Best Is Yet To Come

By ScarlettLeigh13

4.4K 112 10

Sequel to Doubt Stacey returns to America after six months back home in Ireland/UK things are definitely diff... More

Chapter 1 - Guess Who Back
Chapter 2 - The Dating Game
Chapter 3 - Awkward Encounters
Chapter 4 - They are Endgame
Chapter 5 - Love of a Good Man
Chapter 6 - Am I Wasting My Time?
Chapter 7 - Little Speed Demon
Chapter 8 - Blind
Chapter 9 - High school Teenagers
Chapter 10 - Maybe Just Maybe
Chapter 11 - Halloween
Chapter 12 - Different Circumstance
Chapter 13 - Hometown
Chapter 14 - Fuck You
Chapter 15 - In The Car
Chapter 16 - Surprise Visits and Girl Talk
Chapter 18 - NYE
Chapter 19 - The Party
Chapter 20 - Royal Rumble
Chapter 21 - Match Day
Chapter 22 - Red Light
Chapter 23 - Where is she?
Chapter 24 - Work
Chapter 25 - Panic
Chapter 26 - Scared
Chapter 27- Put on a Show
Chapter 28 - In My Head
Chapter 29 - Far From Over
Chapter 30 - Believe and Trust

Chapter 17 - TLC

148 4 0
By ScarlettLeigh13

Tonight is TLC. It was at this PPV two years ago that I won my first championship from AJ Lee. It crazy how time flies. Jon has a match tonight against Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship and he wont tell me whether or not he wins. So I beyond nervous and excited for him. Last week at Smackdown, I decided enough was enough and forced him to tell me what happened between him and his mother, in return I promised to sit down with Sara tonight and talk to her. It been four weeks since we spoke to each other so I had to have this conversation now as I felt like I needed answers and she was the only person going to give me them, something Jon was quick to point out. 

*Flashback to Smackdown *

"We need to talk." I tell Jon as he sits next to me in catering with a plate of food.

"And that's my cue to leave." Colby speaks suddenly standing to his feet, his fork in his mouth and plate in his hand as he walked off to sit next to Nick and Mike. Jon watched Colby leave, a confused look on his face before turning to me with an innocent smile. 

"I didn't do it." He states raising his hands in defence, the action alone making me laugh. 

"Jon, I want you to tell me what happened between you and your mom. Please." I plead with him. I rested my hands on his forearm as I gave him my best puppy dog look. He glances at me before looking down at his food, I could tell he was slightly annoyed but this conversation was a long time coming and he knew it. 

"Fine, we fell out over the fact I got back with Renee." He sighs looking down at his plate before back up at me. "She surprised me one night at a show in Cincinnati and I was with Renee, she pulled me aside and asked what the hell I was doing, I told her to mind her own business.  She yelled at me for going behind your back and getting back with Renee, she didn't like Renee very much mind you." 

"But we were broken up?" 

"Exactly, that's what I said but she slapped me up the side of the head and told me that you didn't leave me because you didn't love me. You needed to find yourself and heal and that you'd be back so I should be waiting for you." 

"Well that isn't fair." 

"I basically yelled back at her calling her a crazy bitch and to stay the hell out of my life because you weren't coming back and she had to get over it. We haven't spoken since." 

"Does she know we are back together?" I ask after letting his words sink in. In response he shook his head no. "Don't you think you should tell her, get back on the same page? She is your mom Jon." 

"I'll talk to my mom if you talk to Saraya." 

"That's completely different Jon." 

"No it isn't. Look I told you something that has been bothering me for months and your right I need to make amends with my mom she was doing what she thought was right for me. I see that now, I was just using Renee to fill the void you left and that was wrong of me but whatever what's done is done." 

"Yeah your mom was looking out for you, telling me Ayla was better off without me is not looking out for me." 

"Have you ever been so mad that things just slip out Stacey?" Jon asks raising an eyebrow at me. "Like your blood is boiling because you watched someone you love go through one of the hardest things a person would ever have to go through only for them to throw themselves into the fire one more time in front of you without so much as a second thought?" 

