K L A N C E D // Klance One-s...

Autorstwa keyungso

221K 5.4K 8.8K

"Let's make our own shade of purple with red and blue." mature content. Więcej

shower smut ;)
Ruin me
Promises are promises
keith has pimples and lance is a secretly a beauty guru
keith is a l0ser
lance is stUpid....ly in love
superhero au
youtuber au
idk au
drunk keith is the best keith - 1
idk i tried making angst but it turned out fluffy
keith would be a great neko
drunk keith is the best keith part two
drunk keith is the best keith part two of the part two
soulmate au-1
soulmate au-2
just plain smut
short fic i wrote while pooping
text au
galra au
text au pt.2
keith has amnesia au
keith would be a great neko- pt 2
sick au
cellmates au-pt 1??
cellmates au- pt 2
keith has a diary au
im so done with s7
crackass short fic
"hey im hiding from a bunch of guys can i hide in ur place?" au
beware !!
beware!! pt-2
beware!! pt-3
beware!! pt-4
keith as a cat demon
poop story i wrote while pooping
keith with piercings sounds hot
Prince and bodyguard action
party au with a plot twist
prince and bodyguard smut
superhero au pt2
my life is a mess lol
youtuber au pt2
more prince and bodyguard au
keith being a clingy cat shit
kinda yacchan x tamura au
this fic is on crack
keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always
klance pirate au!
klance on a bus! au

birthday gift/cat!keith au

753 20 11
Autorstwa keyungso

A/N: i'm back :-) did you miss me? here is a long long long cat!keith au with smut at the end <3 i hope you like it!

Hybrids are common in Earth. 

Lance remembers the first time he's seen a hybrid. It was a long time ago, approximately 20 years. He was told a new student would be joining his class but she wasn't entirely human.

That confused him at first. What does not entirely human mean? She spoke and acted like him, had both arms and legs, and studied and followed the class just like him. The only difference was she had no ears. She had ears, but they were not on the side of her face, but on top of her head. Plus, they were twice the size of normal ones and covered in fur. Another thing was the thin, also furry, tail that appeared from her back.

Cat hybrids, is what they are called. Or just hybrids for short is fine.

Why they have different ears is a question Lance's never got an answer to. Why only cat-hybrids? Why aren't there dog-hybrids? Or bunny-hybrids? After asking every adult he knew and still confused at the end, Lance realized it's just simply because and that he'll never truly get a definite answer.

He wishes he could say that Hybrids live just like any other person in Earth, but sadly it's not the same. They usually work in blue collar jobs, and even with some degree of education, the smartest Hybrid friends that Lance knows can only obtain the lower levels job. Hybrids are also known for another thing. The thing that no one really talks about in public, but Lance fully knows what it means –prostitution.

And it's not just because of their adorable cat ears and tails- well, they are a part of the reason, but Hybrids are known to experience heats.

Heats allow them to be more giving and responsive during sex. Hybrids are known for having no restrictions during these times, willing to do anything to relief themselves, and this simple fact is extremely popular among humans.

It's grown so popular that there are so many businesses opening based around Hybrids, particularly in the sex division. According to people who had experienced it, it's a whole new world compared to normal human sex clubs. Obviously, as a guy with normals urges and needs, he's thought about it, talked to his friends about it and even googled about it; but Lance's never actually gone inside a cat-hybrid sex club.

And he doesn't plan to.

So that's why he almost loses it when he sees a cute cat hybrid sitting on his couch as he comes home.

"Pidge, I swear to god the next time we meet I will kill you." He hisses at his best friend over the phone.

His eyes glances towards the feline, watching the boy looking around the room with plain curiosity, completely oblivious to Lance's current breakdown. He looks so tiny, Lance thinks to himself, if it weren't for his long, visible legs, Lance would think he's still a kitten.

He's wearing a white sweater with washed out jeans ripped on the knees, but the thing that catches Lance's attention is the ears. Black in color as it sticks out of his head, buried in his long, black hair which is the same color.

And as if he can sense that he's being stared at, Lance watches as the boy turns his head. Big, purple eyes meet his frowned ones, looking up at him so softly Lance has to force himself to look away.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Pidge replies and Lance rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He quickly locks himself in his bedroom, not even bothering to say a word to the boy who's watching his every move.

"What is that thing doing on my couch?" He snaps.

"What thing??"

Lance sighs once again, irritation almost hitting its peak. It's late and he didn't have a particularly great day at university either. He got a troublesome partner for his math project that skinned him from all his patience. All he wanted was to cook some instant noodles for dinner and head to bed. He really doesn't need a cat stranger on top of all of that.

"Pidge," he warns, a clear threat hanging from his word.

"Okay okay!," his best friend gives in, "I don't know why you're so upset, I think this is a great birthday present."

"Birthday present?" Lance asks through gritted teeth. Don't tell him..

"Well, you're basically sex deprived due to stressing over uni too much, so this should help you out a lot. Hunk even said it's a great idea."

Lance closes his eyes and imagines himself squeezing both of his friends by the neck.

"Hunk was in on this?"

"Oh stop being such a baby," Pidge says, "We both know you need this, trust us on this."

"That thing in my house is the last thing I need."

"Hey!" Pidge yells at him back, "He's a person too! Don't call him a thing!"

That's it, Lance decides, he's really, positively going to murder both of his friends the next time they meet. He drops onto his bed, rubbing his face with his free hand.

"Keith is one of the best ones okay! We reserved him specifically for you and you have a whole week with him. You better use your time wisely cause he wasn't cheap. Don't you dare waste Hunk and I's good money."

Pidge's the one who said the hybrid isn't a thing, but here he is talking about him in such manners. Lance is completely speechless. What do they even expect him to do with the feline? God, he has so much work left unfinished because of the sudden interruption at work and he's not making the most out of his time quarelling with his friend.

"Fuck you. I want you to come here and take him back. I don't have time to deal with him."

"What's that?" Pidge asks, then he continues to make obviously static sounds with his voice, like Lance is dumb enough to believe him. "What? You're- bzzz- kind of- breaking up, Lance."


"Okay, my date is here! Have fun with your new companion! Bye!"

And before Lance even opens his mouth, he's met with a monotonous line from the other side. His phone screen changes back to his lock screen, which is a picture of him and his friends, posing in the ice skating rink. Pidge was in the middle, sticking their tongue out while Lance and Hunk smiled beside them. Lance brings his thumb over Pidge's face and presses down against it roughly as he frowns.

Stupid Pidge. Stupid Hunk. Stupid cat hybrid.

The cat- Keith, Pidge has said, jumps in his seat and peers up at him when Lance steps out of the room.


