Yandere Shigaraki x F! reader

By Aazmarin

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《Clean Up Process: Completed [ Started:9.12.21 Ended:9.22.21]》 You were a well known florist that had a... More

Quirk explanation (please read)
I Will Return
My Home
Welcome Home
❣Milked❣ part one
❣Milked❣ part two
Check up
❣Take my hand❣
Home sweet Home
We need to talk
Love me
My Moth
Equals? No...
❣Sharing is caring❣
The Moth
New Headquarters
Our World


11.2K 302 194
By Aazmarin

The rain were like BB gun pellet's hitting the greenhouse glass. The sky was an ashy gray and the rain hadn't stopped since the night before. It was expected to rain for the rest of the week so only 4 more days of the ''Cat and Dog'' rain which you didn't mind since the rain against the glass was rather a peaceful sound to hear all day. And due to the clouds and rain, the greenhouse library is lit by small lamps that sat in every corner and at each end of bookshelves. The actual flower shop to which you worked mainly in, was to the left side of the greenhouse, separated by a glass door to keep the ac and the moisture in. 

It was a slow day for the flower shop itself due to the poor weather. The flower shop was called Oasis, to one side a beautiful and simple flower shop with roses in the front, lilys to the side and other flowers in the large, walk-in refrigerator.  Walking to the left of the flower shop would be the greenhouse library. Upon entering, the air becomes warmer but remains fresh. The book shelves begin lining up, 4 rows of 3 book shelves with books on both sides circle the entire green house with a large, circular opening in the center to allow for study groups or reading. Pillows, cushion chairs and even blankets are within the greenhouse--anything to make the guest comfortable. The greenhouse does have a few plants, mainly desert plants like cactus, but the potted plants hung over each bookshelves and their vines drooping over to the stone floor. 

The bell rung and a group of kids entered. They approached the front counter where you sat, reading a thriller novel, they sparked up a conversation where they discussed about their day, some rumors and drama before excusing themselves to the greenhouse to study. That was the rest of the day. A little less then a few people would enter the shop to escape the rain, looking around the shop and eventually resting in the greenhouse with a cup of tea and a book; or with their phone. 

You arched your back as you stretched, with your hands above your head and your pink wings sprung out. Hunching over again your wings retracted back to behind you, fluttering lightly in the process. Due to the rain, you haven't been able to get out to fly around so your wings are aching to flap. As you got out of your seat to hover in the center of the shop, the bell rang again and two individuals entered the shop. The smaller one used a jacket to shelter herself from the rain while the other lowered the scarf down to take in the crispy, fresh air of the shop. 

"Hello and welcome to Oasis," Still fluttering in place you waved to them. 

As the girl lowered the jacket from over her head, her messy but blonde buns came into view. Her eyes squinted as she smiled underneath her black mask, the other man face was barely visible since he used his scarf to cover his whole face but his eyes. 

"What a pretty store," She glanced around from the roses to the lilys then to the door of the greenhouse. 

With a smile you offered two menus. "You could warm up in the greenhouse and here are some drink options." You introduced yourself and offered them complimentary blankets. 

"My name is Himiko Toga, but call me Toga."

The man cleared his throat and averted his eyes to Toga before speaking. "Jin Bubaigawara." He cleared his throat as if resisting to say anything further. 

With a soft smile you took their orders and excused yourself. When you disappeared to the back room to make the drinks, Jin wondered off to the greenhouse while Toga remained at the counter.  She was very observant of you, watching your every step and every swift of your hand. You smiled nervously when you handed her the two drinks; she must of been parched. 

"You haven't caught up with the news?" She rummaged through the pockets of her jacket and laughed. "I forgot my wallet at home, whoopsie."

You chuckled, this wasn't the first time this has happened but your have a good memory so you were never fooled a second time. "That's fine, its on me. And no, I don't ever watch the news."

Her smile widen as she took her friends drink and left hers at the counter. When she returned, she leaned over the counter and sipped her glass while staring deeply into your eyes. Embarrassed by the idea she was staring at the fur surrounding the side of your collar bone and neck, you pulled your hair to the front as a way to cover your fur. The fur was never normally an issue however there were moments when people stared too long and that was when it became an insecurity. 

"I would appreciate it if you didn't stare at my fur.." Clearing your throat you wrapped most of your upper body with the wings. 

"But they look soft! And pretty," She reached over to pet your fur and your body tensed up as her hand slipped through your wings to your fur. Her hand wondered to your wings and she shrieked with glee. "Even your wings are soft!"

