Josie Higashikata x Male Read...

By Victor_TheRiper

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Josie Higashikata, an 18 year old female teenager who lives in Japan, M Prefecture, S-City, Morioh Town. She... More

Chp.1 Enter Josie Higashikata
Chp.2 The Talk
Chp.3 The Mysterious Enemy Stand
Chp.4 Enter Angelo Katagiri Pt.1
Chp.5 Angelo Katagiri: Water Neckalce Pt.2
Chp.6 Ryohei's Death/Angelo Katagiri Pt.3
Chp.7 Angelo Katagiri:Water Neckalace Pt.4
Chp.8 End Of Angelo Katagiri
Chp.9 Encountering The Nijimuras
Chp.10 Okuyasa Nijimura: Za Hando
Chp.13 The Mysterious Creature/New Enemy Stand
Chp.14 The New Mysterious Enemy
Chp.15 Tamami Koboyashi: The Lock Pt.1
Chp.16 Echoes Act 1/End Of Tamami Koboyashi Pt.2
Chp.17 Toshikazu Hazamada: Surface Pt.1
Chp.18 End Of Toshikazu Hazamada Pt.2
Chp.19 Enter Yukako Yamagishi Pt.1
Chp.20 Yukako Yamagishi Pt.2
Chp.21 Echoes Act 2/Yukako Yamagishi Pt.3
Chp.22 End Of Yukako Yamagishi
Chp.23 Encounter Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.1
Chp.24 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.2
Chp.25 Enter Akira Otoishi/Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.3
Chp.26 Red Hot Chili Pepper Pt.4
Chp.27 End Of Akira Otoishi
Chp.28 Daughter and Mother Reunion
Chp.30 The Tragic Backstory
Chp.32 Enter Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.1
Chp.32 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.2
Chp.33 Rohan Kishibe:Heaven's Door Pt.3
Chp.34 Josie's Story/End Of Rohan Kishibe
Chp.35 Meeting Reimi Sugimoto Pt.1
Chp.36 The Mysterious Blonde Man/Reimi Sugimoto Pt.2
Chp.37 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.1
Chp.38 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.2
Chp.39 Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu Pt.3
Chp.40 Kira: The Mysterious Blonde Man
Chp.41 Kira Yoshikage/Killer Queen
Chp.42 Shigechi's Irreversible Sadness Death
Chp.43 Sheer Heart Attack Pt.1
Chp.44 Echoes Act 3/Sheer Heart Attack Pt.2
Chp.46 Kira Yoshikage gets ORA'd
Chp.47 Kira Yoshikage's Escape
Chp.48 The Heart Father: Yoshihirio Kira
Chp.49 Shinobu Kawajiri/Kosaku Kawajiri
Chp.50 The Unknown Enemy: Highway Star Pt.1
Chp.51 Highway Star Pt.2
Chp.52 End of Yuya Fungami/Highway Star
Chp.53 Cats love Yoshikage Kira
Chp.54 Killer Queen: Bites The Dust
Chp.55 Kira Yoshikages's Identity Expose
Chp.59 The Showdown
Chp.61 Yoshikage Kira's Defeat
Chp.63 One Last Goodbye
Chp.64 The Epilogue
Final Chapter: Lemon Is Unbreakable
Coming REALLY Soon
Yoshikage Kira's Alternative Defeat
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2

Chp.12 Keicho Nijimura: Bad Company

2.3K 48 24
By Victor_TheRiper


Keicho: All units, halt! Ready,!!!

Keicho's Worse Company soldiers stopped...aimed at Josie and (YN) as they all started shooting them...(YN) summons Cinder again as it started throwing barrage punches at the bullets...

(YN): Josie, Koichi! Let's get out of here!

Keicho: Left side, fire!

The three run away as they all bust into another room, luckily able to dodge from Worse Company's bullets...

Josie: Hey look windows! We can escape and-

Suddenly, they heard noises, like a helicopter was coming near by...and it was sound of a helicopter, only to be four of them, and their mini ones as well...

Josie: Oh this is just great! Those are are like American army's helicopters.

Koichi: Look out! Tanks as well!

Cinder: WRYAAGH!!!


On one side, (YN) uses Cinder to punch back the bullets that the tanks are shooting, on the other, Josie uses Crazy Diamond to punch the helicopters bullets...