"Look, Keith- is it?" Lance sighs, running a hair through his hair, "I'm sorry but you can't stay here. Do you have a number I can call? Your management maybe?"

Keith's eyes immediately widens and he blinks confusedly. His strong feline features and the softness of his tone tugs something within Lance but he quickly disregards it.  "B-But I was sent here for you, Master."

"Yeah, I know," Lance replies. He's standing, keeping a good safe distance from the other male.

Seriously, are his friends out of their mind? Hybrids sex businesses is the sole reason why the community isn't taking Hybrids seriously. They are treated as objects; some being sold to the rich if they are exceptionally beautiful. Some are disregard after their owners are bored of them or simply don't want them anymore. It's inhumane and Lance will not find himself taking part in any of it, even if Pidge did pay for it and there is some truth in their words. Lance indeed hasn't gotten laid in two good years, and Keith is indeed extremely attractive. Big, sparkling eyes, and plump red lips with fluffy black hair- his friends certainly know him well.

"But you really have to go back. You can't stay here."

Pidge probably hired Keith from a well known company, evident in the way Keith is sitting and the polite tone of his next words, "I don't understand. I was instructed to Master for a week."

"Yeah, but I didn't want you."

As soon as those words slip through his lips, Keith's ears drop and he lowers his gaze. Instant regret immediately fills Lance's heart. He knows hybrids are probably used to harsh, malicious comments words from their owners but Lance isn't that heartless, he knows they still have feelings. On the other hand, he really doesn't need this hybrid in his house for an entire week. He really, really doesn't know how else to put it.

"I'm sorry, Master," Keith says, standing up and bowing down in front of Lance. "I understand that I may not fulfill your standards, but I promise I'll do my best to fulfill your needs."

"No, I'm serious. You can't stay here, you really need to head back to your company- to whoever that sent you here." And he's about to take out his phone to call Pidge and force his dimwit of a friend to take back his present when Keith throws himself on the ground, kneeling down in front of him.

"Please let me stay, Master. I beg you, I'll be good. I'll do whatever you say, I promise. Just please don't send me back," the hybrid exclaims, his face pressed against the ground.

Lance halts his movements as silence dawns in the room. He has no words, cringing on the scene in front of him. Never in his lifetime does he expect someone, another human being, to kneel in front of him, practically begging him and treating him like a king. It's not right. They shouldn't have to rely on this.

Pity passes through his body as he watches the unmoving feline. He guesses that Keith won't cause too much trouble by staying here, and plus he did say he would listen and follow whatever Lance says. He's not familiar with the Hybrid business, but he speculates that Keith will probably undertake some kind of punishment if he's sent home. Especially with how desperate he's acting right now. And Lance really doesn't want to stay up at night thinking about an innocent man getting punished because of him.

He sighs, he can't believe he's doing this. "Alright fine."

Keith gasps, upper body jumping up. His surprised eyes and the way his lips are parted in a small o really does something to Lance's heart and he tears his gaze away for a split second.

"Thank you, Master! I promise I'll be good," Keith says, reaching out to Lance and Lance immediately snaps out of his thoughts, stepping back and shaking his head.

"But I'm going to have to set out a clear set of orders," he warns,"You can follow them, right?"

Keith nods almost immediately, and Lance wonders how the hell is someone so enthusiastic in following another one's orders? "Yes Master."

Again, Lance cringes. "You don't have to call me that."

"Master?" Keith tilts his head.

"Yes," Lance inwardly sighs. He hopes he didn't make the wrong choice in letting him stay. "I'm not your Master."

Keith stays frowning, visibly confused. "Lance,"  Lance finds himself explaining, "My name is Lance. You can just call me that."

Keith blinks again as he takes in his order.

"Luh-ance," he says softly, eyes downcasts, trying to see how the name sounds and then he smiles timidly and nods. Dark purple eyes flicker to meet Lance's and he says again, firmer this time. "Lance."

"Uh," Lance blinks, feeling his face heat up for a split second, "Yes. Just like that." He continues, ignoring how much he's liking how his name sounds rolling off the feline's tongue, "Firstly, you are not allowed to touch me. You will sleep on the couch. No funny business, okay?"

"How am I going to please Mast- Lance," he quickly corrects himself when Lance gives him a look, "without touching?"

"You're not going to please me. Don't do anything that you usually do with other customers. We are not having sex," Lance swallows, "And you are not allowed inside my room in any circumstances. Do you understand?"

Judging from the way he's biting his lip and the fumbling of his thumbs on his lap, Lance knows Keith has a lot of questions. Lance thinks he would too, if he'd suddenly been instructed to do the complete opposite than what he's been trained to do. But Keith simply nods, bowing once again. "Yes, Lance."

Lance nods, pleased that the boy isn't putting any fuss in agreeing with him. He ignores the warm feeling of his chest as he hears his name rolling off the hybrid's tongue for the third time today. It sounds so soft and affectionate, tugging on all of his heart strings correctly.

"Good," he says.

He glances at the clock. It's late. It's almost 9 by now.

Quickly, he tells the boy to stay put on the couch while he goes to find extra blankets and pillows for the boy. He thinks there's some in the storage.

A few hours later, he closes the laptop, sighing in relief as he finally finishes his work. It's probably past 12, he's sure but he doesn't bother checking and instead makes his way to his bedroom.

He passes the living room on the way and he stops in front of it, deciding whether or not he should check on him.

He closes his bedroom door and falls asleep, mind full of a certain feline in the other room. There's a tiny voice inside of his head that's telling him that the reason why he didn't enter the living room is because he's scared if he sees him, he'll break and tells him to sleep on his bed.

But he can't. He's set rules. He won't ever treat Keith like what he expects to be treated.

It's just one week. One week and everything will go back to normal.

Exactly just like what he said, Keith is kind and obedient. He follows Lance's instructions perfectly.

He sees Keith on the couch as he steps inside the house, sitting completely still with his hands on his lap as he looks around the room. It's the day after and a Sunday, and Lance just came from his sister's house to get some documents he's forgotten. The boy is in the exact same position from where he left him.

Okay, maybe he's too obedient.

"I'll make you breakfast and dinner, but sometimes I won't be here during lunch so you can just fix yourself something. If you get hungry in between, I have a cabinet full of snacks on the right side," he tells him.

"I can make my own lunch?" Keith asks him.

Lance shrugs, nodding his head. After they've established that Keith is allowed to do whatever he wants in the house, other than come near or talk to Lance, everything goes pretty smoothly. While Lance goes to university, Keith is left to explore the house, to eat whatever he wants (Lance has to suddenly increase his shopping expenses because the hybrid does eat a lot), or just simply laze around and watch TV.