"Um yeah," You chuckled softly. Maybe she had no filter and was normally this friendly. You picked up the gloves that went up your arm. 

Toga glanced over her shoulder to the front door and placed the glass back down on the counter. Her body language showed that she became a bit anxious after looking to the door. Jin entered the shop again, holding his empty glass in his finger tips. 

"Could we hide in the back for a quick second? Pretty please! We are best friends right?" Toga intertwined her finger together as she begged for your permission to hide. 

She seemed sweet and normally you would do anything to make friends since there weren't a lot of people to call best friends. People in the Oasis come and go, using the shop for their entertainment. And although the regulars do come in and have a conversation with you that was all, not once did any of the customers or regulars invite you out to anything. Sure you could be the one to take the first step to speak up and ask them to hangout but, your social skills needed work. Interactions during your childhood was limited-- most of the time you kept to yourself by reading a book or practicing to fly every recess. The kids were afraid of you. 

With a loud sigh, that could be taken as a regrettable sigh for your choices, you stood up and escorted them to the back room where you made the drinks. To the side of the kitchen was a set of stairs that led up to your studio apartment. "Stay here in the kitchen."

They nodded and smiled to each other. The moment you spun around to head into the greenhouse to check on the group of kids that entered a few hours earlier the front door bell run again and three heroes entered. Suneater entered first, he was timid and immediately regretted being the first to enter--he turned to the nearest wall and faced, mumbling under his breath. Fatgum's struggle to enter the shop was what caught your attention the most. He did his best to suck in his gut and when he finally pass through the door, he exhaled roughly and a few flower pots fell over. You felt bad, watching the heroes clean up the flowers and placing them back into their pots. The door was suppose to suitable for people with all kinds of quirks but it seems the door now needs an upgrade. Walking into the kitchen to get the mop, you offered the heroes some complimentary drinks to which they accepted. Suneater was the first to notice the greenhouse library, he turned to Fatgum and whispered something before heading to the greenhouse door. Fatgum rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed and stuttering as he apologized again about spilling the flowers. 

You shook you head and let out a playful chuckle. "Believe me, those flowers will survive."

"Well, let me help out," Fatgum followed you to the kitchen but you stopped him. 

"Stay here, I'll hand you the pitcher." Clearing your throat you reached down near Toga and Jin, a green pitcher was beside Toga. She lifted a finger to her lips and you nodded. 

It wasn't difficult to figure out this situation. You were hiding two criminals, no doubt, and all you had to do was to get the heroes out of your shop soon. It wasn't the best option but it was the only option you could think of. You had children in the next room and you don't know what these criminals were capable of, for all you knew they could enjoy causing huge destruction. Turning to the sink, you filled the pitcher up to the top and handed it to Fatgum. As he went to fill the pots with the water, you went to preparing the heroes a quick, fruity drink. 

"I have a question," Fatgum placed the empty pitcher on the counter and stared at the greenhouse door, waiting for his friend to return. 

"Ask away," You brought him two glasses of a lavender and raspberry tea. Taking the pitcher away, your hands and your wings fluttered as a shiver ran down your spin. You didn't do well in stressful situations. 

"Have you seen a girl, around 17 and a man around his 30's run by here?" 

Suneater returned back to the shop, he shook his head at Fatgum. Suneater sipped on his tea. 

"No, any customers that have came in are in the greenhouse." Nervously you pulled on the gloves again, trying to pull them higher up your arm. 

"Are you sure? These individuals are villains', part of the L.O.V, they aren't your typical criminals."

Before you could get a word out, the group of kids from the greenhouse entered the shop and surrounded the heroes; begging for pictures and autographs. 

"These are the only ones here, sir," You smiled and spread your hands out and your wings did the same, covering the kitchen window and doorway. You were trying to draw the heroes attention to the children, attempting to persuade the heroes that you were telling the truth. 

The heroes took their photos, did their autographs and bid you fair well, but before warning you once more about the villains. The kids ran into the greenhouse and  like sheep, followed the heroes out of the shop; waving you goodbye. One by one the kids left the shelter of Oasis and entered the storm. 

After a few minutes, you let go of the air that you had kept in when Fatgum asked another question. The shop became silent. Now the only problem left were the two villains that you have decided to hide. You swayed slightly, sided to side, as you entered the kitchen. Your body felt heavy like lead and your heart was beating faster and faster with every step. 

Toga jumped out from underneath the table, wrapping her arms around your whole body and squealed with glee. She kept thanking you and swinging you side to side until Jin came from underneath the table. 

