Loki x Reader - Princess

By fan-of-the-fandoms

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Exactly what the title says :) More



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By fan-of-the-fandoms

Y/N's P.O.V.

"I assure you..." I muttered as I killed the last of the bandits, turning to face the blond man.
"We didn't need Asgard's help. I understand it's your job to keep the peace, but we were doing just fine on our own."

"Yeah, it looks like it." Thor, prince of Asgard, replied dryly and I scowled at him.
"I am not here to have petty arguments with silly little girls. I have been summoned to Vanaheim by King Njörd. So, if you could so kindly lead me to his majesty..." I had to hide my smirk, clearly the mighty Thor didn't know who I was and I planned on using that to my advantage.

"Lead the Prince of Asgard to the King. I have to finish up here." I spoke to the nearest guard, who instantly nodded, leading the God of Thunder away, causing me to scoff.

"My lady, shall I inform your father of how-"

"You will not inform my father of anything concerning what you just saw or heard, understood?" The guard nodded his head and I sighed.
"Let's clean this up then." After spending a ridiculous amount of time cleaning up the battle, I was exhausted, but I knew I had other duties to attend to.

"Go, my lady. We can finish up here." My good friend Ivor smiled at me and I nodded towards him. He had fought many battles by my side and he was a good warrior and a greater friend.
Using my magic, I teleported myself across the realm, into my bedroom. Such a jump would be difficult if I was in any other realm, but Vanaheim was my home and I drew power from its very existence.
I quickly traded my armour and weapons for a dress suitable for a lady to wear in court, before there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Yes?" I called out, causing the door to open.

"My lady, the king has requested your presence in the throne room." The guard informed and I sighed, nodding my head. Giving myself a quick look in the mirror, I left my room, teleporting just outside the doors of what was probably my least favourite place on Vanaheim. I let myself into the throne room, immediately moving past Thor, who stood out like a... well, like an Asgardian in Vanaheim.

"You..." The prince looked at me in confusion and anger.

"Father? You requested to see me?" I asked, bowing respectfully. Thor looked baffled, to say the least, and I was finding great amusement in his confusion.

"I did." He nodded.
"Prince Thor, I believe you have met my daughter, Princess Y/N of Vanaheim?"

"I-uh- yes!" Thor responded with a fake smile.
"We met on the battlefield. She barely needed my help."

"Barely?" I asked, glaring at him slightly.
"I had it-"

"Enough!" My father interrupted and I looked down at the ground.
"Prince Thor, tell me honestly, is it true that your brother Loki is being sent to Midgard to make amends for what he did?"

"Yes, your majesty." Thor nodded and I had no idea what I was doing there.
"But I do not see-"

"I have a favour to ask of you, Thor." My father spoke in a soft tone that he rarely used. In fact, the only times he did use that tone of voice was when talking to me or my brother.
"My son is to ascend to the Vanir throne in less than a thousand years and both of my children will be taking on a lot more responsibility when that happens. I request that you allow my daughter to accompany you to Midgard, where she will have the chance to learn more about the realm and it's people."

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief.
"Father, do you not think you should have asked me about this first?"

"My dear Y/N, you have visited every realm countless times, except Midgard. It is your responsibility to deal with affairs in the other realms, would it not be right for you to know about them equally?" He was right, I just didn't want to admit it. I had always wanted to visit Midgard, but something always held me back.
"Prince Thor, do you have an argument you'd like to bring forward?"

"Your majesty, I will already be watching my brother, I won't have time to watch-"

"I do not need watching." I cut him off in a warning tone and my father cleared his throat, shutting me up.

"I understand your duty to ensure Prince Loki doesn't do anything reckless, however, I'd like to offer my daughter's services to do the same." My jaw dropped.
"She is one of Vanaheim's finest warriors and if your brother steps out of line, she'll be fair in correcting him."

"Father, do I not-" The king held up his hand and I glared at him, not even bothering to hide my anger.

"Prince Thor?" My father asked and I huffed out a breath as the blond looked at me.

"It is not really my decision." He admitted.
"If Princess Y/N agrees then she may come along." So my father wasn't giving me a choice but the neighbouring prince was? That was interesting and it could've been my last chances to visit Midgard in a long time.

"Fine. I'll go." I agreed after some hesitation and another smile spread across Thor's face, a genuine smile that made his eyes light up.

"You will both need your rest. Stay here in Vanaheim tonight and then tomorrow you may return to Asgard and then Midgard." My father explained and I tried not to visibly express my hatred towards Asgard, not in front of the prince, at least.
"You are both dismissed. I will see you both at dinner."

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