Since Lance notices the boy likes to play games, he teaches him how to turn on his playstation. He's usually on it, playing FiFa or sometimes even Cooking Mama. When he's not, he's usually watching a variety of TV series. Lance also gives him a small sketchpad and a box of crayons in case he's bored with the electronics. Keith seems to enjoy doodling whatever he can think of on the small piece of paper.

It's going pretty smoothly, Lance concludes, it's like living with a roommate. But of course, there are some moments that remind Lance that Keith is all but just a normal roommate.

"Oh my god, why are you naked?" Lance exclaims, turning the other way when Keith suddenly emerges from the bathroom that day with all his glory in full view.

And of course, the boy just blinks confusedly, glancing down at his body. He's probably used to showing off himself like this, which Lance can somewhat understand. If Lance had Keith's body, lean yet muscular on some part, long legs to die for, he'd probably show himself off too.

Keith raises his head. "I'm sorry Lance, but I don't have any spare clothes."

"You don't get clothes from your company?"

"I was told that clothes would be provided by the Master, which in this case, is you," he replies, "We aren't allowed to bring anything with us during our stays. It's strictly prohibited."

Luckily, Lance's able to find some of his older shirts in the back of his closet. He supposes it'll still be too big for Lance, considering the fact that although the cat is around the same height as him, his frame is so tiny. And he's proven correct when the dark red t-shirt he picks out for him drops down onto his shoulder, revealing the prominent collarbones he's never gotten to see before.

"Thank you, Lance," Keith smiles at him, eyes crinkling as his cheeks rise adorably with it. Maybe it's the gentleness of his voice, or the affectionate way he said his name, or maybe it's how much Lance is finding himself liking the boy in his clothing, looking up at him with pure adoration that he makes sure he and Keith go out the next day to buy the boy fitting clothes.


"Have you had ice cream before?" Lance chuckles as he watches the boy's eyes widen comically to the dessert in front of him.

They're sitting in Baskin Robbins, countless paper bags on the floor around them, filled with clothes Lance bought for Keith. They're mostly T-shirts and one sweater, in case he gets cold, and a few pairs of shorts and sweatpants. In fact, Keith's wearing one of his new outfits, a grey shirt and black nike sweatpants that matched his ears.

Lance noticed the longing looks Keith sent towards the ice cream shop on the walk home and he thought, what the hell, he already took a day off from work today anyway. He tried not to let his smile show when he saw the hybrid practically jump up and down, tail flicking happily as he waited for his cone. Lance ordered himself the strawberry one, while Keith chose chocolate.

"No," Keith shakes his head, while eating his ice cream, "This is actually the first time I've ever been to a mall before."

"The company doesn't allow you to?"

Keith thinks about it, "No, they don't really care about what you do outside of work, but I guess I've been too busy that it just slipped my mind."

Lance guesses he can relate to the sentence to some degree. His friends have told him countless times how much of a workaholic he is sometimes that he might forget to eat meals or take care of his needs, which is the sole reason why Keith is with him in the first place. But never trying ice cream? He can't help but wonder if all cat hybrids are like Keith. Do they all really live with the sole purpose of being someone's pet? Are there any of them who's living like a normal human being?

He's too lost in thoughts and only realizes he's been subconsciously staring at the boy finishing his ice cream when Keith looks up at him and grins. "Thank you for the ice cream and clothes, Lance."


Having Keith around turns out to be pretty helpful as well.

"Lance," Keith calls out to him the next morning when he's about to leave for university. Lance turns around and sees the hybrid carrying something in his right hand. "You forgot your files."

"Ah," Lance nods, taking and slipping them into his bag. How could he have forgotten the files for the group assignment meeting today? Not to mention he had scolded one of his teammate for not being responsible enough the other day. "Thank you, Keith," he sighs in relief and before he can properly think of his action, his hands go up and ruffle the hybrid's hair affectionately.

So soft, Lance can't help but think.

He jerks his hand away and wipes it against his coat. His heart is pumping unusually fast and loud that he fears Keith can hear it. It's like he's just done something he's not supposed to. "There's some leftover mac and cheese in the fridge if you get hungry." Then he leaves before he can regret whatever he just did a few seconds ago.


They're on the couch, eating salad and chicken Lance made for dinner, watching the latest Haikyuu season when Lance accidentally dropped his drink on Keith.

"Shit," he hisses, setting down his plate on the coffee table and pulling a handful of tissue papers. "Sorry, sorry-"

"It's okay," Keith answers softly, "The couch is fine. I covered it before it could stain."

Lance hastily pats on the boy's shirt, and he mentally slaps himself when he sees the boy's entire lower area soaked with Sprite. "I'm not worried about the couch." he tries to explain,, dropping the damp tissues and standing up, "You should change. You can get a cold at this temperature."

The hybrid patters his way to do what he's told while Lance cleans the rest of the meal up. He sets them on the table and washes his hands off the sauce that has spilled. He sighs, glancing towards where Keith went. He should be back by now, Lance thinks. What's taking him so long?

"S-sorry," Keith stutters when he feels Lance enter the bathroom. The hybrid is standing in front of the mirror, trying to put on his shirt. But there's a small zipper accessory near the chest area that must have got tangled up with the fur on his ears. Lance watches the boy tilt his head, trying to untangle himself, turning around slowly, face scrunched in the cutest way possible.

"Seriously," Lance shakes his head and takes the mess in his hand, and Keith begrudgingly drops his, "What am I going to do with you?"

He holds one of the ear with his first three fingers, brushing the hair away from the tangle. Then he gently picks on every strand, making sure nothing is left before he pulls the shirt down properly.

Lance watches as Keith grins and fixes his shirt, patting over the crumpled sides.

Something comes over him, a sudden wave of unknown feeling, that makes him reach out. A finger tucks the strand that's fallen over the boy's eyes behind his ear. Time goes slowly as he lets out a silent breath. Keith's looking up at him through his long lashes, a faint blush across his cheeks.

"There," Lance says so softly but everything is so silent and still that he feels like he's screaming to the whole world yet he's not stopping, "Much better."

He wishes he'd taken a good minute to prepare himself to what happens next, because his eyes slides from Keith's ear to meet his wide eyes, dark brown with oceans of emotions pooling inside.

And then it drops to his lips.

They're so pink. So invitingly puffy and enchanting. It's like he's under a spell, moving closer and closer and closer-

He jerks back. The hazy fog around him vanishing abruptly as he tries to warp his mind around the situation. His eyes tries focusing on the wall behind Keith while he tries to stop the heat creeping up behind the neck. His throat feels dry, deserted and his mind blindly whirs, trying to come up with an excuse, an explanation— anything.

