demon Princes mate | COMPLETE

By alaskabear13

539K 13K 3.7K

"she's here" a boy from behind me said to what i'm guessing are his friends. His voice is so husky, I almost... More

meeting my mother
new demon school
this bitch
meeting parents
stupid angels
the fuck
extra possesive
I wonder...
the start.
trust exercise
birthday shopping
finding my way
king and queen

the meeting

13.1K 371 37
By alaskabear13

Storm pov:

"What did you need?" I asked him as I sat down in the seat on the other side of his desk.

"Ahh, yes" he said before pulling out some paper from his desk, I looked down at the paper in confusion.

"What's that?" I asked him, wait wasn't Trojan meant to be him?

I shook my head he's probably in his own office.

"That, that is information" he said, as he handed it over to me.

I grabbed it from his hands, my eyes searched over the big word in bold.


"Why do I need it?" I placed the papers on his desk as I paid full attention to him.

"Well, as you know we have and still are at war with the angel" I nodded, encouraging him to carry on.

"All those papers are very thing and anything you need or want to know about angel, it was written by your great great-grandfather, Amell Aiden Bradley" holy fuck, I've not had many things from my grandfather Amell.

I stared at him wide-eyed for s second before I composed myself.

"You father told me to give you them when the time was right, said there was something to help you gain control of the war at hand" I smirked slightly, my family love putting hidden messages in things.

"I also would like to talk to you about becoming queen" I forget about that sometimes.

"I'm sure Trojan had told you, you become queen the same time Trojan becomes king, in a week's time" my eyes widened in shock once again.

"I'm going to kill him" I said annoyed, he never once told me about this, right?

"I guess he never told you" the king, Robert, said as he chuckled at my shocked face.

"I don't find this funny" I deadpanned, no emotion on my face.

I watch him shake his head before looking me straight in the eyes.

He wants respect, fuck that. He may be my mates father and the king but he sure as fuck ain't learned no respect from me.

The both of us are probably matched in strength, power, not so much.

We kept the staring contest going, never once did I blink or break contact.

"Do you just not blink?" he asked kind of angrily, rubbing his eyes.

"I've had a lot of staring contests with my dad" I shrugged.

'Stupid' my demons voice floated through my mind.

'Why?' I asked her.

'Testing king' she answered back, oh well I'm an idiot.

"I like to know that my son's mate will test me, makes me know your strong" he said, I gave him a smirk.

"Follow me, I've got another thing to show you" what's with this guy and showing me a load of things.

"What is it?" I asked him, picking up the papers and standing up.

I walked up next to him, and he started leading us around the halls.

"Well since you head demon warrior now, there's something I must give you" why the suspense.

I groaned, annoyed that he wouldn't tell me what it was.

I followed him as he walked through multiple halls, down many steps, we even went through some secret pathway.

We walked for what felt like hours, which was probably more like minutes, before we stopped at a door.

"After you" he said as he unlocked the door.

Probably trying to kill me or some shit.

I pulled the handle down before pushing it open, the door hit against the wall causing a huge 'bang' to ring in the room.

"So heavy-handed" I heard the king whisper to himself.

We walked into the room, me In front.

My eyes wandered around the room, the only light was from the door in the back, it was kind of gloomy in here.

I heard a 'huff' noise from the corner before a trotting sound was heard.

All a sudden a horse appeared from the darkness of the room.

The once cold room started to warm up, a fire started to blaze inside the room. It came from the horse.

Oh, my fucking god, do I actually get one?

I should've felt scared as the fire horse came closer to me, but I didn't, I never will.

Once the horse has fully trotted over to me, it stopped in front of my face, breathing out heavily.

The horse's mane was fire, the tail was fire and then last the sock/good of the horse was on fire.

The fire was never ending, it warmed me up, and I loved it.

"This is your horse, it was once your father, your father's father and so on. His name is Torrok, he's faithful to you and you only..." He trailed of, I nodded encouraging him to continue.

"He's attached to only your family, he will be passed on to your son or daughter when the time is right" I reached my hand up to his face.

His fire like eyes vote into mine, once my hand reached his forehead I heard a sigh type of thing leave him his eyes shut closed and the fire cooled down.

"I will leave now" I didn't say anything, too much in a trance of this beautiful animal.

I stood back from him, circling him, my hand tracing his muscles.

"You are very magnificent" I said once I was back I front of him.

He shook his head, as if saying 'i know'.

I chuckled at his behaviour

"Well, I'm storm" I said greeting him.

Suddenly he turned round, he pulled his leg up as if saying 'get on', I obliged.

I stepped on his leg area, placing my hands on his back before using my strength and pulling myself up, I swung my leg over and got comfy on top of him.

I didn't have anything to grip on, which probably wasn't good.

Though, suddenly a reign appeared, made of a fire, or what look like fire anyways.

I gripped it and soon we were off.

He galloped through the now open door, this lead to a huge field filled with only a few other horses.

Torrok was probably around 20 hands, and what looked like, the biggest horse in the field.

As we ran, the other horses started running behind us.

I was loving it, I felt free, I felt at peace for the first time in a while, everything about me forgotten.

At this moment and time I was just storm, my dad hasn't died, I wasn't the head demon warrior, I wasn't mated to Trojan and lastly, I wasn't the demon princess almost queen.

I was just me.

We were just about to run past some bow and arrows, I lent over sideways, picking up one of the many bow and arrows.

"Time to practice" I said, we ran through the forest, the other horses behind us.

I used bow and arrows and started to fire them at trees, I imagined the trees as an angel, each Shot I did, I killed an angel.

Soon it started getting dark, I could feel the worry through the bond that was coming from Trojan. He was probably concerned about me not being back yet.

I and Torrok as well as the other horses, had been running around for hours, I had shot many arrows at the trees.

We started heading back, this time in a trot and not a full-blown gallop.

It took us another few hours to get back, by now it was fully dark.

I jumped off Torrok before petting his neck.

"It was nice meeting you, I'll be back soon" I told him before teleporting myself up to Trojans room.

I really hope he's here.

Thankfully I was correct, once I had fully teleported to Trojans room, I saw a pacing Trojan, a worried look on his face.

"Why didn't you tell me I was going to be queen soon?" I asked annoyed.

"I forgot" of course he did.

Yeah or nah?

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