Josie: Tanks too??! Give me a break! Koichi, be careful-wait! K-Koichi?! You can see the tanks too?! What about the army?!

Koichi: Y-Yeah, I can see them all clearly, I don't know what's going on, but I can see them.

(YN): Got it! The bow and arrow! Once he got shot by it, it gave him the ability to become a stand user!

Keicho: So, you really got brain, little shrimp.

Josie/(YN): Keicho!

Keicho: You finally have the power to use a stand and see someone else's.

(YN): Tch. You got some balls to show up here, well no matter, because I'm going to enjoy beating the hell out of you!


Cinder try to rush at Keicho, but the little soldiers started shooting at Cinder, leaving (YN)'s side of his face little holes and blood coming out as he then starts to heal up his face...

(YN): Damn it!

Keicho: Hehe. My stand, Worse Company, has unbreakable defense. It's an army that won't let any invader leave alive. I'm sure you two wanna beat me...but I can tell right now that your stand's attacks will never reach me

Josie: Tch. So you just came out and explain some lame shit like that?

Keicho: Nah, the reason I came out was to watch that brat, Koichi.

Koichi: M-Me?!

Keicho: Yes, it seems despite my expectations, you had the aptitude to be a stand user. Come on, show me what stand you got and what it can do, you might have the stand ability I'm looking for! If you do, I'll let you live and your friends as well!

Josie: An ability you're looking for?

(YN): I don't get it. You have a stand, but you want someone else's stand? The hell you really after for?

Keicho: You two are in no positions to ask any stupid questions! Now you little shit, make your stand appear now!

Koichi: Stand?? I-I don't know what's going on, nor I don't know how it works..

Keicho: I see. It's your first time. Well then, Josie, (YN), teach him how to make his stand appear!

Josie: Eh?

(YN): Your joking...

Keicho: As for all I know Josie, Your Crazy Diamond's range is less than one meter, (YN)'s on the other hand...I don't know how long it can reach from its user...but your seem more powerful! So if that shimp's stand's ability is able to compensate for yours, you might be able to escape alive!

Josie:'s be great if it's a stand that can kick your ass.

(YN): Okay Koichi, getting out your stand is very easy.

Josie: Yeah, you just need to feel like you want to protect yourself, or you want to kick his ass, or you can do both. The rest is just instinct.

(YN): A Stand that's unique to your mentality should come out.

Koichi: W-Wait! Hold on a sec! I don't understand the two of you at all where this is going!

Keicho: Don't understand do you? Then I guess we'll just have to put you in a situation that'll make it appear! Do it, Green Beret!

Josie: Koichi!

(YN): On your hand!

Koichi notices a small toy soldier appear in his left hand as the toy soldier started stabbing Koichi's finger..


With a high pitched scream, Suddenly, Koichi's whole body was filled with green aura, and knowing that Koichi has finally summoned his stand...which egg?

Keicho: So, that's his stand.

(YN): ...I don't know what to say, the fact that Koichi's stand is nothing but an egg, or the fact that he can scream like a little girl.

Josie: Koichi you did it!

Koichi: Th-That my stand?!

(YN): So now what, his stand is gonna lay there or what?? We wanna know what that egg's abilities can do.

Koichi: I-I'm sorry, but this is all I got!

Suddenly, the egg started to hatch a little...

(YN): It's hatching!

Josie: Whcih means his stand is inside the egg-

Keicho: I've seen enough! Thats all I need to know! All units, battle positions!

Josie: Shit! Koichi, withdraw your stand, if it gets hurt, you'll end up getting hurt too!

(YN): Not only that, if it attacks it, it'll kill you too!

Koichi: H-How can I withdraw it?!?

Keicho: Commence Attack!

(YN): Sorry Koichi!

(YN) summons Cinder as Cinder then gives a kick towards Koichi's egg stand, kicking it away, and also Koichi flying away with it as well...Keicho's Worst Company started ahooting towards (YN) and Josie as the two summoned there stands to fight back and punching back the bullets...

Koichi: J-Josie! (YN)!

Keicho Mind: *Good. Now Koichi sand (YN) and Josie are separated. The crack in the egg...the shrimp hasn't realized it yet, but it might be something overwhelming...the only thing that's going to die right now is Josie and (YN)...