Keith's still staring at him, he knows, and it's making him freak out even more. He can tell he's concern and Lance immediately speaks out before Keith does and make everything even more awkward than it already is.

"It's late," Lance says, sucking in his teeth and nodding robotically twice, "We should go to bed."

His hands. They're on both of his sides. Lance doesn't know what to do with them.

"Okay," Keith smiles at him. "I'm going to brush my teeth first."

"That's-" Lance gives another nod, swallowing.  "That's good. I'll-" he makes a move to leave, "I'll go after you."

"Lance can go first if you like."

"No no it's okay. You go brush your teeth."

Keith scrunches his face slightly, a thing Lance has grown used to seeing whenever the cat isn't completely sure with the idea. But then he smiles and lets out an okay and Lance bolts out of the room before he does something else he'll regret.

They're eating again.

This time on the small dining table Lance has in the kitchen. He's sitting on where he usually does and Keith across from him. It was weird to have another person eat with him after for so long. It was at first, but strangely he's getting used to it.

Keith's happily eating his dinner. Lance cooked a simple pasta dish for both of them. He added extra bacon in Keith's, a food that he's learnt the hybrid loves so much.

It's not his best dish, but Keith's eating it like he's never tasted such good food before. There's a slight rewarding feeling inside him. It's been a while since he's had someone who enjoys his meals. Lance takes another bite from his plate, tearing his gaze away. Maybe he shouldn't feel too pleased. He figures hybrids will enjoy and compliment whatever their owners do after all.

"Thank you for the delicious food, Lance. I really love the sauce," Keith says after he's done. Lance nods in response without looking up. He's still finishing his plate when Keith washes and puts away his plate and utensils.

"Uhh.. Lance?"  Keith says, standing beside him and Lance finally raises his eyes. The hybrid is wearing a dark red shirt with grey sweatpants that made him look 10x times cuter than he already is. He's playing with his thumbs as Lance nudges him to go on. "Can I go watch TV now?"


"Do you," Keith looks down on the floor, "Wanna watch with me?"

Lance blinks. He guesses Keith is just being polite. That's what people usually say. He sighs inwardly.

"Yes, sure. You can start first. I'll catch up later."

Keith grins and nods, then he scurries off to the living room, like he's worried Lance's gonna change his mind if he takes too long.

Lance watches as the boy disappears before he drops his head on his hands. What did he just do?


Lance watches a few episodes of Haikyuu with Keith before he goes to finish off his work. Keith seems to be dejected when Lance stands up but doesn't voice it out. And quite frankly, Lance is glad he didn't because he seems to be having a hard time turning the hybrid down.

He has a lot of assignments to complete. Especially with finals coming up and deadlines screaming at him all the time. And after a few hours of the bright screen blinding him, he finally completes everything and shuts his laptop off.

He checks the time. It's late.

There's still sound coming from the living room, which Lance can recognize are the voices of the Haikyuu characters. Keith's eyes must be tired from watching the screen all day, so he goes on to tell him to sleep. Lance enters the room and expects to see Keith's back towards him but the boy isn't there. The TV is still open, the only light source in the dim room aside from the lamp lights.

Only when Lance walks closer does he see Keith, already sleeping in his designated place on the couch. He's laying on his side, long legs tucked against his chest, a thin blanket draped over his arms. Keith is slouching, curling inside as he tries to fit his entire body in the small space.

Lance feels his heart breaking at the sight. He's never slept on the couch before but it looks extremely uncomfortable. And if Keith continues to sleep like this for the next few days, Lance's sure he's going to have a strain back. Why the boy hasn't said anything about this is unbelievable to him.

He shakes his arm gently, calling out a soft, "Keith. Wake up."

Keith flutters his eyes open and sits up, obviously trained to mend to his owner's commands before anything else. "Lance?" He mumbles sleepily, rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, "What's wrong?"

He looks so sleepy, and his bed hair is so adorable that Lance almost, almost wants to coo.

"Sleep in my room tonight."

"Okay." Keith is frowning cutely, but because he's confused on Lance's sudden request or because he's just sleepy, Lance doesn't know. Lance helps him carry his pillows to the room. He tells Keith he can leave the blanket and use his instead. He sets them up on the left hand side of the bed.

When he looks up, Keith is still standing there, looking at the bed like it's grown a head.

"You can sleep, you know," Lance urges him. Keith looks up at him and nods. Then he slips inside the covers, pulling it over his body until only his eyes and above are visible. He blinks at Lance.

"I'm going to take a shower, if that's what you're asking," Lance sighs, "You don't have to wait for me. You can go ahead and sleep first."


When Lance steps out of the bathroom and has changed to a simple t-shirt and shorts, he sees Keith already asleep. Lance smiles softly at the sight before he shuts off the lights and slips under the covers himself.

A few minutes into the darkness, staring at the ceiling, his mind full of the extra warmth beside him when the bed shifts. He glances to his right, and Keith has turned to face him, awake.

The hybrid leans forward and bumps his forehead against him softly. "Thank you," he says so softly that Lance almost misses it. Then as quickly as he does it, he turns back to his side, leaving Lance with his sudden quickened heartbeat. Keith just broke the one rule of no touching between them, but Lance doesn't say anything. And for once he's thankful for the darkness as Keith won't be able to see the flushed skin of his cheeks.

He doesn't sleep much that night.


His classes get cancelled so Lance goes home early. He spends the rest of the afternoon watching reruns of One piece with Keith. They're sitting on the floor, each holding their own sandwich Lance picked up on the way home. It's kind of nice, relaxing actually, now that he thinks about it. Other than Pidge or Hunk, he's never really had anyone over to lounge around with..especially with someone as attractive as Keith.

"Keith Kogane? That's your full name?" Lance asks, taking a bite from his sandwich.

Keith nods, "Yes. It was given by my mother before she passed away giving birth to me."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I don't really remember much of it."

They watch the next episode in silence. Keith does this thing where he subconsciously parts his lips when he's concentrated on something and Lance just finds it extremely endearing. Not that he's paying attention to his lips or anything..

The episode's about to end when Lance receives a notification from Pidge on his phone. He reads the text. How is he? Is he sexier in heat?

Lance rereads the text.

"What's a heat?" He asks suddenly after some time.

"Um," Keith turns towards him, "Did the company brief you about it?"

Lance shakes his head, "It's uh, my friend. They mentioned it to me once. I'm really new to this so I'm not familiar with the terms."

"Ah..Is it Pidge?"

"How'd you know?" Lance looks at him. Don't tell him that Pidge secretly likes to rent cat boys... especially Keith...

Keith must have seen the look on his face because he immediately speaks up.

"No no, not like that. I just know them because I thought they were going to be my master at first. But Pidge told me that I was going to serve their friend as a birthday gift," Keith explains, "You."