"Well yeah..." 

"That's exactly how Saraya feels Stacey. She watched her sister breakdown in front of her, loose herself and here she is in a relationship and living with her ex again after only 3 months." 

"Are you saying we shouldn't have moved in together?" 

"Hell no, I wanted that. That's why I asked you. I just want you to think about it from Saraya's point of view that's all. Talk to her, you both need this." 

"Fine, I will. Promise." 

*End of Flashback*

I wasn't one to break my promises, so collecting myself I walked towards the Talent Show room, where most of the divas and superstars hung out to watch the show. There was drinks, TVs and a lot of chairs so people could come and go as they please. I noticed Saraya sitting next to Victoria (Alicia Fox) who noticed me first and gave me a smile. 

"Hey" I breathe reaching the pair. Saraya looked up at me, surprise in her eyes as she sat up straight. 


"Can we talk?" I asked her, immediately she nods her head. I smile at Fox with a slight nod before walking out of the room, Saraya on my tail. I walked until I found a secluded hallway towards the gorilla area. Stopping myself, I inhaled deeply before turning on my heel to face her. "Okay, tell me why you said it?" 

"I honestly didn't mean it. I was just frustrated and annoyed. I saw how your relationship ended and I guess I just saw it happening again in my head and I got scared that if it did happen I would lose you. For good." 

"Sara the relationship didn't end because Jon and I weren't right for each other. It ended because I couldn't deal with myself. I lost myself to grief and alcohol. I was in so much pain over Ayla that I didn't want to wake up in the morning that had nothing to do with Jon." 

"I know. But I got inside my head and I shouldn't have but I did. It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. Ayla is lucky to have a mom like you. I am lucky to have you and I honestly can't believe I said that. I hate myself for it but I didn't mean it. Please believe me." 

"I believe you." I whisper lowly, the tears filling my eyes. 

"You do?" She asks, tears in her own eyes. "I swear I will spend my life making it up to you." 

"You don't have to do that." 

"I love Jon Stace, he is perfect for you. You are perfect together and I am sorry for even thinking he was a problem. Of course you guys should live together, your Endgame." She chuckles lowly making me laugh at the term Colby loves to use about Jon and I. 

"I'm sorry it took so long to talk to you." 

"I understand." She smiles holding her arms out to me. Immediately I wrap my arms around her, I really did miss her. Despite putting up a front that I hated her and didn't want to talk to her. I did. She was my sister, I started my wrestling journey with her and I was determined to finish it with her. "I love you." She whispers in my ear, tears falling from her eyes and onto my shoulder. 

"I love you Sara" 


"So you have no idea if he wins this or not?" Victoria asks. After our chat, Saraya and I headed to catering to catch up further before heading back to the Talent Viewing room and sitting next to Fox to watch Jon's match. I shook my head no before sitting on my hands to stop myself from biting my nails. I was so nervous for him. He has worked so hard the last few months and I just hope upper management have finally decided to give him another title. "How do you do that?" 

"With great difficulty." Saraya laughed pushing my shoulder jokingly. My eyes were glued to the screen, so I just stuck out my tongue at the TV making the girls laugh. Kevin currently had Jon in  a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. I was gnawing on the side of my lip nervously, I knew Jon could come back from this but still I didn't like seeing him get hurt. "I think the only time you knew what was going to happen was when The Shield broke up right?" 

"Yeah"I nod taken my eyes off the screen to look at the girls. "I was pregnant with Ayla and jump didn't want me to panic and go into preterm labour so he told me." I laugh softly remembering that night on RAW. 

"That's really sweet. He doesn't seem like a sweet man if you know what I mean but he must be different outside of here." Victoria commented bringing my attention to her. 

"He is completely different outside of here. He is pretty amazing." I smile turning my attention back to the screen in front of me. 

"I have to agree with her. He is pretty awesome." Saraya agreed patting my thigh and sitting forward in her chair. 

