girl as if she had grown two heads. She was such a sweet Angel.

"Well thank you, little one." She smiled brightly as she moved away from behind my leg and took little steps in front of me and towards Zach, she made grabby hands towards Zach to lift her up and my heart melted as I was reminded of Asher doing the same thing to Zach when he was a kid. He looked at me, asking me if he should hold her or not and I nodded my head, he quickly picked her off the ground and held her in his arms.

"Nickname stealer." I glared at my brother, he stuck his tongue out at me and Ruby giggled out at his behaviour as she looked my way. She titled her head in question as she looked behind me and I grew confused. What was she staring at? Did she have a question to ask me?

"Ruby, Dad's looking for you." I figured out my answer when I turned around and saw her brother standing behind me, a small smile on his face as she stared between me and my brother. "Let's go." Tyler stood there, holding his half done ice cream in hand as Ruby gave him a frown, pointing her finger in my direction and I sighed as I looked between the three guys that gave me confused looks.

"Raven, come to." Tyler laughed, knowing that I didn't have a choice in this situation I dragged Zach by his shirt and pulled him along with me into the shop, I didn't want to be with them alone again.
This needed to be quick, she seemed to have gotten too comfortable with me and that wasn't okay, I mean she is a sweet kid but I needed to leave, I was now coming their babysitter now and I don't know what to think right now. The longer I looked at Tyler, the more he resembled my Asher, as if Zach was reading my thoughts he linked me and asked a question that had been lingering in my head for a few hours now.

'Is it me or does that boy remind you of Asher, it's copy and paste Raven!' I rolled my eyes at the dramatic brother of mine but he wasn't wrong. He had a point.

'They do look quit alike, don't they.' Juan, looked between Ruby, me and Zach, and the little boy that guided us back to his family that were strangers to us. 'She's like a copy and paste of Raven.'

'Shut up, they only resemble a little bit, I look nothing like the girl.' He gave me a look as if I was being seriously with myself, dulu is the whatever comes after that sentence, Asher had been saying that whenever Zach said or did something stupid and I would laugh. I don't know where he heard that saying or whatever, Juan rolled his eyes, cutting himself out of the link, sticking his tongue towards me before he cut off the link between me and him and the other two followed through.

"Immature kids." I grumbled a I was once again left with a headache skylar was having a fight with Cleo, it some about something stupid and I didn't want to bother myself into their little fights. They were screeching at each other while Racheal was crackling her ass somewhere in my head, she enjoyed this too much. 'Shut up!' I rubbed my temple.

"You alright, love?" I looked up at the intruder that had joined my side as Zach and his two friends left, they wanted to go out and bid their goodbyes to me with a little stay safe and I love you, I smiled as I looked at where Zach previously stood. The boy was my pride and job.

I hated my life right now as I made dinner for the two boys, Zach wasn't home yet and I had to get ready to leave for the parent teacher meeting soon as well, I was going to late if I don't leave in a couple of more minutes. It was lashing outside and the house had a breeze going around, especially in the kitchen as one of the windows had been broken from the side, I needed that replaced soon and whenever I got my pay I would get this home of ours fixed or get a better one. I sighed as I remembered that I had a meeting with the Stone tomorrow morning, better look them up and find what they're all about, it's better than walking into a lions den, completely unaware of your surroundings.

I groaned as stepped into a puddle on my lovely walk towards a terrible school, I was curling at every person that bumped into my shoulders on the way, it wasn't their fault but the day I had was fucking hilarious. It took me no longer than 15 minutes to reach the darn school and when I did the glares that I received from the reception lady made me want to put her back in her place. This place hated me because Asher was under my custody, they thought I didn't know how to go my job on how to take care of him and some days it was draining and other days it was funny.

I ignored the little bitch that didn't have anything better to do than judge people for her job. They had life on a golden plate but that wasn't their fault, it was their parents how they had brought them up. "Venna, you came!" He smiled brightly at me as he gave me a hug. Only a few teachers were here by now, most parents weren't present on this side of the hall. "You can go in after Damon's parents are out" He drags me to sit down on one of the chairs beside him.

"Alright, kiddo." I patted his head, my hands running through soft black hair as I put an arm around his shoulder and pulled him towards me. "How did school go today?" He started to share everything that had happened to him today, I listened and before we know it Damon's parents were walking out of the door with a crying boy in their arms. They were rich that thought that they were better than anyone around them, rich but can't afford to give their child a better education.

"Venna the teacher is asking for you." I looked away from the woman that continued to glare at me, I smile down at the boy as I let him get out of my hold.

"You want to come in or wait out?" He pointed to where he sat and I sighed as I nodded, giving him a little kiss to his forehand before closing the door behind me.

"Hello I'm Ms. Stephanie" I greeted her back, this wasn't the first time I've met this woman and she certainly doesn't like me or my siblings because of the trouble the cause but they can't do anything as they are toppers of the school as well. "Please take a seat." She showed a forced smile, pointing towards the chair in front of her desk. I sat down as she started talking about Ash. "May I know your relationship with Asher Stone?" Is she being for real right now? Short term memory or what?