"Oh," Lance swallows. He feels strangely relieved.

"Pidge was really nice so I was happy to be chosen by them, but..." Keith stops for a second, glancing down to the floor, "But Lance is also very attractive and nice to me so I am not at all sad."

Lance's neck flushes in embarrassment as he looks away. "You don't have to compliment me if you don't want to." It always baffles him how utterly blant the hybrid is, spilling out whatever is on his mind without any filter.

And usually it's things that make Lance's stomach feels all type of tingles.

His eyes are still jumping everywhere. He doesn't know where to look. And the fact that he knows Keith is looking at him, staring at him so intensely like he always does, isn't helping any bit.

"But I am only telling the truth. Lance is really, very attractive. In fact, the most handsome Master that I've ever had. And also the nicest.  I'm really glad Lance decided to let me stay in your house. I really enjoy my time here, even if it's only for a week."

"I'm glad you're comfortable," Lance mutters quietly, the sides of his lips undeniably lifting up. He finally gathered enough courage to look at Keith. 

Keith smiles at him, his eyes the softest colors of violet Lance's ever since. The room falls into a comfortable silence, the TV almost completely left by itself.

Lance coughs, breaking the eye contact to peer at his phone. "So, heat?"

"Ah, yes. So every few months I go to this entire process called Heat. It's where my...sexual abilities are the most agile and I get extremely restless. To get through it, I either have to fuck or get fucked by someone." The fact that Keith does both giving and receiving somehow does something to Lance but he tries to ignore it.

"Does it hurt?"

"At most times, yes. That is why I usually prefer having clients during that time. It saves me the time and hassle to go through it myself. Besides, I get paid more during my heat. Almost all of the hybrids get paid more during heats."

Lance wonders what Keith would look like during his heat. Will he look even cuter? Will he get on his knees and begs for him to ruin him? Will he say things that will forever be embedded in Lance's poor, poor mind?

Keith must have seen the blank look on his face because he quickly continues, jolting Lance out of his thoughts. "You don't have to worry about that. My heat is in one more month, so you don't have to.. I know you don't want to do anything like that to me.."

I might if you don't stop looking at me like that, Lance wants to say, but instead he nods.

"Do you plan on working in your company forever?"

"Most of wish we can." Keith gives a small smile. Lance already predicts this answer. Hybrid parents are usually too poor to afford sending their children to school. And even if they could and their children have a proper education background, finding a job as a Hybrid is extremely difficult. So it's not surprising that they prefer this kind of job instead. Jobs that make use of their differences while getting good money.

"But no. When you turn 25 above, they'll make you choose if you want to leave or get transferred to the elderly niche section, Hybrid businesses specifically for older people."


"No one would want to hire an old hybrid, I guess," Keith shrugs.

Lance frowns, "So all of you get released?"

"Well, if no one buys you as a lifetime property, then yes, we get released and work like normal humans."

Normal humans, Lance thinks about it. It's an unsaid statement that the society doesn't treat Hybrids as equals. And judging from Keith's solemn expression, he probably knows that too.

"How old are you now?"


"Has.." Lance can't help but ask after a few seconds, "Has anyone bought you yet?"

Keith's eyes lit up, meeting Lance's gaze, like he's expecting something. And Lance also feels like he should be expecting something. It feels weird. He shouldn't care about whether or not Keith has been bought. He's going to leave in a few days and they are never going to talk to each other again.

"Not yet," Keith breathes out and Lance doesn't stop the smile that slips through his lips in those words.

3 years.


"I don't go to amusement parks."

Keith tilts his head, his ears moving along with it. "Ehhhh? You haven't?"

Lance thinks about it. "Well, when I was little I probably did. But I rarely go out now."


"Uni," Lance shrugs. Usually when he tells people this, they just nod pitifully. He guesses Keith won't be all too different.

Keith nods. He smiles softly, to himself mostly. "If I were to be free, I'd explore the world as much as possible."

Lance's heart breaks a little hearing this.

Keith tells him he originally wanted to become an artist when he was young. "I like drawing, painting, all those sorts of things," he says. When Keith tells him one of his dreams is to hold his own art exhibition, Lance makes a silent promise to himself that after Keith ends his prostitution career, he will do whatever he can to help him to pursue all of his dreams.

It's the fifth night of Keith's stay and they're again watching Haikyuu. Keith's been watching so much TV that Lance worries his eyes might get tired. Maybe he should take him out tomorrow, considering it's his birthday anyway. But going out with a hybrid is practically showing the world what kind of porn you're into. But Keith is different, isn't he?

He's so deep into his thoughts that he doesn't notice the boy sitting beside him drifting off to sleep until he feels his head against his shoulder.

Lance doesn't push him away. He doesn't do anything even when a quiet voice inside his head reminds him of his no touching rule. He really should scold himself, he thinks, because he's been ignoring his rules whenever Keith gets close to him. He uses his leg to lift the dejected blanket off the floor and drapes it over the hybrid's small frame body.

When doing so, his eyes fall to Keith's tranquil face. His plump lips are pushed against each other in a slight pout. His lashes gently hover over his cheeks. He's so pretty, Lance thinks, too pretty. His ears are draped against his head and Lance can't help but reach out and stroke the soft strands of his hair. A small smile blooms on his lips. His ears are so soft and his hair smells like cotton candy, even when the hybrid has been using his shampoo these past few days.

Keith snuggles closer to Lance, face now in the crook of his neck. He purrs, "Keith likes Lance." and Lance can literally feel his entire body breaking into thousands of tiny, little pieces.

That night he falls asleep on the couch, listening to the thumping of his heartbeat that matches Keith's soft purring.


"Good morning Lance," Keith greets him as always in the morning.

Lance just woke up, still in his pajamas and messy bed hair as he steps into the kitchen. Keith looks like he already showered, using a different set of clothes. He's using a tie dye purple shirt and worn grey sweatpants, sitting by the dining table, reading a manga Lance lent him.

"Morning," Lance replies, "I have some cupcakes sent from work in the fridge if you want some."

He fills his cup with warm water and takes a few gulps. And he's about to leave the kitchen to get ready for class when Keith suddenly embraces him, his arms around his torso as his head nestled against his chest.

Lance stands there, hands unmoving on his sides. He really should scold the hybrid, or at least pull him away because he's breaking the rule, and also because he's terrified Keith is able to see how loud his heart is beating at the moment, but he doesn't. He lets the boy hold him as he tries his best to whir his mind back into its original position.

He tries not to let disappointment show when Keith pulls away.

"Happy birthday Lance," the hybrid says with a bright smile on his face.