"I can see that on People magazine, Sexiest Man of the Year" I heard Jerry Lawler comment on Jon's face making me laugh. Michael Cole quickly coming in and shooting him down of course but I didn't care before what Lawler said was true. 

"He would be Sexiest Man of the Year if you ask me." I smirk at Victoria and Sara who giggled at me. Saraya was about to say something when a crew member came over and told her it was time to go to the gorilla as Jon's match will be ending in the next five minutes. "Good luck Sara." I get up and hug her as does Victoria before she leaves the Talent Room. 

"Do you think he'll win?" Victoria asked after a view moments, Jon was making his way to the top rope. He was by no means a highflyer but for the entertainment of the crowd, he would do just about anything. 

"I hope so, he really deserves it. He works really hard." I reply to her turning my attention back to the screen. Both men were going back and forth before both Jon and Kevin were on the top rope. Kevin had put Jon on his shoulders so that he was set up for his senton. I placed my hands on the back of my head as my face grimaced as he hit it. I watched as the referee slammed his hand to the mat two and almost three times before Jon kicked out. I couldn't believe it. 

Kevin threw Jon against the ropes and Jon came back with an attempt on Dirty Deeds but Kevin once again pushed him towards the ropes. I watched as Jon hopped over the top of Kevin and hitting him with a perfect Dirty Deeds. At this point I was on the edge of my seat, was he going to do it? Was he going to win? But Kevin got his finger on the ropes. I don't know how much more I could take. I was aware most people in the room were watching my reaction to the match rather than the match but I didn't care. I felt my jaw drop as I watched Jon rip the black wife beater from his chest, growling as he planned his next move. 

"Oh girl that is a fine ass man you got there." Victoria whistled next to me. 

"Hell yeah he is." I agree smirking over at her. Kevin had once again pushed Jon against the ropes and prepared for a Pop Up Power Bomb which Jon managed to reverse and rolled him up for a pin and getting the three count. "YESSS" I screamed jumping to my feet and continuing to jump up and down making Victoria and the others in the room laugh. "HE DID IT." 

I watched Jon celebrate around the outside of the ring with the fans for a few minutes before leaving the room and running towards the gorilla. I waited outside behind the curtain waiting for my champion to return. I couldn't believe it. He was the Intercontinental Champion all his hard work was paying off. 

"He won, your boy won." Saraya grinned from her position beside the curtain, Ashley was also there a smile on her face. 

"I'm so freaking proud of him." 

"Save some of that pride for me." Saraya laughed shoving me gently. I gave her a confused look as she told me she wasn't scheduled to win tonight. "I know am not winning but gee you can still be proud of me." 

"Always." I laugh wrapping her in a one armed hug as I waited for Jon to stop celebrating and to come through the curtain so I could attack him. My wish finally came true as I saw him walking through the curtain bare chested and sweaty. "I'm so proud of you. Congratulations." I grinned running at him and jumping so that my arms were around his neck and my legs around his waist. 

"Thank you." He breathed into my ear. I didn't seem to phase him at all when I jumped on him, he didn't stumble or lose his balance. "I did this for us."  He whispered so only I could hear. I pulled away briefly, his arms around my butt keeping me up as I stared into his eyes. "For you and Ayla." 

"I love you." I breathed attaching my lips to his. 

"I love you." He grins back as we parted. "Now I need to get a shower, get off me woman." He laughs dropping his hands from my ass. I jumped down, a huge smile still on my face as he walked around me holding up his title. 

"My Champ." I smirk biting my lip. Jon just chuckles with a wink before turning his back to me and walking down the hallway to the male locker room to get changed for the night. 

"BOKE" Saraya yelled fake vomiting causing me to roll my eyes. 

"I think it's cute." Ashley grinned at me. 

"Thank you. Good luck in your match, both of you." I say to the girls before bowing. Standing back up to my feet, I had a confused look on my face as I have no idea why I did that. I noticed Saraya shake her head at me before turning on my heel and walking off in the same direction as Jon, only I was returning to Talent Viewing to watch Saraya's match next. I was so happy. Things were finally returning to normal for me. 

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