Loki x Reader - Princess

By fan-of-the-fandoms

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Exactly what the title says :) More



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By fan-of-the-fandoms

Y/N's P.O.V.

"There." Tony muttered, attaching the cuff to Loki's wrist.
"Magic dampeners. Your magic isn't completely gone, even I can't create something that powerful, but you shouldn't be able to do anyone any harm."

"He doesn't need magic to do that." I muttered, making Tony laugh a little and Loki glare at me. Although, for a few moments, I thought I saw something flash in his eyes. Hurt.

"So what's your deal, Glinda?" Tony asked me and I pulled a face.

"Clint warned me about your need to give everyone nicknames, but what in the nine realms is Glinda?" He almost looked offended my my comment.

"She's the good witch from The Wizard Of Oz!" Tony threw his hands up and Loki snorted.

"I am not a witch." I pointed out, scowling.
"Sorcery and witchcraft are two completely different things."

"Are they, though?" Tony asked and I glared at him.
"Alright, fine. Not a witch." The man held his hands up.
"But you're not royalty either and Reindeer Games still calls you Princess." Loki looked as if he was going to say something, but as soon as he saw the look on my face, he kept his mouth shut.
"Shit... I'm late. Pepper is going to kill me. Take him upstairs will you?" Tony asked me and I grabbed Loki's arm, dragging him into the elevator.

"So, you're hiding your royal heritage, why's that?" He asked as soon as the doors shut.

"For once would you just shut your mouth? It's really none of your business." I muttered.

"Actually, no, we need to talk." Loki stated and I glared at him.
"It's important."

"I don't care. I don't want to hear anything you have to say." I replied honestly and he scowled at me.

"It's about-"

"Loki, I'm serious." I snapped at him.
"I don't care. We're not friends, you don't have to tell me anything. Maybe if you hadn't shattered my trust, I'd let myself listen to what you have to say, but you did. I have no way of knowing that whatever you're about to say is a lie. So, I'm not interested."

"I have never once lied to you." He growled at me and I looked at him blankly.

"Of course you have." I shrugged.
"You told me that you cared about me." The elevator opened and I stepped out, walking into the main room.

"Hey, Y/N, I've got a question." Sam looked at me as I walked in.
"So when you say you're the Goddess of Health and Healing, I understand the Healing bit, but what's the Health? Surely that's the same as healing?" I looked at him carefully before he sneezed. Then he sneezed again and again and again.

"No way. You're making him do that?" Bucky laughed, pulling his phone out to film his friend, who couldn't stop sneezing.
"This is awesome."

"Alright, I get it!" Sam glared at me, before sneezing one last time.
"But that was sickness not health?"

"I can make your health better or worse. I can make you the healthiest person in the world or well, I can make you so unhealthy that it kills you in seconds." His eyes widened.
"Don't worry about that, though. That's exhausting for me in Vanaheim, here... I'd rather not see what happens."

"What's it like? Your home?" Bucky asked curiously and I ignored Loki, as I sat down on the couches with the pair. Loki was glaring at me, I didn't have to turn to see that.

"It's beautiful, the realm itself is mostly forest and we don't really have cities, just small villages and camps. There's not a huge population of people that live there, not nearly as many as there are here. It's peaceful, most of the time. Occasionally we have raiders try and stir up trouble, but other than that, it's near enough perfect." I sighed.

"It sounds beautiful." Bucky smiled and I nodded.

"What about King Njörd's castle? Why haven't you mentioned that? Surely that is the most beautiful part of your home?" Loki asked and I resisted the urge to stab him.
"It's huge, made of stone and-"

"And I hate it. Yes, it's beautiful, but I hate that the king believes himself to be so above everyone else that he has to have his own castle that is larger than some of the villages the people live in." I replied calmly, giving Loki a look, hoping he'd shut his mouth.

"I mean, if he's the king, then why shouldn't he live in a castle?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I guess it's unfair that kings and queens get to live in castles, but you said it was peaceful, right? Maybe the people don't mind."

"Also isn't it treason or something to talk about the king like that?" Bucky questioned.

"No?" I shook my head, confused to where he got that idea from.

"But would you say it to his face?" Sam challenged and I sighed.

"Talking to the pair of you is exhausting." I muttered and Sam laughed a little. I used magic to materialise a book, but it seemed to amaze the pair.
"You're acting like you've never seen magic before."

"Yeah, well, we haven't, not really." Sam shrugged.
"Can you do that with anything? Just make them appear?"

"It's basic magic. Even I can do it with this thing on." Loki muttered, now sat opposite me.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, looking at him.
"Go away."

"We need to talk." Loki shrugged and I looked at him in disbelief. I flicked my wrist and the sofa he was sat on fell back suddenly, causing Bucky and Sam to laugh, whist I smirked victoriously.

"Not interested, Loki."

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