Lance concludes that this year is indeed the suckiest birthday ever.

He's sitting in a class, surrounded by streamers and balloons his friends had set up. Allura even got him a small cake and they had a small gathering before this.

"Happy Birthday!" Pidge happily exclaims. They sound happy, typical Pidge, even when he knows he's the reason for Lance's frown today.

"Thanks," Lance replies blandly.

"Why do you sound so grumpy?" Pidge laughs, plopping down to sit next to him, "It's your birthday, man. Cheer up a little bit, will you?"

"Shut up. It's all your fault," Lance grumbles, taking a huge chunk of his cake and angrily shoving it into his mouth. Allura stands with Shiro near them, sending him constant concern glances which Lance waves off.

"Me? I'm pretty sure I made your birthday extra spicy this year," Pidge laughs, "By the way, you haven't answered my texts, you fucker. How is he? Is he as good as they say?"

"Shut up," Lance says simply, "Because of you and Hunk, I have time to study. You know with finals coming up-"

Pidge groans loudly.

"The time used to stud-"

His friend groans again, even louder this time.

"Pidge I swear to god-"

"Lance. Buddy. This is the sole reason why I sent you Keith in the first place. You gotta let go of uni for just a day. You're doing great, you're literally one of the top graders so don't even talk to me about failing. Besides, it's your birthday. Please, pretty please make use of my gift while you have the chance."

That was exactly it. Today is the last night for Keith in his house. Last Haikyuu marathon. Last dinner together. Lance's grown so used to his presence around the house that he really can't bring himself to imagine the boy leaving. Which is stupid because Keith is only supposed to be a stupid, inappropriate gift from his friends that he wanted to get rid of as quickly as possible. But now.. now as he sits there as Pidge rambles about god knows what, the realization dawns on him that he's not ready to let the hybrid go. Just the thought of him walking out that door steps on his heart painfully.

All because of his idiotic friends who are too invested in his love life more than they should.

"I hate you so much," Lance says to Pidge, "Tell Hunk he's owes me a meal."

He stands up and grabs his bags. "Thank you everyone for all of this but sadly, I have a urgent matter I need to attend to! Goodbye!" Then he rushes off outside.

You don't hate me, he can literally hear Pidge's annoying voice talking to him, You just hate the fact that I brought Keith into your life.


When he arrives home, Keith doesn't come up to greet him like usual. He frowns. He places his stuff on one of the coffee tables and heads into the living room. Maybe the boy fell asleep watching Tv.

But the TV is off, and the couch barely looks like someone has sat on it at all today. The blanket is even neatly folded and placed on the side. He checks the bedroom. Also empty.

His heart is beating fast and a quick rush of anxiety rushes through his body like a cold shower. Maybe he- No. Keith wouldn't do that to him, would he? He will never leave before his time is up, moreover without saying goodbye.

Suddenly, he hears a loud clanking sound from the kitchen. He hurries inside, his nose scrunching as he takes in a familiar, sweet smell.

His kitchen is a complete mess.

And not the mess he's usually used to, such as a stack of dishes, unwashed, waiting by the sink, or after trying out a new cooking recipe in Youtube and he's too lazy to clean up afterwards. Those situations are a dream compared to...what the fuck even happened?

There's flour everywhere, covering most of the tables and flour with a thin layer of snow. Dirty bowls scattered all over. Cabinets are open wide, the insides also incredibly messed around by the culprit, who's too busy trying to mix two bowls at once that he doesn't notice Lance's presence at all.

"What are you doing?"

Keith spins around, eyes wide in Lance's sudden voice. He's wearing Lance's white We Bear Bare apron over his purple shirt that hugs his curves so nicely. In his hands are two big hand mixers, one covered in chocolate, one covered in strawberry colored liquid. His apron looks like someone died on it, because there are so many substances stuck on it. Lance notices there's even some flour that got into his hair and cheeks.

"Lance, why are you home so early?"

"What are you doing?"

Keith's eyes are wide, jumping around as he tries to think of something to say. "I wanted to surprise you- to make you a cake for your birthday.." He takes a glance at Lance's face. "I'm sorry."

"I-" Lance looks around, "Where did you get the money?"

"Well, I phoned a friend to lend me some cash- I'm sorry I know that-"

Lance's too close already. Too close to set out rules. Too close and dangerous for his thumping heart. But he can't seem to back away. Keith's apology rambling seem to fade out quickly.

Keith's feline eyes meet his and Mew watches it dilate slightly. He's stopped talking, tensing up when noticing their distance. Lance can feel the tenseness from the cat boy because he doesn't want to do anything he'd regret.

And Lance feels the same way. He's right here. Just inches from him. And still smelling like Lance's shampoo and detergent.

So he cups Keith's face with both of his hands and mushes their lips together. It's soft. And warm. And Keith's making that surprised squeak which brings butterflies to his stomach.

He pulls away after a second, gasping and pupils blown as he tries to unfog his mind of what is happening. "Sorry, I-"

He's searching. Searching for Keith's eyes to see if he's okay with it. Is Lance okay with it? He threw all his rules out the window a second ago.

But he has no time to think because Keith grabs his collar shirt with his knuckles before pulling him for a second kiss. This time Lance doesn't resist as he wraps his arms around Keith's tiny waist and pulls him closer, forcing his tongue inside the catboy's hot tongue, making him whimper against him. Keith lets him, willingly opening his mouth. His arms gradually slip themselves around Lance's neck, fingers grasping against the back of his hair.

They're still kissing as Lance hoist him up and place him on the kitchen counter, pushing some of the metal bowls back. He's positioned between Keith's thighs and the cat-boy's hands are on Lance's chest, hurriedly trying to open his buttons as their lips continue to move against each other, tongue battling against dominance.

"I thought you didn't want me," Keith breathes out as they break apart when Lance pulls his shirt off and throws it somewhere in the room.

Lance glares, "You've never questioned me before."

"My mistake. It won't happen again," Keith says before he leans forward for another kiss. Lance gladly takes him, messy and hot. Lance wonders if all hybrids are this good as kissing as Keith. Do they have special training or are they just born with immediate skill?

It's not long before Lance lifts him up by his ass, carrying both of them into his bedroom. Their lips are still moving against each other, and Lance feels like his legs might pass out on how good Keith's lips feel and on his.

He drops the boy on the bed, making a quick action on his pants. Keith's prepped on his elbow, looking at him with blown out eyes and puffed out lips. Lance hovers over him, kissing him once more. He feels Keith's legs wrapping around his hips, grinding his hips up against his.