Cinder and Crazy Diamond continue punching back the bullets as the two caused a lot of destruction around the room...

(YN): Oi Keicho! If you're gonna use an attack that's flashy enough to destroy this house...

Josie: We're gonna do the same!

The two got their stands ready to keep on the battle as Keicho smiles as he says to Josie...

Keicho: Josie it true that you hate it when anyone says something insulting about your hair?

Josie: Tch. Why don't you just drop the balls and insult it? Just test that out and you'll see what will happen after I break you face.

(YN): Oi Josie! Don't listen to him, he's just-

Keicho: And (YN) (LN) it true that you were so defenseless that you weren't strong enough to protect your own poor worthless family?

(YN): ...That's some balls you got.

Keicho: *Chuckles* Enough of that, because I'm going to blow the two Chou into pieces! First, my Worse Company will shoot both your legs, so you won't be able to run, next your arms, so you won't guard yourself, and finally, blowing your brains out and you two will be dead for good!

Josie: Well, that's a flawless plan...

(YN): If you ignore that fact that's possible!

Meanwhile, Koichi was behind Keicho, knowing that he has a chance to attack him from behind...Koichi has to be sneaky about it and get close to him so he can appear his stand and take him down for good...but suddenly, Keicho turns around and says..

Keicho: Your stand is pretty interesting. So I won't be killing you..yet!

Keicho punches Koichi...

Josie/(YN): Bastard!

Keicho: All units, charge! Attack!

Cinder: WRYYAGGHH!!!


Both Cinder and Crazy Diamond started throwing barrage punches together to punch the bullets from being hit...

Josie: Just like Moses, who parted the Red Sea and walked across its floor...

(YN): We're gonna make the way through this army and beat you down!

Keicho: You idiots! My plan is going exactly as I have declared!

As Josie took a step, she notice that she has step on something, as it then exploded and damage her feet as she collapses...

Josie: M-Mines!?!

(YN): Josie!

Keicho: Got you! And now, fire the missiles!

The helicopters started shooting several missiles towards Josie...Josie summons Crazy Diamond as it then punches the missiles, but more of them were coming after her...

(YN): Josie look out!

(YN) got in the way as he instead got hit by the Missoula, damaging his whole upper body, spatting blood, exploding as his body was sent flying crashing to a wall...

Josie: (Y-YN)!!!

Keicho: Yea! I have now done dealing (YN)! And now, to deal with you next, Josie Higashikata! It feels so good when things go as I've declared. Thai time, you won't stay in one piece as my Worse Company fires all its missiles, shells and rounds into you! You lost, Josie Higashikata!

Keicho's Worse Company started to surround Josie, as the soldiers started aiming at Josie, Helicopters, tanks as well...

Keicho: All units! Ready...aim...FIRE!!!

The soldiers, helicopters, and tanks started shooting their missiles and bullets towards Josie as Keicho thought he has won this fight...not for long, until surprisingly Cinder appeared and used its speed to punch back all the bullets and missiles back, saving Josie for good...

Keicho: Wh-What!?! Thats..(YN)'s stand!

Josie: Hehe. You thought you finished off (YN)? Well think again.

Keicho: What?!??

Keicho realizes that (YN) was getting up, and the wounds he got from the missiles were starting to heal itself up...

(YN): Oh man, you really got me good Keicho.

Keicho: Wh-Wh-What the hell!?! How in the-Those missiles should have killed you for good!

(YN): Think again, buddy.

Josie: Oh and also...Our plan is already finished.

Keicho: Huh!?!?

Keicho notices that the missiles that were punched by Josie's Crazy Diamond, started to rearrange back together as the missiles this time were going after Keicho...

Keicho: My missiles that was just going after Josie...are coming at me?!!? AAAAAGH!!!!

And so, as the missiles hit Keicho, it caused a huge explosion, causing my damage in the room...and knowing that both Josie and (YN) have won this fight...

Josie: Don't you know? Crazy Diamond can repair anything that is been destroyed.

(YN): And as for me, Cinder allows me to heal up my wounds and being immune to near caused death. If you've forgotten...

Josie: Then write it down...

Josie/(YN): Methodically.


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