The rise of a Pokémon master

By KingSnooze09

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Ash Ketchum a ten year old boy ready for his Pokémon journey.Along his side is a electric rodent with that wa... More

I choose you
I choose you part 2
A Fresh Start
Journey Through Viridian Forest part 1
Move sets.
Viridian Forest Part 2
Challenge of the Samurai
Showdown in Pewter city
Show down in Pewter City part two
Move sets part 2
The Journey of a coordinator
Clefairy and the moon stone
The Water flowers of cerulean City
You win some, you lose some
The school of hard knocks
Bulbasaur and the hidden village
Charmander the first flame of aura
Here comes the Squirtle squad
Mystery at the light house
Electric shock show down
A shocking new move!(Yes I know it's a bad pun, deal with it)
A battling shipwreck
Move sets part 3
A vacation and relaxation
A Cruel Vacation
A frightful evolution
Not exactly love at first sight
A sweet smelling Showdown
A sweet smelling showdown part 2
A sweet smelling showdown part 3
A sweet smelling showdown part 4
The trials of a coordinator
The trials of a coordinator part 2
A breediful evolution(I know, bad pun deal with it.)
Breediful battles
Breediful battles part 2
Team Rocket take over.
The takeover
The bad, the good, and both
Move Sets part 4
It's finally over
Setting off
Mankey goes bananas
A mind breaking showdown
A troubling tournament
A rockin evolution!(I know it's cheesy)
The end of a rockin rematch!
The end of a way to long tournament
Leaving the big city
The familiar smell of lavender
breakin out!
Don't get between a momma Ursarang and her cub
A battle of parenting
Learning about the past
Training all day and training all night.
Move sets part 5
Child hunting
Hypno's nap time
Another day, another city
The not so gringey city
The not so Gringey city part 2
Dose dang Digletts!
Digging up a new team member
Move sets part 6
A contagiously good battle
A blazing battle

The Calvary has arrived!

20 0 1
By KingSnooze09

"Proton..."The Ex team Rocket members say."It looks like I have some traitors on my hands."Proton says."Who's this guy?"One of the trainers whisper."One of the Team  Rocket executives."One of the grunts say."He was always a piece of..."One of the ex grunts say but he wa cut off by Conner."Not in front of the kids."Conner whispers."Well this has been fun.But Wheezing."Parton says snapping his fingers and his Wheezing releases toxic gases."I.Can't.Breath."Misty says trying to cover her mouth.After a few seconds everyone is unconscious on the ground besides James and Jessie."What!Wheezing why aren't they unconscious!?"Proton ask angrily."I don't know, but we're not wasting any time."Go, Koffing and Weepinbell!"James says."Go, Beedrill and Ekans!"Jessie says."Hm.I guess you to have learned that poison types can't be poisoned.Well let's make this quick.Get out there Golbat, Toxicroak, Drapion, and wheezing ."Proton says.

"Koffing and Weepinbell, use Thunderbolt on Golbat and Earth Power on Drapion!"James says."Ekans and Beedrill use Glare on Wheezing and Throat Chop on Wheezing and Toxicroak!"Jessie says and Ekans' eye glow red glaring at Wheezing making it shiver.Golbat barely dodges but Drapion gets hit."Toxicroak, use Poison Jab."Proton says and Toxicroak's hand glows purple blocking Beedrill who are trying to hit each other in close combat."Golbat, use Aerial Ace on that nasty plant."Proton says."Wheezing, use Flamethrower on the bug, Drapion use Night Slash on the snake."Proton says.Golbat hits along with Drapion."Ekans, use Aqua Tail to block and then use Iron Tail!"Jessie says.Ekans leaps through the air with her tail surrounded by a torrent of water.She flips through the flamethrower putting out the fire.Once she's through her tail starts to look more metallic and Smacks Wheezing straight on the head."Koffing, use Psybeam on Toxicroak!Weepinbell, use Sleep Powder!"James says."Beedrill, use Aerial Ace on Toxicroak!"Jessie says.Weepinbell uses Bullet Seed to blast herself up in the air.She flips over Golbat firing sleep inducing spores on it.Ekans is barely hanging on to Wheezing by using wrap.Koffing fires the Psybeam allowing Beedrill to get a good hit on Toxicroak creating an explosion.When you can see Toxicroak again he doesn't look so hot after taking two super Effective moves in a row."Toxicroak, use Revenge."Proton says smiling.Toxicroak also smiles with it's hand glowing orange he uppercuts Beedrill sending him flying into a wall."Beedrill!"Jessie says worriedly."Go and finish it with Throat Chop."Proton says."Koffing, Weepinbell, and Ekans go help Beedrill!"James says but all the Pokémon are cut off by Protons'."Beedrill I know you can do it just get up!"Jessie says worried."Ha ha ha!Toxicroak will have fun squashing this bug.Now!"Proton says.(Beedrill in pokespeech)"I can't lose.I can't disappoint my queen!I won't stand down!"Beedrill says and glows green."Huh?"The Toxicroak says confused.Beedrill's stingers glow green as Beedrill jabs Toxicroak with a stronger than usual Twineedle causing Toxicroak to faint."Whaaat!"Proton says surprised his Pokémon lost to what used to be some of the worst agents."Grrrrr."He says returning Toxicroak.

"Now!Koffing use Thunderbolt, Weepinbell use Earth Power!"James says."Ekans use Cross Poison!Beedrill, use Pin Missile!"Jessie says and all the Pokémon fire their attacks."Don't just stand there dodge it!"Proton says angrily but they couldn't move seeing all the incoming attacks hit them at once."What?!"Proton says angrily."Well it looks like I have to do everything myself."Proton says pulling out a gun."No you don't!"James says picking up Weepinbell."This Pokémon of mine knows Bullet Seed!"James says and Weepinbell fires multiple glowing seeds at Proton making him drop his gun who Koffing burns with an ember."Grrr.You may of got me this time but next time you won't be so lucky!"Proton says but as he tries to run away he runs into a certain ex gym leader."Where do ya think you're goin?"The Lt. ask as his Pokémon start to spark with electricity.

"Matis!"Ash says running up to Lt.Surge giving him a big hug after waking up from the gas."Good to see ya kid!"Surge says happily."Nice to see ya kids again."Matis said."All the trainers here have been protecting the Pokémon center for the last two days!"Nurse Joy says."Wow!You kids would make some fine soldiers, but we're gonna have to take it from here."Lt.Surge says patting Ash on the back.What!We could help!We were strong when we first met, but now we're even stronger!"Ash says."I don't think we'd be able to beat an whole entire organization!"Misty says."She's right Ash."Brock says."But we can't just stand here!What can you do to help!"Jessie says."Well we're gonna squeeze all the information of those guys."Matis says pointing athe ex Rocket grunts as his Pokémon start to spark with electricity."Hey can we slow down!Me Jessie, and Meowth know these guys!We used to be in Team Rocket ourselves!"James says."Jimmy!"Meowth says terrified what's gonna happen now that the ex army Lt. knows their secret."Number one what!Number two why should we know their just spies!"Matis says."We'll give you all the information you need!We're done with that stupid organization!"One of the ex grunts say."How can we know!"Surge says as one of the ex grunts throws Dow their Team Rocket cap."Fry it if you want."The ex criminal says as Raichu uses Thunder on the hat leaving nothing but a pile of dust.

"Well if you're really not with Team Rocket then come with me so we can have a chat."Surge says as the Ex criminals follow surge towards a dark back room probably so he can interrogate them.

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