Lance curses, peppering open mouth kisses down his neck. He sucks on a particular spot, watching as it turns into a dark shade of red. "Ahh,, Master-"

"I told you not to call me that," Lance says, going lower and lower until he reach the evidently strained sweatpants. He smirks when he sees Keith close his eyes, the back of hand covering his mouth.

Lance noses the bulge gently and Keith whines, shifting in his spot. "Please.."

He teeths the waist band, biting it before pulling it down with the help of his hands. Keith's cock springs up instantly, red and hot and already leaking from the tip.

It mesmerized him how much the cat boy is secreting, translucent, thick liquid that drizzles down his length, down to the bed, staining the bed. There's a sweet scent coming from it, so sweet that he leans forward and licks the twitching length from bottom to top.

"Ah! Lance-"

Lance licks his lips. It tasted like cum... but there's a hint of honey in it that's making it even more addicting.

He licks another strand, smirking slightly when Keith mewls. The cat boy's left hand is laying straight on the bed, grasping the sheets while the other is tucked under the pillow.

"Please- oh.."

Lance takes the whole thing into his hot, awaiting mouth, eyes fixated on Keith's expression. It's been a long time since he's done this, and Lance knows he's probably a little bit rusty but Keith's moaning and leaking so much like he's getting the best blowjob in his life. Which really is helping his ego.

So he sucks, watching Keith with frowned, focused eyes as the cat boy moans, throwing his head back when Lance goes deeper, its head hitting the back of his throat as he mixes Keith's pre-cum and his saliva together.

The head is glistening and hard when he pulls away. Keith lifts his head slightly, tongue out as he tries taking his breath. Lance licks his lips, swallowing down the pre-cums that's smeared. It's abnormally sweet, and Lance thinks that there's probably something in it, like an aphrodisiac of some sort (Is this normal with hybrids? Are they really created for the purpose of sex?) He can't think straight, like a fog that's clouded his mind and the only thing he's able to think right now is Keith, Keith, Keith.

He feels hands cup his neck and pull him up and suddenly his lips are on Keith's. They're moving against each other, hands running all over.

Keith breaks the kiss, forehead against his as he smirks before saying, "My turn."

He flips their position so that Lance's the one under him. His cock is standing tall, red and hot and twitching. Keith doesn't waste anymore time before licking a wet strand up his length, watching through his thick lashes as Lance groans lowly, a hand coming up to fist against Keith's hair and Keith's ears flatten immediately at that.

"God," Lance hisses, low in his throat as Keith runs his tongue sweetly over his head, dipping into the slit of Lance's cock. "You're so good."

Keith preens at the praise before opening his mouth fully and taking the entire shaft into his mouth. He's sooo fucking good, Lance thinks and he's trying so hard not to drop his head back because god, he wants to watch him, doesn't want to miss any single detail of his red, plump lips against his cock, wet and obscene.

Keith pokes his little tongue against the wet slit of Lance's cock and Lance chokes, hand pulling against the hair harshly, making Keith let out a quiet, muffled gasp.

He's about to mumble a short apology but Keith suddenly mewls and swallows him whole once again, pushing his cock deep down his palate until Lance can literally feel his head bumps against the soft walls of the back of his throat.

Smaller hands run over his and Lance struggles to open his eyes just wide enough to see Keith look at him with dilated pupils, mouth full of his cock, as if saying "It's okay. You can do as you like."

It's like a switch has been flipped inside of him, like that was the last thing he needed to throw away all his doubts because he pulls Keith against his cock, making him choke again and smirking when Keith mewls, vibrations going straight to his dick.

"You're so good at this," Lance murmurs, flicking his hips up in motion with Keith's bobbing mouth. He wonders how many times Keith has done this. How many times for him to be this good at it. And Keith fucking flushes in the praise and Lance thinks, fuck he's going to hell tonight.

Keith takes Lance's tone as a sign to go further and he takes him deeper and deeper until his nose hits Lance's pubic hair.

Saliva dribbles at the sides of his mouth, wetness dripping down all over Lance's cock, down to his balls. Keith's hands are neatly placed on his sides, against the bed but he's desperately trying not to hump against Lance's leg like a bitch in heat.

He's so good. And the flex of his throat is feels extraordinarily incredible that Lance pushes him down forcefully, Keith's mouth wide open as the head of Lance's cock hits his throat, making him gag over and over again until his eyes go wide and his head feels light.

Keith gasps for air when Lance finally pulls him off, a thick string of saliva mixed with his pre-cum still attached between Keith's bottom lip and the head of his cock.

"Come here," Lance sighs, pulling Keith by his wrists and Keith follows because he's just so good and melts into his hold, lips meeting with each other. Lance slips his arms around Keith's tiny waist and flips their position once again so that he's the one on top.

Their cocks are still so hard, standing up and leaking so much he doesn't even know whose cum in the one on his abdomen right now.

"Lance," Keith moans between kisses, "Please..."

"Please what?" Lance teases, a thumb going up to pinch one of Keith's nipples, making the boy shiver and his ears flat against his flushing face.

"Please fuck me, Master," Keith says and Lance's eyes go dark almost immediately. He grabs a bottle of lube from his drawer, kissing the gods when he feels that it's still fairly full.

He drizzles a considerable amount onto his fingers before pushing it against the twitching hole in between of Keith's legs.

"Ah-" Keith moans when he feels the cold,wet digits protrude his flaming skin. "Quickly-"

"Impatient, are we?" Lance muses. He really didn't have to use the lube. Keith is literally drenching in his own slick, the thick liquid dripping down and forming a pool of stain on the sheets. He didn't know cat hybrids have the ability to self lubricate. Before he knows it, two of his fingers are already deep inside, gently moving up and down as he lets Gulf relax to the intrusion.

It's not long for Keith to whine that he's ready for another finger and Lance delivers. How can he not when the boy begs so prettily?

Lance fucks his open with his fingers a couple of times, and each time it grazes against Keith's prostate that makes him shiver and bubble out a string of pleads and moans. The pool of stain on his bed grows bigger and bigger as Keith continues to profusely leak and leak, the pleasure building up so quickly and his cock so fucking hard, as he tries his utter best not to rut against Lance's thigh desperately.

"Please..Please- I need- Lance please-"

"Hmm?" Lance curls his finger inside, nails scratching the slippery walls and making Keith mewl and throw his head back. "Please what?"

Keith suckles desperately, and he leans forward to lick Lance's lips before saying, "Please fuck me. I need your cock in me so bad, Master."

And even if Lance knows that he's trained to say those words, has been saying those words to a lot of different people, his dick still twitches and he curses, dropping his head on Keith's shoulder to hide his apparent flush.

He reaches to the same drawer to pull out a condom but Keith stops him.

"No, don't. I want to feel you please?"