"I'm his older sister." I noticed a disturbing look on her face but decided not to comment on it, she nodded her head, showing a forced smile continued before she started going through everything. I was pleased with what she was telling me about my brother, he was doing well in his classes and that was all I could ask for but as it came towards the end of the meeting, she looked at me frustration.

"Look Asher is a great student." she continued, looking over at me, being mindful of what she was about to say or else my fist will be meeting her face again. She wouldn't want to pay extra for plastic surgery again. Looking away, out the window of the class room

"Hurry up, I don't have all day." I didn't have patience for people like this, they took too much of my line with dragging things out and I wasn't a fan of that stuff.

"He's been getting into a lot of fights since the last few months." How come I just got to know this now, why hasn't the school called me in for it? What else were these kids hitting for me and how was I so stupid not to notice a change in his behaviour or anything? Was I like one of them strict people that made kids fear to speak up? I didny want my brothers to be scared to share things with me.

"Surely there must be a reason for why he's been getting into fights." She shrived, eyes lowering down to her books as I stared at her with an expressionless face.

"That's the thing, he doesn't talk to us about why he gets into fights." I press back a sneer but one question was still going through my head. "Please talk to him about it, he's an amazing child that has so much potential but to see him getting in trouble-." I didn't need to listen to her any longer, I got up and walked out the room."Bye."

The rain had stopped its attack on us as me and Asher stood out in front of the school. The street walks where slightly filled with puddles as we walked on

"Hey bud" He hummed as an answer "mind telling me why you been getting into fights" He looked up at me, shoved his hand in his pocket as he walked little faster, away from me

"Cause they disrespect you" was his simply respond 'Aww look at that we taught him well' Cleo smiled, I agreed with her

I decided not to ask anymore question as he looked exhausted. We reached home within a few minutes. I pushed open the door, Ash went into his room without saying anything to me

Sighing I took my wet coat off before putting it away in a warm place to dry off. I walked into the kitchen and stared making Zach's and Asher's dinner before I head of to work. After I was done making it, I left the wram good in different container to keep warm

"VIP again, Doll" Ben shouted over the loud music, I groaned, making him laugh. I grabbed the tray of drinks, head up to VIP boot, pulled open the red curtains. Guess what it was the Twin bosses and the same people again!

Skylar jumped around in my head squeaking, like a high school girl. I shut her up with my growl. I quickly felt there drinks on the table and head back out without saying a word

Bella's scream ripped over the loud music, if you where a normal human you wouldn't hear the scream but I in my cause I'm only half human and half shifter

I sprinted to where I heared her scream, I slammed my body into the closed doors, the flung open nearly making me fall. The sight in front of me made me see the colour red. I puller the fat prick of Bella's body, making him snort in anger

"What the fuck!?" He shouted, I punch him across his face making him stumble back. I stopped his punch mid way, grabbing both his wrist, twisting them back till I heard a pop "y-you crazy bitch" he screamed loudly

I punched him in the ribs multiples of time, he spat blood out and onto the floor "You fucking prick!" I shouted as I landed another hit on him "How fucking dare you touch her!!" My hands turned into paws. I dug them into his side

"Le-let me go" he tried to get rid of the hold I had on him, I dug my paws deeper into his flesh. I threw his weak body into a the wall, making the wall nearly break by the force I threw him with. I walked over to his trembling body, picked him up by his collar and punched his blood face again and again

I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and stood over his leg, I let it go when I heared a satisfying pop. I was about to rip his heart out of his chest but I pulled back by somebody. Sparks fly through my body as I push him away from me

I walk over to Bella's trembling figure she instantly hugs me tight, I wrapped my arms around her in a protective way. Her muffled sobs could be heared through the now quite room

I was still angry at that blood fucker but seeing Bella's state made me push all the angry I had on the side, for now. For the corner of my eye I could she a tall dark male figure approaching us. A growl ripped through my throat as I pulled Bella closer to me

A reassure hand land on my shoulder my first thought was to rip who ever touched me but Ben's sent hit me "calm down doll" he pulled both Bella and me into a hug. I tensed up only for a few seconds before calming down. My head snap towards the groaning men that I was beating, instaly rage fulls in me once again

I leap over towards him, digging my paws into his flesh, pulling his heart out, I throw the disgusting thing somewhere on the floor. I looked up only to see Bella, Ben and me in this room now

"Bags over there" Ben's softy told, while comfort Bella. I grabbed the oufit out with my clean hand. Anna already made all the blood that was in the dissappear, same with that disgusting prick. I rinsed my hand, head into one of the stalls and threw the outfit on

I did my hair in a mess bun, put my glass on and head back out to where Ben and Bella are. I near really wore my glass since I looked uglier than I usually did..

"You good now Raven?" Ben asked , I nod as I plot down, tieing my shoe laces "we should get you two home now, let's go" I stood up, though the bag over my shoulder, reach for Bella's. She hugged me once again

We started walking out with Bella clinging onto me like a child. The cold air hit my body as we step out. I walked over to Ben's car, unlock the door, made Bella sit in the back row while I sat in the passenger seat. Ben hoped into the drives seat, and start driving

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