Falling Harder- Fred Weasley

By OBX80swritesbooks

204K 3.5K 9.1K

!!DISCONTINUED!! Y/n Black is the daughter of the one and only Sirius Black himself. She lives with her godfa... More

~About the story & suggestions~
Thank you<3


3.3K 52 76
By OBX80swritesbooks


As I ran up to the Gryffindor tower tears rolled down my face. I kept crying till I got the tower and saw Fred on the couch. I ran over to him and hugged him, he woke up and saw me. "Love what's wrong?" he said pulling tighter to him and rubbing my back. "There gonna find him Freddie." I said into his shirt, "Who?" He asked. "My father." I replied, he pulled my chin up so I was looking at him. "Don't worry love, he'll be safe." He told me before kissing my forehead. We sat there for a few minutes as he let me cry into his chest, "Please don't cry love." He said rubbing my back more. I looked up at him with teary eyes, he gave me small smile and wiped the tear coming out. "He'll be fine I promise." He assured me making me smile, "Thank you." I said. He nodded in return and put his chin on my head.


I was snuggled into Fred's chest with his arm around me. "Wake up love." He said rubbing my arm, I groaned and held him tighter. He laughed and kissed the top of my head. "Miss Black." I looked up to see Professor McGonagall standing at the door way of the commons room, "yes Professor?" I asked standing up. "Get ready and come with me." She said before walking out, "Wait-oh never mind." I said. "I'll be right back." I told Fred before walking up to the dorms. I saw that Angelina was still sleeping and quietly opened my trunk grabbing an outfit.

Here's the outfit:

(If you don't like it feel free to change it!)

I brushed my teeth and combed my hair before going back down to the commons room. I went and kissed Fred on the cheek before running out of the painting door going to Professor McGonagalls office. "Why in such a rush Y/n?" I looked to my left to see Adrian and Cedric, "You two are everywhere together." I said out of breath. They laughed, "Professor McGonagall needed me." I told them. They nodded and waved before walking away.

Once I made it to her office I knocked on the door, "Come in Miss Black." She said. I opened the door closing it behind me, "you needed me?" I asked. "Yes dear-you see, we know about your uncle and his-er- werewolf side." She said, "And?" I asked. "Professor Dumbledore also knows about your father, how he's a free man. I've known your father-I watched him grow up, he'd never do such a thing." She explained, i smiled. "My father told me about you when I was young. How him and the Marauders were your favorite students." I replied. She chuckled, "Mr.Black was very confident, but he was right about one thing. They were my favorites." She said smiling.
"Anyways sorry for keeping you, it's the weekend. Go have fun." She said as I stood up. I walked over to the door and opened it, "Stay out of trouble!" She called making me turn my head, "of course Minnie!" I replied back.

I was making my way back to the common room until I heard Hermione and Harry talking to someone in the hospital wing. I walked in there to see Hermione and Harry sitting around the bed, in the bed was Ron with Chocolate on his mouth. "Ron?" I asked walking over to the boy, "Y/n!" Hermione exclaimed. I went over and stood behind her, she turned her head towards me. "How'd it go last night?" She asked, "Could've been better, but it doesn't matter now." I replied. "It actually does matter-" Harry started, "Harry." Hermione warned. "What? What's wrong?" I asked. "Y/n-" Hermione said, "No she deserves to know." Harry said cutting off Hermione.

"Your dads safe." Harry told me. I was shocked when I heard those words, he kept his promise. "W-how?" I asked. "Time turner." Hermione said quietly so no one else heard us, "How'd you get one?" I asked. "Professor McGonagall." She said making me smile. "Thank you Minnie." I said under my breath so no one could hear. "Come again?" Ron asked, "nothing." I replied. I saw Harry smile knowing he heard what I said, "Y/n come with me for a second." He said, I nodded and followed him to the entrance. "I'm glad your dads safe." He said, "me too, thank you for everything." I replied hugging him. He was hesitant to hug me back for a few seconds, then he wrapped his arms around me. "Young like a little brother to me Harry, I'd never let anything happen to you." I told him, he looked up at me and smiled. I pulled away by the sound of Hermione yelling at Ron, "Do you ever stop eating!" She told the boy who was shoving chocolate into his mouth. "He's gonna run out soon, I'll get him some chicken." I said patting Harry on the back before walking in the corridor trying to find Cedric.

"Ced!" I called out, he was no longer with Adrian but Cho. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "yes?" Cedric asked, "Can you go to the kitchen and get me some chicken?" I asked. He coughed, "What?" He asked. "Chicken for Ron, I might have some on the way- but get me some. Please?" I said again. He nodded and said something to Cho before going into the kitchens. I walked over to Cho, "He really likes you, told loads of good things about you." I said making my look down and smile, "He cares for you." I added. "We never actually met so I was confused on why you were talking to him, I thought he was cheating on me." She said. "Oh no, he loves you. Plus I'm in a relationship." I replied, she looked at me. "With who?" She asked. "The one and only Fred Weasley." I replied, "You two looked like there was some tension between you two. But I'd watch out Hannah's been trying to get him back." She told me. "Trust me Hannah has nothing on me." I said making her laugh. "We should hang out more." She said, "We should." I replied.

We talked for a little before Cedric came back with a small bucket of chicken, "Thank you." I said as he handed me the bucket. Me only smiled and I looked at Cho, "See you later Cho." I said, she nodding and walked away with Cedric.

I sighed, "HURRY UP Y/N!" I heard Ron yell. "alright Ronald your chicken is coming!" I yelled back before making my way to the hospital wing.
Sorry for the slow updates:(

Question: Harry Potter era you'd want to be in?

My answer: Marauders era of course;)

Also not Harry Potter related but look at this gif  of William Zabka👀

(Childhood crush, and still my crush)

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