Lance swallows, trying his best not to completely lose it and pass out right here right now. "I-Okay, um-"

He grabs his cock, hissing shortly. He's so hard that it hurts when he touches it. He guides it to Keith's slicked, twitching hole, easy as the boy is already spreading himself wide, putting himself on complete display. Lance watches with lidded eyes as the head of his cock pushes through the thick string of muscles and disappears inside.

Keith is a moaning mess under him, hands clutching desperately on Lance's biceps, on the sheets, on the pillow- anything as his body takes in the pleasure coursing through him like nicotine through his veins.

"Fuck," Lance groans when he completely bottoms out, Keith's ass cheeks flat against his abdomen. Keith's so warm. So so fucking warm and tight against his cock. He feels his walls pulsing, contracting and relaxing like it's trying to pull his cock deeper and deeper.

He jerks up experimentally once, watching as Keith chokes on his moan and closes his eyes. He does it again and again and again, the desire in him growing every time he sees Keith's reaction, until he's fucking into him with immense speed. One hand on Keith's waist in a bruising hold while the other holds his legs open as he continues to ram inside.

Keith moans loudly, calling out his name and pleading him to go faster and harder and Lance just does. Lance fucks him raw and open and Keith yelps when he feels an electric pleasure shoots through his spine.


And Lance takes this as a sign to spread the boy's cheeks even wider, plunging his cock deep inside, putting all of his energy to hit that particular spot again and again and Keith is thankful that his back is against the mattress and he's not on his fours, because god knows he won't be able to hold himself up for long.

"Lanceee.." Keith slurs between his moans, going limp against the sheets and Lance doesn't even bother answering him, instead he wraps his fingers around Keith's cock and tugs.

"Fuckkkk," Keith sobs, biting his lower lip so hard to stop crying out but fuck, it feels so good. His breaths come shakily, and his thighs are shaking uncontrollably against Lance's hold. His mind has gone completely fucked, the only thing he can utter to think of is Lance, Lance, Lance.

"That's it," Lance praises him, "You're so good."

The pleasure builds and builds as Lance continues to abuse his prostate, burning at his chest, his stomach, his groin- his entire body as every single thrust blurs his vision and thoughts even more. He tries moving his lips, trying to tell Lance that he's going to cum, going to cum so hard because he's trained to hold his own pleasure before satisfying his customers first, but the words that come out of his mouth are so slurred that it sounds like more moans and pathetic whines.

"Are you close,mm?" Lance hisses, his thumb on Keith's cock petting over its slick head and spreading his mess all over his burning skin. A tight coil forms inside the pit of his stomach, squeezing harder and harder and burning his entire body, the pleasure so overwhelming, mind going slack as Lance keeps fucking into him, and Keith realizes too late that he's cumming.

"Ah, ah, ah-"

Keith closes his eyes tightly as he cums in a wide arch of pleasure, so strong and so sudden that it leaves him trembling through it all. He thrashes against the sheets, legs trying to keep itself open for Lance but his toes curl inwardly as his mind tries to grasp it all.

It's intense and so, so wet and Keith doesn't even have the time to reach forward to wrap his small, trembling fingers around Lance's cock to help him off or to apologize for cumming first before the older is leaning forward, biting Keith's shoulder harshly and moaning out the hybrid's name, feeling warm liquid filling up his insides.

Lance collapses to the place beside him, letting out an exhausted sigh as Keith cuddles closer to his embrace. Lance drops his head to the side and sees Keith's smiling face staring back at him. He flushes when Keith giggles softly and runs a hand through his cheek lovingly.

"What changed your mind?" Keith asks him.


Keith smiles but it drops when Lance suddenly goes quiet. "What's wrong?"

Lance stares at his concerned eyes and pouts, "I told myself not to have sex with you, but I still did."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes," Lance stops himself when Keith looks dejected, like he's implying that Keith wasn't good enough, which totally isn't the case, "I don't want to have sex because you are paid to. I want you for you. Just you."

Keith stares at him with sparkly eyes and Lance is scared he's said something he isn't supposed to but the hybrid leans forward to press a soft kiss on his lips. Lance relaxes and cups Keith's cheek with his hand, embracing him closer.

"I really like you, Lance," Keith shyly confesses when they break apart, forehead against each other.

"I really like you too."

"I know," Keith giggles and snuggles deeper against Lance's collarbone and Lance's heart just completely melts into a small puddle. He makes a mental note to treat Pidge and Hunk out for lunch next week.


"You want to go for dinner tonight?" Lance speaks to the phone, a smile on his lips while he's on a break between classes. He's sitting on one of the cafeteria table, a plate of nachos in front of him.

"I'm still on the studio right now," Keith replies, "But I can get out around 8 ish? Does that sound good?"

"I'll pick you up around 8 then."

He hears Keith's soft giggle from the other line and doesn't fight it when he feels his heart flutter. God, he's so in love with him.

Pidge is sitting across him, slurping from their strawberry milkshake, when he puts the phone down. "What?" Lance asks, rolling his eyes when his best friend makes disgusting kissy faces at him.

"Was that Keith?"

Lance makes a small agreeing hum as he puts a few chips in his mouth.

"Can't believe you paid to rent him everyday for 3 years while not actually renting him."

Lance shrugs, "Well, I don't want him to get other customers, but at the same time I don't want him to think that he's obliged to like me and go out with me just because I paid him to. So why not just rent him but let him do whatever he wants?"

"And he's okay with this?"

"Obviously he's against it at first, says he doesn't want to cause me any trouble. But eventually he agreed. I got him into acting classes and small filming projects so he can practice. He seems pretty happy so I think I made the right decision."

Pidge lets out a huff, "Lucky. I wish I had someone to pay for all my things."

"Fuck off," Lance laughs, shaking his head in amusement, "You're rich enough to pay for all your things, dumbass."

"Still," Pidge presses. "So, 3 years, huh?" Lance nods. "What happens then?"

"Then he'll be able to quit from that sex business and I can start properly courting him."

"You're so in love, it's so gross."

"Shut up. You created this."

"I know, still gross."

Lance sticks out his tongue and smiles when Pidge gasp and hurries to stand up. "Shit! I forgot I have a student council meeting in a minute! Okay I gotta go now!"

"Thank god," Lance jokes.

"Don't forget that fancy dinner you still owe me! Hunk says he deserves a reward too since he paid for it too!" Pidge calls out before they leaves.

Lance watches his friend leave, a smile on his lips as his gaze drops to his new wallpaper on his phone: a picture of Keith eating ice cream he took when the boy isn't looking.

He takes it back. He thinks this may be the best birthday year he's ever had.

A/N: so,,,,,, how was that?? ;))) leave likes and comments please :) i love reading them !!

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