"N-No problem." If she placed her ear against your chest, the pounding of your heart could break her eardrums. As much as you didn't want to show fear it was too difficult. 

"How can we make it up to you, hmm?" Toga's chin chest on your chest and she looked up with puppy eyes. 

She looked like a normal and nice. The kind that seemed like the popular kid at school but that was not the case. Somehow she had gained the title of a villain and you rather not know how. 

Without even thinking, the words slipped through your lips and you couldn't stop it. "Are you guys really villains?"

"I can't take this," The man pulled a mask out from his jacket pockets and pulled it over his face. He hunched over like he ran a marathon. "Never again will I take it off, that was too much. Oh please, the rain felt nice!"

He spoke to himself but almost with a different tone of voice, like there were two of him in his head. 

Toga sighed and pulled a knife from her pocket. "Is that a problem? Best friends don't judge other Best friends." The knife rose and stopped a few inches from the bottom on your chin, she could easily puncture your neck but she's resisting.

You shook your head and lowered the knife with a shaky hand. She pulled the knife back but cut your palm in the process. The knife was unbelievably sharp enough to cut through your glove, which should have been impossible. The gloves were suppose to be thick enough to prevent the toxins from slipping out and more importantly prevent even a small kitchen knife from slicing through it. Toga pulled out a vile from her pocket and forced your freshly sliced palm in the opening. Jin ran behind you, gripping your arm tightly to allow the blood to fill the vile and his other arm pinned your free hand behind you, just above your wings. 

"Careful! My blood." Your shoulder raised against your cheek when the opening of the vile pushed roughly on your wound. It was a small slice but the wound was deep and Toga pushing the vile on to it was causing more bleeding. 

"I just need a little more," Toga giggled.

When the vile was filled Toga placed a cap on it and slipped it into her pocket. She turned to speak but she winced and began scratching the hand that was holding the vile. A hissing sound escaped her lips and she continued to furiously scratch at her hand. Jin had  let you go to aid Toga and you turned to the first aid kit on the wall. Opening it up, you bandaged your wound and pulled out some latex gloves as a substitute until you fixed the ripped glove. 

"My hand! It burns!"

Jin gripped your wings and you froze like a deer in head lights. Your wings weren't too sensitive but it was always nerve-racking when anyone grabbed your wings. 

"What did you do to her? You some kind of wizard, bug lady?" 

"No it's the toxins!" You pointed to the refrigerator and slightly twitched your wings to get out of his hands. "I have a serum to help with the itching, just let me go."

Jin didn't trust you, instead he guided you to the refrigerator; still holding on to your wings. You grabbed the serum and went to Toga. 

"Let me see the rash."

Toga shook her head and scratched harder, her skin was turning a scarlet red; she was close to causing an open wound. "I can't, it's just so itchy."


"Twice, call me Twice! Its more comfortable."

You raised an eyebrow but shook that correction off. "Twice, stop her from scratching so I could apply the serum. Hurry before she opens a wound."

Twice didn't question you and pinned Toga's arm behind her and held out her infected hand. He kept apologizing, sincerely, as he struggled to maintain her arm behind her. You quickly applied the serum and blew on the hand, blowing on the serum helps activate a cooling sensation to counterpart the burning itch. You turned to the first aid and grabbed a gauze roll to wrap the serum. Toga calmed down and she even asked Twice to let her go to which you agreed. 

"Keep the serum on overnight and for an hour every morning, until the rash settles, apply aloe vera--the plant preferable." 

Toga frowned and looked at her wrapped hand. "You were warning me from your quirk.."

"Yes, duh," You placed the serum back into the fridge and packaged the first aid back up, returning it on the wall. "First it starts with an itchy rash. The itch is almost so unbearable that eventually the scratching causes open wounds and if any toxins left on your skin gets into the wound, that body part will turn purple and might need to be amputated if not treated immediately." 

Toga's eyes widen and again she glanced down at her bandaged hand. She seemed to have regretted taking the blood since it was considered life threatening. Twice rubbed the back of his head and cleared his throat. 

You inhaled deeply and placed your hands on your hips. "I think it's best you guys leave before I call those heroes back." You turned you back on them. "You should leave by the time I turn my back around." 

The silence remained as they made their way to the front door. When the bell rang you mentioned the heroes took the left to which Twice was the only one to thank you. The door closed and you faced the front of the shop, it was empty now. The pounding rain was the only sound that echoed in the shop. There was a bit of regret weighing down your heart, maybe it was best to have led the heroes to the villains but then again you always wanted to believe the good in people. 

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